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    陈奕迅 - 心的距离

    敢见面 忘记了是哪个夏天








    失去的地心 我真实界限

    又一遍 我忘记是哪些时间

    你言辞闪烁 原因当然不明显

    试着看见 当时间倒转回到从前

    认真如我 又抓不到的边缘













    OH, NO NO NO.

    又一遍 我忘记了是哪些事件

    你言词闪烁 原因当然不明显

    试着看见 让时间倒转回到从前

    认真如我 有抓不到的边缘



    就算是闭上眼 也无法否决







    爱有了你 却失去了我的一切






    NO, NO, NO,



    敢见面 忘记了是哪个夏天


    节目主持词 女:年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。

    亲爱的朋友们,大家晚上好,我是今天《金都招远--迎奥运庆新年歌舞晚会》主持人吟雪,很高兴来到全国著名的黄金产地――金都招远房间主持今天的晚会! 男:各位朋友,各位嘉宾,大家晚上好!我是今天晚会的主持人歌漫。新年的钟声即将敲响,时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕。

    很高兴与吟雪一起主持今天的晚会。预祝今天的晚会圆满成功! 女:伴随着冬日里纷飞的雪花,2007年即将离我们而去,2008年即将到来,我们即将迎来盼望已久的29届北京奥运会!“同一个世界 同一个梦想”是29届奥林匹克运动会的口号,为表达招远人民在奥林匹克精神的感召下,追求人类美好未来的共同愿望,我们特举办本次《金都招远--迎奥运庆新年歌舞晚会》,与大家在今天的UC网络里共享奥林匹克的魅力与欢乐,共同追求着人类和平的理想. 男:在这辞旧迎新的日子里,在这温馨和暖的UC网络里,我们欢聚一堂,共同感受一年来丰收的喜悦,一起度过这美好的时光。

    在这一刻充满了生机与活力,洋溢着一种新的气息,我们已经感受到了春的脚步悄悄的来临。下面有请《0535_招远》房间的室主飞狐对我国第一黄金市---招远市以及房间的发展历程做简单介绍: 《0535_招远》房间的室主飞狐致词: 尊敬各位聊友,各位嘉宾,大家晚上好!我是《0535_招远》房间的室主飞狐,欢迎大家光临本房间参加今天《金都招远--迎奥运庆新年歌舞晚会》。

    招远市位于中国经济最发达的东部沿海地区,是国务院首批公布的对外开放县级市,在全国“综合经济实力百强县(市)”评比中列77位,是中国黄金第一市,中国红富士苹果之乡,"龙口粉丝" 发源地,"国家级卫生城市","国家环保模范城市",素有"中国金都"之称。该市资源丰富,环境优越,政策优惠,经济发达,实力雄厚,政通人和,是投资兴业的理想之地。

    勤劳、文明、富有创造精神的招远人民愿与海内外朋友精诚合作,共创辉煌。 2004年12月,《0535_招远》房间始创于2004年12月,开初为语音聊天室,2005年3月升级为单视频房间。

    《0535_招远》房间秉承“相约金都,文明上网”的宗旨,努力把房间打造为一个展示招远人文风采的平台,使来到这里的人们在精神上获得愉悦,感悟人生的精彩。但愿今天的新年歌舞晚会能给您带来一份惊喜和喜悦,谢谢大家! 01 开场藏族舞蹈 《吉祥谣》 表演:阿依 扎西 女:招远人杰地灵,物产丰富。

    《0535_招远》房间的室主飞狐先生已经做了简单的介绍。现在已经到了晚会倒记时时间,首先请欣赏藏族舞蹈《吉祥谣》,表演者阿依、扎西! 02随风 《节日欢歌》 男:在招远这块美丽的土地上,我们沐浴着金色的阳光欢聚在一起。

    在这欢乐的时刻,我们尽情的歌唱, 每张笑脸都充满蓬勃生机。在这块美丽的土地上,多少风雨,多少奇迹,留在我们记忆里,明天的招远将更加壮丽辉煌!请欣赏随风为大家演唱的歌曲《节日欢歌》 03祖月儿 《百灵鸟》 女:今天的晚会,我们还邀请了活跃在UC网络里的著名歌手祖月儿,她的网络感言是:感受声音的美妙,感受音乐的婉转;让我们伴随着音乐,快乐的度过每一天!下面请欣赏祖月儿为大家演唱的歌曲《百灵鸟》 雨的印记 .cn/UploadFiles/2007-4/412627587.wma 女:下面我向大家隆重介绍一位著名原创歌手,他曾在2007年9月份在UC聊天官方大厅缘分天空区的《四十情怀网通房间》进行过个人演唱会。



