英国留学教育专业是国内许多文科类学生申请英国留学的热门专业,特别是教育相关的对外英语教学专业TESOL,近几年来都特别火,那么英国留学教育专业个人陈述PS应该怎么写呢? 下面是教育专业PS范文,希望留学英国申请教育专业的学生可以参考。
Education Personal statement Live as if you were to die tomorrow。 Learn as if you were to live forever。
____ Gandhiji。 This quote by Gandhiji reflects the way my life is lived and the personality developed by living this lifestyle。
My name is Daniel Sykes and I have been told on numerous occasions that I am an intelligent person and have an ambitious personality。 My ambition in life is to become a respected athlete of this country playing Rugby League and to become a Biochemical Engineer。
My ambitions in life have developed throughout my entire life hence making Sport and academia the two greatest perspectives withholding the greatest of importance in my life。 Personally I am willing to participate in any activity that will broaden any chance of making my ambitions become a reality。
Therefore I understand the importance and difficulty of making my ambitions come true。 Some of my best traits of my personality are honesty, loyalty, Sincerity, trustworthiness and completing any task given to me to the greatest of my ability。
I have been told by many people of great importance personally that I am conscientious, hardworking and always willing to do any task that is my responsibility。 I can work under any environment stressful or peaceful and I am determined to work to the best of my potential all the time。
Due to many experiences I have endured, it has given me the opportunity to have gained the ability to cope with the pressure of any situation。 Many hobbies and interests in my life make me who I am and determine the way my life is lived。
Physical activity and Intellectual activities are my most distinguished interests。 I enjoy Maths, science and I am willing to broaden my academic horizon by learning many different types of subjects。
Academically I am achieving above average, in every subject from math to PD/H/PE。 During my entire schooling career I have been in the Gifted and Talented Student Program (GATS)。
I am a person whom of which enjoys learning and furthering my knowledge in every aspect。 I do not only achieve highly in academic regions of life but I also achieve highly in sporting aspects。
I have been playing rugby league for many years and I thoroughly enjoy this sport and my love for sport prolongs more and more the older I get。 Since I have been playing this sport I have gained very sophisticated disciplinary skills and I have found the ability to transfer these skills into everyday life and everyday situations。
I have been the appointed captain of many different teams and I am told by mentors that my leadership skills are very mature and disciplined。 With acknowledgement of skills that I possess I have gained the ability to pride myself on being an enthusiastic team member, responsible, Organised, able to take initiative, disciplined and my leadership skills。
With all the experiences I have completed I have gained the ability of time management and this is beneficial in completing my short term and long term ambitions。 I developed my time management skills by participating in sport, school and work。
My ambitions are a major part of my life and they sculpt the way my life is lived。 I persist in making the best of my life and taking any opportunities to expand my chances of achieving my ambitions that I have set for myself。
Business and Management Personal Statement My interest in economics, business, finance and banking has been long standing as I am interested in how important decisions within these fields have everyday affects。 I feel I have a sound and enthusiastic response to this aspect。
