1.mateusz m 的 unbroken的演讲稿
unbroken“So you have to trust that the dots will somehow willconnect in your futureYou have to trust in somethingYour gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.Because believing that the dots will connect down the roadWill give you the confidence to follow your heart,Even when it leads you off the well worn path.And that will make all the difference.Your time is limited,So don't waste it living someone else's lifeDon't be trapped by dogma :Which is living with the results of other people's thinkingDon't let the noise of other opinions drown out your own inner voices.You've got to find what you loveAnd that is true for worksas its for your loversyour work is gonna fill a large part of your lifeAnd the only way to be truly satisfiedIs to do what you believe is great workAnd the only way to do a great workIs to love what you doIf you haven't found it yetKeep looking and don't settleHave the courage to follow your heart and intuitionThere somehow, already knowWhat you truly want to become.” – Steve Jobs.That you going to have some ups and you're going to have some downsMost people gave up on themselves easilyYou know that a human spirit is powerful?There is nothing as powerful – its hard to kill the human spirit!Anybody can feel good when they have their health, they bills are paid, theyhave happy relationshipsAnybody can be positive then,Anybody can have a large of vision thenAnybody can have a lot of faith under those kind of circumstancesThe real challenge of growth, mentally, emotionally and spirituallyComes when you get knocked downIt takes courage to actPart of being hungry when you've been defeatedIt takes courage….To start over againFear kills dreamFear kills hopeFear….put people in the hospitalFear can age youCan hold you back from doing something that you know within yourself that youare capable of doing,But it will paralyzed youAt the end of your feelings is nothing,But at the end of every principles is a promiseBehind your little feelings, it might not be absolutely nothing at the end ofyour little feelingsBut behind every principles is a promiseAnd some of you in your lifeThe reason why you are not in your goal right now, because you just all aboutyour feelingsAll on your feelings, you don't feel like waking up, so who does?Everyday you say 'no' to your dreams,You might be pushing your dreams back a whole six months, a whole year!That one single day, that one day you didn't get up could have pushed yourstuff back I don't know how longDon't allow your emotion to control youWe are emotional but we wanna begin to discipline your emotionIf you don't discipline and contain your emotion, they will use youYou want it and you're going to go all out to have itIts not going to be easy, when you want to changeIts not easy. If it were in fact easy, everybody would do itBut if you're serious, you'll go all outI'm in control hereI'm not going to let this let this get me down, I'm not going to let thisdestroy me!I'm coming back!And I'll be stronger and better because of itYou have got to make a declarationThat this is what you stand forYou standing up for your dreamYou standing up for piece of mindYou standing up for healthTake full responsibility for your lifeAccepts where you are and the responsibility that you're going to take yourselfwhere you want to goYou can decide that I am going to live each day as if it were my lastLive your life with passionWith some driveDecide that you are going to push yourselfThe last chapter to your life has not been written yetAnd it doesn't matter about what happened yesterdayIt doesn't matter about what happened to you, what matter isWhat are you going to do about it?This year I will make this goal become a realityI wont talk about it anymoreI CanI Can!I CAN!To persevere I think its important for everybodyDon't give up, Don't give inThere's always an answer to everything。
2.求著名演讲unbroken mateusz m的演讲词,要英文的
