
胜利的橄榄枝 黎明前黑暗的苍穹 繁星点点 普罗米修斯将体育的圣火点燃 随着一道霞光 运动的火焰升腾在奥林匹亚山 今日的健儿们 英姿勃发 志存高远 精神饱满的将目光凝聚在终点线 努力吧 拼搏吧 奋斗吧 女神将献上胜利的橄榄枝编成的花环。
运动之歌 风对我耳语:“运动是我这样的轻盈岁月!” 雨对我耳语:“运动是我这样的淋漓尽致!” 雷对我耳语:“运动是我这样的铿锵有力!” 电对我耳语:“运动是我这样的亮丽透明!” 运动吧!在运动中接受风雨的洗礼,在运动中感受雷电的闪光 阳光不锈 秋阳普照大地,那攒动的人群 在呐喊声与歌声中意气风发 那奔跑的身影 融入秋日的阳光 阳光不锈 青春的阳光在悄悄地流淌 流淌在那鼓声里 流淌在那奔跑的脚步里 流淌在那发令枪的声响里 生命浸润在阳光中 阳光不锈 运动生命在阳光里展现风采 生命的凯歌在阳光中走向辉煌 运动的序幕已经拉开 让我们用运动的火光来点燃生命的激情 生命阳光永不锈 The olive branch of victory The dawn ex- dark blue sky The heavy star orders The general rice fixs 斯 to spark the Olympic flame of athletics Along with a 霞 light The athletic flames rises 腾 in the 奥 wood's second mountain The soldiers of today The heroic bearing thrives The ambition saves high far In high spirit of coagulate vision in the finish line Make great effort Work hard Struggle The fairy will dedicate victory of olive branch plait become of garland. The song of sport The breeze whispers to me:"Sport is the supple years that I am such!" Rain whispers to me:"Sport is thoroughly I am such!" The thunder whispers to me:"Sport is I am such of sonorous and forceful!" The electricity whispers to me:"Sport is I am such of bright and transparent!" Exercise!Accept the baptism of rains and winds in sport, feel the flashlight of thunder and lightning in sport Sunlight not rust The autumn sun 普 shines on the earth, that 攒 moves of crowd In the battle cry voice and the singing energetic and daring The figure that that rushes Integrate sunlight of autumn day Sunlight not rust The sunlight of youth is flowing to drip silently Flow to drip in that drumbeat The footstep flowed to drip to rush there in Flow to drip in that hair make the voice of the gun ring Life gradually in the sunlight Sunlight not rust Sport life emerges elegant appearance in the sunlight The song of victory of life heads for brilliancy in the sunlight The athletic prologue has already drawn back Let us spark vital intense emotion with the athletic light of fire Life sunlight never rust。
Julius Caesarsaid, “It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find thosewho are willing to endure pain with patience.” 凯撒大帝曾经说过:“找到一个愿意献身的人远远比找到一个能都忍受痛苦的人简单多了。”
To succeed youmust have a vast amount of enduring patience.想要成功,你一定要有出众的忍耐力。What is patience?According to Barbara Johnson, it's the ability to idle your motor when you feellike stripping your gears. Guy Kawasaki said it's the art of concealing yourimpatience, while Titus Plautus concludes that it's the best remedy for everytrouble.那么,什么是耐心呢?根据巴巴拉约翰逊的说法,这是一种类似像在拆掉了拍档之后,让自己的马达空转。
Guy Kawasaki(美国硅谷的Garage(车库)技术风险投资公司创始人、董事局主席)说,这是一种艺术,隐藏你的冲动。而普劳特斯(拉丁喜剧作家)总结说,这是所有问题的良药。
