Personal Statement My great curiosity about camera lens is rooted in a television interview when I was still a young girl。
Hunan Television Station held a talent show called Super Girl Voice in 2004。 I was a student in high school at that time, and I found the high audience rating brought huge viewers and the advertisers。
It also made mass media to be a hot industry。 I thought that was a potential job which would provide opportunities; prospects and material conditions for me to take off。
Therefore I determined to choose mass communication to be my major。 I am very proud to study in Communication University of China Nanjing College, which is the tiptop communication and media institution of higher education in China。
During my undergraduate study, I find myself has been strongly attached to this specific territory。 Achieving 82 of the GPA proved that I am an excellent student in my class。
I learned basic methodology and theories of Broadcasting and TV program Editor and mass communication。 There is no doubt that practice makes perfect。
For that reason I have applied for my professional internship as a TV editor in Yueyang Broadcasting & Television Co。 Ltd, which is the largest and most authoritative media company in Yueyang。
During that intern work I applied what I acknowledged at school to actual process of producing television program, which includes programme scheming, transcribe programme, editing and broadcasting。 Writing scripts and shooting films with my classmates is also my favourite。
During the creation process, we exchanged our ideas and discussed about the problems of scripts, performing and postproduction 。 It is benefit from my strong sense of team work。
Being a member of the university's volleyball team instill the idea of 'team work' deep inside me。 That is the very spirit which made my short film 'timeline', a cooperated film work, won the 3rd rate prize of 'the 5th International Film Work Selection Practice'。
No pain no gain! Emerging technologies is rapidly changing the media map。 Internet, wireless communications and digital video technology are creating a new communications environment。
Our world is becoming a earth village gradually which metioned by Canadian professor Marshall McLuhan first time in his in 1967。 With the recent tendency of globalization, I wish to pursue my study in media communication。
To find out how the methods and perspectives of media communication affect the ultimate communication effects and what global media can do to serve their social responsibility better under a globalization circumstances。 The reason why I choose UK is because I am crazy about English TV drama Like ,, and so on。
I am also enthusiastic about football very much and I want to watch the FA Premier League。 I choose UK because UK is the media center of European。
I can learn a lot of knowledge which I cannot acquire in China and broaden my horizon at the same time。 There is an old saying in China: Reading over ten thousands of books is not as good as walking over ten thousands of miles。
I will be influenced by many different cultures in UK。 At present, my career ideal is clear in my mind。
In order to combine my own career objective with social development and accommodate a wide variety of interdisciplinary knowledge, I will comprehensively study the interactive relationship between mass media and human civilization。 That's the objective law and trends。
I pick up this programme with the most advanced research facilities and world-class faculty, to upgrade my knowledge of scientific research methods。 And even when I type my Statement of Purpose word by word, I became even more determined with my choice。
It's quite convincible that my solid technical background will help me to understand more clearly the internal operation of the media communication。 My adequate internship experiences will prepare me to be easily integrated into the media market as well。
Equally, I'm certain that with your wonderful guidance I will play a better part in contribution to China's media industry and add luster to my career。 In the past three years, though sometimes I suffered setbacks, felt confused or dissatisfied with the reality like a rebellious youth, I have never stopped the pursuit of my interests and all-round development of myself。
