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    原创:环球教育徐秀秀老师 自2019年10月以来,雅思写作大作文的考题似乎出的不再那么有规律了。

    此前,大多数题是从亚太区2018年题库中出题,但是10月以后的出题来源似乎有点看不懂了……10月后写作出题来源 出题来源比较杂乱,所以很难做出比较准确的预测。但是,只要考生精准地抓住考官评分标准,那么也能高枕无忧,自信面对雅思写作。


    具体的文章分析如下:雅思考题:Cambridge 7 Test 4 Somepeople think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge andskills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of auniversity should to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless ofwhether the course is useful to an employer.What,in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?5分大作文展示 考官评语【中文翻译】 TR:这个答案不超过250个单词,没有达到所有要求,所以会扣分。考生也提出了一些相关的看法和立场。


    LR:大量的词语重复(knowledge and skills“重复9次”)也表明考生词汇量有限,尽管除了使用标题中给出的词汇,还有足够的额外词汇来写。GRA:文章想使用复杂的句型,但这些句子显得比较死板硬套,往往需要读两遍才能理解。

    雅思考题:Cambridge 12 Test 5 Somepeople believe that it is good to share as much information as possible inscientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that someinformation is too important or too valuable to be shared freely.Discussboth these views and give your own opinion.6分大作文展示 考官评语【中文翻译】 TR:尽管对“shared freely”这一术语有一些误解,但考生在文中回应到了所有信息。题干中提及的每一部分内容在文中均有展示,但是并没有对这些想法进行过多展开,尤其是商业领域有关共享的想法。

    CC:行文清晰,并且考生在最后提出了自己的意见,但在衔接方面有一些错误,比如[working there on out ofthis | which scientist]。LR:所用词汇适用于该任务,但在词语的选择上如[actual | releases]和拼写[govenment | limite | theme | loose]方面存在一定的错误。

    GRA:文中既有简单句也有复杂句,并且使用相当精准:语法错误几乎不会对文意理解造成阻碍。雅思考题:Cambridge 11 Test 3 Somepeople say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order totravel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the onlyreasons why someone should learn a foreign language.Discussboth these views and give your own opinion.7分大作文展示 考官评语【中文翻译】 TR:题目的所有部分都得到了处理,并在整个回应中给出了一个清晰的立场。




    通过上述分析,得出雅思写作考官主要从以下四个方面评分:1. 扣题– 回应题目中所有的关键词 & 论证展开;2. 逻辑 – 段落分布,连接词,关系词等;3. 词汇 – 词汇丰富度,词性,单词拼写等;4. 语法- 句式结构的丰富度,语法准确性,标点符号,大小写等。那么,想要取得雅思写作高分的考生们就忘这些方向去努力,严格要求自己吧!不知道以上内容能否对您的雅思备考有些许帮助,如有雅思备考相关问题可以随时在线咨询我们的环球教育老师~~第一时间为您制定计划解答疑问,希望同学们都可以取得理想的雅思分数~ 环球教育秉持教育成就未来的理念,专注于为中国学子提供优质的出国语言培训及配套服务。




    The high-speed development of modern society benefits citizens in various ways. Becoming a millionaire is not just a dream anymore. However, in spite of this, there are still a large number of individuals suffering from poverty. It is not unrealistic that the gap between the rich and the needy is becoming wider. It is crucial that we analyze the cause of this disturbing issue and explore an effective solution. From my own perspective, the causes are multiple.On the one hand, the strategies conducted by the authorities should be blamed to some extent. Taking China for an example, the government used to encourage some group to become rich so that(加 it ) can promote the poor to develop as a consequence . However, as a matter of fact, the rich have gotten away from the poverty, while the poor suffered( 改为suffer ) more than before, which contribute to expand( 改为expanding ) this gap even wider.On the other hand, this phenomenon could be a result from geographic location. For instance, people live(改为living ) in coastal cities are considered much richer than those living in inland areas. The main reason is due to(去掉due to ) that cities near the ocean have abundant resources and convenient transportation which can lead to the development between different areas. On the contrary, the inland, especially the remote areas lack usable resources and it is more difficult to communicate with other cities, that ( 改为which ) is why many villagers still live in an original society with poor living standard.This issue should be well taken into consideration. As to how to address this problem, people put forward various suggestions. The most important approach is that government should take action(改为actions ) to improve this situation instead of just paying lip services to it. For instance, establish a completed(改为complete ) tax system. Secondly, local government should invest more money in remote areas rather than building (改为build)more skyscrapers. Finally, the mass media should encourage(加people) to found some charities to help the poor.I believe with the joint efforts from individuals and government, this issue can be eventually improved.。


