尊敬的合肥一中校领导 您好! 感谢您抽空垂阅我的自荐信。
有人曾经说过:人的一生应当这样度过,当回忆往事的时候,不因虚度年华而悔恨,不因碌碌无为而羞愧。 我是初一转回家乡安徽读书的,之前的初一,我在江苏常熟外国语学校就读,度过了难忘的一年时光。
我与伙伴们一同组织并参演了英语短剧:《The Monkey King VS the Pig Guy》 我还清楚得记得,当时的我是那么的内向,身在一群活泼开朗的同学中的我,似乎显得很不起眼。然而学校外语节的到来给了我这样一个机会,我抱着试一试的心态查找资料编成了这篇英语短剧,没想到受到老师和同学的一致好评,我也在冲动之下“亲自”参演了The Monkey King的角色。
然而我的性格和他似乎很不和,活泼好动的Monkey King给我找了太多的麻烦,甚至有过放弃的念头,但我的团队却从没有过对我的怨言,相反,在他们的支持下,我渐渐克服了不足,也没有了放弃的念头,不仅是我们团队的表演取得了很大的成功,甚至是我的性格也开始开朗起来,在一群谈笑的同学中渐渐有了我的声音 。 一年后,由于种种原因,我不得不告别了昔日的小伙伴,回到家乡的我,身在一个陌生的环境中,性格中的内向再一次萌生,很长的一段时间内我只知道要提高成绩,却在无形中把自己与新同学隔离了,这也很快引起了老师和同学们的关心,渐渐的周围的同学开始主动与我说话,不仅是学习更多的是我们共同的话题:喜欢什么电影,玩过什么游戏 我也逐渐得融入了新集体。
现在的我早已和同学们打成一片,处在初三毕业班的我们,学习十分紧张,却也不忘给自己和身边埋头苦读的同学来上一段插曲,或经典,或搞笑 反正总能迎来一片掌声,也总能将学习的疲惫忘却。就比如我们的元旦晚会,同学们会唱的唱,会跳的跳,我呢也不甘落后,继续了我的小品短剧风格。
薄薄的几页纸里有一千多个日子中凝聚的汗水、泪水、欢笑以及荣誉;有关于未来的畅想;有对即将面临挑战的自信和向往。 也许,我不够成熟;也许,我不是特别优秀,但我有一丝不苟的态度,不灭的激情,不认输的精神和坚忍不拔的毅力。
还有一颗真诚的心,溶入这几页薄薄的纸里,等待着您给我一个舞台,让我演绎另一段缤纷人生,用我的激情、凭我的勤奋和对学习的执着和热爱。 “怀天下抱负 做未来主人”合肥一中的校训充满了令人胸怀天下和豪情,更对未来充满希望。
真实是昨天的路,期待是我脚下延伸的根,我用年轻而诚挚的心,叩响希望之门,而您愿为我打开这扇门吗? 诚信、严谨、负责、好学、进取是我的个性,不断完善自我,发挥自己的特长,执著追求我的目标。 我坚信通过自己的努力和勤奋一定不会辜负老师同学对我的期望。
如有机会成为贵校的一员,我将尽己所能地为学校添砖加瓦,创造佳绩。 静盼回音 此致 敬礼! 这是我写过的推荐信 希望对你有用。
I taught Mr. Che Ku Automation Principles, where he left me with a deep impression of his intellect, devotion and passion for the subject. I enjoyed many interactions with him, not only as one of my students, but also as the representative in charge of studies for his class. Mr. Fang demonstrated a sound understanding of Mechatronics, grasping the gist of ideas quickly, and adeptly applying them in real situation. The issue of de-listing in the Chinese stock market was a popular subject for graduation theses. But Miss Zheng Juan took an entirely original angle by undertaking a systematic comparative analysis of international de-listing mechanisms. Through sedulous study of the foreign stock exchanges, she established a model system for de-listing in the Chinese stock market, supporting it with first-rate qualitative and quantitative analysis as well as sophisticated regression models. Her exceptional gift for mathematics was evident in this section of the thesis. Miss Zheng's paper was impeccably researched, and her excellent English had enabled her to make full use of a wide range of English-language sources. The evaluation Committee was greatly impressed, and awarded her the highest grade. His talents for writing intelligent and informative economic literature paid off when several of his articles were published in leading economic magazines of the country. This was an outstanding achievement for such a young student and it emphasized to me that his potential to become a competent and leading economist was greater than I first thought. based on his obvious competence and his natural curiosity, I asked him to join my research group as my assistant. Mr. Xu Xin is a very responsible person, and is very devoted to the science he is studying. The diligence and care with which he performs his work is matched by his enthusiasm. Although at first his technical skills needed some improvement, he very quickly mastered the skills he needed to conduct the research thoroughly and meticulously. Now he can manipulate every instrument very well, and he has developed the ability to conduct some research work independently. After this first, very positive experience as a member of my research group I have since asked him to join my group many times. Xu Xin is currently doing research work for me, and I am optimistic about our ability to work together. In graduate school, he further strengthened his research ability. In 1999, Mr. Yu and a team of researchers took charge of a project on the interference cancellation multi-users