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    英国留学申请材料:PS 除了personal statement,你还会看到“statement of purpose”,甚至还有的学校称之为“Personal statement of purpose”。它们差别并不大,如果非要说出个差别,“personal statement”可以多说一些自己的性格,比如自己的爱好,成长等,而“statement of purpose”更偏重于学术;而“personal statement of purpose”则更灵活一些了。

    个人陈述,(Personal Statement,以下简称PS)是申请美国、加拿大、英国等西方国家的大学/研究生录取时由申请人写的关于自我的一篇漫谈体文章。当然有的学校要求的文章题目不一定叫Personal Statement,如有的学校会让你写动机(Motivation)、兴趣、经历等。

    注意事项: 1、PS长度:一篇PS的正常长度为600-800英文单词。 2、PS目的:你必须通过PS让招生者知道你选择该专业的明确和强烈的动机,同时具备充分的条件完成该专业的学习。

    3、PS结构:"Simpleis the best "是亘古不变的真理。 招生人员每天要读大量的申请资料,只有那种简单有力重点突出的文章才能打动招生人员。

    英国留学申请材料:RL 关于RL在申请研究生课程时,绝大部分学校都要求申请人提交2-3份推荐信,通常称为Recommendation Letter(简称RL)或Reference(多见于英国)。 注意事项 1、RL长度:一封成功的推荐信最好不超过1页。

    2、RL目的:推荐信是录取委员会除想借着推荐者的文字描述了解申请人客观的背景状况的申请材料。 3、RL内容:推荐信的内容包括但不限于 1)申请人与推荐人的关系、认识时间; 2)申请人的长处和不足; 3)申请人的关键品质和独特个性,如智力、创造力、自信心、人格魅力及在其所属群体中的突出程度。

    英国留学申请材料:CV 关于CV简历,顾名思义就是简单的经历罗列,英文通称Curriculum Vitae或是Resume。一般来说,CV比Resume略为严格一些,更要突出一下本人的专业背景和实力。

    在申请大学、找工作等等,一般都需要它。 注意事项 1、CV长度:CV应该简洁,去掉废话,2页是通常最长的篇幅。

    如果工作专业经验不多的话,1页会更有意义。 2、CV目的:CV的目的是让对方清晰地了解申请者的全面情况,应力求在真实、全面、简明的基础上准确地反映自己受教育和从事专业工作的经历,特别是近年来的工作方向、研究兴趣及成果。


    除了这些它还应该包括你的你的科研或者教学经历、论文以及专著的列表、曾经获得过的各种奖励和荣誉、曾经得到的专业证书、获得的专业协会资格、你的兴趣所在、未来的发展计划以及其他详细信息等等。 英国留学申请材料:ESSAY ESSAY可以翻译成“小论文”。


    注意事项 1、ESSAY长度:通常情况下,学校会规定ESSAY的长度在300-500字,有的甚至不要超过150字。 2、ESSAY用处:ESSAY是国外大学录取委员会审核申请材料时花费时间最多,精力最多,重视最多的部分,也很可能就是影响申请结果的依据。

    3、ESSAY要点:一篇好的essay,是真情实感的流露,是经过思考,经过自省,经过推敲的产物。 选择的素材和内容不见得需要多么轰轰烈烈,多么刻骨铭心,于小处见感悟,用一滴水去折射太阳的光彩,让文章在情理之中却又在意料之外。

    现在知道了吧,留学申请虽然看上去没有国内考研的那些要求,但对材料的要求一点也不简单啊,了解了这些要求,你是不是知道该如何准备材料了。 英国留学文书写作误区 误区一:一定要文笔好,Native的最好? 这是被中国英语教育玩坏的一个例子。

    中国英语教育讲究词句的华丽,写的文章一定要美。 在申请文章的要求中,太注重这方面,而忽视另外方面。

    笔者见过很多学生理解文章,他们甚至没有弄清楚全文的意思,只对句子和词的用法吹毛求疵。 长句为上,很多学生不管三七二一,就把几个短句合在一起,用which,that等连成一团。

