
Teenager delinquency is becoming an increasing concern. Some people claim that only lenient sentences can not curb the major crimes, therefore, their punishment should not be differentiated from the adults. However, I can not totally agree to this.Those who support the same fixed sentence towards both youth and grown-ups argue that without harsh punishment, juveniles would not realize the serious after effect of their behaviour and leave the victims and their families suffering. Simply, the best solution is to treat them like the adult if the crimes they commit are every bit as heinous as adult.However, adolescents do not have the same physical and mental condition as adult, so applying the same penalty is not reasonable for all situations. The causalities of high criminal rate of teenager rooted deeply in the social environment- family and media influences for example. As the young, some of them are naturally daring and knows no boundaries. If the media presents violent actions as cool, then young people may regard gangster as hero, gain sense of powerful and develop big ego by bullying others or commit severe crimes like robbery or a violent attacks as a result. To radically settle the problem, morals should be taught and the positive way to show off strength should be presented on TV more.Another reason I think juvenile offenders should not be tried and punished as adult is that there is a chance for rehabilitation. However violent crimes they committed, with alternative ways of punishment or easier sentence, there is much greater possibility for them to reestablish the value, return to normal life and even shift gears to become leader of certain area. Compared with adult criminals, the young ones are more capable of learning from their mistakes. once they understand the consequences of their behaviour and realize their desired goal of life, they rehabilitate much faster. Conversely, if they are punished the same way as adult, chances are that they become repeat criminals or serial offenders, since they are taught more criminal techniques and their identity of criminal is strengthened when captured in jail.Although based on rule of justice, heinous acts should be punished regardless of the age, for sake of long term benefit, collaborative efforts of the whole society should be taken to save the juvenile offenders by every possible solution except for equivalent penalty as adult in many instances.雅思备考。
Should parents be responsible for the kids crime? A recent report showing a 14-year-old child has killed her grandmother. The incident itself is very stunning to the public. Just as shown in the topic, crimes are not supposed to be done by younger people who are not legally responsible for what they did. What seems urgent for us is my appeals for those parents who should take the responsibility for any thing like this which should be prevented in advance.( 72) The most sounding reason for this is child should be supervised not only by school but also by his direct custody—his parents. No matter what blame we could put on child who has limited awareness of knowing what is correct to do and what is not, parents are not free from the duty that is already endowed by the society to watch their kids growing healthily. Moreover, parents inevitable duty to educate their kids, let them know more about legal issues and right behaviors which is their basic lesson for life. We could be sure a kid is a good kid without any discipline of their parents. (108) In terms of discipline, parents should also take the responsibility to face some punishment as they are supposed to be disciplined by the cruelty of society. Any kind of the crime indicated by the above itself means a lot to them and they should face the all around blames from the society and neighborhood. The loss of such a lawsuit will result in either the loss of face of their dignity and loss of money in order to cover the compensation for the victims. (84) So far so good, as for the age of kids who should take legal responsibility to such crime, the law has already settled for it. Countries around the world vary greatly. There is no fixed line, but one thing is sure, as soon as you grow into adult you should be responsible for what you do in society (58)。
Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.雅思写作题目讲解:对立双方题型属于大作文的“主流题型”,这一大类分为三小类。
就“对想法的限制程度”上来说,这三小类有所区别。广大同学对此应有所理解,以此来使得自己的作文做到好的“task response”。
这三小类具体的差别,大家可以看该博客另一篇博文,里面有细致的讲解。该雅思写作题目的对立双方:一方: 相关措施对减少社会犯罪率有效的理由另一方:相关措施几乎对减少社会犯罪率无效的理由(注意加粗斜体部分)今天考试的雅思写作题目的特点是对想法有比较大的限制,双方的理由必须围绕着一个社会的犯罪率是否因此减少,如果同学们的idea没能往这个点靠拢,那这个 idea就跑题了。
做个假设:如果同学们将“政府应该加大惩罚的力度”,“媒体应该让更多人知道一些罪犯是如何设置骗局”,这两个idea作为一方的理 由,这两个想法无法做到很好的切题。因为该题首先考的不是应该采取哪些方式,而是为什么这些方式有效,或者无效!能够做到“切题”的idea:(同学们仔细对比下面的两个理由同上述两个稍跑题理由的区别)一方: 相关措施能够减少社会犯罪率的理由1. 政府采取的严厉的惩罚能够震慑潜在的罪犯2. 媒体对于常见诈骗方式的报道防止更多的人受骗另一方:相关措施几乎不能减少社会犯罪率的理由1. 犯罪率高很大程度上是一个社会的经济程度发达程度,财富分配,贫富差距来决定的,上述的理由无法根本上,长远的解决问题。
下面给大家提供一方观点的其中一个理由的具体行文:社会的犯罪率部分取决于政府对待罪犯的严厉程度,一个理性的潜在的罪犯将停止对社会的伤害,当他意识到自己可能付出的代价大大超过了可能带来的利益。 一个将抢劫犯处以终身监禁的社会所面临的犯罪问题少于其他的更加仁慈社会。