receiver. He came up with the original idea of combining the interference cancellation with the pilot-aided coherent demodulation method. This idea was tested successfully for its robustness through calculation and through simulation in COSSAP. once again, Mr. Yu's talent and creativity shined through when he participated in a joint project with several other labs to design our own WCDMA system from the ground up. My lab was responsible for building the receiver of base station. In recognition of his ability to research, I assigned him to design and test the receiver of RACH, a crucial subsystem of the project. He demonstrated his high proficiency in his ability to use English literature. Finally, he presented me with yet another excellent product within three months. One of Mr. Gao Fen most notable features was his strength in mathematics. However complex the problem he had to deal with, he faultlessly applied the correct formulae, and systematically solved the question. This stood him in good stead for studying Finance, and helped him to achieve the outstanding results of A for my courseas well as Accounting, the highest grade from amongst the class of over 60 students, half of which failed. These achievements together distinguished him as one of the most promising students in my department. I often remind my students of the importance of mathematics as a quantitative analytical tool. I advise them to learn Mathematics well. Certainly, not all the students follow my advice; much less earn high scores in tests. But Miss Cui Wei stands out in her talent and hard work in the subject. She got an average score of 90% in the calculus tests, which was top three in her class.。
(1) 所要申请的专业是什么,以及这个专业需要申请者具备哪些素质。
(2) 申请者有什么主要经历,就申请本科学位的申请者来说主要是本人有哪些特长,竞赛经历,课外活动及获奖经历等。
(3) 申请者的主要特质、性格特征等,有什么优点和缺点。
(4) 申请者是否有什么特殊的情况需要在这封信中体现出来。
这是我们老师给我写的一封推荐信 姓名和学校神马的我隐去了…… 我是金融专业的 这门课是 外汇市场与外汇交易 Recommendation Letter Dear Sir or Madam: It is with pleasure that I am writing this letter of recommendation on behalf of Miss。
XXX, a sudent of mine, who is now applying your master's degree program。 I have got to know him well since I taught her class Forex market and trading at the spring semester of 2010。
As an associate professor of finance at XXX University, I am in a position to comment on her academic achievement and potential。 Half of my lectures were completed in the computer room。
I observed many times that Miss。 XXX was able to complete the exercises ahead of time and demonstrated a good understading of the course contents。
Though the final exam had to be written in Englsih, she got a good grade。 In fact, she did better than the majority of her classmates。
In addition, Miss。 XXX was highly motivated to carry out tasks with minimum supervision。
She was able to first plan each step of his project very well and informed me of the progress of her study in the regular project reports。 I found Miss。
XXX to be a hardworking and trustworthy student, who has great interest in financial economics。 I am pleased to recommend her for admission into your postgraduate study program and expect her to achieve further progress。
I would appreciate your kind consideration of her application。 Yours sincerely, XXX, Ph。
D。 ( Fudan), MBA(McGill) Associate Professor of Finance, School of Finance XXX University , Address: XXXXX Business Email:XXXX。
这个行吗? 尊敬的贵公司领导:
在四年的大学生活中,我勤奋刻苦,力求向上,努力学习基础与专业知识,课余时间积极的去拓宽自己的知识面,并积极参加学校的各种体育活动。如今站在新世纪的起点上,有无数的机会,更有种种的竞争与考验,而作为正要跨出校门,迈向社会的大学生,我以满腔的热情与信心去迎接这一切。 当今社会需要高质量的复合型人才,因此我时刻注意自身的全面提高,建立合理的知识结构,并通过了国家四级的统一考试。在计算机方面有较深厚的理论基础,熟练掌握C、Pascal、数据结构、操作系统原理、编译原理等计算机基础知识。对Visual Foxpro、Power Builder等数据库编程和Internet、电子商务有一定了解。为了迎接网络时代的到来,我又利用课余时间考取了MCSE(微软认证系统工程师),MCP(微软认证专家)。