I am currently studying Economics at &aposA&apos level, in which I have learnt in theory and through demand and supply analysis, how the economy works。 This has encouraged me to use these theories in practical application。
Sociology has sharpened my ability to analyse information in depth, as well as my interpersonal skills, both of which are vital for management。 Sociology has also helped me appreciate people&aposs differing needs, which I see as an important feature of business。
The content of the courses I have studied at &aposA&apos level such as Mathematics, I feel, complement my choice of degree As part of a Work Experience programme, I have been fortunate to have the opportunity of shadowing the Finance Director of a growing fashion company and was given a virtual tour on the financial aspects of the company。 I attended seminars and Board meetings and gained insight into decision making。
I also helped to organise an exhibition at Earl&aposs Court。 I also attended a placement at the Head Office of Norwood Ravenswood, a large Charitable Trust。
My time had been divided between various departments from Fund Raising to Finance Active participation in extra-curricular activities has taken up further time。 I helped to organise and promote various events at some of London&aposs most regarded venues, which involved raising capital through investment and planning advertisement strategies。
Through this I was able to acquaint with a range of different people。 I find great satisfaction in helping others that has led me to contribute to many charity events, as well as working at The Cancer Research Campaign charity shop on a voluntary basis I have also travelled to many countries, including America, India and Kenya, which has broadened my knowledge and awareness of other cultures。
I have a strong passion for music。 Furthermore, the presentation of a radio show gave me a chance to interact with the whole of London, which enhanced my communication skills。
In my spare time I enjoy keeping fit and much of my spare time is spent at the gym。 I also enjoy playing football and play on a regular basis for a 5-a-side team。
下面就是一篇英国化学专业的PS个人陈述范文: Since studying Chemistry and Design & Technology at A level, my desire to develop my knowledge of chemistry, incorporating the use of computers with technology, has increased。 I wish to study in greater depth the potential interrelations of these subjects and look forward to the unique creative possibilities that a greater knowledge and understanding of them will bring。
I wish to study both theoretical and practical applications of chemistry, computers and computer aided technology at a higher level。 I have pursued two work experience placements, which have confirmed my interest in chemistry and computer technology。
They showed me, albeit in a limited way, the interface between pure science and computer systems。 I worked in an analytical laboratory at I。
, analysing chemicals (e。g。
using an infra red spectrometer and gas chromatograph) and using databases。 This improved my computer literacy as well as developing other skills, such as responsibility, teamwork, communication, listening skills and working to deadlines。
I have completed a CLAIT course and am interested in home computing and the Internet。 I have also helped to build a web site。
