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  • 金融领域翻译稿件


     2007, he attended the first festival of science and technology university students university students simulate competition securities investment, competition, he has three times the return on assets into the ranks of top 100. After the match, he went to Guangfa Securities Investment Department of interns to do. After the end of practice, he has found a large customer service, big deal, the per capita amount of 20 million and above. He set up a private equity investment funds. He is mainly responsible for equity investments, the private equity investment funds once the highest total assets of more than 50 million. However, on May 30, 2007, the day he is a nightmare. Ministry of Finance raised stamp duty on that day, the stock market crash for one week. China's immature capital market investment for the first time he has a brilliant and dynamic entrepreneurial failure! [In particular private equity investment funds in the translation of the term there are many versions of the Internet, experts hope to use the most professional level I learned to see, Thank you again _ ^ ^]。


    In my opinion, is an innovative financial engineering to create technology, a kind of financial instruments, financial instruments and systems to create and innovative technologies, a balance of benefits and risks of technology. It contains mathematics, computers, finance, knowledge It is one filled with interesting cross-disciplinary, while the mathematical knowledge and mathematical model is essential for this subject in the core content: Markowitz's portfolio selection theory, Sharpe's capital asset pricing model, Black-Scholes option pricing models, and Cox and others, "binomial" model is the embodiment of this central position.Mathematics has always been I very much love a subject, a complex issue can be resolved sophisticated formulas and models into a logical and strong obvious things. I have participated in since childhood classes and has participated in the IMO competition, although he did not receive ranking is still duty-bound to make me love it. Three years ago, I was almost ignorant of financial professionals, while three years later, I would be very grateful to my parents I chose this profession. Securities, futures, foreign exchange, and various financial tools are distributed with attractive luster, deeply attracted me. As for the financial engineering, just like a tailor-made specially for me, allow me to use the advanced math and communications tools in financial products, based on the combination of different forms of decomposition. Financial engineering will allow me to mathematical modeling with the organic combination of financial knowledge, I believe I will make achievements in this field.In college, I actively participated in various student groups, such as financial investment associations, and served as its planning minister. Its main functions are mainly to make a variety of living arrangements for reasonable and effective, but more important is that for some of the activities of a larger spending plan to write the book sponsorship fee, in which communication with the various companies convinces me a lot of exercise Communication communication and practical abilities. In the summer of 2009, a securities company in Xiamen, internship 2 months. Although the time is not long, but in this short span of two months, an increase of my professional knowledge of the application and practical ability, and professionals working with my future work experience will be a valuable asset. In high school I have worked in cultural and member of the organization as a whole class a lot of entertainment as well as the host for each program。


    Finance and finance另附: 金融学(Finance)的定义不是一个简单的问题,而且用来定义学科的术语对该学科的发展方向会有极其重要的影响。

    Webster字典将“To Finance”定义为“筹集或提供资本(To Raise Or Provide Funds Or Capital For)”。华尔街日报在其新开的公司金融(Corporate Finance)的固定版面中将(公司)金融定义为“为业务提供融资的业务(Business Of Financing Businesses)”,这一定义基本上代表了金融实业界的看法。

    代表学界对金融学较有权威的解释可参照《新帕尔格雷夫货币金融大辞典》(The New Palgrave Dictionary Of Money And Finance) 的“Finance”相关词条。由斯蒂芬•A•罗斯(Stephen A. Ross)撰写的“Finance”词条称“金融以其不同的中心点和方法论而成为经济学的一个分支,其中心点是资本市场的运营、资本资产的供给和定价。


    罗斯的观点,集中体现了西方学者界定“Finance”倚重微观内涵及资本市场的特质。 “金融”就其理论内涵来说,在中国具有转轨经济背景下的典型特征 在中国学界,对“Finance”一词的翻译及内涵界定存在较大争议。



    一般而言,国内学界理解“金融学(Finance)”,主要以“货币银行学(Money And Banking)”和“国际金融(International Finance)”两大代表性科目为主线。其原因大致有二:在视资本、证券为异类的历史环境下,由政府主导的银行业间接融资是金融实践的中心内容。

    与此相适应,针对银行体系的货币金融研究成为金融学绝对主导。二是发端于20世纪80年代初的改革开放国策导致将对外贸易加强,国内高校相应大面积e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6e79fa5e9819331333335306265开设以国际收支和贸易为核心的“国际金融” (International Finance)专业。

    基于以上两大学科界定的(国内)“金融学”,却恰恰不是Finance的核心内容。西方学界对Finance的理解,集中反映在两门课程:一是以公司财务、公司融资、公司治理为核心内容的Corporate Finance,即公司金融。

    二是以资产定价(Asset Pricing)为核心内容的Investments,即投资学。值得一提的是,国内很多学者将Corporate Finance译作“公司财务”或“公司理财”,很容易使人误解其研究对象为会计事项,今后应予修正。





    (1)翻译硕士+CATTI 2笔译证书,或专八+300万字以上翻译经验,或同等水平,这差不多算职业自由笔译的最低要求了,如果达不到这个水平,可能会做的非常非常艰辛,稿件不会多,收入会很低,和很多行业一样也是优胜劣汰的,而优秀笔译的稿件很多,根本做不完,单价也不会低,直接客户单价250元/千字很正常,从翻译公司拿一般也不低于150元千字(以中文计);刚拿到专八,或者哪怕六级600分以上,但无翻译经验的,不建议直接做自由翻译,风险很大,一个合格的职业笔译月收入是不会低于8000元的(2015年数据),月入10000元是常态,优秀的笔译月入一般在15000元之上,不过比较优秀的笔译很少见,这行太辛苦,基础好、学习能力强的很多转行了,不愿意做月入2万都不到的苦力,也有些对翻译是真爱的,一直坚守岗位和他们的梦想;


    (3)笔译已高度流程化(译、校、审、二审、排版等)、标准化、电子化(WebCATT、芝麻译语等翻译平台或Trados (SDLX) Alchemy Catalyst Passolo 等本地化翻译软件中完成)、国际化,对译者的语言功底、翻译技能、软件运用熟练程度、对行业知识的了解、对全球文化等的了解越来越高,85%以上外语学校或外语专业培养的英语类硕士需要二次学习才能真正融入这个行业。


