1.股权转让协议书范本 请高手翻译成英文
收费的话,您最低要给我三百元。 A公司股权转让协议 签订协议各方: 出让方:G公司 受让方:P公司 'A' Company's Equity Assignment Agreement dated as of __________, 2008, by and between G Company, the Assignor P Company, the Assignee A公司 是由 G公司 投资设立的一家外资企业。
A公司 在杭州市工商行政管理局登记,投资总额为XX万美元,注册资本为XX万美元。现经转让方与受让方友好协商,在平等互利,协商一致的基础上,达成协议如下: 'A' Company, a foreign-funded company, was established with investment from G Company. 'A' Company was registered in the Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce of Hangzhou with a registered capital of USD xxx, the total paid up capital is USD xxx. Whereas, the Assignor desires to sell and assign the equity interests of 'A' Company, and the Assignee desires to acquire and accept assignment from the Assignor, the legal ownership of 'A' Company's shares. Now, therefore, after amicable negotiation, the parties hereby agree as follows: 第一条、出让方和受让方的基本情况 出让方: 1.1、G公司,法定地址:_________________;法定代表人:________;职务:__________;国籍:_________。
受让方: 1.2、P公司,法定地址:_________________;法定代表人:________;职务:__________;国籍:_________。 1. Basic particulars of the Assignor and Assignee The Assignor: G Company's official address:_________________________; Legal representative:_____________ Position:______________________________; Nationality:____________________________________ The Assignee: P Company's official address:_________________________; Legal representative:_____________ Position:______________________________; Nationality:____________________________________ 第二条、股权转让的份额及价格 2.1、G公司 将其所持 A公司 的全部股份,转让给 P公司,转让价格为__________,支付币种为_______。
2. The price and percentage of the equity interests assigned 2.1 G Company is to assign all its shares of 'A' Company to P Company at a cost of _____________, to be paid in the currency of _______________. 第三条、股权转让交割期限及方式 3.1、本协议由审批机构批准后生效,受让方将第二条约定的转让款项自营业执照变更后 一个月内 缴付给出让方。 3. Closing date and mode of the equity assignment This Agreement shall become effective after the approval by the relevant endorsing authority,and the Assignee has paid the assignment fee specified in Clause 2 to the Assignor within one month after the successful change of registration of the business license. 第四条、保证 4.1、出让方保证所转让的股权为其合法拥有,具有完全、有效的处分权,且没有设置任何抵押权或其他担保权,并免遭任何第三人的追索,否则,出让方应承担由此而引起的所有法律责任。
4.2、上述股权转让后,受让方承认原 A公司 的合同、章程及附件,愿意履行并承担原转让方在 A公司 中的一切权利、义务及责任。 4. Guarantee 4.1 The Assignor hereby guarantees that it has all requisite power, authority and legal capacity to execute and deliver this Agreement, and the equity interests is free from any lien or hypothec, and without any third party recourse. Otherwise, the Assignor shall bear all legal liabilities herein arise. 4.2 After the assignment of the equity interests, the Assignee shall recognize and accept the contracts, memorandum and articles and appendixes of the original 'A' Company, and shall assume and execute all the rights, obligations and liabilities of the Assignor in 'A' Company. 第五条、债权债务的承担 5.1、自本协议各方签字之日起,出让方不再负担A公司的任何责任,也不再享有A公司的任何收益,公司转让前的未分配利润,包括资本公积、盈余公积、储备基金及转让后的收益归受让方所有。
5.2、自本协议各方签字之日起,受让方按其在A公司中股份比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损(包括转让前该股份应享有和分担之公司的债权债务)。 5. Creditor and Debtor responsibilities 5.1 After the parties have affixed their signatures on the Agreement, the Assignor shall be free from any liabilities of 'A' Company and benefit no more from the earnings of 'A' Company; the Assignee shall receive the unappropriated profits, inclusive of contributed surplus, retained earnings, reserve funds before the assignment and the profits after the assignment. 5.2 After the parties have affixed their signatures on the Agreement, the Assignee shall receive the profits and assume the risks and loss in proportion to the equity share of '。
