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    批改作文 剑七 test2 task2

    "基本完成了任务,5.5分 具体点评如下:点评1 Nowadays,a hot and important contraversy /controversy concerning the problem whether the punishments for each type of crimes should be fixed.全句没有谓语,而且whether 后面也不是句子。

    这种错误一定要避免。可以在important后面加 is. Whether 后面可改成:whether punishments for each type of crime should be fixed 2 Some people contend that the consistent punishments seems to be fairer and more clearly/clear.while a large amount proporation/去掉 of people advocate that it depends on individual situation.I will present and analyde both views here.取其把题目几乎不做改动的抄一遍,可以选择其他的开篇方式,people have various opinions concerning whether punishments for each type of crime should be fixed. As for me, + 观点3 The first plain truth I want to emphasize here is that every crimes/crime has its own reasons and results/不相关,去掉,it can not be divided/judged simplity/simply from one aspect. So that the decision which considered/consider different circumstance turns to be positive reasonable. 论证有些浅,可以深度解释,也可举例,否则就成了喊口考了Furthermore, with the complicate motivation and action, there has/is not a boundry/boundary line/去掉 between two similar commitment in current days. The flexible punishment system will not fail to be one good way to show the society that the government care about them, and thus ,the general public are able to participate more in government policy determination/policy-making. Last but not least,the sdandadization of law has been improved rapidly in these years. Even two crimes lead to the same result, one's original intension to commite should be taking account /should be taken into account to replect/replace the regular law setup.4 Admittedly, fixed punishments have some merits. Under the fixed punishment system, the law enforcement officials have definite rules to follow. The crimes will make up some excuses for themselves to get/gain the jury's simpathy/sympathy , and escape from the judgment they due to/are due to receive. But with the developed law system, this problem can be solved efficiently. 跑题了这一段有一半是跑题的,要谈固定刑罚的理由,而不是如果避免法庭上不公平5 In conclusion,altough/although fixed punishment policy has deniable/undeniable advantages, I regard the flexible system as a better choice. It is the best way for us to get a clear perspevtive/perspective of what teh/the crimes got/what type of punishment law offenders should get relied on/according to their crimes what they have done/去掉.with such a perspective, we can own a more peaceful society."。


    1. 模板的感觉比较重,尤其第一段,当然也许你已经修改了模板,但是还是需要继续深化。

    2. 第一句的increasing和development有点重合的感觉,你想表达是不是“社会发展越来越快或者越来越深化”呢,如果是的话,把increasing换成deepening

    3. debate这个词是可数名词,因此,many debates

    4. 首段第三行,population这个词,我觉得你想表达比例相同,因此换用proportion更好,句式再丰富一些,of same proportion

    5. of the situation,单数可数名词不能裸奔。类似的情况还有of the society

    6. 第二段的to some extent太官方了,加在这里的话有点没头没脑的

    7. 第二段首句,非谓语argued/conflicted和universities的关系,这个地方有点模糊,你也许想说这个话题一致处于争论中,那么建议用独立主格。The topic being argued and conflicted,再加上后面句子

    8. 从some departments开始到their ages结束,这一大句中涉及到了like+etc的用法,etc首先是不正规的,然后和like冲突,建议换成such as就好了。然后非限制性定语从句which建议换成非谓语结构

    9. 二段最后一句,用虚拟更好

    10. 三段首句the more中的the直接省去

    11. as we all know不是as all we know

    12. individuals' minds differ from male to femal改成differ a lot between male and female,知道你想表达的意思,不过from表示从XX到XX,感觉有点怪怪的

    13. which后面的两个what要加上and

    14. 上一句后面if那句话,后面一个which,直接木有主语了,所有后面直接上句子,别which了

    15. additionally或者in addition

    16. not just应该是not only

    17. 第三段最后一句,我终于看懂了,你的谓语在最后,那么female后面的garduate应该变成graduating

    18. although变成in sum或者on balance

    19. think it改成think it over或者consider

    20. and then后面的analyzing应该是原型,因为前面有一个should


    今天12月6号的雅思写作task2 求给篇范文或者写作思路 大神们跪谢啊

    写作思路在这里!推荐楼主关注一个微信平台:雅思小助手,我就是上面看到的~~1. The different extent of development results in the varied gesture of city. A city with many tall building called the Vertical city and some people hold the view that this kind of city is a good place the live and working such as New York and Tokyo . However, others think that the city with fewer tall buildings, which is the so-called Horizontal city, is their preference.2.现如今,垂直型发展的城市变得越来越多为了满足人口的日益增长,比如说日益发展的中国,或者其他的发展中国家。





    4.总的来说,发展垂直型的城市是不可避免的趋势,我们能做的只是尽我们的可能让城市更加和谐,而不是破坏这种秩序。2. Being in the maturation phase of urbanization, cities with diversified characteristics can be seen everywhere. Some people hold the perspective that those who live in perpendicular cities gain more benefits while others think that it is better to inhabit in cities which have few high-rise blocks. In the essay, I intend to discuss the both of views. 居住在垂直发展的城市里,城市的功能更加紧凑,从而人们的生活更加便利。