    下面有请林森上场。 12开开心心 《花楼恋歌》 男:我国的摩梭族是古老的少数民族之一,具有悠久的历史。

    摩梭女子天生风流多情,每个摩梭女子在13岁成年礼之后,都会拥有一间自己的花楼,以便她们单独结交“阿祖”。下面请欣赏开开心心为大家演唱的摩梭情歌《花楼恋歌》 13民风 《我们的祖国歌甜花香》 女:29届北京奥运会的举办,意味着一种证明,证明中国在体育领域的竞争上是有实力的!08奥运对全国人民是一个巨大的鼓舞。

    在祖国辽阔的大地上动人的歌声汇成海洋,歌声里充满智慧,充满力量和希望。相聚招远房间,我们笑迎春色,笑迎未来和理想!请欣赏民风为大家演唱的歌曲《我们的祖国歌甜花香》 14歌凝 《好一个花鼓灯》 男:《花鼓灯》舞蹈艺术的风格,热情奔放,刚劲有力,洒脱大方,诙谐幽默。


    3.关于Lene Marlin 的中英双语广播稿

    August 17, 1980 was a very special day in the Pedersen household as Lene was born. Her parents gave her the name Lene Marlin Pedersen, today the world knows her better as Lene Marlin. Her parents must have sensed something special about Lene as she grew, in fact Lene tells the story of being two years old and crying because she had to leave a guitar behind at the music store. She attributes some of her love for music and playing the guitar to that day as she found a deep interest in music, both in writing songs and singing. When Lene was 15 years old her parents surprised her with a guitar for christmas, this one she kept close to her heart. It almost seemed as though the guitar belonged in her hands, she learned to play quickly and before long was performing for a small group of friends. Several of her first songs were recorded on her home cassette player which she would then playback and begin to refine her songs. Sometime during the summer of 1997, NRK (the main norwegian TV/Radio station) in Lene's hometown received a tip about this talented young girl who wrote and played her own songs, writing them from her room at home. The TV station invited her in to record a song. Someone who worked for NRK heard her music and told Per-Erik Johansen at Virgin Records about Lene. Three weeks later a contract had been signed and Lene's life took an interesting turn. In 1998 came the release in Norway of her first single "Unforgivable Sinner". It proved to be a huge hit as it reached number one and kept that position for 8 weeks. It was also the fastest selling single in Norwegian music history. Her second single "Sitting Down Here" also did very well in Norway and led into the release of her album "Playing My Game" on March 22 in Norway. In only 3 days the album sold 50,000 copies, quite the accomplishment in a country with a population of 4.4 million. (To put that in perspective for those in the US, that would mean that an artist would need to sell 3.4 million in the US in 3 days to match her numbers.) During 1999 her album sales have soared. Her album continues to sell well in Europe, today album sales total around 1,500,000. This is a very promising sign for Lene Marlin, her management, and Virgin Records. Lene won four awards at the norwegian grammy awards in 1999, as well as the MTV-Europe award for Best Nordic Act in Dublin on November 11, 1999, being yet another sign that this young lady is reaching heights that few have ever seen. Virgin has decided not to release her current album in the US. This due to a number of factors, one of which involves the amount of time she would need to spend in the US for the album to succeed. We are hopeful that in the near future, maybe with the release of her next album, Virgin will give some serious consideration and focus on the US market as well. 1980年8月17日,对于Pedersen一家来说是个特别的日子,这一天Lene出生了。

    她的父母给她取名Lene Marlin Pedersen,她就是如今大家熟知的Lene Marlin。Lene的父母在她很小的时候就感觉她与众不同,Lene说,在她两岁的有一天,在音乐店里第一次看到了吉他,她非常感兴趣, 以至于父母要抱她离开时竟然大哭起来。

    Lene在音乐和练习吉他方面投入了很多热情, 她发现她能在音乐里找到很多乐趣,同时写歌和唱歌也让她感到十分快乐。 1997年夏季的某一天,Lene家乡的NRK(挪威主要的一个广播电视台)的Troms从别人那里知道了Lene这样一个能自己写歌唱歌的女孩,就邀请Lene去录了一首歌,电视台一些人听过Lene的音乐后就向挪威 Virgin唱片的Per-Erik Johansen推荐。

    三个星期后,Virgin唱片和Lene签约了,从此Lene的生命翻开了更精彩的一页。 1998年,Lene的第一张单曲唱片“Unforgivable Sinner” 在挪威发行。