    7-7.5 分条理很清楚,论证很明确,句式用词相对多样化,这些都是优点.很好.第二段写得比第三段好.但是,还是有些用词不够精准,语法小错误,例如1. to precise --> to be precise2. 第三段的第二个分点虽然我能理解,但是表述不够地道, 文化理解不到位:各个州或省在教育经费安排上有自己的权利; 而且很多研究资金也用于解决教育funding的问题.Furthermore, theoretically the federal government is in charge of the nation-wide resource allocation, but the specific implementation happens at the state level. Individual state government has their own respective priorities and challenges. The decision on whether or not and how much to fund the education should be left to state government. The local governments should make responsible decisions based on the holistic inspection of the education objectives and plans of action. Additionally, the federal government provides tremendous amount of funding in teaching and research annually. These funds may turn into financial aids for those who are more qualified. In return, these receivers get free college education. The selective investment may bring back more quality returns. Take everything into consideration, it is my belief that the government and the students themselves should. This may be achieved by government offering and assigning funds to individual states, the state government . .。


    9分 成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如,精确、流利并能完全理解. 8分 非常良好,能将英语运用自如,只是偶尔有不连接的错误和不恰当,在不熟悉的状况下可能出现误解,可将复杂细节的争论掌握的相当好. 7分 良好,有能力运用英语,虽然在某些情况有时会发生不准确、不适当和误解,大致可将复杂的英语掌握的不错,也理解其全部内容. 6分(澳大利亚移民&英国留学分数线) 及格,大致能有效的运用英语,虽然有不准确、不适当和误解发生,能使用并理解相当复杂的英语,特别是在熟悉的情况时. 5分(加拿大移民&新西兰移民分数线) 适当及格,可部分运用英语,在大多数情况下可应付全部的意思,虽然可能犯下许多错误,在本身领域内应可掌握基本的沟通. 如果满意,请采纳,谢谢。



    雅思作文评分标准1. 任务完成情况 任务完成情况主要包括三个方面:内容(content)是否切题,立场(position)是否鲜明并得到有效阐释,结构(structure)是否有逻辑性。 内容如何做到切题,关键在于审题时要找准题目的主题(topic)以及针对该主题所提出的问题(topic questions)。

    一般来说,主题就是题目中反复出现或主句中充当主语或宾语的名词以及名词短语,而问句则通常就是我们要讨论的要点,如果要点理解有误或漏掉某个要点,则都属于没有切题。 关于立场,提醒考生们一定要做到鲜明,并且要非常有效的阐释清楚以下的几个内容:主题句、论点和论据。



    在这里需要提醒大家一定要认真审题,许多考生在考试的时候没有看清题目要求,明明题目分析优缺点,有些同学却 写成了同意与否的题目,整篇文章走题,只能取得5分以下的分数。 雅思作文评分标准2. 连贯与衔接 文章的连贯性主要体现在段落与段落之间,句子与句子之间。

    段落之间的“启”、“承”、“转”、“合”可通过表顺序的过渡词完成,譬如: 表示开始:first of all, in the first place, at the very beginning, to begin with, currently, at present, for one thing等。 表示承接:besides, further more, in addition, moreover, what's more, meanwhile, apart from, as well as, similarly, in the same way等。

    表示转折:however, whereas, while, on the contrary, in contrast, on the other hand等。 表示结论:in conclusion, in brief, in short, to sum up, ultimately, overall等。

    句子之间的逻辑关系也要通过一些逻辑连词来完成,譬如: 表示原因:because (of ), accordingly, due to, owing to, for this reason, since, as a result, as a consequence等。 表达观点:in my opinion, personally, from my viewpoint, it seems to me, it is clear to me that, as far as I am concerned 举例说明:for example, for instance, as follows, such as, that is to say, namely, just as, in particular等。

    表示让步:although, in spite of, despite of, despite the fact that, regardless of等。 建议大家可以在平日的练习中多多使用这些连词造句,不能只认识而不会使用,例如in spite of 和 despite这两个词后面只能跟短语而不能跟句子,这都是同学们在作文中常常犯的错误。

    雅思作文评分标准3. 词汇资源 词汇的多少并不能决定文章的好坏,但用词的精准性是可以加分的。一般来说词汇的准确表达可以通过两个方面达到,一是在用词的难度上拔高,二是在近义词的多种表达上提升。

    譬如要描述一个好人,很多同学首先想到的形容词就是good, kind, wise, nice, clever, great, bright等词,而这些词往往很难出彩,因为描述太过于抽象,如果能用到诸如ambitious, tactful, eloquent, charismatic, committed之类的词就很具体了。当然,这些词需要我们平时的日积月累,不是靠一两天的功夫就可以运用自如的。

    还有,值得提醒的是不要认为这些词好就过分堆积,会给考官留下华而不实的感觉,正如优秀的厨师往往都不会用太多的佐料,而只需油盐就可以了。 雅思作文评分标准4. 语法的多样性和准确性 句子的好坏主要取决于句子结构的准确性和丰富性,句子的长度和复杂性以及用语的逻辑性和正式性。