    语言高点的学生,句子还通顺;语言差点的学生,真是要命,完全不是原来的意思。 其实,一篇文章可看点很多:要表达事情的连贯性如何?文章中关于自己塑造是否充足?全文是否有主线?等等,考虑这些为上。

    至于Native writing,亲们,没能力的话,千万别碰。 误区二:文书就是高大上? 很多学生认为文书,写的东西必然宏大上档次,在文书中写进自己的丰功伟绩,“又翻过了一座山,又越过了一条河”,通篇不停地在tell his achievements。

    这个是不合适的,众多的文书写作教材的第一句话就是“show yourself instead of telling your stories”。 你要用故事情节来表现你自己。

    简历是罗列成就,那个人陈述是干嘛?换位思考,如果你是招生官,你会喜欢什么样的学生? 个人陈述相当于是个面试,可以能够看出学生除成就以外的东西,怎么想事,怎么解决问题,怎么与他人相处,怎么理解这个社会,文书能从小事见大人。



    学校的招生官员只会大致扫一眼 关于这一点,大家不妨自己体会一下:阅读一篇一千字左右的中文文章,只要不是特别晦涩的文字和内容,我们一定能够很快明白作者想要表达的意思。 因此不难想象,作为母语是英语的招生官员,他们必然能在很短的时间内找到文章的精华所在。

    文书是展现自己的最好平台 申请者往往把更多的精力放在雅思考试和过分挑剔学校专业上,其实这种想法是很片面的。正如世界上没有两片树叶是完全相同的,每个申请者的性格特点、特长、学习动机甚至未来职业规划,都不可能是相同的。


    挖掘亮点,深入再深入 你的个人陈述是你发挥自身才华的机会,有针对性的筹划、认真的写作是关乎到申请成败的环节,因此,务必保证你的文书特点鲜明,思想深入,富有感染力。 要知道,那些学校的招生官员是很资深的从业者,在他们的职业生涯中阅读过无数学生的申请材料,他们一定能够从你的字里行间读懂你的心思。


    英国留学推荐信写作的格式: (翻译成英文;打印在推荐人所在的单位的正规的信纸上;全文通用1。

    5倍行距) Dear Sir or Madam, 正文部分 第一段: · 推荐人与申请人的关系。 · 推荐人是在什么环境下认识申请人,以及相识多久。

    · 申请人希望申请的哪一个学期和科系。 第二段: · 推荐人对申请人资格评估。

    · 推荐人初识申请人时,对他有何特别的印象。 · 举例证实推荐人对于申请人的评估结果。

    第三段: · 对于申请人个人特质的评估。 如:沟通能力、成熟度、抱负、领导能力、团队工作能力,以及正直等),或是有哪些需要改进的地方。

    结论: · 推荐人对于申请人的整体评估。 · 评估申请人完成学业以后,未来在个人和专业上的发展。

    · 申请人会为这个科系及团体带来什么贡献。 导师签名 导师姓名(打印) 职务及单位名称 Email: 电话: 传真: 地址: 英国留学推荐信写作的范文: sample Dear sir or madam, As the Vice Dean of School of International Business, Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Wang Ye to your esteemed university。

    I got to know her personally since 2007 as I was her class advisor。 And I taught her International Economics。

    In my course, she showed her craving for knowledge。 She often read relative economic books to enrich herself。

    And she also asked me to recommend some text books and materials to study。 When she had confusion, she always tried her best to figure out the question。

    Miss Wang is a self-motivated student。 For all I know, her average score is over 85 and she won scholarships every year in the past three years。

    Therefore, she was selected into the experimental class in the third academic year。 This class consists of the best students of Department of International Economics and Trade, Department of Economics and Department of Finance。

    What's more, she practiced in a small company to gain experience during the winter and summer vacations。 I am confident that she will be qualified and perform as well as she did in TFSU。

    Therefore, I recommend her with enthusiasm。 I hope that you will consider her application favorably。

    Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need more information。 Yours Sincerely Zhu Li (Signature) Vice Dean, School of International Business Tianjin Foreign Studies University。