The crime rate of a society is partly determined by the level to which a criminal is penalized. Potential criminals, provided rational enough, will stop their act at the thought that the possible price they might pay would greatly outweigh the possible benefit they may acquire. And the effect of harsher punishment in deterring criminals can also be evidenced by the fact that a society treating a robber with lifelong sentence faces fewer crime problems than its counterparts with more merciful measures.。
四、关于 青少年犯罪成为社会焦点 的英语作文
about Juvenile Delinquency One of the much-talked-about present-day social problems is juvenile delinquency, and its rate of frequency is seemingly on the rise. It is reported in newspapers that the delinquents range in age from 12 to 18. only a small portion have committed serious crimes like kidnapping and murdering. Those cases are handled through the court system. Most of the delinquencies fall into four categories: brawling, including gang fighting with deadly weapons; theft, mostly petty, sexually promiscuous behaviour and addiction to drugs. The delinquents are generally placed under temporary supervision by neighbourhood committees, work units or reform schools. The causes of juvenile delinquency are varied. Through media we often come across the following cases. Ill-treatment to teenagers by their step-fathers or stepmothers often lead to family tragedies. School pupil delinquents, being not properly cared for, have chronic behaviour problems. Their parents are too busy either with business or with gambling. Still, there are cases resulted from parents' or grandparents' indulgence to their darlings. Petty theft once or twice is not pumshed but encouraged. Gradually these petty hleves grow addicted to steahng. Adolescents tried drugs mostly out of curiosity before they finally became habitual drug-takers. Not a few examples can be found around us in our daily life. Limited by time and space, I have to skip them over.However, juvenile delinquency, being a serious social problem concerning the young generation, certainly deserves special attentlon. I think of all the things We can do, the most fundamental one is deep~rang and strengthening education so as to ultimately save the young.。
青少年犯罪 On Juvenile Delinquency 青少年是祖国的未来希望,正确引导青少年的人生观和培养造就一批21世纪的栋梁之才是立足当前着眼未来的一件于秋大事。
Young boys and girls are the future of our country. It is an unremmitting task of great significance that we properly guide our youths, educate and train them so that they form a sound outlook of life and become the pillar of the state in the 21century. 然而,当前青少年违法犯罪率在直线上升,这不仅直接危害了青少年本人和其家庭,给社会治安带来不稳定因素,而且关系到祖国的前途和命运,因此,如何预防青少年违法犯罪刨设良好的社会环境就成为摆在我们面前的一项重大课题。 However, there has been a sharp increase in juvenile delinquency, which means great harm not only to the youngsters and the families concerned but also to the destiny and prospects of our nation. For this reason, it is a topic of great importance as to how we can create a sound social environment for the young, thus preventing them from committing transgression and crimes. 青少年违法的主要原因有以下四个方面 1社会原因。
4心理生理原因。 What constitutes the four major factors leading to juvenile delinquency the society, families, schools and the psychological phsiological conditions of the youths. 而我们需要做的是1、强化家庭教育功能,明确家庭教育责任。
There is really much we can do.In the first place, we should strengthen the function and responsibility of family education. 2、学校要大力推行素质教育和养成教育,做到教书育人。 Secondly, schools should carry out plans of education for students' all round development with equal attention of teaching and cultivating. 3、加强法制教育,增强自我防范意识。
Thirdly, law education and precautionary alertness should be enhanced. 4、严厉打击浸害未成年人合法权义的犯罪分子,奖励知法、守法的模范。 Last but not least, criminals infringing upon the legal rights of the minors should be severely punished and models knowing and abiding by the law awarded.。
On Juvenile Delinquency
Young boys and girls are the future of our country. It is an unremmitting task of great significance that we properly guide our youths, educate and train them so that they form a sound outlook of life and become the pillar of the state in the 21century.
However, there has been a sharp increase in juvenile delinquency, which means great harm not only to the youngsters and the families concerned but also to the destiny and prospects of our nation. For this reason, it is a topic of great importance as to how we can create a sound social environment for the young, thus preventing them from committing transgression and crimes.
What constitutes the four major factors leading to juvenile delinquency the society, families, schools and the psychological phsiological conditions of the youths.
而我们需要做的是1、强化家庭教育功能,明确家庭教育责任。There is really much we can do.In the first place, we should strengthen the function and responsibility of family education.
Secondly, schools should carry out plans of education for students' all round development with equal attention of teaching and cultivating.
Thirdly, law education and precautionary alertness should be enhanced.
