
1.my future演讲稿
My future
As the song goes “ My future isn't a dream .” I love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time . I believe that all our dreams can come true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father always asked me what I would be in the future . Sometimes I found it very hard to give a certain reply . “ I want to be a doctor .” “ I want to be a teacher .” and “ I 'd like to be a scientist !” Many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous . But I never think they are far away .
How time flies! Who is able to give a definition to his future ? I know clearly that those high buildings are based on solid foundation . As a student , I should have a reasonable aim , and study hard . My goal is to enter the best university for further study after middle school . I know it's hard work , and I 'll come across many difficulties and frustrations . But no matter what they are , I'll keep working on it and never give up . My teacher says there 's only one kind of people that are truly successful : those who are brave enough to put up with hardships . Even if I won't achieve the goal , I have no regrets for what I have done , for I have struggled for my life .
2.My future 的演讲稿
Ten years later, I thought that I will become a doctor, because may help many people, I want to go to Paris to live, heard that is very beautiful, I will live with I best friend in the apartment, at that time, the child did not need to go to school, they at home through the computer study, in my family also had the robot, might help us to do many housework, I in the future life will not need the money, because the thing could be free, I'm sure my future is not a dream,I good anticipated that I the future life。
3.急求一篇英语演讲稿 future is now
Future is nowFasten your belt, gonna go! FUTURE IS NOW Good evening, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, my friends, For some people, future is past; they indulge in the memory of yesterday's sound and fury. For others, future is future; they wallow in the fantasy of tomorrow's fame and glory. Yet for me, future is now; Tomorrow is bred in Today. In agreement with me is Browning, as her poem goes: We cannot change Yesterday --- that is quite clear. Or begin on Tomorrow until it is here: So all that remains, both for you and for me. Is to make every Today as sweet as can be. Future is not past. Being given to the golden or leaden memory does no good, if not harm. Future is not future. Being lost in the rosy dreams seldom yields results, if ever. Rather, future is now. It is not something we enter. It is something we create. What defines the future is not what you were, nor what you will be, but what you are. Things done are