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  • 出国邀请函范文


    范文如下: 1、Att. 销售工程师 2、日期:2009年x月x日 3、事项:商务会议 4、尊敬的先生: 我们非常高兴的邀请我们伦敦的合资伙伴XXX有限公司的销售工程师来华参加商务会议,来访日期是2009年x月x日至2009年x月x日。

    5、Name Passport No. Date of birth Title 6、我们期待着您的来访,并祝您旅途愉快! 7、总经理: 8、xxxxxxxx有限公司 9、邮箱: 10、电话: 扩展资料: 1、邀请信是邀请亲朋好友或知名人士、专家等参加某项活动时所发的请约性书信。它是现实生活中常用的一种日常应用写作文种。

    在国际交往以及日常的各种社交活动中,这类书信使用广泛。 2、邀请函的正文是指商务礼仪活动主办方正式告知被邀请方举办礼仪活动的缘由、目的、事项及要求,写明礼仪活动的日程安排、时间、地点,并对被邀请方发出得体、诚挚的邀请。

    3、签证(visa)是一个国家的主权机关在本国或外国公民所持的护照或其他旅行证件上的签注、盖印,以表示允许其出入本国国境或者经过国境的手续,也可以说是颁发给他们的一项签注式的证明。 参考资料:百度百科--邀请函 百度百科--签证。



    To Whom it may concern:

    Regarding: Name of visitor(s), their date of birth, nationality

    I am writing to confirm that (name of visitor(s)) is my (friend, father, mother, grandparent) and I would like to invite him/her/them to visit me in (city name) from (date) until (date). The purpose of their visit is (for a short holiday/to attend my graduation ceremony).


    I'm a student at the (university name). I have enclosed a letter which confirms that I am studying (course title).


    I confirm that I am fully funded by (self funded/my parents/name of sponsor) and I receive (XXX money each month/year). I have enclosed evidence (you will need to include your three months original bank statements/if you have a sponsor then also evidence to confirm this) of this and wish to state that I will be supporting (name of visitor(s)) during their stay in the XXX(country name).


    I confirm that (name of visitor(s)) will be staying with me at my house in (city name) during their stay. I have enclosed evidence of my accommodation (you will need to include your contract and letter from landlord/agent) and my address is: XXXXXXXX


    I would be very grateful if you would approve request for a passport so that(he/she/they) can apply for a visa and therefore visit me. I hope the necessary arrangements can be made as soon as possible. Please find enclosed the following evidence:

    1, Letter from university confirming my registration / working position

    2, A copy of my passport and/or current visa

    3, My financial evidence (如果在国外费用由邀请人提供)

    5, Evidence of my accommodation (如果需要为其提供住宿)

    Yours faithfully


    (Print name)





    · 与州政府的现任移民官及经济发展处官员会谈

    · 考察澳洲商业项目,制定未来发展计划(如房地产等其他本土企业)

    · 感受澳洲本土风情,体验未来生活状态(如学校等)

    · 与成功获签移民客户座谈








    To Whom It May Concern, The student XXX (Ppn XXX DoB DD/MM/YY) has been offered an unconditional offer for our xxxx course for 3 months from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy.His /Her tuition fees including accommodation fees have been paid in full。

    During his attendance, he /she will be staying in XXadd。XXX, and we will make sure he/she returns to China when his program is finished。

    If you have any question please feel free to contact us on: Tel:,,, email:。

    。 签名盖章 日期 本回答由提问者推荐。



    办下来是6个月有效期,可多次入境,每次入境可停留三十天,三十天到期后最多可延期三个月。 需要提供的材料 1,办理外国人来华《邀请函》申请表 2,护照的复印件 3,办理半年多次签证,需要提供3次以上单次入境签证页复印件或一次F半年多次入境签证页复印件。

    4,被邀请人来华详细情况说明一份(须盖单位公章); 5,国内邀请单位的营业执照副本的复印件 6,国内邀请单位出具的担保函 ps:如果第三条不够条件的话,只能申请三个月有效期,单次入境的30/60/90天访问签证,除了上面的材料在出具一份实习的和同就可以了。 除了这些材料,如果你自己去办的话,还要需要网申,通过了在提交以上材料就可以办理了。




    尊敬的总领事先生及有关签证官员: 本人XXX,为中华人民共和国公民,现居四川省成都市。本人现致函邀请我女儿XXX和女婿XXX 于2013年4月26日至2013年5月19日期间来成都探亲。

