
一、英语作文,急用啊 在线等
I think the future life will be interesting and colorful. Everybody will carry a pocket computer which can make their life easy and colorful because the computer will give people the answers to all their problems. We shall all have telephones in our pockets,too. And we'll be able to talke and see our friends. Machines and robots will do most of the work so people will have more free time. They will be able to fly to the moon or live in the water。
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卢卫平在上面蹦哒了好几篇比举例——《足迹专家张三》) “生活圆桌” (在这里的哥们姐们都最喜欢写的故事类、小小说类。搞笑点最受欢迎!1000字以下哦!长了不要。
汤总的文章时常在这里唱主角哟,不用举例吧。) “茶余饭后” (吃喝玩乐的东西都行。
赚钱骗钱的文章统统可以过来!举例——《钓鱼》、《收藏》等。宗学哲最喜欢在这里跳舞欢呼,如他今天发的《三要三不要理财法》) “万家灯火” (大多发散文。
全国各地正统散文大师总是在这里抛头露面!) “笔架山” (此栏目为周六发稿。 通通是散文。
象陆勇强、刘燕敏那种文风的小哲理文章最多!这里很上一栏目相似,名家多得吓翻一大片没名的人!文章内容一般为讴歌真善美的真情实感文章。) “假日” (此处唯一不同编辑。
为:王丽、李孟珂——专门发表些,哦,还是吃喝玩乐的事情,当然是度假的啦。大多是旅游的事情,吃饱了喝足了撑的去干巴巴的事!) 还有别的版面,但似乎没有哪位兄弟想要的“医药”版面,暂时没找到。
下次提供!对不起! 全国媒体编辑联系信箱 编辑信箱: 韦露编辑(广西文学) alu99@ 奉荣梅(长沙晚报) frm376@ 《人民公安报》副刊 fkb@ 《南方周末》专栏,风端 zmonline@ 《长沙晚报》康笑琴 kangxiaoqin@ 《广州日报》“每日闲情”) mrxq@ 丘脊梁 qiujiliang@ 《长沙晚报》任波 rb005@ 《今日女报》唐群雄编辑 tqx888888@ 《羊城晚报》“晚会” wbfkb@ 《羊城晚报》“花地” wbwyb@ 《齐鲁晚报。
Dear Editor,Recently many places in China were blanketed with thick fog. Everything around disappeared from our sight. Some highways were closed. More traffic jams and accidents happened .People had to wear masks .What's worse, many people found it difficult to breathe. The heavy hazy weather in China has been caused by many factors. First, the severely polluted environment contributed a lot to this nightmare. Second , the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role . The cars send off a lot of poisonous gases . In my opinion , we should call on people to use more public transport, thus reducing the number of cars in the streets . Besides , some factories which cause pollution should be closed down . What's more , we have to do more to raise people's awareness of environmental protection .only in this way can we expect to have more sunny days . Best regards, Yours,LiHua。
Dear editor, Now I am a high school student,my name is wanggang,I am writing to you to tell you some of my worries。
When I am a junior middle school student,my mark is among the best of the successful students,However,now it is hard for me to be top ten students。 I am so worried about this, my parents and my teacher also feel anxious about whether I could enter the famous colleges。
What's worse,other good students studied very relaxed,but I often felt time is limited even I learned 3 or 4 hours at night。 I don't know what to do,could you give me some advice to help me,thanks and best wishs to you。
Yours Wang gang 希望可以帮到你啊 自己也要努力哦。
据一位参与过命题的英语老师透露:“名字只是一个代号,叫什么并不重要,李华这个名字比较大众化,用汉语拼音表达起来比较方便,Li Hua,与英语单词没有相似性,也方便阅卷。”也有考生有不一样的解读——“李”是中国大姓氏,“华”表示中华、中国,“华”字是告诉你学英语也不要忘记自己的祖国!。
六、英语作文 写一篇关于美国中学生的生活的短文 给学校英语报投稿
Last holiday I was so lucky to join a summer camp to the United States, which deepened my understandings toward the middle school lives of US students. Here, I want to have a brief introduction to their life in my point of view.
To begin with, what the US students impress me most is their tolerance and forgiveness. Most students there are very understandable and they won't get annoyed when you do something unsuitable. They will think you are doing this just due to cultural differences or something like that, which moves me a lot.
Secondly, the US students are also famous for their excellent capability of Do-it-Yourself. The majority students always tend to have a try by themselves, which is a precious ability for scientific research.
Thirdly, American students enjoy communicating with others as well. Most of them are so talktive and knowledgable that you will sometimes doubt that if you are talking to a teenager.
Finally, creativity is also a manifest feature of American students. They are in pursuit of unconvention all the time and make best effort to outsmart their peers.
These characteristics above are all valuable personalities which most of our Chinese students lack. So it is vital for us to learn from them and become more independent.