Modern undergraduate education focuses on the expansion of students' major knowledge。 As the world changing rapidly, only the all-rounders can best adapt to the global society。
In this active atmosphere around our campus, 。
Jane E. Doe (姓名一定要字体大, 醒目)(地址)(电话)(电子邮箱)Objective To be a candidate for college admission to the _____________. (填入申请的大学名称)Educational Experience 2000-2005 Anytown Senior High School Anytown, State (从哪一年到哪一年,在哪所高中就读, 以及学校所在城市和省,国家) G.P.A 3.7 including 5 honors and 3 Advanced Placement courses. “A” honor roll, Triple A candidate, All Academic Team (列举你的总平均分及在学校所获得的荣誉)Extracurricular Activities 2000-2004 Anytown SHS Volleyball Joe Smith (列举参加的校内外的活动,包括时间,组织名称, 地点) Played varsity for three years and junior varsity for one year. Positioned as an outside hitter. Voted MVP in school conference. (列举你在参加活动是所做的事情,如果有担任一定职位,也也要列举出 来,以及因为参加活动所取得的荣誉) 2002-2003 Anytown SHS Diversity Club Chapter Secretary for one year. Co-chair for school-wide diversity week. Expanded sales to include mass-market accounts.Volunteer Experiences(义工经验,跟课外活动的格式一样,也要把时间,组织名称,地点,职位,责任列出来,如果没有相关经验,可以把这个栏目整个删除掉) 2000 Anytown Humane Society 150 hours Assisted organization with cleaning, caring, and playing with animals. 2001 Fifth Grade Volleyball Coach 80 hours Co-coached fifth graders in the fundamentals of volleyball skills.Awards (个人荣誉:如果有参加过许多校级以上的竞赛,也可以一一列举出来,校内的就算了) 2008 National Math Competition First Place 2006 State Science Fair Second Place Talents and Skills (专长和兴趣) CPR certified, fundraising experience, 65 WPM, polite Spanish and French, and general interest in helping the other.列举简历内容的时候,应该把最近近况的放在前面,以前的放在后面,比如列举个人荣誉时, 把 2009 年的奖项列在最前面,然后才是2008年的, 2007年的,以此类推。
个人陈述样本一: 个人陈述 申请人:********* 申请学校及专业:************* 尊敬的学校领导,您好,我很高兴能写这样一篇文章向您描述我的个人背景,以及对贵校和想学专业的一些见解。
我叫*******,是一个活泼开朗、热情大方的女孩,我做事积极上进,有责任心,适应能力很强。 我是一个即将毕业的大四学生,大学四年让我学到了许多专业的知识,马上要毕业了,我不打算工作,也没有选择考研,而是非常希望去贵校继续学习,因为我对时尚买手与产品管理这个专业有着浓厚的兴趣。
我出生在中国北方的一个沿海城市,父母一起经营着一家广告公司,在他们的努力下,我从小到大一直过着衣食无忧的生活。 因为工作的关系,我的父母很注重穿衣打扮,这对我也有着潜移默化的影响,平时我很喜欢看各种时尚杂志,逛商场,买服装、饰品,对时尚产业有着非比寻常的热爱。
所以,我想在大学毕业以后去贵校求学,学习时尚和管理的知识,成为一个真正懂时尚,并且可是在时尚领域工作的人。 上中学的时候我就知道,意大利是欧洲文艺复兴的发源地,在艺术、时尚、宗教、料理、电影、建筑、经济及音乐等方面具有重要的影响力,现在的意大利走在时尚最前沿的国家,拥有无数顶尖的时尚品牌,在悠久的历史文化的衬托下,散发着无穷的魅力,去意大利求学是我一直以来的梦想。
意大利优秀的学校很多,最吸引我的就是贵校--Polimoda。我了解到,Polimoda时尚学院是全世界最为著名的时尚专业院校之一,有着优厚的师资力量,是国际时尚奢侈品业备受推崇的专业院校,坐落在国际时尚创意设计与奢侈品管理教育之都、世界历史文化名城意大利佛罗伦萨 ,在实习和就业方面都有着巨大的优势,如果能在这样一所优秀的学校学习,会是我一生都为之自豪的事情。
时尚买手与产品管理是我一直以来都非常想上的一个专业。我认为,一个好的时尚买手,需要非常高的时尚敏感度,眼光要非常好,具有优秀的判断力和服装品位,必须是既理性又具有创造力,熟知服装的面料、流行,服装的设计要点、加工工艺及流程、周期 ,了解消费者以及市场,同时对报表、财务也非常熟知,懂得如何平衡成本和预算。
我相信通过学习时尚买手与产品管理这个专业我能够拥有这些能力,我热爱这个专业。 我想在我完成课程,有了专业知识和实习经验以后,回到我的祖国,因为中国消费人口多,专业人才稀少,时尚业相对来说落后,我希望自己能为祖国的时尚业发展尽自己的一份力量。
我不是因为向往国外的生活而留学,而是因为去文化底蕴丰厚的意大利求学是我一直以来的梦想,希望Polimoda能够给我这次机会,让我去贵校学习专业的知识,接受文化的熏陶,我一定会努力学习! 个人陈述样本二: 个人陈述调查表 姓名:**** 毕业(在读)院校:郑州轻工业学院轻工职业学院 专业:电脑艺术设计 【为什么选择马兰欧尼学院?】 意大利是一个拥有美丽的自然风光和为数众多人类文化遗产的地中海美丽的国家。 他浪漫的人文与美丽的风光吸引了我,同时意大利的文化也空前的繁荣,是欧洲“文艺复兴”的发源地。
意大利也是旅游胜地,可以让人在里面寻找无限的灵感,意大利的大学更为人性化和特色化,这样能接收到更多的新鲜理论还可以发现具体在艺术方面中西文化的异同,完善自我。 这就成为了我下决心选择意大利留学的重要原因。
【学校为什么选择我?】 从小我就很喜欢画画,在小学时参加学校的各种画画比赛,小时候也有受到妈妈的影响,经常见到妈妈踩着缝纫机制作衣服的情景,那一件一件精美的衣服穿在自己的身上是无比的欢喜,想着在我们这里也就只有我妈妈有这样的手艺。 从小受妈妈的影响,有着一双巧手,做着自己喜欢的diy物品--布娃娃、手机链等。
我希望通过在马兰欧尼学院的 学习是自己的能力有所提高,并把自己所学到的知识传播给更多的人,是他们对马兰欧尼学院有更多的认识,也使他们对意大利文化有更深入的了解。 【我具备什么?】---此部分偏重于专业技术方面 我从小学习美术,有扎实的美术功底。
并且自己有着很丰富的想象力和创造力,有着对服装设计发展的独特灵感和创意。 【我的人生规划是什么?】--在马兰欧尼学院就读,你对哪方面的学术内容有特别的兴趣?学习目标是什么?毕业后要如何发展自己的事业? 通过这些都为我的专业知识储备了大量的信息以及资源。
新西兰出国留学文书写作怎样写,如何写好留学文书? 名称:每个学校对出国留学文书写作“个人陈述”的描述有不同的叫法,通常称为Personal Statement,Statement of Purpose,Statement of Objectives,其他叫法诸如Letter of Interests 或Study Plan意思也是大同小异。
还有一些和“命题作文”相似的,被称为essay。 目的:出国留学文书写作个人陈述是目的性很强的自荐文章,旨在通过阐述自己的经历和想法,表明自己是一个合格并且优秀的申请者,让录取委员会感受到自己完全有能力胜任研究生阶段的学习并在将来有所建树,说服他们最终录取你。
格式:常见的出国留学文书写作思路有三种:一是自传式,即按照时间顺序把自己人生当中的重要经历描述一番;二是叙事式,即以某一件事情或一个故事切题,引出全文和自己的观点;三是专业式,即依次介绍自己的专业背景和研究经历,体现出科研能力。 在实际创作中,申请者应该不拘一格,写出自己的特色。
很简单的举个例子说,hi,guys.my name is ````.i come from china.First arrived in Canada, I feel pretty quiet here, which is a different with the beauty of my hometown. Hope to have a chance to bring everyone to my hometown of Yangzhou, and hope to be friends with you