    句子结构的准确性涉及主谓一致、句子平衡性等问题,比如:The main reason for this use of informal languages are various and complicated. 这个句子不细心的同学很难发现它有问题,因为主语太长有时会忽视真正的主语其实是the main reason,是个单数形式,所以are 应该改为is. 再比如:In my opinion, use mobile phones to send messages is more convenient than write letters. 这是个很典型的错误,很多同学在写作的过程当中会误把动词或动词短语当主语用而造成句子结构的错误,而只有动词的非谓语形式才能在句中充当主语或宾语,因此,此句正确的表达应该是:In my opinion, using mobile phones to send messages is more convenient than writing letters. 句子结构的丰富性也是考官给分的一个亮点,好的段落应该由不同的句式组成,而不应该是千篇一律的句子结构。例如:I have many hobbies. For example, I like movies, I like playing basketball and football, and I like singing and dancing. 很明显,该句完全由“I + do”结构组成且like使用的频率过高,我们不妨做如下修改:I have many hobbies. Movies, for example, are my favorite and I am also fond of playing basketball and football. So。



    雅思作文评分标准1. 任务完成情况 任务完成情况主要包括三个方面:内容(content)是否切题,立场(position)是否鲜明并得到有效阐释,结构(structure)是否有逻辑性。 内容如何做到切题,关键在于审题时要找准题目的主题(topic)以及针对该主题所提出的问题(topic questions)。

    一般来说,主题就是题目中反复出现或主句中充当主语或宾语的名词以及名词短语,而问句则通常就是我们要讨论的要点,如果要点理解有误或漏掉某个要点,则都属于没有切题。 关于立场,提醒考生们一定要做到鲜明,并且要非常有效的阐释清楚以下的几个内容:主题句、论点和论据。



    在这里需要提醒大家一定要认真审题,许多考生在考试的时候没有看清题目要求,明明题目分析优缺点,有些同学却 写成了同意与否的题目,整篇文章走题,只能取得5分以下的分数。 雅思作文评分标准2. 连贯与衔接 文章的连贯性主要体现在段落与段落之间,句子与句子之间。

    段落之间的“启”、“承”、“转”、“合”可通过表顺序的过渡词完成,譬如: 表示开始:first of all, in the first place, at the very beginning, to begin with, currently, at present, for one thing等。 表示承接:besides, further more, in addition, moreover, what's more, meanwhile, apart from, as well as, similarly, in the same way等。

    表示转折:however, whereas, while, on the contrary, in contrast, on the other hand等。 表示结论:in conclusion, in brief, in short, to sum up, ultimately, overall等。

    句子之间的逻辑关系也要通过一些逻辑连词来完成,譬如: 表示原因:because (of ), accordingly, due to, owing to, for this reason, since, as a result, as a consequence等。 表达观点:in my opinion, personally, from my viewpoint, it seems to me, it is clear to me that, as far as I am concerned 举例说明:for example, for instance, as follows, such as, that is to say, namely, just as, in particular等。

    表示让步:although, in spite of, despite of, despite the fact that, regardless of等。 建议大家可以在平日的练习中多多使用这些连词造句,不能只认识而不会使用,例如in spite of 和 despite这两个词后面只能跟短语而不能跟句子,这都是同学们在作文中常常犯的错误。

    雅思作文评分标准3. 词汇资源 词汇的多少并不能决定文章的好坏,但用词的精准性是可以加分的。一般来说词汇的准确表达可以通过两个方面达到,一是在用词的难度上拔高,二是在近义词的多种表达上提升。

    譬如要描述一个好人,很多同学首先想到的形容词就是good, kind, wise, nice, clever, great, bright等词,而这些词往往很难出彩,因为描述太过于抽象,如果能用到诸如ambitious, tactful, eloquent, charismatic, committed之类的词就很具体了。当然,这些词需要我们平时的日积月累,不是靠一两天的功夫就可以运用自如的。

    还有,值得提醒的是不要认为这些词好就过分堆积,会给考官留下华而不实的感觉,正如优秀的厨师往往都不会用太多的佐料,而只需油盐就可以了。 雅思作文评分标准4. 语法的多样性和准确性 句子的好坏主要取决于句子结构的准确性和丰富性,句子的长度和复杂性以及用语的逻辑性和正式性。

    句子结构的准确性涉及主谓一致、句子平衡性等问题,比如:The main reason for this use of informal languages are various and complicated. 这个句子不细心的同学很难发现它有问题,因为主语太长有时会忽视真正的主语其实是the main reason,是个单数形式,所以are 应该改为is. 再比如:In my opinion, use mobile phones to send messages is more convenient than write letters. 这是个很典型的错误,很多同学在写作的过程当中会误把动词或动词短语当主语用而造成句子结构的错误,而只有动词的非谓语形式才能在句中充当主语或宾语,因此,此句正确的表达应该是:In my opinion, using mobile phones to send messages is more convenient than writing letters. 句子结构的丰富性也是考官给分的一个亮点,好的段落应该由不同的句式组成,而不应该是千篇一律的句子结构。例如:I have many hobbies. For example, I like movies, I like playing basketball and football, and I like singing and dancing. 很明显,该句完全由“I + do”结构组成且like使用的频率过高,我们不妨做如下修改:I have many hobbies. Movies, for example, are my favorite and I am also fond of playing basketball and football. Sometimes when staying with。


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    下面就是给你改作文和口语评分的考官的编号 时间 还有些印章什么的