    Lene的第二支单曲“Sitting Down Here”也创下很好的成绩, 并被收入她的第一张专辑“Playing My Game”中, 这张99年三月22日发行的专辑,仅仅三天就销售50,000张, 这在仅有四百四十万人口的国家里确实是一个相当不错的成绩。99年,这张专辑的销售一直居高不下。

    对Lene Marlin和Virgin唱片来说,他们的签约都很有价值。

    4.求一篇有关 我和音乐的英语文章 我是高一的,谢谢大家支持

    Music is pleasing or harmonious. It makes one who is drink in the sweet sound enjoy himself. I like music very much. Every time I am free, I always listen to some music, such as light music, folk music, popular music, and so on. In order to listen convenienty, besides the radio, I provide myself with some mp3s, one of which I always bring with me so as to feast on my ears (饱耳福) at any moment. By means of Music, I have learned how to be an upright person and how to get along well with others. Thanks to (多亏) my favourite, I am always keeping a healthy mood. I suggest that everyone love music and listen to the music now and then.。


    The Origin of Rapby Kwaku Person-Lynn, Ph.D.Jun. 29, 2001Authors Note: The following is an excerpt of a chapter written in the early 1980s, the first scholarly writing on rap, but still relevant today.Rap music has stampeded through America like no other form of music since the creation of rock music in the 1960s. Like other popular styles, it has a history that is closely aligned with the rebellious attitude of its young creators; youth who rejected the contemporary music prevalent during the late 1970s (disco). Rap music is not a novelty, as many music professionals thought, but has a beginning as equal to blues, jazz, r&b, rock & roll, or any form of popular music.There is a slight dispute regarding the actual place of origin. According to Afrika Bambaataa: "A lot of people always think it (rap) started in the South Bronx, but officially it came from the West Bronx, 'cause Kool Herc (credited with being the first rapper), was from that area. Then it came over to the South Bronx with myself and [Grandmaster] Flash."The story of rap music has a clear and concise beginning. We will explore that beginning with one of the main personalities in rap, Russell Simmons, who is considered the godfather of rap. Mr. Simmons explains: "I think it was a lot of kids rebelling against dance music, disco music. I think in the 70s it was an industry music, producers' music, and made for the people by producers who decided what people should have. Rap music was a rebellion by the people to assert what they were really looking for and they weren't getting it from the producers. The producers and their companies were too far away from the streets. The people just created something for themselves."Many years there wasn't any rap records, but there were a lot of rap shows. You go to a show and you had some rock beat or some jazz beat or some old funk beat and this guy rapping all night. Two or three thousand kids would be at these parties and listen all night. You wouldn't have one commercial record. You wouldn't hear, for instance, Patrick Juvette(?), "I Love America." You wouldn't hear "YMCA," and whatever records were out at the time throughout the whole night. Those are the records you had to hear on Black radio. So kids made their own music."Daryl McDaniels, a member of the rap group, RUN DMC, offers his view:"It began in 1976 or '77 when disco was real popular. The first disc jockeys (DJs) would grab the mike while people were 'partying' and say something like, 'clap your hands,' or 'you all ready to party?' The crowd would respond to that. Then it evolved. The DJ wouldn't have to do that because the DJ would bring a guy with him to do that - to motivate the crowd while the DJ deejayed. That got into a lot of the disco clubs and a lot of people weren't going for it. The MC blabbing and running his mouth all night; the DJ scratching and cutting. Most of the people going into the disco wanted to dance and have a party. They didn't really want to raise no hell."The DJs and MCs took that away from the discos, and that's when the hip hop culture came. They took it to the parks, the street, house parties and to little neighborhood centers and like that. So it really evolved out of disco when people didn't want to hear the MC and DJ doing their thing. So the DJ and MC took it somewhere else."Harold Childs, former President of Quincy Jones' now defunct Qwest Records, and former Senior Vice President, Warner Brothers Records, has another interesting and unique view on the beginning of rap music."I have always felt that the music thing was all based on economics, the economics of the country. At this point with (President) Reagan。

    the country supposedly doing very well, we are actually talking about two Black Americas. Middle class Black America, and there is the poor Black America. You can see that from the Michael Jackson tour. When 90% of the people who attended were white, because Black people could not afford to go and pay the money for the ticket. So I think right now you are developing a situation where there are two Black areas to this country. The poor, which is the majority, are kind of hurting right now for some real Black music that says something to them. I think it's due. You see it now in Washington D.C., with the Go Go music sound. There is a thing in Chicago now, House music. You see Memphis with new bands starting to come out of the South."So you are starting to see now real grass roots music coming back again on a local level. You look at Billboard charts and look at how many records on the Black charts are released. Ten 。


