
1. 结构合理三段式。
1) 应试作文不可以只写两段,一定要达到三段,有时候根据需要4段或最多5段也可以,不过作为四级考试不推荐写作过长。只要满足三个段落,而且这三个段落的长度也要分布均衡合理,首位段落可以短一点,但是中间段落的长度一定要有足够保证,否则会出现头重脚轻的局面,给老师的印象非常不好。
2) 段落之间的足够间距要保证,可以采用齐头式(每段顶格,段与段之间空一行的方式)
2. 中心突出主题句
3. 层次清晰导航词。
A Poster Recruiting
Now people in growing numbers realize that it is important for college students to take an active part in social activities. Therefore, the student union of our university decides to organize a social practice during the summer holiday and is now recruiting volunteers from all the students.
The details of the activity are listed as follows. First of all, the activity is designated to broaden the students' view so as to enrich their knowledge. Next, the arrangement mainly includes looking after the senior citizens who live alone, introducing the effective ways of environmental protection to the passers-by in the street and cooperating in a survey for some companies. Last but not least, the timetable, namely schedule, will be settled down by next Monday.
It is high time that we placed great emphasis on the information beyond books. As long as you are an undergraduate student of this university and are willing to take the responsibility to help others, welcome to contact us at 12345678 or send email to joy@hotmail.com. Please act without delay!
Ⅰ. 1. traffic 2. crowded 3. fan 4.least 5. low
6. along 7. cross 8.through 9. goodbye 10.elevator
Ⅱ.11. drank 12.been13. finishes 14. lying 15. having
Ⅲ. 16. B 17. A 18 A19. D 20. B 21. D 22. A 23. A 24.C26.A 25. D 27. B 29. D 28. B 30.A 31. B 32. C 33. A 34.C 35. B
Ⅳ. 36. doesn'tshe 37.haven't they 38. didshe 39. couldn't she 40does he
41. can she 42. does he 43. didn'the 44. willthere 45. shallwe
46. will you 47. didn'tthey 48.Whatwill, belike 49. Cross 50. cost
Ⅴ.51.B 52.C 53.D 54.A55.D 56.A 57.C 58.C 59.A 60.D
Ⅵ. 61- 65CADBD 66-70.BCADD
Ⅶ. One possibleversion:
I like littleanimals. I want to get a cat longago. But my mother doesn't' like them. Lastmonth my friend gave me a white cat.I was so glad that I often played with itafter school. My mother was annoyed bythe cat's voice. She said it alwaysbroke the things and the sofa, and its haircould be seen here and there. Solast Friday when I came back home and wanted toplay with my pet, it didn'tappear. I asked my mother, she told me she had sentthe cat to the zoo. I wasmad at her. I shouted and cried, and didn't listen toher. When my father camehome, I told him the event. He also said it wasn't animportant thing. Later, Isaid sorry to my mother and so did she
自2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会将对四、六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型作局部调整。调整后,四级和六级的试卷结构和测试题型相同。主要考察英语综合运用的能力,而在2012年12月全国四六级考试开始将采用“多题多卷”模式实施考试。“多题多卷” 指在同一考场内采用内容不同的试题组成的多套试卷实施考试。多套试卷之间的难度差异对考生成绩产生的影响将通过试卷之间的等值计算来处理,因此考生的成绩不会因其所答试卷的难度差异而受影响。另外就算在考场内遇到试卷和你一样的,影响也不大,不会被别人抄到也不会抄到别人的。