I submit to youthat patience is the missing link to your success… 我要告诉你的是,耐心正是你成功路上所缺少的一环。
So when things gowrong remember that the grass will grow again, yes it will take time, but inthe words of Jean Jacques Rousseau, “Patience is bitter, but its fruit issweet,” so don't overreact, don't over steer, be patient, let things settle,less you find your delay considerably longer than it would otherwise be.当事情并不如你所想的那么顺利的时候,记住“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”,是的,这是要画一些时间。
The scriptureteaches us that in your patience you possess your soul, which is perhaps whyFrancis Bacon noted that whoever is out of patience is out of possession oftheir soul.《圣经》教给我们,如果你拥有耐心,那么你就掌控自己的灵魂。这也许就是为什么培根一直告诉人们“一旦人失去了耐心,那么他就不再是他自己了”。
Elbert Hubbardsaid, “How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little moreeffort, a little more patience would have achieved success.” 作家阿尔伯特哈伯德说过“有多少人在只还需要一点点努力,一些些耐心就能成功的时候放弃了。” It's true.这是真的呢。
You were almostthere, you had just about figured it out, and then your impatience got thebetter of you, which is perhaps why Solomon wrote, he that controls his angeris greater than the mighty.你离成功就几步之遥了,你正要把它搞定,但这时候你的急躁击败了你,这也许就是为什么所罗门这样写道,控制他的怒火甚至比他的力量更加强大。Christina Miliansaid, “My advice to someone who would follow in my footsteps is to havepatience. I've been doing this for twelve years.” 克里斯蒂娜米莲说“对于想走我这条路的人的建议就是不要急躁,我已经这么做12年了。”
Saint Francis deSales wisely noted, “Have patience with all things. But, first with yourself.”And Saadi said, “Have patience. All things are difficult before they becomeeasy.” Saint Francis de Sales(圣方济沙雷)曾记录下“耐心对待所有的事,而首先就是要对自己有耐心。”还有萨阿迪说过“有一些耐心,所有的事情在变简单之前都是很复杂的。”
You've been tryingto succeed without patience! You failed to apprehend three of the most criticalsteps to success. They are: First to have patience, second to be patient, andthird to endure patiently.你一直在缺乏耐心的情况下想要取得成功。你没有能够领悟到通向成功的3个重要步骤。
他们就是:1.拥有耐心2.展现耐心3.使用耐心。No one succeedswithout patience.如果他没有耐心的话,没有人能够成功。
Ralph Waldo Emersonsaid, “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.埃莫森说过“接受大自然的法则:她的秘密就是耐心。” Have you been overreacting? Have you been impatient?你有没有过过度反应,你有没有过急躁不安?It didn't take youa week to get into your situation; it won't take you a week to get out of it.这不会用掉一个星期进入状态,当然也用不了一个星期来摆脱它。
Anxiety causes thewaters of life to rage; dooming your success, but patience stills the watersand allows you to navigate safely to your intended destination.焦虑只会带来愤怒,这样的话你就注定失败;而耐心能够平息这种怒火,并且保证你安全地到达目标的彼岸。Don't be like TomHolt, Tom said, “Everything is out there if you know how to find it, and youhave the patience. I don't and haven't, but that's my problem.” Don't just knowthat you need patience, have patience.不要像汤姆霍尔特,他曾说“只要你知道如何去找它,所有的东西都就在那里,你有耐心。