“So you have to trust that the dots will somehow will connect in your futureYou have to trust in somethingYour gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.Because believing that the dots will connect down the roadWill give you the confidence to follow your heart,Even when it leads you off the well worn path.And that will make all the difference.Your time is limited,So don't waste it living someone else's lifeDon't be trapped by dogma :Which is living with the results of other people's thinkingDon't let the noise of other opinions drown out your own inner voices.You've got to find what you loveAnd that is true for worksas its for your loversyour work is gonna fill a large part of your lifeAnd the only way to be truly satisfiedIs to do what you believe is great workAnd the only way to do a great workIs to love what you doIf you haven't found it yetKeep looking and don't settleHave the courage to follow your heart and intuitionThere somehow, already knowWhat you truly want to become.” – Steve Jobs.That you going to have some ups and you're going to have some downsMost people gave up on themselves easilyYou know that a human spirit is powerful?There is nothing as powerful – its hard to kill the human spirit!Anybody can feel good when they have their health, they bills are paid, they have happy relationshipsAnybody can be positive then,Anybody can have a large of vision thenAnybody can have a lot of faith under those kind of circumstancesThe real challenge of growth, mentally, emotionally and spirituallyComes when you get knocked downIt takes courage to actPart of being hungry when you've been defeatedIt takes courage….To start over againFear kills dreamFear kills hopeFear….put people in the hospitalFear can age youCan hold you back from doing something that you know within yourself that you are capable of doing,But it will paralyzed youAt the end of your feelings is nothing,But at the end of every principles is a promiseBehind your little feelings, it might not be absolutely nothing at the end of your little feelingsBut behind every principles is a promiseAnd some of you in your lifeThe reason why you are not in your goal right now, because you just all about your feelingsAll on your feelings, you don't feel like waking up, so who does?Everyday you say 'no' to your dreams,You might be pushing your dreams back a whole six months, a whole year!That one single day, that one day you didn't get up could have pushed your stuff back I don't know how longDon't allow your emotion to control youWe are emotional but we wanna begin to discipline your emotionIf you don't discipline and contain your emotion, they will use youYou want it and you're going to go all out to have itIts not going to be easy, when you want to changeIts not easy. If it were in fact easy, everybody would do itBut if you're serious, you'll go all outI'm in control hereI'm not going to let this let this get me down, I'm not going to let this destroy me!I'm coming back!And I'll be stronger and better because of itYou have got to make a declarationThat this is what you stand forYou standing up for your dreamYou standing up for piece of mindYou standing up for healthTake full responsibility for your lifeAccepts where you are and the responsibility that you're going to take yourself where you want to goYou can decide that I am going to live each day as if it were my lastLive your life with passionWith some driveDecide that you are going to push yourselfThe last chapter to your life has not been written yetAnd it doesn't matter about what happened yesterdayIt doesn't matter about what happened to you, what matter isWhat are you going to do about it?This year I will make this goal become a realityI wont talk about it anymoreI CanI Can!I CAN!To persevere I think its important for everybodyDon't give up, Don't give inThere's always an answer to everything。
3.mateusz m 的 unbroken这段励志演讲里面有那几个电影的片段呢
短片由几位演讲家Les Brown、Eric Thomas、Steve Jobs、Louis Zamperini的演讲组成,出现的电影画面有《Jobs》《Her》,背景音乐Confidential Music - Archangel, Unashamed。
短片是YouTube励志红人账号Mateusz M的作品,《Unbroken》,Mateusz M制作分享一些电影剪辑和励志演讲结合的视频,再给画面配上或激荡人心或柔缓抒情的音乐,视频便具有了鼓舞人心的力量。我们看不到演讲家的脸,看不到他们的肢体动作和表情,但是他们的声音是饱含激情的。
4.急需Take time to decide演讲稿
Teens这东西我从来不看的啊,好惭愧= =BANG! The first vase tumbles (摔落) and smashes (打碎) all over the floor and as I take another step back… bang! A second vase is knocked off the table at the hotel. Ladies and gentlemen, in just two and a half seconds I had cost my mother a whopping (巨大的) $6,000 (37,363 yuan) in damages, all because I had not respected the simple sign saying “Do not run”.Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How many of you have ever tested the rules of our society? How many of you have challenged the simple notion (提示) “offer your seat to those in need” or “respect your teachers”? For many of us the answer is “no, I have not”, and it is because of one simple word: respect.Growing up in a family who believes in traditional Chinese values, I have been taught to always respect my parents and most importantly my father. I was told that, essentially (基本上), the word of my father was absolute (绝对权威的). “Don't cross chopsticks with your elders”, he said, and “Don't buy shoes at Chinese New Year”.Of course, as I grew older, I began to realize that a lot of what I “believed” was not entirely true, but I played along with it because I was supposed to, and because it was the respectable thing to do. Even though I have gained my own views and beliefs, I know that to respect the beliefs of others is essential to living in harmony (和谐).It is this respect that maintains (维持) order and prevents chaos (混乱). I have been told on countless (无数的) occasions that respect brings people together because when one can understand another, it builds trust. It builds a relationship.But ladies and gentlemen, it is also imperative (必要的) that we keep in mind that respect is not a right but a privilege (特权). It is earned when someone deserves it and it is lost when someone abuses (滥用) it. Unfortunately, there are an increasing number of “respectable” people who have hit the headlines for doing “disrespectful” things and are making it difficult for us to maintain the inherent (固有的) respect that society asks of us. Should you respect people who use their position to hurt you? Should you respect people who do not practice what they preach (宣扬)? Should you respect people who only believe that rules and promises are there to be broken?Though “right” and “wrong” may be subject to our own interpretations (理解), I ask that you follow the advice given to me and “Do not run” into it. Thank you.Comment:This speech won for its complexity (复杂). While other speeches take for granted (想当然) that respect is positive, this speaker encourages the audience to first define (定义) it. In this way, she makes a more profound (深刻的) point – that we ought to respect only those people and things that deserve it.。
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2015励志电影排行榜前十名NO1阿甘正传,一个关于美国梦的故事,主人公阿甘是一个充满传奇色彩的小人物,智商30的他,经过一系列转折,经历和不断努力,超越了平常人民的观念, 他就是平凡的一个小人物,故事主线穿插了美国现代历史,凡是美国现代最重要的大事,都被阿甘遇上了。
故事最后,阿甘回到自己故乡,想起了太多往事,恰恰他 又勇气面对现实,他已经感到人生的起落,任何事情都吓不了他。这是一部,带有梦想意义的电影,故事的开端就像——电影的开端那样:人生就象一盒劳巧克力, 你永远都不知道——它是什么味道!NO2肖申克的救赎是一部具有超级魅力的电影,故事主人公受尽了监狱折磨,但是心一直存有渺茫的希望,尽管他的狱友嘲讽他异想天开,是不可能从这个牢靠的地方逃出去。
肖申克 为了越狱,竟然神不知,鬼不觉的花了二十年时间,慢慢策划这一场,惊天动地的越狱计划!最后,肖申克逃离了那个封闭令人窒息的监狱,那里从来都没有阳光照进来,肖申克渴望希望,抱有那一点微茫的希望,最终找到了——梦寐以求的地方生活。NO3勇敢的心,是一部史诗级别的电影,自由是所有人的向往,当故事主人公呐喊:自由!自由!那一刻,他就永远活在苏格兰名族上。
是什么让苏格兰民族,受尽了屈 辱,没有了尊严,任由其他民族摆布。作为苏格兰战士的华莱士,他受尽了屈辱,明白了只有自由才能所向无敌。
他是为了自由而战,越战越勇,为整个民族复兴而 战。NO4美丽心灵,是一部关于一个真实天才的剧情片。
主人公维托,继承了父亲沉着、冷静、精 明、坚强的性格。刺杀索拉索及麦考斯基后,到西西里避风头,结识当地美丽女孩而结婚。
当妻子遭谋杀后,返回美国接掌家族事业,成为第二代教父。并且一次清 扫家族内奸及敌人。
NO7奔腾年代,发生在大萧条的历史背景,使得它从某种角 度上是那个时代心灵的史诗和写真。除了描写主要角色以外,影片也触及到了时代背景里面许多普通人,而始终穿插出现的大萧条时期的黑白照片和旁白,是导演试 图抽离出来表现的时代宏大背景。
片中数个极具感染力的赛马和演说场面与冷静历史的陈述似乎是分离的,但是又在影像的参差交错中让我们清楚地感受到在美国那 个历史上最低沉年代里隐隐跳动不肯熄灭的希望和精神之火。而彩色和黑白的间隔出现,更加重了这种感受。
NO8三傻大闹宝莱坞,印度电影的良心之作,通过印度三个大学生怎么成长的故事,故事主人公是一个敢作敢为的大学生。电影根据印度畅销书作家奇坦·巴哈特(Chetan Bhagat)的处女作小说《五点人》(Five Point Someone)改编而成。
法兰(马德哈万 R Madhavan 饰)、拉杜(沙曼·乔希 Sharman Joshi 饰)与兰乔(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰)是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。在以严格著称的学院里,兰乔是个非常与众不同的学生,他不死记硬背,甚至还公然顶撞校长“病毒”(波 曼·伊拉尼 Boman Irani 饰),质疑他的教学方法。
他不仅鼓动法兰与拉杜去勇敢追寻理想,还劝说校长的二女儿碧雅(卡琳娜·卡普 Kareena Kapoor 饰)离开满眼铜臭的未婚夫。兰乔的特立独行引起了模范学生“消音器”(奥米·维嘉 Omi Vaidya 饰)的不满,他约定十年后再与兰乔一决高下,看哪种生活方式更能取得成功。
No9当幸福来敲门,电影讲述了只要坚持,奋斗,你就离幸福就越近。no10喜剧之王,也许你看腻了周星驰夸张的表演,那么停下来看看——喜剧之王这种 在现实和理想的作品。
故事讲诉了周星驰的演艺之路,并不被人看好,但是他始终没有放弃这种风格,坚持做最合适的周星驰。电影没有透露,周星驰的真实的生活,但是电影本事就是生活的体现,周星驰通过一个类似自己的奋斗 的小人物,关于电影的探索,留给观众一个想象空间。
周星驰是一个喜剧演员,他具有一个喜剧演员的精神。文章出处:南辞博客文章。 a college degree really worth it or not,求一份口语稿子,最好以
A. Hey mate. Would you like this topic
B: What is it
A:We just had an argument about college degree, Do you think it is really important for us?
B: Certainly, it is the gold star which we can use for lot of different things, such as Reference,Jobs, Reputation Etc.
A: yes i know, but lots of wealthy people, they dont even have a proper certificate, still earning a lot of money
B; ok, U mean peopl like JiaChen,Li, Bill, Gates, But there is only small chance you can be as success as them without a university degree.
A: True that, im very agree with u, it is now really hard to get a good job without a university degree, people might live a good life without a degree, but there is only a few of them.
B: yes, all in one, most people will need to degree which can make a big different for their future.