#include #include #include #include #define MAX 1000void main1(){ int a, *p; p = &a; printf("please input a number:"); scanf("%d", p); // 对p指向的a地址输入值 printf("a=%dn*p=%dn", a, *p); // 输出a地址存的值 输出p指向的地址a的内容}void main2(){ int a,*p; p = &a; printf("please input a number:"); scanf("%d", &a); // 对p指向的a地址输入值 printf("p=%p *p=%dn", p,*p);// 输出p指向的a的首地址号不足的位数用00补齐 输出p指向的地址a的内容 printf("%4d%4d %xn", (*p)++, ++(*p), p);//输出现在p指向的地址,输出p指向的地址内的值加一后的值,输出p指向的地址内的值加一后的值再加一 printf("%4d%4dn", *p++, *p);// 输出上个程序加一后的p指向的地址的内容 printf("p=%xn", p);// 输出现在p指向的地址号}void sub(int x, int y, int *z){ *z = y - x;}void main3(){ int a, b, c; sub(10, 5, &a);// 把10和5分别富值给x,y 把a的地址传个*z在sub中对z指向的a地址富值 sub(7, a, &b);// 把7和a的值分别富值给x,y 把b的地址传个*z在sub中对z指向的b地址富值 sub(a, b, &c);// 把a的值和吧的值分别富值给x,y 把c的地址传个*z在sub中对z指向的c地址富值 printf("a=%dnb=%dnc=%dn", a, b, c);// 输出被赋值后的a b c}void main4(){ int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int *p = NULL; p = a;// p指向a的首地址 printf("%d ", *p);// 输出p指向的a首地址的第一个元素的内容 printf("%d ", *(++p));// p的指向后移动指向a的第二个元素并输出她的内容 printf("%d ", *++p);// p的指向后移动指向a的第二个元素并输出她的内容 printf("%d ", *(p--));// p输出值后指向的位子向前移一个元素 printf("%d ", *p++);// 输出p的值后再将p的指向向后移一个元素 printf("%d ", *p);// 输出p移后的指向的地址的值 printf("%d ", ++(*p));// 对p指向的地址的值加一后输出值 printf("%dn ", *p);// 输出现在p指向的地址的值}f(int *t){ *t =10;}void main5(){ int *p, a; a = 2; p = &a;// p指向a的地址 f(p);// 把p指向的a的地址传给*t在子函数中对a进行重新赋值; printf("a=%dn", a);// 输出a重新赋的值}void main6(){ int a[10], j, *p; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) a[j] = j+1; // 对数组a进行赋值 printf("nOutput array using a[j]:n"); for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) printf("%d ", a[j]);// 输出赋值后的a p = a; // p指向数组a首地址 printf("nOutput array using p[j]:n"); for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) printf("%d ", p[j]); // 把指针p当数组用输出p指向的a的各个元素 printf("nOutput array using*( p+j):n"); for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) printf("%d ", *(p+j)); // 把指针p当数组用输出p指向的a的各个元素 printf("nOutput array using*( a+j):n"); for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) printf("%d ", *(a+j)); // 使用数组a的指针性质 printf("nOutput array using *p++:n"); for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) printf("%d ", *p++); // 把指针p当数组用输出p指向的a的各个元素 printf("n");}void Input(float *p,int n){ int i; printf("Pleese input %d score: ",n); for(i=0;i*maxs) { *maxs=score[i]; *maxn=i; } }}void FMin(float score[], int n,float *mins,int *minn ){ int i; *mins=score[0]; for(i=1;ir(*(a+i))) { i++; } printf("i = %dn", i);// 判断a有多少个字符输出 while (--i) { put。
二、纯API 编写的窗体,按钮,菜单例子
编写窗体的步骤:设计窗口类,注册窗口类 创建窗口] 显示窗口 更新窗口 消息循环 下面给你一个求二元一次方程的例子#include#include#include#include const double dboffset = 0.000001 ; char str[80];//求一元二次方程的根,函数返回根的个数 int GetRoot(float a ,float b ,float c,double *root) { double delta,deltasqrt ; delta = b*b -4.0 * a *c ; //判断delta是否为正数 if(delta -dboffset < 0.0) return 0 ; //无根 //开平方 deltasqrt = sqrt(delta) ; if ((a - dboffset) > 0.0) { root[0] =(-b+deltasqrt)/(2 * a) ; root[1] =( -b-deltasqrt)/(2 * a) ; } else if ((a - dboffset) > 0.0) root[0]=root[1]=-c/b; else return 0; if(root[0] == root[1]) return 1 ; else return 2 ; }//声明窗口过程函数 LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM);//程序入口函数 int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance , //当前实例句柄 HINSTANCE hPreInstance , //以前的实例句柄 LPSTR lpCmdLine , //指向命令行参数的指针 int nCmdShow) //窗口的显示状态 { //************************************************************* HWND hwnd ; //窗口句柄 MSG msg ; //消息 WNDCLASS wndclass ; //窗口类 //设置窗口样式 wndclass.style =CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW ; wndclass.lpfnWndProc =WndProc ; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0 ; wndclass.hInstance =hInstance ; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0 ; wndclass.hIcon =LoadIcon(NULL,IDI_APPLICATION); wndclass.hCursor =LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW); wndclass.hbrBackground =(HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); wndclass.lpszMenuName =NULL; wndclass.lpszClassName ="HelloWin"; //注册窗口类 if (!RegisterClass (&wndclass)) { MessageBox(NULL,"窗口注册失败","窗口注册失败",0); return 0 ; } //创建窗口 hwnd = CreateWindow( "HelloWin", //窗口类名 "我的窗口", //窗口标题 WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, //窗口样式 CW_USEDEFAULT, //窗口最初X位置 CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, //窗口最初的X大小 CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, //父窗口的句柄 NULL, //窗口菜单句柄 hInstance, //应用程序实例句柄 NULL); //创建窗口的参数 //显示窗口 ShowWindow(hwnd,nCmdShow); //更新窗口,包括窗口的客户区 UpdateWindow(hwnd); //显示窗口 ShowWindow(hwnd,nCmdShow); //更新窗口,包括窗口的客户区 UpdateWindow(hwnd); //************************************************************* //进入消息循环 while(GetMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0)) { //翻译消息(例如转换某些键盘消息) TranslateMessage(&msg); //将消息发送给窗口过程,这里是WndProc DispatchMessage(&msg); } return msg.wParam ; }//窗口过程函数 LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd,UINT message,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HDC hdc ; PAINTSTRUCT ps ; static HWND hwndButton ,hwndEdit[3] ; char strEdit[80]; double root[2]; float a[3]; int i ; switch(message) { //窗口创建产生的消息 case WM_CREATE: //创建编辑框“edit”是windows内部定义的编辑框的窗口类名 hwndEdit[0] = CreateWindow("edit",NULL,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER,10,60,100,25,hwnd,NULL,NULL,NULL); hwndEdit[1] = CreateWindow("edit",NULL,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER,120,60,100,25,hwnd,NULL,NULL,NULL); hwndEdit[2] = CreateWindow("edit",NULL,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER,230,60,100,25,hwnd,NULL,NULL,NULL); hwndButton = CreateWindow("button","计算",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON,340,60,100,25,hwnd,NULL,NULL,NULL); return 0 ; case WM_PAINT: hdc=BeginPaint(hwnd,&ps); TextOut(hdc,10,10,"请输入一元二次方程的系数",25); TextOut(hdc,10,40,"a",1); TextOut(hdc,120,40,"b",1); TextOut(hdc,230,40,"c",1); TextOut(hdc,10,90,str,strlen(str)); EndPaint(hwnd,&ps); return 0 ; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); return 0 ; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: MessageBox(NULL,"你好啊","问候",0); return 0 ; case WM_COMMAND: //按下按钮 if(((HWND)lParam ==hwndButton) && (HIWORd(wParam) ==BN_CLICKED)) { //获取3个编辑框内容,并将其转换成浮点数值 for(i = 0 ;i<3 ;i++) { GetWindowText(hwndEdit[i],strEdit,80); a[i] = (float)atof(strEdit); } int n = GetRoot(a[0],a[1],a[2],root) ; if (n<1) strcpy(str,"方程无根"); else sprintf(str,"方程的解为:%f,%f",root[0],root[1]); InvalidateRect(hwnd,NULL,TRUE); } } return DefWindowProc(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam); }。
按“更改所选内容”按钮,在弹出菜单的“命名”框中输入一个名称(如“常用文档”)。 2。
重复上面的操作,将菜单项和与它对应的工作簿文档超链接起来。 4。