    但是,居住在这样抬头看不见蓝天的城市也会让人感到十分压抑,时间久了也会对人们的身体造成一些不良影响。 相比垂直发展的城市,居住在低矮房屋型的城市里的居民生活舒适感会更高。




    所以无论城市怎样发展,只要是适合的发展模式对于居民来说就是好的。 综上所述,高楼林立的城市也好,低矮房屋型的城市也好,都各有所长、各有所短。

    但对于人们来说,顺应城市发展规律的发展模式才是最适合的。3. Some people think that "Vertical "City is the best where people live and work in tall buildings. Others think that "Horizontal" City is better where there are few tall buildings. Discuss both views and give your opinion.some metropolises like sydeny and new york city have been saturated with plenty of tall buildings and some people believe that it is preferable. however, others believe that few tall buildings are better. there are conflicting views on by which means it will be better for our life and work.支持那些高楼大厦对人们的生活和工作好的原因之一是这能够节省空间,充分利用有限的空间来提高工作效率。




    然而,那些支持horizontal city的人认为这能够让他们的出行更便捷。他们只需打开自己的家门然后,乘坐公交车就可以了。


    雅思大作文task 2~~~跪求估分+建议~~ 剑7test2中关于犯罪惩罚标准的

    Some people asert that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime.asert拼写错误,assertI could give some reasons for it. 这句话是废话,字数够的话就删掉吧if someone feels his/her rights are invaded, there is a long way to go.这句话不妨换用虚拟语气。

    Secondly, this regulation may contribute to the low crime rate. secondly太死板了 换成in addition what is more furthermore等One possibly submitting a crime in the past would now be alerted by the fixed punishment.would now be?Firstly, circumstance can effect one's behaviour to a certain degree.建议改成First and foremost, circumstance, to some extent, can effect(impact) one's behaviours(manner)总体来说写的挺好的,如果lz想出国可以直接去考一次雅思了。建议第三段扩写一些,不要使理由段长短对比那么强烈,再加强一下句子间的衔接和长短句结合。


    剑10 test1 小作文什么意思

    剑10test1 小作文,家用能源和气体排放 The above two charts depict the Austrilianhousehold energy use and the corresponding gas emissions of each type of energyuse.From the first pie chart we could see thatwater heating and heating are two major types of energy use, which occupies 30%and 42% of all the energy used in one household. Other appliances use 15% ofthe energy, and then refrigeration, lighting and cooling, which share the left13% of energy.Figures in the second chart are quitedifferent from that of the first chart. Heating, which consumes 42% of a household'senergy, only emits 15% of all the gas that one household produces. But the gasemission and energy use of water heating are pretty even, at around 30%. Costs only7% of all the energy, refrigeration produces 14% of all the gas, which goes forthe condition of other appliances and the figures are 15% and 28%, and for thecondition of lighting, 4% and 8%. Cooling consumes 2% of energy and contributesto 3% of gas emission.To sum up, water heating and heatingconsume 72% of energy and produces only 47% of gas. Refrigeration and otherappliances, though only use 22% of energy, emit 42% of gas.大作文, 教小孩是非观要不要从小时候就开始教, 要不要punishment Indeed, children need to learn how to tellright from wrong as they grow into adults. But as far as I am concerned, it isbetter for us to teach this ability to them when they are older rather than atan early age. Moreover, certain punishments are required to make sure childrencould behave themselves.For starter, it would be easier for us toteach children about the difference between right and wrong when they becomeolder. Young children, due to their lack of life experience, have difficultiesin understanding moral lectures. However, after they grow up a little, theycould better digest the meaning of what is right and wrong based on their pastexperience, thus will grasp the notion of right and wrong more easily andthoroughly.Similarly, older children tend to know moreabout punishment, and will be able to learn from the punishment caused by theirfail to recognize the distinction between right and wrong. Punishment mighthave long-lasting influences on younger children for they are too fragile. Olderchildren, on the other hand, could handle punishment more with ease and couldfigure out the reason they got punished. Therefore, they could gain betterunderstanding about right and wrong than younger children do.The sort of punishment for parents andteachers to use whey they are trying to teach children about good behavior is asubtle issue. But the function of punishment is undeniable. It is necessary topunish a child because of his or her wrong acting. I suggest to use criticizeor physical training, such as asking children to do cleaning, as punishment.To conclude, teaching children about rightand wrong should be waited until children become older. Accompanied by certainways of punishment, the teaching process would be more productive.。



    最后一段也很简单的,From the above discussion, it is reasonable to draw a conclution that。


    除了用money去维护濒临绝种的语言还是有其他方法,这其他方法引出来的时候可以用复杂并列句来充实句型。。 is good case in point,能用高级词组的就不要用 such as, for example这些比较low的词。