股权转让协议《Equity Transfer Agreement》内容比较多,可以看看这里详细的:)~The Indemnifying Party shall be entitled to employ counsel reasonably acceptable to the Indemnitee to assume and defend any such third party claim or demand asserted against the Indemnitee at its own expense; provided, however, that such counsel has no conflict of interest. The Indemnitee shall be entitled to participate in (but not control) the defense of any such claim or demand at its own expense. The Indemnifying Party shall notify the Indemnitee in writing, as promptly as possible after the date of the notice of claim given by the Indemnitee to the Indemnifying Party under Section 8.5(1), of its election to defend in good faith any such third party claim or demand. The Indemnitee shall not settle compromise any such third party claim or demand without the consent of the Indemnifying Party (not to be unreasonably withheld) unless the judgment or proposed settlement by its terms (i) obligates the Indemnitee to pay the full amount of the liability in relation to such third party claim; (ii) releases the Indemnifying party completely in relation to such third party claim; (iii) does not impose an injunction or other equitable relief upon the Indemnifying Party; and (iv) dos not otherwise adversely affect the Indemnifying Party. The Indemnitee shall cooperate with and shall make available to the Indemnifying Party or its agents, all records and other material in the Indemnifies Party's possession reasonably required by it for its use in contesting any third party claim or demand. (2)补偿方有权聘请可被受补偿方合理接受的律师对第三方向受补偿方提出的索赔或要求进行辩护,费用由补偿方承担;但是,该律师不得有利益冲突。
未经补偿方同意(如无正当理由不得拒绝同意),受补偿方不得对该第三方索赔或要求予以和解或妥协,除非判决或所提议的和解方案含有以下条款:(i) 受补偿方承担支付该第三方索赔的全部责任金额的义务;(ii) 完全解除补偿方就该第三方索赔须承担的责任;(iii) 没有对补偿方采取禁令或其它衡平法上的救济措施;和(iv) 没有在其它方面对补偿方产生不利影响。受补偿方应与补偿方(或其代理人)合作,如果补偿方(或其代理人)为抗辩改第三方索赔或要求而合理要求受补偿方提供其所掌控的全部相关文件和其它资料,受补偿方应该提供此等文件和资料。
转让方(甲方):身份证号: 顶让方(乙方):身份证号: 房东(丙方):身份证号: 甲、乙、丙三方经友好协商,就店铺转让事宜达成以下协议: 一、丙方同意甲方将自己位于 街(路) 号的店铺(原为: )转让给乙方使用,建筑面积为 平方米;并保证乙方同等享有甲方在原有房屋租赁合同中所享有的权利与义务。
二、该店铺的所有权证号码为 ,产权人为丙。丙方与甲方签订了租赁合同,租期到 年 月 日止,月租为 元人民币。
店铺交给乙方后,乙方同意代替甲向丙方履行该租赁合同,每月交纳租金及该合同约定由甲方交纳的水电费等各项费用,该合同期满后由乙方领回甲交纳的押金,该押金归乙方所有。 三、店铺现有装修、装饰、设备(包括附件二 )在甲方收到乙方转让金后全部无偿归乙方使用,租赁期满后不动产归丙方所有,动产无偿归乙方(动产与不动产的划分按租赁合同执行)。
四、乙方在 年 月 日前一次性向甲方支付顶手费(转让费)共计人民币大写 元,上述费用已包括甲方交给丙方再转付乙方的押金、第三条所述的装修装饰设备及其他相关费用。 甲方不得再向乙方索取任何其他费用。
五、该店铺的营业执照已由甲方办理,经营(转载自第一范文网 ,请保留此标记。)范围为餐饮,租期内甲方继续以甲方名义办理营业执照、税务登记等相关手续,但相关费用及由乙方经营引起的债权债务全部由乙方负责,与甲方无关。
乙方接手经营前该店铺及营业执照上所载企业所欠一切债务由甲方负责偿还,与乙方无关。 六、乙方逾期交付转让金,除甲方交铺日期相应顺延外,乙方每日向甲方支付转让费的千分之一的违约金,逾期30日的,甲方有权解除合同,乙方按转让费的10%向甲方支付违约金。
甲方应保证丙方同意甲方转让店铺,如由于甲方原因导致丙方或甲方自己中途收回店铺,甲方同样承担违约责任,并向乙方支付转让费的10%作为违约金。 七、如因自然灾害等不可抗因素导致乙方经营受损的与甲方无关,但因国家征用拆迁店铺,有关补偿归乙方。
八、如果合同签订前政府已下令拆迁店铺,甲方退偿全部转让费,赔还乙方接手该店铺的装修损失费,并支付转让费的10%的违约金。 如果合同签订之后政府明令拆迁店铺,或者市政建设(如修、扩路、建天桥、立交桥、修地铁等)导致乙方难以经营,乙方有权解除合同,甲方退还剩余租期的转让费,押金仍归乙方(前述顺延除外)。
或甲方在每年营业执照有效期届满时仍未办妥年审手续,乙方有权解除合同,甲方应退回全部转让费,赔偿装修、添置设备损失费,并支付转让费的10%的违约金。 九、本合同一式三份,三方各执一份,自三方签字之日起生效。
甲方签字: 日期: 乙方签字: 日期: 丙方签字: 日期: 附件:一、原房屋租赁合同 二、甲方转让给乙方的一切设施清单 。
外贸英才论坛-商务外语:英文合同范文Force Majeure : The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after . the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptancea certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliveryof the goods. 不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由发生在制造,装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任,在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。