西餐菜单中英文对照PorkRoasted Pork Lion 烤猪柳Cannelloni 意大利肉卷Pork Lion with Apple 苹果猪排B.B.Q Pork Spare Ribs 金沙骨Pork Chop 猪排Pork Trotters 德式咸猪手Bacon and onion Pie 洋葱烟肉批Roasted Ham with Honey 蜜汁烤火腿Grilled Pork Chops 烟肉肠仔串Evans Pork Chops 伊文斯猪肉Preserved Meat with Celery 西芹腊肉Stew B.B.Q with Winter Melon 冬瓜焖烧味Smoked Pork Lion 烟熏猪柳Grilled Pork with Lemongrass 香茅猪排Suckling Pig 烤乳猪Bean Wrapped in Bacon 四季豆烟肉卷Meat Loaf 瑞士肉包Grilled Pork Chop with Mustar 芥茉猪排Roasted Spare Ribs 烤特肋Smoked Ham 熏火腿Stewed Pork Ribs 醇香排骨Grilled Pork Chop Cajun Style 凯郡猪排Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetable in Soya Sauce 梅菜扣肉BAK-KUT-THE 肉骨茶Winter Melon with Salted Pork 咸肉冬瓜Braised Pork Trotter with Soya Sauce 红烧猪蹄Picatta Pork 比加达猪柳Spare Rib in Local Wine 香醇猪排Steamed Meat Cake with Egg Yolk 肉饼蒸蛋BeefBraised Beef Tongue in Red Wine Sauce 红酒烩牛舌Beef Fillet Steak 尖椒牛肉条Mini Hamburger 迷你汉堡Sirloin Steak 西冷Beef in Japanese Style 日式牛肉Beef Skewer 牛肉串Ham&Veal Sausage 火腿牛仔肠Sirloin Steak with Green Pepper Corn Sauce 西冷配青椒汁Beef Balls in Curry Sauce 咖哩牛肉丸Beef Medallions with Bacon 牛柳烟肉卷Beef Fillet Migons with Pepper Sauce 黑椒牛肉卷Chilli Con Carne 墨西哥牛肉Sauteed Diced Beef in Black Pepper Sauce 黑椒牛柳粒Beef Wellington 威灵顿牛柳Swiss Beef Steak 瑞士牛排Smoked Beef Ribs 牛肋骨Tom-Yum Soup with Ox's Tail 冬阴功牛尾Beef Roulade 牛肉卷Beef Slice with Green Pepper 牛柳烟肉卷Pan-fried Steak 铁板牛扒Char-grilled Steak with Pepper Sauce 黑椒牛排Roasted Rib Eye 肉眼排Roasted Veal 烤乳牛Fish&LambSteamed Bass Fish 蒸鲈鱼Grilled Sea Bass 扒鲈鱼Braised Fish Head Singapore Style 新加坡鱼头Lamb Curry 咖哩羊肉Salmon in Salt&Pepper 椒盐三文鱼Deep-fried Pork Schnitzels and Sole 炸猪排和胧俐鱼Fish Cake Thai Style 泰式鱼饼Local Fish in Pandon Leaf 露兜叶包鱼New Zealand Lamb Cutlets 新西兰羊排Pan-fried Pomfret in Banana Leaves 香蕉叶包鲳鱼Roasted Eel 烤鳗Pan-fried Sea Bass with Lemon & Chive Sauce 鲈鱼排Sole Filled with Roasted Almond Slice 胧俐鱼配烤杏仁片Pan-fried Salmon Steak 香煎三文鱼扒Pan-fried Mackerel 香煎马鲛鱼Sauteed Cuttlefish 宫保花枝片Irish Lamb 爱尔兰羊肉Roasted Salmon Japanese Style 日式烤三文鱼Baked Cod with Cheese 芝士局鳕鱼Stewed Sea Bass in White Sauce 白汁鲈鱼Smoked Trout 烟熏鳟鱼Venetian Cod with Raisins and Pine Nuts 威尼斯煎鳕鱼Smoked Pomfret 烟熏鲳鱼Boiled Snapper's Head 煮鳟鱼头Braised Hair Tail in Soya Sauce 红烧带鱼Salmon in Salt Crust with Herbs 盐局三文鱼Mackerel Fish 马鲛鱼Roasted Mackerel Japanese Style 日式烤鱼Cod Fish in Salt 椒盐鳕鱼Grilled Salmon Cajun Style 凯郡三文鱼Stewed Fish Cantonese Style 广式蒸鱼Deep Fried Yellow Croaker 煎小黄鱼。
there are some many kinds of food which i like. sandwich is my favorable food. i make it with bread, vegetable, omelet ,and cheese. the process of making omelet is the most important part which needs more skills and experience. form the experience of my operation, the most significant factors as follows: the temperature of the cooking oil, the time of frying, and the control of cookers. when all the material are ready, i just use two pieces of bread clamp the material which i like. oh, my sandwich is ok。
public class ActivityMenu extends Activity {
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
return true;
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
Monday, I would like eating fish and rice. I will have pork and rice onTuesday . Then, I will have noodle on Wednesday. On Thursday I will have eggplants , tomatos and steamed buns for dinner. Friday is weekend, so I will have fish, mutton and leek. Saturday and Sunday are rest days,so I will have chicken and instant boiled mutton.
星期一我吃鱼和米饭。 星期二吃猪肉和米饭。然后在周三吃面条。 周四吃茄子西红柿、馒头。周五是周末了,所以吃鱼,羊肉和韭菜。 周六和周日休息,我吃鸡和涮羊肉。
祝学习进步,请采纳,谢谢 !