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  • 英语演讲稿梦想


    On Dreams

    Dreams can be big or small. Our country's dream is the revitalization

    of our motherland and the realization of the four modernizations i.e.

    the modernizations of industry, agriculture, science and technology and

    national defense. This is a huge dream. It needs all the Chinese to make

    great efforts in bringing the dream into reality. We have been longing

    for its realization for a long time. Actually it will take a dozen of years for

    us to get the great dream realized.

    As for the individuals, we all have different dreams. Some want to be

    scientists and some want to be teachers or doctors in the future. As to me,

    I want to be a writer when I graduate from the university. Writing can

    become a part of my life. Through writing, I can exchange ideas with

    others, bringing to light the bright and dark sides of our society.

    Through reading the articles to be written by me, people can cultivate

    their temperaments and raise their social morality. To achieve my dream I

    will study hard, reading more books and broadening my views. As the

    saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way”. As long as I firmly keep

    my dream in mind, I will have it realized in the future.


    Everyone has a dream.Now I want to say something about my dream.What is my dream?I often ask myself.In my mind,everyone shall have his own dream.I think that having a dream means that we have an idea,and then we will do all the things to achieve the target.As long as we have a goal to be realized,we won't be blind at least.My dream is to become a successful doctor,helping those sick people and saving their lives.Of course,to be a good doctor is very difficult,but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone healthy.That's my dream.I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country.I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excellent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or just enjoy them free.China is a developing country which needs good medicine and good doctors,especially in the countryside and distant villages.Now I'm a junior student on Grade One,all my classmates and I are working hard.We all know that the entrance exam of high schools coming in the year of 2009 is a big challenge for us,so we must study harder and harder in order to go to a good high school.Thus after we finish our senior high school,we are able to go to a good university.Finally,we can find a good job in society.My dream is also that although at present I'm good at study,I'll still try my best to be the study winner.Now everything I do is close to my dream.I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful,and I have enough confidence to realize my dream.I know that fantasy is something hard to realize,but dream can.I'll work hard for my dreams,I'll never give up.转载 不知道是不是这个。


    今天,我的演讲题目是“我的大学,我的梦!”.也许中学时期就已经读到或者听到许许多多关于大学生活的信息,有人说大学生活绚丽多彩的,也有人说大学生活是无聊空洞、浪费青春的.也许,后者更多一些.是的,其实,他们说的都是正确的,因为真实经历,他们才会那么说,这两者是不矛盾的.这是因为在大学里,有的人确实过得很充实、很开心,深深留恋这块他们认为是一辈子都无法重复的净土.也有的人,从一踏进校园就很失望,觉得一切都跟自己想像的不一样.从此浑浑噩噩混日子,最终醒悟的时候才猛然发觉,仿佛一夜之间,大学已经过去,随之逝去的还有自己宝贵的青春.记住,只有后悔大学混了几年的人,而不会有后悔上了大学的人.即使是那些在校时贬得他的母校犹如人间地狱的人,多年以后,回忆起大学时光,也往往会感慨万分,甚至泪流满面.不管你未来大学过得如何,至少你要时刻提醒自己:人生只有一个大学阶段.在过去的旅途中,无论你是否拥有过欢笑,拥有个阳光,这都已成为永远的记忆,加上一把锁将它封闭起来吧!摆在我们面前的,新的老师,新的同学,新的旅途,新的梦幻,新的生命正在破土而出,面对这一切,我们该怎么办.由于现实的残酷,我们将化身为一个个骑士,抹掉胸口上的创伤,擦掉昔日的荣耀,拿上我们的曾经的利器,整装待发,新学期的目标是我们新的征途的开始!梦想是我们通往成功的地图,只有付出了行动,迈出我们坚实的步伐,才能让我们到达成功的彼岸.确定我们的目标,就要为了他努力拼搏.志当存高远!我们要立长志不要常立志.人生是对理想的追求,理想是人生的指示灯,失去了这灯的作用,就会失去生活的勇气.因此,只有坚持远大的人生理想,才不会在生活的海洋中迷失方向.托尔斯泰将人生的理想分成一辈子的理想,一个阶段的理想,一年的理想,一个月的理想,甚至一天、一小时、一分钟的理想.当你听到这里,同学们,你是否想到了自己的理想?人生的花季是生命的春天,它美丽,却短暂.作为一名大学生就应该在这一时期,努力学习,奋发向上,找到一片属于自己的天空.青年是祖国的希望,民族的未来.每个人主宰着自己的明天.历史的重任在肩,我们责无旁贷.我们一定会勇敢地挑起肩上的责任,虽然前方会有巨浪滔天,但是也会有长虹贯日.让我们拿出“吹尽狂沙始到金”的毅力,拿出“直挂云帆济沧海”的勇气,去迎接人生中的风风雨雨!“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”,我坚信一分耕耘,一份收获,学习的根是苦的,学习的果子是甜的.我们奋发努力、勇往直前,一定会迎来收获的那一天.希望几年后的今天,我们能够收获自己辛勤劳作换来的累累硕果.同学们,今天让我们在一起定下大学之约,让我们告别盛夏的流火,应承金秋的丰硕,用青春诠释我们曾经的誓言,用汗水锻造我们明日的辉煌.未来的日子我们将共同走过,我们有着共同的追求.大学生活是多姿多彩的,但也需要我们去把握和深人体会.有人说:“平凡的大学生有着相同的平凡,而不平凡的大学却有着各自的辉煌.”但,你可以选择平凡,但却不可以选择平庸;可以的话,相信谁都想不平凡.好了,我今天的演讲也到此为止了.最后,只上一句话:“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索.”是的,送给我自己,也与大家共勉!这虽然是中文的,翻译一哈就可以啦.【爱恋无极限 出租屋】为您解答,如果你满意请“五星采纳+五星好评”,。