    这是古典音乐的介绍:Classical Music(后面还有关于音乐及贝多芬的介绍) Do not be bored. Classical music can be very stimulating. Classical music began in Europe in the Middle Ages and continues today.Classical music is the art music of Europe and North America. When we call it art music, we are distinguishing classical music from popular music and folk music. Art music generally requires more training to write and perform than the other two kinds. FROM ORCHESTRA TO SOLOIST Classical music can be written for orchestras (large groups of musicians) and for smaller groups. Some classical music is written for people to sing. Orchestras usually play in concert halls. A conductor leads the musicians in an orchestra. The number of players can range from about two dozen to well over 100. An orchestra has several sections made up of different instruments: strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion. The string section of an orchestra consists of violins, violas, cellos, and basses. Woodwinds are flutes, clarinets, oboes, and bassoons. Brass instruments include trumpets and trombones. Percussion instruments include drums and cymbals. Classical music for small groups is called chamber music because it was once played in chambers, or large rooms in people's houses. Examples of chamber music are quintets (for five musicians), quartets (for four musicians), and trios (for three musicians). Some classical music is written for a soloist, a single performer who may play an instrument, especially the piano, or sing. Opera is written for an orchestra and singers. FROM OPERA TO SYMPHONY Opera combines music and drama. It tells a story, and the singers must also act. Operas have lavish stage sets (scenery) and fancy costumes. Many operas also feature huge choruses, dance numbers, and brilliant displays of the singers' voices. Thrilling operas include Madame Butterfly by Giacomo Puccini, Carmen by Georges Bizet, and Rigoletto and Aida by Giuseppe Verdi. These operas all have tragic endings.Some operas are lighter in spirit and even comic. They generally end happily. Gioacchino Rossini's The Barber of Seville is an example of a comic opera. The light operas of Gilbert and Sullivan and other composers are sometimes called operettas. In the United States, operetta changed into a popular form—the musical. The musical is a play that has songs, choruses, and dances in its story.Many operas feature dances or long passages played by instruments that actually interrupt the action. That's how the symphony originated. It started out as an instrumental introduction to 18th-century Italian opera. Symphonies then became all the rage in Germany and Austria. The symphony is a composition written for orchestra. It generally has four contrasting sections, or movements. In a performance, there is plenty to look at because of the fantastic array of instruments. Famous symphony composers include Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Peter Tchaikovsky, Gustav Mahler, and Dmitry Shostakovich.CLASSICAL STYLES There are different styles in classical music, depending on when the music was composed. From earliest to most recent, these styles include baroque (1600s), classical (1700s), romantic (1800s), modern (early 1900s), and postmodern (late 1900s).You'll notice that classical appears as a separate style within classical music. The term classical can also describe music composed in the 1700s, primarily in Vienna. The leading composers of this time were Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven. They were a brilliant group. You might begin listening to classical music with their works.这是关于Music总的介绍:Music is part of every culture on Earth. Many people feel that music makes life worth living. We can make music ourselves if we play an instrument or sing. We can hear music on CDs and on radio or television. Music gives us pleasure. It can cheer us up, excite us, or soothe us. WHAT IS MUSIC?Music can be happy, sad, romantic, sleepy, spine-tingling, healing—all kinds of things. But what is it? Some people define it as an artful arrangement of sounds across time. Our ears interpret these sounds as loud or soft, high or low, rapid and short, or slow and smooth. The sounds need to continue for a time in some sort of pattern to become music. Music, like language, is a uniquely human form of communication. As with language, there are many different kinds. In North America, people listen to jazz, rock, classical, folk, country, and many other kinds of music. Each kind of music has its own rules and “。