    Due to the comprehensiveness of China's “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position。

    Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies。 Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England。

    The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood。 My father was among the first of China's new breed of modern entrepreneurs。

    As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs。 My mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations。

    And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business。 With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity。

    I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered。 Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly。

    As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the College Entrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life。 Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 2001, I was so nervous that I didn't score well in the CEE exam。

    I enrolled in the department of Computer Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine。 Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at the beginning of my college life。

    After several terms, I realized that I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer。 At that moment, I lost my direction and objectives。

    My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation。 As a matter of fact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some books about management by Peter F。

    Drucker。 I began to notice something interesting: Why some companies can produce more than others? Why some company can sell more than others? Why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties? With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books。

    I was lucky to read the book “Jack: Straight from the Gut”by Jack Welch, in Which John A。 Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a company。

    When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school。 I should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop。

    From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I was doing。 By December, 2003, I had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of IT。

    To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived to gain more practical work experience in some big companies。 Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in the Architecture Company in Zhejiang Province。

    Over six months, I worked as an assistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the different departments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadened my perspective of management conditions and business performance in different industries。 The experience showed me that management is much more important than that of I thought in big companies。

    After graduation, I continued my work in this company。 In May, 2005, the company offered me an opportunity to participate in an training program held by a famous management school。

    Through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual ability and the brand new ideas I mentioned。 During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higher degree in management is a wise choice for me now。

    Lancaster, with its excellence in management, represents the perfect fit for my needs。 In your challenging environment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related to management to achieve my goals。

    I am firmly convinced that your admission will be my first step of success。 With this in mind, I hereby submit my application, and await your favorable reply。


    Personal Statement My great curiosity about camera lens is rooted in a television interview when I was still a young girl。

    Hunan Television Station held a talent show called Super Girl Voice in 2004。 I was a student in high school at that time, and I found the high audience rating brought huge viewers and the advertisers。

    It also made mass media to be a hot industry。 I thought that was a potential job which would provide opportunities; prospects and material conditions for me to take off。

    Therefore I determined to choose mass communication to be my major。 I am very proud to study in Communication University of China Nanjing College, which is the tiptop communication and media institution of higher education in China。

    During my undergraduate study, I find myself has been strongly attached to this specific territory。 Achieving 82 of the GPA proved that I am an excellent student in my class。

    I learned basic methodology and theories of Broadcasting and TV program Editor and mass communication。 There is no doubt that practice makes perfect。

    For that reason I have applied for my professional internship as a TV editor in Yueyang Broadcasting & Television Co。 Ltd, which is the largest and most authoritative media company in Yueyang。

    During that intern work I applied what I acknowledged at school to actual process of producing television program, which includes programme scheming, transcribe programme, editing and broadcasting。 Writing scripts and shooting films with my classmates is also my favourite。

    During the creation process, we exchanged our ideas and discussed about the problems of scripts, performing and postproduction 。 It is benefit from my strong sense of team work。

    Being a member of the university's volleyball team instill the idea of 'team work' deep inside me。 That is the very spirit which made my short film 'timeline', a cooperated film work, won the 3rd rate prize of 'the 5th International Film Work Selection Practice'。

    No pain no gain! Emerging technologies is rapidly changing the media map。 Internet, wireless communications and digital video technology are creating a new communications environment。

    Our world is becoming a earth village gradually which metioned by Canadian professor Marshall McLuhan first time in his in 1967。 With the recent tendency of globalization, I wish to pursue my study in media communication。

    To find out how the methods and perspectives of media communication affect the ultimate communication effects and what global media can do to serve their social responsibility better under a globalization circumstances。 The reason why I choose UK is because I am crazy about English TV drama Like ,, and so on。

    I am also enthusiastic about football very much and I want to watch the FA Premier League。 I choose UK because UK is the media center of European。

    I can learn a lot of knowledge which I cannot acquire in China and broaden my horizon at the same time。 There is an old saying in China: Reading over ten thousands of books is not as good as walking over ten thousands of miles。