Last but not least, criminals infringing upon the legal rights of the minors should be severely punished and models knowing and abiding by the law awarded.
1.先来说说犯罪份子该如何表达criminals 名词,罪犯(值得注意的是,该词有形容词性)。
offenders 名词,罪犯,违法者。convicts 名词,罪犯,囚徒(前段时间很红的一套书《囚徒健身》,“Convict Conditioning”)。
culprits 名词,犯人。同时,本词可以指的是被指控犯罪的人。
outlaws 名词,罪犯,暴徒。也有动词词性,并且为及物动词,译为宣布某事为不合法。
suspect (criminal suspect)名词,犯罪嫌疑人。其实,在法庭最终宣判之前,我们口中的罪犯多数情况下应该用这个词表达,更为严谨。
prisoner 名词,犯人,囚犯。juvenile criminals 名词,青少年罪犯。
minor criminals 名词,未成年罪犯。juvenile delinquent / juvenile offender 名词,少年犯,或行为不端的青少年值得注意的是,其实在雅思写作犯罪类的话题中,未成年人犯罪往往是常见话题。
因此后面几个词汇,需要大家重点掌握。2. 来说说犯罪这件事该如何表达,要注意词性标注commit a crime (commit crimes) 动宾,犯罪violate the law / break the law 动宾,犯罪,违法offend against the law 动宾,违法violent crimes / non-violent crimes 形容词+名词,暴力犯罪/非暴力犯罪delinquent behaviors / illegal acts / lawless behaviors形容词+名词,不法的行为juvenile delinquency 名词,特指青少年的不法行为illegality 名词,泛指所有违法行为。
此外,immorality 名词,指的是不道德的行为,其实近似于违法行为,但是略有区别。同理,副词illegally和immorally也是类似的区别wrongdoing / misconduct / delinquency 名词,都是指的是行为不端请见如下例文:(青少年违法之后应该如何被惩罚永远是雅思考试的常见话题)There is no denying that everyone should be punished due to his/her illegality, no matter how old he/she is. Notwithstanding, this does not imply that juvenile culprits should be treated as equally as adult prisoners. Juvenile detentions ought to be the place for those minor offenders instead of common jails, and besides juvenile suspects should be on trial in juvenile court where their right can be protected much better.Juvenile convicts with violent crimes should be detained in juvenile detentions as they might be potential threats to our society, and on the other hand minor culprits with non-violent crimes can be punished with more flexibility such as being forced to do social work.PS:Juvenile detentions 名词,少管所juvenile court 名词,未成年人法庭detain 及物动词,羁押3.犯罪率的表达方式Crime rate / incident of crime如何降低犯罪率,是经常在雅思写作中被讨论的话题。
Unbelievably high juvenile crime rate is plaguing many countries all over the world, and how to reduce it has become prime task for those governments for a long time.4.rehabilitate criminals / reform criminals 动宾,改造罪犯Main function of prisons is not only punishing culprits with locking them up but also rehabilitating them as everyone no matter what he/she has done deserves a second chance. 监狱的功能不仅是限制犯人的自由,还要给这些犯人提供一个改过自新的机会。5.几个导致青少年犯罪的原因如下:Lack of moral education 名词性,缺少德育教育(lack一词在实际写作中是考生们常犯错误的地方,请看后面的注解。)
Inappropriate parenting 名词性,不恰当的家庭教育Being exposed to misleading information from media 动名词性质,暴露于媒体的诱导性信息Lack of ability of telling right from wrong 名词性,缺少辨别是非的能力Blindly imitate what they often see or read in media 动宾结构,盲目模仿在媒体中看到的或者听到的事物PS:关于lack首先,可以是及物动词。例如:With stress from exams, students lack enthusiasm on learning any kind of art.其次,名词,多用于词组 be lack of / be lack in = be short of 例如:Generally speaking, high crime rate, to a great extent, can be attributed to lack of law enforcement capacity of police.再次,lacking 形容词,常用词组 be lacking of / be lacking in 例如: Fresh graduates are usually lacking in working experience that is required badly on majority of job positions.6. Benefit / beneficial / Beneficiary 这几个词汇并不算难, 但是考生对于其词性掌握一直不理想. 在此, 重点强调一下词性.Benefit 可为名词, 同时也可以为动词, 并且可以是Vt也可以是Vi。
请对比下面两个句子。Governments will enjoy the benefits from their huge investment in education field in a long run.Governments will benefit from their huge investment in education field in a long run.第一句中的benefits为名词,后面的from为介词,实则是一个介词短语作为定语修饰前文的benefits。
而第二句中,benefit from为一个动词词组,指的是受益于某人或某事。Beneficial 形容词,通常的词组是 be beneficial to 近义词组 be good for / be salutary toUniversity education will be definitely beneficial to one's future career.Beneficiary, 名词,指的是受益者,受惠者。