I think we shouldn't make the market-oriented.Study depends on oneself.To find a job,it's not enough just to attend the college education,you should have a strong basic of knowledge.And then,choose what you are interested in to get some qualification.That will be competitive.The college education is just a one-side-fits-all education,your future improvement just depends on yourself.这是 我自己的想法,不知道合不合适呢?。
For more than 1,500 years men have been disputing over the subject of the sinful nature of man. Some call it the carnal nature, some call it the Adamic nature, some call it “inherited sin,” and others refer to it by other names. We have headed this article with the words, “Native Depravity.”Let us consider what it is, how the family of man came to have it, and what God did to make it possible for us to rid ourselves of it. We are told by the Apostle John that sin is the transgression of the law (John 3:4).We are told by Paul that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). We are also told that where there is no law there is no sin (Romans 5:13). So imputed sin involves our will. We knowingly DO WRONG, or we knowingly refuse TO DO that which we know we should when we commit an imputed sin. For such a sin the only one held accountable is the person who commits the act. God said that the father would not die for the sin of the son and the son would not die for the sin of the father (Ezekiel 18:20). However, we must admit, families do suffer many things from the sins of the father, or the son. Whole families suffer because one member does some evil deed.Now the family of man, as yet unborn, could not be held accountable for the sin of Adam and Eve. God told them that in the day they ate of the forbidden fruit they would die. And, die they did! Cain and Abel were not responsible for that sinful act of their parents, yet it did have an effect on them and the entire human race.In I Corinthians 15:22 we read,“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”Adam's sin did have an effect on others, for “in Adam all die.”Notice this verse in Romans 5:12,“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”Why do all men sin? (One man has answered this question by saying that all sin because they are born of the flesh, but the Bible clearly teaches that sin is not in the flesh, that it is not the flesh that sins.“Every sin that a man doeth is without the body.”It is not the flesh that sins but the soul or spirit. This man goes on to say that Adam sinned because “he had no grace,” “no strength.” In other words, he is saying that God gave Adam a command he could not possibly keep, and God did not give him grace to obey, though he was told he would die if he did not obey! How could God give such a command and put the penalty of death for disobedience on it when He would not give grace to obey?Is God unreasonable? Of course not!) Why did “death pass upon all men”? Further, we are told “death reigned from Adam to Moses” (Romans 5:14). Why? Why did God destroy the people of the earth with a flood? “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Why was this so? If Adam's sin had no effect on the people that followed, why were they not righteous people?Some who have departed from the truth say we are teaching the doctrine of Augustine when we teach native depravity, or that the tendency toward sin is passed down from generation to generation, but those who say such must not know what Augustine taught. According to D. O. Teasley in his book, The Double Cure, “Augustine in 412 maintained that men inherited not only inborn corruption, but guilt; that he was helpless.” I have never heard a Church of God minister preach that we were guilty of Adam's sin.It appears that those who are now advancing the idea that a person is not born with a depraved nature are following Pelagius, a British monk, who in 405, advanced the idea that “man inherited nothing from Adam, neither original guilt, which was impossible, nor innate corruption. 。
Every man was born free and unbiased.”Let us understand clearly that when we teach native depravity, the bent toward sin, we are not teaching that a person is guilty of some sinful act that someone else has committed; everyone must bear the responsibility of his own sins before a just God. What we are saying is that when Adam sinned and then fathered children, the bent toward sin was passed on to them. Satan won the right to plant in each new soul certain weaknesses.The effects of iniquity are passed down to the third and fourth generation. Righteousness is passed down to many generations. Thus declares the Word of God.One man used hundreds and hundreds of words to try to show there was only one kind of sin and that a child was born without what some call the sinful nature, then near the end of。
I think family just likes a boat when you are in the sea.and career just likes the fish which around of your boat.then which is much more important for you?Stick out a mile.Boat is much more important for us.Boat will take you and protect you to your destination.In the meantime.Fish is the food for you when you strive for your goal.But it`s only your food,You cannot too greedy.Otherwise,You will forget that the more fish you get,the more dangerous you have.To sum up.To take care of your family firstly then you can engage in your career as much as your want!Many people wonder, “How will having a family affect my career?”it is important to remember that it is possible to stay on track professionally if you set goals and give some thought to career development. Here are some ways to do that:Think about your career goals and what is important to you. Ask yourself, “What do I care about most?” How important is the opportunity to grow? How important is the commute to work? How important are salary, vacation time and benefits? How important is flexibility? What other things are important?Talk with your spouse or partner about