done; things to be done are not yet here; so it is most practical to do things that you can, when you still have the chance to. Future is now. It is not created in the past, nor in the future, but at the present. But how? The past is a source of knowledge, and the future a source of hope. Just as Today is never and shall never be separated from Yesterday and Tomorrow, to seize the present is not to forget about the past, but to learn from it; nor is it to hustle into future, but to plan for it. Other wise, the past should have passed in vain, and so should the future. Opportunity falls on prepared minds, so does the future. The best preparation for the future, is the present well seen to, and the last duty done. So and so, those who learn from the past, plan for the future and firmly seize the present will surely own the future world. And no more hesitation, my friends, try, at least to seize the hours left today. 就是这样了,应该会用到吧。
未来,是人类多么美好的遐想,人类为了创造未来,历尽了千辛万苦!而我就要自己来创造未来的住宅. 我要创造的是智能住宅,这个住宅里所有用电,都是靠风力和太阳所提供的,这个住宅规模宏大,面积为634平方米.一进住宅的大门,有一个正对着前方或下面的微形摄像头,大门前面还有一个验证指纹和输入密码的操作台,能将客人的面貌特征自动输入电脑.如果电脑确认你是“未经登记”的陌生人,你即便知道密码也无法将大门打开.这时,只有主人下达“同意入内”的指令后,大门才能打开. 进入住宅,有一个音乐输入表,这个输入表里的音乐有世界各地的歌曲.走到住宅的客厅,有三个巨大的沙发,这三个沙发是用洁白的天鹅毛和真皮制做的,如果你坐上去,就好像坐在云彩上,感觉好极了!沙发旁边还有一个智能的大桌子,只要按一下按钮,这个桌子不到二秒钟就会变成一个长不到一米的茶几,供主人和客人喝茶喝咖啡用. 如果你想睡觉的话,这座庞大的住宅立即变成了休息状态,再重的东西就是不小心掉在地上,也没有丝毫的响声,而且房间里还会自然地响起悠扬的催眠曲,直到你睡着为止,为主人提供了舒适的环境.书房里的书本全是电子书,只要你翻开任意一页,再说一句“开始读”这句话,这本书就会用清翠悦耳的声音给你读故事.住宅的餐厅,里面有着世界各地美味佳肴的菜单和精美图片,只要你轻轻一点你所喜欢的饭菜,系统会自动给你送来可口的饭菜,供你食用…… 未来的住宅里还有智能的花园、游泳池和车库.花园里四季如春,百花争艳,花朵会跟着主人一起跳舞;游泳池里的水会根据人的体温和大自然的温度自动设置;如果你把车开到车库,车库会根据车的大小、高度自动进行调控.这个住宅从外观上看:风景优美,小鸟依人,还是个名副其实的天然氧吧呢! 未来使人不再犹豫,因为我也是未来的栋梁之材!美好的未来需要我们勤劳的双手和智慧来创造,加油吧,朋友。
今天,我想和大家谈谈“珍惜友谊”这个话题.我们任何人在这个世界上都不是孤立存在的,都要和周围的人发生各种各样的联系.你是学生,就要和同学在一起学习,一起游戏,享受同学之间的友谊;你是工人,就要和同事一起工作,享受同事之间的友谊;你是军人,就要和战友一起训练战斗,享受战友之间的那份友谊……总之,不论你从事什么职业,也不论你在何时何地,都离不开与朋友之间的友谊.什么是友谊呢,顾名思义,友谊就是与朋友互相帮助,互相学习,产生了深厚的友情.世界上有许多人,只有通过人与人之间的相互了解,才会产生友谊.一个人学会与朋友一起合作,也就为自己打开了一扇通向成功的大门.所以,人们常说:友谊是无价之宝.这是非常宝贵的人生道理,我们每一个人都应该牢牢记住.在我们班,却有一些男生不会珍惜友谊.有一次,车超和孙武在玩,叶浩全便走过去,希望加入他们一起玩,旁边的杨明杰打趣地说:“如果让叶浩全加入,我就给他500万.” 车超听了,便说:“好,我们同意了.”这时,杨明杰脸一沉,使出他发明的“绝招”,把车超打倒了.这种行为实在是太不好了.可见,产生友谊不仅要会帮助同学,还要温和友善的对待每一个同学.同学们,常言说得好:“柔能克刚”,这与“温和友善永远胜过激烈狂暴”是同一个意思,用温情、体贴、关爱和信任说服常常会收到事半功倍的效果.只有珍惜友谊,才能取得更大的成功.。
作文题目《未来的海底餐厅》人类的科技是永远没有止境的.在数百年以后,人类拥有了无比强大的科技力量.海底餐厅位于太平洋中海景最好的位置,规模非常大,在海底餐厅吃饭的客人人流量已经达到二十万人一日了.尽管有那么多客人海底餐厅也不怕,这就要说起它惊人的面积了:;一千万平方千米!占整个太平洋的十五分之一,如果按每人五十平方米这样的大空间来算得话,就能容纳两百亿人!多么惊人的数字啊! 现在让我们说说它的功能吧!这个体型庞大的餐厅是由全世界所有国家合资的餐厅,也是世界和平的标志.因此,餐厅里的人难免是来自不同国家的,两个不同国家的人不方便交流,于是,每一个进入餐厅的人都可以拿到一个语言翻译器,这个翻译器不大,只有半个手掌那么大.只要往耳朵上一戴,无论谁说的话都可以听得清清楚楚.整个餐厅都是机器人智能的,而且点餐方法非常有趣,每一个人都有一个遥控器和视屏,而且有相对应的机器捕鱼手,只要你用遥控器操纵就行了.为了防止机器人走远就看不这个问题,所以要在机器人头上安个小摄像头,这样机器人走多远都可以看清它了.。