    I will be influenced by many different cultures in UK。 At present, my career ideal is clear in my mind。

    In order to combine my own career objective with social development and accommodate a wide variety of interdisciplinary knowledge, I will comprehensively study the interactive relationship between mass media and human civilization。 That's the objective law and trends。

    I pick up this programme with the most advanced research facilities and world-class faculty, to upgrade my knowledge of scientific research methods。 And even when I type my Statement of Purpose word by word, I became even more determined with my choice。

    It's quite convincible that my solid technical background will help me to understand more clearly the internal operation of the media communication。 My adequate internship experiences will prepare me to be easily integrated into the media market as well。

    Equally, I'm certain that with your wonderful guidance I will play a better part in contribution to China's media industry and add luster to my career。 In the past three years, though sometimes I suffered setbacks, felt confused or dissatisfied with the reality like a rebellious youth, I have never stopped the pursuit of my interests and all-round development of myself。

    Modern undergraduate education focuses on the expansion of students' major knowledge。 As the world changing rapidly, only the all-rounders can best adapt to the global society。

    In this active atmosphere around our campus, 。


    1、标题 通常来说,个人陈述的标题可以直接用Personal Statement 或者Statement of Purpose,请把标题写在正文之前或者做在页眉页脚里面。

    因为PS通常属于学校要求提交的文书类型之一,如果自己取题可能和其他类型的文书搞混,所以一般建议不要为了出彩而擅自更改题目;外国人相对也比较喜欢规范化和标准化的格式,不然也就不会出现论文的标准化格式,比如APA了。 2、页眉与页脚 个人陈述中可以添加页眉和页脚,你可以写下你的姓名,申请学校或申请专业等等信息,比如:University of XXX , Personal Statement。

    请注意,内容要精简,这才不会显得冗杂,便于查阅;其实面对这么多份的申请文书,招生委员会的老师也难免头疼和疲倦,这跟高考语文阅卷一样,所以格式的标准、一目了然就会给他们留下不错的印象。 3、正文布局 根据国外写作的习惯,个人陈述的正文一般顶格写,选择两端对齐的排版方式(这样看上去比较舒服些,但好多外国学生习惯左对齐,这也是可接受的),段落与段落之间可以空一行,便于查看。

    4、字体及间距 个人陈述通常在Microsoft Word中 编写,正文可以使用Times New Roman 或者Arial 的十二号字体,单倍行距。 当然,必须留心个别学校个别院系可能会有比较细致的要求,自己需要多加留意,从而做出相应的调整。

    5、字数 一般来说,学校对个人陈述的字数要求控制在1,000字左右,当然,一般是800-900字之间。就差不多是两页的样子。

    不过有些学校会对留学文书有明确的字数要求,如果明确要求你的PS在500字左右,这个时候你就只能尽力删字数了。 在国外,要逐渐适应“标准就是标准”,没有讨价还价的余地。

    狠狠心吧那就!! 6、行数 根据一般的经验,个人陈述的行数通常控制在44~48行。你可以在Word->File->Page Setup->document Grid->Lines Per page里面修改。

    7、结尾 个人陈述的正文结束之后,可以加上Signature 和Date,显得比较正式。


    Applied Program:Organizational Behavior I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior。

    In the past, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and the corporate cultures of the companies were all different。 I have found that there is a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of their organizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs), large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises。

    One simple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independently without direct instructions from his or her boss。 In many Chinese organizations, acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towards the supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior。

    In my experience and research, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with the employees losing their innate ability to take the initiative。 In contrast, foreign enterprises tend to welcome employees who have the ability to make decisions on their own, though the extent to which this is true depends on whether the supervisor is a local Chinese or an expatriate。

    These organizat Applied Program:Organizational Behavior The purpose behind this personal statement is to not only gain admission to your well-established and highly respected Ph。 D。

    program, but to impress upon you my passion for learning and my tremendous desire to succeed in both scholastic research and in teaching on the professional level。 I have based my decision to pursue an academic career not on purely practical reasons, but rather on my own natural interests and aptitude。