As part of my Design and Technology course I have been developing my CAD skills extensively by producing a range of 3D models in Pro-Desktop。 I was also rewarded with an &aposoutstanding effort&apos certificate in Design and Technology, further outlining my passion and dedication for the subject。
Out of school, I have a wide variety of interests。 My main passions are skiing and table tennis。
In table tennis I have achieved a creditable national ranking, and I am captain of the County team。 In May 2001 I was given the opportunity to compete in Finland as part of the ISO games。
I have competed in numerous national competitions and recently captained a team in the Junior British League。 I am now commencing a course, which will leave me as a qualified Level Two Coach。
Within school I have been school team captain。 I am also in the school football team, and am part of the 6th form league winner&aposs 5-a-side team。
My involvement in sport has developed my leadership and teamwork skills as well as showing me the dedication that is required to learn and develop skills。 I also enjoy music concerts and learning to play the bass guitar。
I have also completed numerous courses in swimming, sailing, windsurfing, and snorkelling。 I have travelled extensively around the world visiting Asia, The Middle East, America, South America, and Europe。
I believe the courses I am studying, combined with the knowledge and skills I have gained out of school in work experience and sporting pursuits will be particularly useful for the challenge of degree level study at university。 注:PS个人陈述范文的作用是提供给申请的同学们一个PS个人陈述写作的思路和架构,切勿抄袭内容,如果被英国学校发现,后果会很严重哦。
2.一定要写别人不可能写的东西,即你自己所有,而别人没有的。 3.一定要让评委看到你与别人的不同之处,尤其是你的特长、特殊的经历、经验等。
4.一定要实事求是,不要以为“理想的你”就是现在的你,不能让人有虚假之感。 5.一定要不落俗套,特别是开头几句。
6.一定要就各校的引人之处做个别评论。 7.一定要描写性格中的积极面儿;过失和错误在附录中解释。
8.一定要评价个人经历而非简单地讲故事,还要讲清楚自己在全班、全系排第几位。 9.一定要请别人为你修改语法、标点、用词和风格。
选择专业的理由 是什么让你选择这门专业的?提一下你对这个专业的兴趣是怎么培养的,之前做了哪些努力,还有,以你目前的学习状态来说,从中得到了怎样的启示?或者就说说你对这个专业的着迷程度吧。 英语专业招生导师要说的话:“尽可能具体一点儿”。
2。 跟专业的合适度 举例说明自己是如何符合要求的?不仅仅是说符合专业的入学条件,还有自己对这个专业所做的research,要了解在大学阶段这个专业能够让你学到什么东西,还有自己所做的那些准备。
体育专业招生导师要说的话:“保证切题,说一下自己所做的research,要知道自己为什么选这个专业”。 3。
兴趣、爱好、特长 如果有可能的话,概述一下,除了教学大纲那些东西,专业相关的兴趣爱好有哪些? 比如说,关于专业你做了哪些阅读参考,给出自己的观点。可以是书记、报纸、网络、科学期刊,或者是电影、纪录片、博客、广播、播客、参加讲座什么的。
尽量避免陈词滥调。 经济学招生导师要说的话:“如果再让我看一遍《魔鬼经济学》,我依然会惊喜万分!” 4。
跟专业相关的经历或经验 结合相关经历,说一下自己从中学到什么东西,或者这些经历是怎么帮你培养专业相关兴趣的。可以是工作经验,做义工,参加大学拓展活动、夏令营,逛逛博物馆、画廊、剧院、法院什么的,考古挖掘东西,旅行也OK,各种比赛或者数学挑战赛的都行。
考古学招生导师要说的话:“那些看似体面的经验还不如实际操作管用” 5。 未来就业方向 如果你被这个专业录取了,而且这个专业有明确的就业方向,你就得好好考虑一下能从这个专业获得的经验,还有跟你选择的就业方向是否相关。
就想一想之前的工作经验,你收获了什么样的技能,学到了什么东西?如何增加对就业概念的理解,是否喜欢这个行业? 职能疗法招生导师要说的话:“仔细反思自己的相关经验,说一下就业需要get的技能,你要怎么培养这些技能?“ 6。 自身具备的“潜力” 这是大多数导师都非常乐意看到的东西,这些技能可以是:独立完成工作的能力,团队合作能力,管理时间能力,解决问题能力、领导能力或组织能力等等。
7。 详述和专业最相关的技能 不要只简单地把技能罗列出来,仔细想想有哪些是跟申请专业相关的技能,然后阐述一下如何get到、使用、提高这些技能的。
8。 独立的思考 大学是需要学生独立思考的地方,如果你能证明自己有这个能力,这也算是个加分点儿。
9。 关于未来的长远计划 说一下自己的长远目标是什么,如果你还不确定自己将来要做什么,就简单地规划一下接下来的大学生活吧。
10。 个人特点 书写个人陈述的过程漫长而艰辛,但不要慌张,开始就是夸自己,然后重点放在如何喜欢所选的专业,最后再详细说说自己。
确定课程主题是关键 PS的主题与选择的课程相关。
记住不要为了选专业而选专业,你需要对该课程所在的领域有一定的兴趣并且有一个大致的了解,知道自己为什么要选择这个课程,同时把你了解的情况表述出来去说服招生办老师们。 漂亮的表达你的陈述 千万不要简单地复制粘贴,复制范文就是抄袭,如果招生办老师发现了会马上当掉你(老外对中国学生的造假行为是非常敏感的)。
就算有些句子是出自于你自己的深刻领会也千万不要直接拷贝,你可以在他的句子之上适当改造,使之成为适合你的素材。 你需要去用些漂亮的表达去让你看起来对专业充满热情以及显得你是个很有趣的人。
你可以通过看ps范文以及大学相关的课程申请要求来找到适合你的表达方式。 结构简单更利于理解 "Simple is the best"请记住,招生人员每天要读大量的申请资料,只有那种简单有力重点突出的的文章才能打动招生人员。
精心布置PS和其它文件的关系 PS,引荐信,简历等文件构成一整套申请文件系统,既需求互相应证,也需求这些文件各有偏重点。因而在写作这些文件之前必需总体构思布置文章的规划和每个文件突出的重点。
许多申请人将本该由简历或引荐信突出的内容放在PS中,这样不但形成信息的无效反复,同时弱化了PS应起的作用。 言语表述上一定要用地道的英语 中国人本人读得很顺的英语常常是按中文的言语逻辑写成的“中式英语”,不但会大大削弱你想表达的意义,产生误解,而且会让招生官看起来很单调无味。
有些申请人,特别是考过GRE的申请人,用词句式过于夸大,乖僻,不契合英语的思想习气和文风。 这种中国学院英语,其实经常让外国教授难以了解或是看后笑得前仰后合。