
Apr. 20,2008
Dear Yang,
A Mr. Liu Bing called you this morning but you were not in. He wanted to meet you this coming Saturday, 9 a.m., at the university gate. If that is not convenient for you, you are requested to ring him up at any time evening from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. at 123454576.
Apr. 20,2008
Dear Fiona,
This afternoon, I came to your dormitory to return” Gone with the Wind” that you had kindly lent me last week. Unfortunately, you were not here and your roommates seemed to be out as well. I had no choice but to take the book back. I wonder if you could contract with me anytime in the evening so that I could find appropriate time to visit you.
Sincerely yours,
2.英语 留言条格式
英语留言条格式: 1.日期: 日期写在右上角,只要写出月、日或星期几,有时只需写明上、下午的具体几点。
2.称呼: 称呼写在第二行,要左起顶格写。语气可随便一些。
如Dear Tom, Tom, Xiao Wang等。 3.正文: 正文应再起一行,用词要通俗简明,只要把事情说清楚就行。
4.署名: 署名要写在正文的右下角。一般的留言条只写留条人的姓名,姓或名均可。
请假条、借条的署名要正式些,在姓名前写上Yours, Your student , Your friend等。遗失、启事、招领启事,有时不署名,只留下联系单位的电话号码。
扩展资料: 两种最常见的留言条: 1.电话留言条 英语电话留言条包括五部分:发话者(From);收话者(To);日期(Date);时间(Time);留言内容(Message)。有时,最后可以出现记录人签名。
写一个电话留言条,咋一看似乎很难,但只要对电话内容加以分析,注意电话留言条的格式和特点,也就容易写出来。 英语电话留言条格式如下: 2.请假条 请假条(written request for leave)是中学生必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假(leave of absence)。
请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。 英文请假条写作需注意三点: 1) 英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同,它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。
2) 一般而言,可认定请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上,不用信封。
其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是书信的大大简化。 3) 请假条的特点是要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂。
Since Jim want to borrow a book on chinese history while you were out when I came this morning,can you take it to school tomorrow please?Thank you very much!
June 12th
Wudong和June 12th要分两行写在最右边。
Dear Sally,
Have you heard about the 2009 Summer Dance Parties?They are safe parties for Junior Middle School students only.
I'd like to invite you to join the party with me ,but when I went to your home,you are not in.I have booked a ticket for you,the fee is 5 yuan each,and if you buy two together,it will be 4.5 yuan each.
The parties will be held in He Bin Youth School on Saturday July 7th ,Sunday July 8th and Saturday July 21st,and it will last two hours from 19:00 to 21:00.
If you like to come ,please get to the bus-stop at 18:30.
Lin Lin
Notes Left
Dear Mr. Brown,
Mr. Smith called you this morning when you were out. He left a message that he would come
tomorrow morning to discuss the details about the annual meeting. He would arrive at about 9:00.
We should make confirmation of time, number, and standard.
1:日期【居左,以月(全拼,后空一格)+日(序数词)+“,”年(数字形式)如April 20th, 2010】
3:称呼(居左,后面用冒号或逗号,如Dear John:)
5:署名(一般为Yours,Sincerely,等 注意,写好Yours等词后,加“,”,回车到下一行,写名字)
Gary: Since Jim want to borrow a book on chinese history while you were out when I came this morning,can you take it to school tomorrow please? Thank you very much! Lucy June 15th 注意:Since。
要重起一行写在冒号的后面 Lucy和June 15th要分两行写在最右边。祝好运。
Easy. Going like this:
Dear John (Smith):如果你和这位先生比较熟的话,Smith就可以省略,便条不必很正式。
LI Hua will pick you up 9:00AM tomorrow morning at your hotel to have business talk with PKK, and in the afternoon to look see their(这条生产线是PKK的吧。是,就保留their) new line.
*** (留条者姓名,如果你就是李华的话,前面LI Hua 就写“ I ”)
Dear jack
I put the things you need are ready, bag on the table, the map in the bag, and a bunch of keys also put in bag. Some money in the drawer. Rightness, CDS and CD on by computer, some fruits and food in the refrigerator.