    My personal philosophy is that money and social status should not be pursued as life-consuming objectives and that in actuality they are the by-products of goals originating from one's inner needs。 I understand that my intellectual capacity is a gift, and I intend to use this gift to the very best of my substantial capabilities。

    I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior。 In the past, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and the corporate cultures of the companies were all different。

    I have found that there is a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of their organizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs), large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises。 One simple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independently without direct instructions from his or her boss。

    In many Chinese organizations, acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towards the supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior。 In my experience and research, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with the employees losing their innate ability to take the initiative。




    下面就是一封英文推荐信的主要格式,供大家参考。 [推荐者名姓 职位 公司名称 地址] [Name Street City State Zip Code] [Phone # Fax phone # Email address] [Date today月日年] To Whom It May Concern: It is my great pleasure to recommend Miss ZiYi Zhang to you, as she was one of my finest students in our department。

    Miss Zhang began attending my English classes in the Department of Information Science School at Oxford University in 1997 and graduated in spring of 2001。 Though it has been over six years since I last saw her, the deep impression she made on me has not faded in the least。

    She is very intelligent, honest, creative, articulate, adaptive person。 Her high academic achievement speaks for itself: she consistently scored in the top 5% in class。


    譬如:你是被推荐人的主管,同事,或老师以及你认识被推荐人的时间年限; 2。 陈述被推荐人在工作、学习、为人、性格等等方面的优点。

    突出他(她)的技术、完成的任务、对公司或社会的贡献。最好举例说明;] I am certain that Miss Zhang would make great contributions to your company, and I strongly recommend her for the position。

    Please do not hesitate to inquire further if I can be of help to you。 [以推荐此人作为结束语,并说明如果对方需要了解被推荐人更多更详尽的情况可以和你联系。

    ] Sincerely, Andy MacAlister [推荐人名字] [Sign here签名] Dr。 Andy MacAlister [推荐人职务] Professor, Dean Information Science School, Oxford University。

    U。K 通过上面对英文推荐信格式信息的解读,相信对于很多计划申请美国留学的学生可以参考上面的信息来提前做好英文推荐信的准备和规划。



    所以对于申请英国留学的同学而言,申请书是很重要的。那么,英国留学申请书怎么写才好呢- 亨泰莱留学具有多年申请文书撰写经验的老师,建议大家在英国留学申请文书的准备上多注意以下几个方面: 1、个人陈述:Personal statement简称PS,可算得上是所有申请材料中最重点的一份了,一份好的个人陈述不仅可以获得面试官的青睐,甚至可以为英国留学申请者的名校申请之路增砖添瓦。


    值得注意的是在 PS里同学们一定要体现出你对专业的热爱及相关专业上的学术贡献,找到自身的亮点来吸引招生官。还可以说说自己的性格特点及学习计划来说明自身优势,让人觉得你是这样的人,而不要让人以为你自以为是这样的人,可以举相关事例说明自己,让招生官感受到你鲜活的性格。

    2、个人简历:这部分相当于是对于PS 的补充,简历的目的是让对方清晰地了解申请者的全面情况,应力求在真实、全面、简明的基础上准确地反映自己受教育和从事专业工作的经历,特别是近年来的工作方向、研究兴趣及成果。因为PS一般都是有字数限制的,如果不能很好说明自身状况,也可以在个人简历再作扩展说明,弱化劣势,增加自身有优势的地方。

    通常招生官会先看简历,简单明了的知道你的大致情况,学习、经历、获奖及工作情况,所以过去的经历和能力要体现出来。 3、推荐信:推荐信目的是要起到推荐的作用,是录取委员会除想借着推荐者的文字描述了解申请人客观的背景状况的申请材料,所以目的需要集中在于有利于申请人申请的专业,如体现申请人数学能力、研究能力、分析能力、交流能力、团队合作精神等。


    此外,千万不要找有亲属关系的人来写。 总而言之,一篇成功的英国留学申请文书的书写在不破坏规则的同时尽量做到个性化的表达。