永远的第十一位教师 和孩子们依依不舍地送走第十位教师后,人们寒心地说:再不会有第十一位教师能留下来了。
野火烧不尽,春风吹又生…… 那声音在山谷间低回传诵,久久不绝,那是她第一节课教给孩子们的诗!年轻的女大学生回头望去,顿时被惊呆了:几十个孩子齐刷刷地跪在高高的山坡上! 谁能承受得起那让天地都为之动容的长跪呀!她顷刻间明白了这是渴求知识的孩子们纯真而又无奈的婉留啊! 女大学生的灵魂就在那瞬间的洗礼中得到了升华。她决定抛弃山外的诱惑,重新把行李扛回了小学校。
她成了山村的第十一位教师。 以后的日子,她从这所小学校里送走了一批又一批的孩子,去读初中、念高中、上大学……这一留就是整整二十年。
再后来,这位女教师积劳成疾,被送往北京治疗。当乡亲们把她接回山村时,人们见到的只有装在红色木匣里的她的骨灰! 小站歌声 那是初到美国的第一个元宵节,我独自坐在芝加哥座地铁站台的椅子上。
原来在国内一家大医院的他,到这边在餐馆里洗碗,洗碗做不下去了,便从5楼的窗口跳了下去,他静静地睡在一只狭小的盒子里,由他50岁的母亲捧在怀里回家了。 木木地坐在椅子上,想象着此刻遥远的国内元宵节晚会的盛况,突然间我的眼泪涌了出来。
我把头埋在胸前低声地哭起来,心里只有一句话:爸爸,妈妈,我想回家,我真的好想回家。 不知何时,那位黑人妇女已经开始东站台的清扫工作,正推着打扫把经过我身边。
也许是我一个人已坐了良久,又或许是我异样的神情,她停在了我面前一米处的地方,侧过身来:“Are you Ok?”(你没事儿吧?)我竭力控制自己的情绪,深吸一口气:“Yer l am ok”(是的,我没事儿。)我已经感到自己快有些把持不住了,心里巴望着他赶快离开,我害怕被陌生眼光的注视。
她却没有走开,忧郁地望着我,一双眼睛深深地看到我心里。“NO you tearful eyes”轻轻地吐出这句,就再没说什么。
一向不善于向人表白的我,脱口说出心里的话。 "Are you here alone?"(在这你孤身一人吗?)她问。
我点了点头。 “Believe me,dear , Every thing will be gone. You will be fine.”(相信我,任何事都会过去的。
你会好起来的。) 她轻轻地,但很坚决地说出这句话。
一半是为了自己的艰辛,一半却是为了她的关怀。 我艰难地点头,含着泪,笑着说:“l know,”(我知道。)
就在此时,像是从遥远的地方传来的天籁之音,悦耳的轻柔的歌声在站台里回荡起来,舒畅而又悠扬。 Silent night!Holy night! All is calm , allis bright. 。
我仿佛置身于教堂,借着歌声我看到阳光,看到希望。 此后的第三天,我找到了失业3个月后的第一份工作,在一家大公司做清洁工,包括每天两次洗刷男女洗手间。
我很愉快地工作着,一边复习英语准备上学。每天大清早起床,我对着镜子告诉自己“Every thing will be gone.(一切都会好起来的)” 今天的我,已带着芝加哥大学的学位回到了祖国,但我的心里还时常回荡着那年车站里的那首〈平安夜〉。
我想,若真有天国,那一定是来自天使的歌声。 小站歌声 子夜时分,山村的小站昏暗静谧。
苗兰老师提着行李来到站台,像触电般浑身颤抖起来。 她本想在夜深人静时悄悄离开山村的,没想到全班40多个孩子全站在这里为她送行。
只将一串串难舍难离的泪水洒下。 远处传来列车的长鸣。
40多个孩子含着泪水,像一棵棵被雨水烧伤的禾苗一样,凄悲地立着。 班长说:“咱们为苗老师唱一首《好人一生平安》吧。”
歌声在夜空中响起:“有过多少往事/仿佛就在昨天/有过多少朋友/仿佛还在身边/也曾心意沉沉/相逢是哭是甜/如今举杯祝愿/好人一生平安。” 这歌声,低沉悲哀。
这是孩子们真诚的祝愿。 列车徐徐地向前开动着,孩子们像一阵旋风一样随车跑着,唱着…… 好人一生平安。
歌声像泪水滤过似的。 车上苗老师失声痛哭起来。
5.1.艺考双语播音的英语短文稿件 要比较向上一点的 但是不要太难的 不
嗯 还有一件事,我现在学的ABC天丅英语中心的助教要我明白 若想将英语学好是不难的!绝对具有适合的研习空间与进修口语对象,最关键就是外教水平,发音纯正才可以 坚决天天口语交流,1对1个性化学习就有更.好.的学习成效 完成课堂后同样要回放复习课程录音音频,好巩固知识点!不过实在无口语交谈的人的环境,就到听力室或BBC得到课余教材阅读,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读 不知不觉的英语水平就培养起来 学习效益会非常最佳的!The age of sixteen, the figure is not gh, very clever, broad interests, like playing soccer, listen to music, surfing the Internet, study hard, humility, helpfulness, the patience to help me learn English, everyone likes m very much, I also very much like,。
Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. First I want to ask you some questions: 1、Do you know what is youth? 2、How do you master your youth? Youth Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .。