Computer Science Computer science (or computing science) is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation, and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems. It is frequently described as the systematic study of algorithmic processes that describe and transform information. According to Peter J. Denning, the fundamental question underlying computer science is, "What can be (efficiently) automated?" Computer science has many sub-fields; some, such as computer graphics, emphasize the computation of specific results, while others, such as computational complexity theory, study the properties of computational problems. Still others focus on the challenges in implementing computations. For example, programming language theory studies approaches to describing computations, while computer programming applies specific programming languages to solve specific computational problems, and human-computer interaction focuses on the challenges in making computers and computations useful, usable, and universally accessible to people.The general public sometimes confuses computer science with vocational areas that deal with computers (such as information technology), or think that it relates to their own experience of computers, which typically involves activities such as gaming, web-browsing, and word-processing. However, the focus of computer science is more on understanding the properties of the programs used to implement software such as games and web-browsers, and using that understanding to create new programs or improve existing ones.History The early foundations of what would become computer science predate the invention of the modern digital computer. Machines for calculating fixed numerical tasks, such as the abacus, have existed since antiquity. Wilhelm Schickard built the first mechanical calculator in 1623. Charles Babbage designed a difference engine in Victorian times helped by Ada Lovelace. Around 1900, punch-card machines were introduced. However, all of these machines were constrained to perform a single task, or at best some subset of all possible tasks.During the 1940s, as newer and more powerful computing machines were developed, the term computer came to refer to the machines rather than their human predecessors. As it became clear that computers could be used for more than just mathematical calculations, the field of computer science broadened to study computation in general. Computer science began to be established as a distinct academic discipline in the 1950s and early 1960s, with the creation of the first computer science departments and degree programs. Since practical computers became available, many applications of computing have become distinct areas of study in their own right.Although many initially believed it impossible that computers themselves could actually be a scientific field of study, in the late fifties it gradually became accepted among the greater academic population. It is the now well-known IBM brand that formed part of the computer science revolution during this time. IBM (short for International Business Machines) released the IBM 704 and later the IBM 709 computers, which were widely used during the exploration period of such devices. "Still, working with the IBM [computer] was frustrating。
if you had misplaced as much as one letter in one instruction, the program would crash, and you would have to start the whole process over again". During the late 1950s, the computer science discipline was very much in its developmental stages, and such issues were commonplace.Time has seen significant improvements in the usability and effectiveness of computer science technology. Modern society has seen a significant shift from computers being used solely by experts or professionals to a more widespread user base.Major Achievements Despite its relatively short history as a formal academic discipline, computer science has made a number of fundamental contributions to science and society. These include:Started the "digital revolution", which includes the current Information Age and the Internet. A formal definition of computation and computability, and proof that there are computationally unsolvable and intractable problems. The concept of a programming language, a tool for the precise expression of methodological information at various levels of abstraction. In cryptography, breaking the Enigma machine was an important factor contributing to the Allied victory in World War II. Scientific computing 。
学年论文的写作格式、流程与写作技巧 广义来说,凡属论述科学技术内容的作品,都称作科学著述,如原始论著(论文)、简报、综合报告、进展报告、文献综述、述评、专著、汇编、教科书和科普读物等。
但其中只有原始论著及其简报是原始的、主要的、第一性的、涉及到创造发明等知识产权的。 其它的当然也很重要,但都是加工的、发展的、为特定应用目的和对象而撰写的。
主要谈的是论文写作中容易发生的问题和经验,是论文写作道德和书写内容的规范问题。 论文写作的要求 下面按论文的结构顺序依次叙述。
(二)论文——署名科学论文应该署真名和真实的工作单位。 主要体现责任、成果归属并便于后人追踪研究。
行政领导人一般不署名。 (三)论文——引言 是论文引人入胜之言,很重要,要写好。
(四)论文——材料和方法 按规定如实写出实验对象、器材、动物和试剂及其规格,写出实验方法、指标、判断标准等,写出实验设计、分组、统计方法等。这些按杂志 对论文投稿规定办即可。
(五)论文——实验结果 应高度归纳,精心分析,合乎逻辑地铺述。 应该去粗取精,去伪存真,但不能因不符合自己的意图而主观取舍,更不能弄虚作假。
废弃这类数据时应将在同样条件下、同一时期的实验数据一并废弃,不能只废弃不合己意者。 实验结果的整理应紧扣主题,删繁就简,有些数据不一定适合于这一篇论文,可留作它用,不要硬行拼凑到一篇论文中。
(六)论文——讨论 是论文中比较重要,也是比较难写的一部分。应统观全局,抓住主要的有争议问题,从感性认识提高到理性认识进行论说。
要对实验结果作出分析、推理,而不要重复叙述实验结果。 应着重对国内外相关文献中的结果与观点作出讨论,表明自己的观点,尤其不应回避相对立的观点。
论文的讨论中可以提出假设,提出本题的发展设想,但分寸应该恰当,不能写成“科幻”或“畅想”。 (七)论文——结语或结论 论文的结语应写出明确可靠的结果,写出确凿的结论。
(八)论文——参考义献 这是论文中很重要、也是存在问题较多的一部分。列出论文参考文献的目的是让读者了解论文研究命题的来龙去脉,便于查找,同时也是尊重前人劳动,对自己的工作有准确的定位。
因此这里既有技术问题,也有科学道德问题。 一篇论文中几乎自始至终都有需要引用参考文献之处。
如论文引言中应引上对本题最重要、最直接有关的文献;在方法中应引上所采用或借鉴的方法;在结果中有时要引上与文献对比的资料;在讨论中更应引上与 论文有关的各种支持的或有矛盾的结果或观点等。 (九)论文——致谢 论文的指导者、技术协助者、提供特殊试剂或器材者、经费资助者和提出过重要建议者都属于致谢对象。
写论文致谢前应征得被致谢者的同意,不能拉大旗作虎皮。 (十)论文——摘要或提要:以200字左右简要地概括论文全文。
补充: 提供一些英语专业学年论文的选题,供参考。 001 从历史文化的发展看某个英语词或短语的语义演变 002 英诗中常用的修辞 003 英语谚语的修辞手法 004 委婉语种 005 英语中的缩略语 006 英语词汇中的外来语单词 007 英语新词新意探究 008 美国英语的特色 009 如何正确把握英语定语。
(For children and primary school pupils) (一) Developing oral communication skills Oral communication skills here refer to listening and speaking skills. They are very important skills for beginners. Children learning their native language begin by understanding through listening. They comprehend the language long before they can speak. With primary school pupils, it is better that we let them listen and understand the language first. Let them speak gradually when they feel ready and comfortable with it. In fact, listening and speaking are always used inseparably in real life situations. However, listening is an important basis for speaking. The following are some listening and speaking activities you can use in the classroom. Read them and discuss which ones are adaptable in your teaching and which ones are not practical for your situations and explain why. Listening Activities Listen and act/follow instructions This type of activity is also known as TPR (Total Physical Response). TPR is an extremely useful and adaptable teaching technique in the primary classroom for language learning. With TPR, children listen to their teacher telling them what to do and then do it. This is also the way how children acquired their first language. They are able to do things according to what they hear long before they are able to speak the language. By doing TPR, you are also giving chil- dren a sense of security. It does not matter if they cannot pronounce the word or say the sentence. They can simply listen and watch others to understand the meaning. For TPR activities, the easiest is to start with classroom commands, 'touch' activities and verbs in action, etc. (二)Speaking activities Speaking activities do not need to be always reading aloud, reciting dialogues or repeating what the teacher said. When we speak, we speak with a purpose and we speak with interest as well. Therefore, we need to create interesting topics and genuine purposes for children to speak the language. Of course some imitations and repetitions are necessary to prepare children to speak, but even with imi- tations and repetitions, we can make them more interesting and meaningful. One important point to note is that speaking only develops gradually with plenty of practice and with a lot of encouragement. We should have realistic expectations with children beginning with English. The following are some speaking activities. Some of them are basic speaking activities and some of them are more advanced speaking activities. They can only be applied with different levels of learners and in different contexts. 本文摘自: www.wnwu.com。
我知道哦 给你参考下 英语教学论文范文 摘要:从命题原则、题型结构、评分标准和评分方法等方面分别对外语测试中常用的三种题型,即:多项选择、综合填充、口语面试进行分析比较,指出其优点和不足。
旨在提高上述测试题的信度和效度,以期对教师们在英语日常教学与测试中正确运用这些题型提供有效的帮助。 外语测试是20世纪60年代初形成的一门新兴学科。
一、多项选择题(multiple choice item) 1、多项选择题的命题原则(1)多项选择题命题的出发点是提高测试效度各类试题的命题均应为测试目的服务,以提高测试效度为前提。在多项选择题的命题中,经常会由于过多的考虑选择项而忽视其他问题。
例如:初中英语基础训练中有这样一个题:在学生还没有学过Texas这个词时,就要求做下面的练习:Texas is the south of the United States。A。
on 上题命题的本意是测试学生对英语常用介词in和to在表示方位时用法上的区别,但是如果学生不知道Texas到底是一个国家名还是美国国内一个地名,他们就无法做出判断,也就很难找到正确答案。 诸如此类的试题根本无法达到测试介词的目的。
例如:This passage tells us 。A。
teaching methods B。 different waysC。
different ways of learning in China cational problems上题中,由于C项内容丰富,有一定的长度,考生很容易通过比较选出正确答案C项。此外,选择项还要避免正反两种观点成对出现。
例如:After reading the passage,we can conclude that 。 e author's point of view is right e author's point of view is e examples in the passage are true e examples in the passage are false上例中只要知道了A或C,就自然排除了B或D。
否则,考生只需寻找有关单词无须理解材料内容即可作出正确选择。 2、多项选择题的优劣性分析多项选择题最突出的优点在于:首先,它只有一个正确答案,是一种客观性试题,采用这种题型可将精力集中在提高命题质量上,而无须考虑评分者的因素。
其次,使用该题型能够控制试题难度,并能通过预测等手段筛选试题,使正式考试更具可行性和科学性。 再者,多项选择题题义清晰,考生不会产生误解,又因考生无须书面表达而不受其写作能力的影响,即该题型能很好地测试考生的阅读和听力能力。
此外,它对考生在英语语法、词汇、理解、分析等方面内容的考查信息量大,覆盖面宽,形式灵活多样,批阅试卷可由电脑来完成。 以上种种优点使该题型颇受测试者的欢迎。
其次,它的命题需要命题者花费大量的时间和精力反复推敲,稍有不慎就会问题很多。记得有一年的中招试题中,就有一个题由于命题不慎而出现两个正确答案:by air和by plane。
本来命题者提供的正确答案是by p1ane,但我们在评卷过程中发现有很多考生都选了by air,再仔细审看题干,发现两个答案均可,后来经过反映该题的正确答案只好订为两个。 二、综合填充题(cloze test) 英语论文网 1、综合填充题的命题原则综合填充题是指一篇文章按一定的比例或根据需要,删除单词或短语,留出空格供考生填充,以测试考生综合运用语言的能力。
Gen (P/A/C)2。
Planyourpieceofwriting(passivewords)5。 Intro-openstatement/relevanttexts/thesisstatements6。
Body-reinforcethesis/supportiveexampleswithpossiblereferences/concludingthese(rewritethesis)7。 Re-writetheintroduction(generalacademicessay)8。
英语专业学年论文: 怎么看美国人和亚裔美国人My name is Vick, a junior 3 student, who is studying in an international (private) middle school in China. In my classroom, some of my classmates are from England, America and France. They are foreigners who come to learn Chinese and our culture. Making friends with foreign students helps enrich my life. We are classmates and real good friends in many ways. As a Chinese, here is what I think of Americans and Asian Americans. Americans and Chinese are all humans, so we should gain equal human rights in the world. Chinese and Americans are different from each other due to their values, races and cultures. As Chinese, our traditional family value is different from that of Americans. We respect parents and teachers in a high priority. However, Americans grow up in a free country so that their values are different from that of ours. Many young American students leave their families as soon as they reach the 18th birthday. Their living away from their parents is the norm in American society. Nevertheless, living away from parents may be considered of abandoning elders and may not be a good idea in our Chinese society. Most Asian Americans work and live in America. In my opinion, Asian Americans are our neighbours because of their birthplace, Asia. No matter with what passports in hands, their blood is related to us, as Asians. We Chinese who live in China are different from Asian Americans. Not surprisingly, the thinking of Chinese, Americans and Asian Americans has unique perspectives according to their living in culturally, economically and politically different societies and countries. Last and certainly not least, everyone who lives on the planet should not be discriminated by any means. Chinese, Asian Americans, Americans, and many other races should treat one another harmoniously. My belief is that all people should gain equal human rights throughout the world. May peace prevail on Earth!。
一、学年论文基本要求 1、每位学生论文选题应有所区别,不得几位学生选同一题目; 2、论文写作应注意主题明确、结构合理、语音流畅; 3、论文内容较为新颖,不得抄袭他人已发表的学术论文,需要引用时,应注明引文出处; 4、论文排版整齐,插图清晰准确,全文篇幅恰当,字数在5 000~8 000之间. 5、学年论文定稿及交稿时间为7月6日. 二、打印格式 1.毕业论文的写作顺序是:标题、作者班级、作者姓名、指导教师姓名、中文摘要及关键词、英文摘要及英文关键词、正文、参考文献. 2.附表的表头应写在表的上面,居中;附图的图题应写在图的下面,居中.按表、图、公式在论文中出现的先后顺序分别编号. 3.参考文献的书写格式严格按以下顺序:序号、作者姓名、书名(或文章名)、出版社(或期刊名)、出版或发表时间. 4.字体:各类标题(包括“参考文献”标题)用粗宋体;作者姓名、指导教师姓名、摘要、关键词、图表名、参考文献内容用楷体;正文、图表、页眉、页脚中的文字用宋体;英文用Times New Roman字体. 5.字号:论文题目用三号字体,居中;一级标题用四号字体;二级标题、三级标题用小四号字体;页眉、页脚用小五号字体;其它用五号字体;图、表名居中. 6.论文正文打印页码,下面居中. 7.打印纸张规格:A4 210*297毫米. 8.在文件选项下的页面设置选项中,“字符数/行数”选使用默认字符数; 页边距设为 上:3厘米;下:2.5厘米;左:2.8厘米;右:2.8厘米; 装订线:0.8厘米;装订线位置:左侧;页眉:1.8厘米;页脚1.8厘米. 9.在格式选项下的段落设置选项中,“缩进”选0厘米,“间距”选0磅,“行距”选1.5倍,“特殊格式”选(无),“调整右缩进”选项为空,“根据页面设置确定行高格线”选项为空. 10.页眉用小五号字体打印“XX大学XX学院(系)2002级XX专业学年论文”字样,并左对齐. 11.使用软件:Microsoft Word 2000以上版本.(请参见附件样张) 三、学年论文装订顺序 1、学年论文封面(标准格式见管理学院网站) 2、指导教师评语(标准格式见管理学院网站) 3、目录 4、正文 5、参考文献 学 年 论 文 题 目 姓 名 所在学院 专业班级 学 号 指导教师 日 期 年 月 日 学年论文指导教师评阅意见 学 生 姓 名 专 业 班 级 学 号 (论文)题目 指导教师 教师职称 学年 论 文 评语 评定成绩: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日。