your career goals and aspirations. What compromises or sacrifices will each of you make to achieve your career goals? Research shows that women are more likely to adapt to their husband's career than vice versa. Talk with your manager about your career goals and aspirations. Schedule a time to have this discussion. It might be when you are planning your parental leave, at a regular check-in time with your manager, or at your yearly performance review. You may be successful at work and highly skilled at what you do, but that does not make it any easier to carve out the kind of life you want for yourself and your family. Career. And again, what cross your mind? Now why don't you relate this two topics together? true enough, you might be thinking " a diligent father working all day and earning a mere income of 100 dollars. He fails to be family orientated." What i would like to express is that no matter how busy you are or how important your job to you is, like as if you'll be losing your job the next day, please don't forget to spend some time with your family too! Always remember "family comes first'!。
For more than 1,500 years men have been disputing over the subject of the sinful nature of man. Some call it the carnal nature, some call it the Adamic nature, some call it “inherited sin,” and others refer to it by other names. We have headed this article with the words, “Native Depravity.”Let us consider what it is, how the family of man came to have it, and what God did to make it possible for us to rid ourselves of it. We are told by the Apostle John that sin is the transgression of the law (John 3:4).We are told by Paul that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). We are also told that where there is no law there is no sin (Romans 5:13). So imputed sin involves our will. We knowingly DO WRONG, or we knowingly refuse TO DO that which we know we should when we commit an imputed sin. For such a sin the only one held accountable is the person who commits the act. God said that the father would not die for the sin of the son and the son would not die for the sin of the father (Ezekiel 18:20). However, we must admit, families do suffer many things from the sins of the father, or the son. Whole families suffer because one member does some evil deed.Now the family of man, as yet unborn, could not be held accountable for the sin of Adam and Eve. God told them that in the day they ate of the forbidden fruit they would die. And, die they did! Cain and Abel were not responsible for that sinful act of their parents, yet it did have an effect on them and the entire human race.In I Corinthians 15:22 we read,“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”Adam's sin did have an effect on others, for “in Adam all die.”Notice this verse in Romans 5:12,“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”Why do all men sin? (One man has answered this question by saying that all sin because they are born of the flesh, but the Bible clearly teaches that sin is not in the flesh, that it is not the flesh that sins.“Every sin that a man doeth is without the body.”It is not the flesh that sins but the soul or spirit. This man goes on to say that Adam sinned because “he had no grace,” “no strength.” In other words, he is saying that God gave Adam a command he could not possibly keep, and God did not give him grace to obey, though he was told he would die if he did not obey! How could God give such a command and put the penalty of death for disobedience on it when He would not give grace to obey?Is God unreasonable? Of course not!) Why did “death pass upon all men”? Further, we are told “death reigned from Adam to Moses” (Romans 5:14). Why? Why did God destroy the people of the earth with a flood? “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Why was this so? If Adam's sin had no effect on the people that followed, why were they not righteous people?Some who have departed from the truth say we are teaching the doctrine of Augustine when we teach native depravity, or that the tendency toward sin is passed down from generation to generation, but those who say such must not know what Augustine taught. According to D. O. Teasley in his book, The Double Cure, “Augustine in 412 maintained that men inherited not only inborn corruption, but guilt; that he was helpless.” I have never heard a Church of God minister preach that we were guilty of Adam's sin.It appears that those who are now advancing the idea that a person is not born with a depraved nature are following Pelagius, a British monk, who in 405, advanced the idea that “man inherited nothing from Adam, neither original guilt, which was impossible, nor innate corruption. 。
Every man was born free and unbiased.”Let us understand clearly that when we teach native depravity, the bent toward sin, we are not teaching that a person is guilty of some sinful act that someone else has committed; everyone must bear the responsibility of his own sins before a just God. What we are saying is that when Adam sinned and then fathered children, the bent toward sin was passed on to them. Satan won the right to plant in each new soul certain weaknesses.The effects of iniquity are passed down to the third and fourth generation. Righteousness is passed down to many generations. Thus declares the Word of God.One man used hundreds and hundreds of words to try to show there was only one kind of sin and that a child was born without what some call the sinful nature, then near the end of his 。
I think we shouldn't make the market-oriented. Study depends on oneself. To find a job, it's not enough just to attend the college education, you should have a strong basic of knowledge. And then, choose what you are interested in to get some qualification. That will be competitive. The college education is just a one-side-fits-all education, your future improvement just depends on yourself.
这是 我自己的想法,不知道合不合适呢?