    探亲期间,女儿女婿会陪同我到东南亚旅游,需要多次入境。 我和我丈夫年事已高,唯愿女儿女婿能多回家看看,盼望您们能给予他们多年多次入境的签证。

    多谢您的大力协助! 邀请人个人信息: 姓名:XXX 电话:XXXXXXXX 地址:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (注:邀请人的地址一定要用其身份证上的地址。 以避免不必要的麻烦) 身份证号码:XXXXXX 被邀请人个人信息 姓名:XXX 性别:女 出生日期:XXXXXXXXX 美国护照号码:XXXXXX 有效期: 2010年9月9日 - 2020年9月8日 姓名:XX 性别: 出生日期:XXXXXX 美国护照号码:XXXXXX 有效期: 2010年6月1日 - 2020年5月31日 被邀请人访问信息: 来华目的:探亲 预计抵达日期:2013年4月27日抵达成都市 预计离境日期:2013年5月19日离开成都市 访问地点:四川省成都市 与邀请人关系: XXX为邀请人的女儿 XXX为邀请人的女婿 费用来源:往返机票由被邀请人自理。

    被邀请人在华期间的食宿由本人提供。 此致敬礼! 邀请人: XXX (签名 Signature。


    外籍人在华L 、F 、Z 签证延期或变更; 1. L 转 F 三个月或六个月、F延期三个月或六个月; 2. 内地人士出国签证服务;内地人士通往港澳通行证、签证加急; 3. 中国员工的派遣函; 4. 外籍人士签证种类变更,过期签证,落地签,不需外国人直接出面; 5. 外籍人士在华体检; 6. 外籍人士来华的邀请函、被授权单位签证通知表; 7. 办理外国人来华3-12个月商务F签证邀请函 8. 外籍人士在华的工作签、商务签、旅游签等 9. 外籍人士在华的临时住宿登记; 10. 外籍人士在华的居留许可的新增、变更、注销; 11. 外籍人士在华的工作证的新增、变更、注销; 中国政府针对外国人的签证分类说明: 中国的签证分为外交签证(持外交护照的人),礼遇签证(国家领导人,重要官员),公务签证(持公务护照的人)以及普通签证。

    其中普通签证又分为9类: D签证是发给来中国定居的外国人。 Z签证是职业签证。

    X签证是学习签证。 L签证是旅游签证。

    F签证是发给来中国访问,考察,讲学的外国人。 G签证是发给经中国过境的外国人。




    你好!我也在美国,刚刚给朋友写了一封邀请函,以下我用的信息还有范文:Writng an invitiation letter for a tourist B-2 visa can be quite challenging. What is most important is to ensure that all the required information are in the letter. There is no specific method or style once all the required information is visible in the letter.In summary the following should be on the invitation letter. Your letter must include the following information about the person being invited:* Complete name.* Date of birth.* The person's address and telephone number.* Your relationship to the person being invited.* The purpose of the trip.* How long the person you are inviting intends to stay in the United States of America.* Details on accommodation and living expenses.* The date the person you are inviting intends to leave the USA.Your letter must also include the following information about the person writing the letter:* Complete name.* Date of birth.* Address and telephone number in the United States.* Occupation.* Your status in the United States* A photocopy of a document proving your status in the United States. 范文:January 27th, 2010United States Consulate GeneralAdress of the ConsulateDear Honorable Consul, SADE OMOTOLEWA - PASSPORT NO AO234567My name is Maya Louhre, and I reside at 4532 68th Street, New York, NY 12546. I am a United States citizen (or lawful permanent resident alien).I am requesting that you issue a tourist (B-2) visa to my girl friend Sade Omotolewa, in order to allow her to visit with me in the United States.We have been friends for the past 2 years and I would like her to visit, this summer.Sade will be visiting with me from June 1st 2010 to June 30th 2010. This will be a great time because we will both be off work at this time. During her stay in the United States, she will stay with me at my home at the address stated above. I will be responsible for all of her accomodation expenses while she is in the United States. Upon the termination of her visit, she will return to Lagos, Nigeria.Sade will be presenting this letter to you, together with other evidence to establish her close ties with Nigeria, and to assure you that she will return prior to the expiration of her stay in the United States. Your kind consideration to this request will be greatly appreciated. Yours Truly,Maya Louhre4532 68th Street, New York, NY 125461-202-123-1234Do not forget to send a scanned copy of your passport or Green card. If you are able to notarise the letter, it will be fine.。