    姓名:李易峰 原名:李贺 昵称:贺贺,国民校草,小草,校草,峰峰,小先生,李好看 爱好:唱歌,篮球,足球 性格:低调内敛,积极上进 喜欢的歌手:王力宏 喜欢的男演员:刘德华,梁朝伟 喜欢的球星:贝克汉姆 喜欢的颜色:蓝色 喜欢的季节:春,秋 喜欢的数字:4,5,7,23 喜欢喝的饮料:矿泉水和牛奶 喜欢玩的游戏:足球游戏和生化危机 喜欢看的电视剧:《越狱》 喜欢看的动画片:《灌篮高手》 最喜欢的动物:狗,海豚 最满意自己的地方:嘴巴和眼睛 现所属唱片公司:SONY MUSIC 经纪人:敖君怡 粉丝名称:蜜蜂(简称:MF) 学习经历 小学:成都三圣街小学 初中:成都学道街中学 高中:成都列五中学 大学:四川师范大学电影电视学院(06级播音与主持系本科) 国民校草 国民校草李易峰 李易峰以与身具来的桀骜气质,把眼泪藏在嘴角上扬的微笑里的倔强,从骨子里透出的帅气,自然而毫不造作的天真浪漫的可爱气息,从眼神中透出的那么一抹忧伤,可打败太阳的温暖笑容,周身所传达的温柔密码,和着他特有的清新,活脱脱的国民校草! 编辑本段星路历程 成长历程 李易峰:每个女生心中都有一个校草梦 那年的他是一个来自四川成都的帅气大男孩李易峰。

    清眉皓齿,指尖修长,白色的纯棉衬衣,衣角飘然。他是一个瘦瘦高高长得很清秀、很干净的男生,他有一头浅咖啡色的利落短发,额前的几缕刘海会在运动 后贴服在额头上。

    他穿着很干净的白衬衣,浅色休闲裤,脚穿白色帆布鞋,然后露出很温暖很干净的笑容,白白的牙齿像贝壳一样闪亮。 他身上有一股淡淡薄荷的味道,使人闻了很安心很舒服。




    这终究是一段怀念,时光翻来覆去,看到自己的青春从心中最柔软的地方淌过,偶尔会不经意地身体一震,那是曾经辉煌的、精彩的片段。但这样的片段总是过于短暂,从年少时的不惜为之倾尽所有的付出,到现在淡然的与别人讲述那段年少,才明白尽管有很多错过与偶然擦肩,那段与白衣少年有染的岁月会一直铭刻在生中命中!那是谁的白衣少年,有修长而湿润的指间,衣角飘然,与岁月有染!那是谁的李易峰,有干净的侧脸,腼腆的笑容! 自我评价 李易峰:我也曾想撕下选秀标签 拿作品令人改观 看完《让子弹飞》 想被姜文调教演技 影视上的小试身手,让李易峰有了成就感,他说自己剧中的主角不管是在爱情还是在事业上都要比他成熟很多,但拍戏就是这点好玩,在戏里面他可以尝试自己不同的性格,生活就不可能那么分裂。



    看上去,李易峰的重心已经转移到了影视,他否认说自己的规划是一年至少出一个音乐作品,在被诟病比较多的音乐方面他也下了苦功:“其实我在录这张EP的时候,公司帮我安排很多课程,有专门的老师给我上声乐课,在技巧和感情还是有提高的。” 不后悔过去种种 选秀标签需要作品去掉 回到上海,李易峰说这是有自己很多记忆、充满着感情的一个城市,是对很重要的地方,现在回到这里依旧会紧张又兴奋,“回想好男儿时期当然是幸福多一点,毕竟是通过这个比赛让我从普通人到被很多人知道和喜欢,这是我这辈子角色转换最重要的平台”。




    世纪经典,讲述老歌的故事,记录一种中国日记的情怀 冯乔,这个大男生,用他美感的声音引导我们体会那些熟悉的歌曲,让我们在其中领会过往不曾体会的新感觉。

    虽然他是“说的比唱的好听”,然而给予歌声以生命的他,仍然带给我们对歌曲背后的故事以无限向往之情。 带我们走进最真实的DJ生活,告诉我们那首首歌曲曾寄予着某些时候的某些听众的某种心声,叹息背后曾经是无奈。

    从成都流行FM105。6 。

    他的名字就开始流行。十年过去了他从《3 4 5歌迷会》到《3 4 5 空间》到《冯乔点唱机》一直说到《love 3 4 5》他一直在说、很多人一直在听。

    从小孩到大人,他的声音一直是这座城市黄昏最美的一道风景。 十年过去了他从《伤感情歌》到《飘落的梦》到《中国日记》一直唱到《回忆》他一直在唱、很多人一直在合。


    冯乔一直很红。 他是一个出色的主持人、一个优秀的歌手。

    打开收音机,打开中国日记,总有一种情怀可以让你有所触动 总有一种声音能够流淌到你心底 十年的主持经验,冯乔听过太多听众的声音,听过太多歌声背后的故事,按捺不住自己的感动,用自己对生活的体会,他重新演绎首首经典,让我们对歌曲多了一份理解,多了一份情思,听他的歌,更能听出歌声背后对生活的感悟。


