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    英国留学化学专业PS个人陈述范文谁有呢? -


    下面就是一篇英国化学专业的PS个人陈述范文: Since studying Chemistry and Design & Technology at A level, my desire to develop my knowledge of chemistry, incorporating the use of computers with technology, has increased. I wish to study in greater depth the potential interrelations of these subjects and look forward to the unique creative possibilities that a greater knowledge and understanding of them will bring. I wish to study both theoretical and practical applications of chemistry, computers and computer aided technology at a higher level. I have pursued two work experience placements, which have confirmed my interest in chemistry and computer technology. They showed me, albeit in a limited way, the interface between pure science and computer systems. I worked in an analytical laboratory at I.C.I., analysing chemicals (e.g. using an infra red spectrometer and gas chromatograph) and using databases. This improved my computer literacy as well as developing other skills, such as responsibility, teamwork, communication, listening skills and working to deadlines. I have completed a CLAIT course and am interested in home computing and the Internet. I have also helped to build a web site. As part of my Design and Technology course I have been developing my CAD skills extensively by producing a range of 3D models in Pro-Desktop. I was also rewarded with an &aposoutstanding effort&apos certificate in Design and Technology, further outlining my passion and dedication for the subject. Out of school, I have a wide variety of interests. My main passions are skiing and table tennis. In table tennis I have achieved a creditable national ranking, and I am captain of the County team. In May 2001 I was given the opportunity to compete in Finland as part of the ISO games. I have competed in numerous national competitions and recently captained a team in the Junior British League. I am now commencing a course, which will leave me as a qualified Level Two Coach. Within school I have been school team captain. I am also in the school football team, and am part of the 6th form league winner&aposs 5-a-side team. My involvement in sport has developed my leadership and teamwork skills as well as showing me the dedication that is required to learn and develop skills. I also enjoy music concerts and learning to play the bass guitar. I have also completed numerous courses in swimming, sailing, windsurfing, and snorkelling. I have travelled extensively around the world visiting Asia, The Middle East, America, South America, and Europe. I believe the courses I am studying, combined with the knowledge and skills I have gained out of school in work experience and sporting pursuits will be particularly useful for the challenge of degree level study at university. 注:PS个人陈述范文的作用是提供给申请的同学们一个PS个人陈述写作的思路和架构,切勿抄袭内容,如果被英国学校发现,后果会很严重哦。

    申请英国大学商科会计与金融专业PS范文谁有呢? -

    英国大学商科是中国学生申请英国留学最热门的课程,竞争也是相当激烈,因此申请材料中PS个人陈述肯定是必不可少,并且是重头戏,下面就是一篇英国大学商科Accounting & Finance会计与金融专业个人陈述范文。

    Since studying Business at GCSE level and Economics at AS level, I have developed an interest in the role of finance within businesses. Alongside my studies at school, I have also taken inspiration from my involvement in my father&aposs part-time business. I have helped deal with some financial aspects of this business, including banking and completing annual accounts, from which I have developed several skills in working with figures and the ability to accurately handle, organise and analyse information. From this experience, I am intrigued to learn more about finance and accounting. Currently, I am studying A levels in Psychology, Geography and English Literature. I chose not to continue Economics to A2 level as the specific aspects of my other courses were much more relevant to my personal interests. Each of these subjects has given me valuable knowledge and understanding which I can apply to many other general areas. Studying Psychology has given me an insight into behaviours and attitudes in everyday involvement with people, both relatives and friends as well as within society in general. The human aspects of my Geography course have provided me with the ability to better understand important issues on a global scale. In studying literature I have learnt to communicate ideas more clearly and confidently, both in speech and in writing. Outside of school, I enjoy reading both fiction books, mostly classic novels, mysteries, science fiction and fantasy, and non-fiction texts, generally including information about natural history and the economy. I read everyday as this is something that I find beneficial to improve my general knowledge and provides me with an opportunity to spend some time on my own. In addition to this, I have an enthusiasm for computing. I am familiar with using spreadsheets, word processors and creative software and I am also learning aspects of web design. In recent years I have learnt skills from my brother, who is a computer programmer, and I am always eager to teach myself new things. As an individual, I have always aspired to higher education at university as I have a positive and committed attitude to learning new things. The idea of moving on from school life and taking on the challenge of a degree course provides me with motivation and determination to succeed. From studying at university, I intend to develop my personal characteristics and skills and learn to apply the knowledge I gain to pursue a career in an accounting or financial profession.。


    这是我们老师给我写的一封推荐信 姓名和学校神马的我隐去了…… 我是金融专业的 这门课是 外汇市场与外汇交易 Recommendation Letter Dear Sir or Madam: It is with pleasure that I am writing this letter of recommendation on behalf of Miss。

    XXX, a sudent of mine, who is now applying your master's degree program。 I have got to know him well since I taught her class Forex market and trading at the spring semester of 2010。

    As an associate professor of finance at XXX University, I am in a position to comment on her academic achievement and potential。 Half of my lectures were completed in the computer room。

    I observed many times that Miss。 XXX was able to complete the exercises ahead of time and demonstrated a good understading of the course contents。

    Though the final exam had to be written in Englsih, she got a good grade。 In fact, she did better than the majority of her classmates。

    In addition, Miss。 XXX was highly motivated to carry out tasks with minimum supervision。

    She was able to first plan each step of his project very well and informed me of the progress of her study in the regular project reports。 I found Miss。

    XXX to be a hardworking and trustworthy student, who has great interest in financial economics。 I am pleased to recommend her for admission into your postgraduate study program and expect her to achieve further progress。

    I would appreciate your kind consideration of her application。 Yours sincerely, XXX, Ph。

    D。 ( Fudan), MBA(McGill) Associate Professor of Finance, School of Finance XXX University , Address: XXXXX Business Email:XXXX。





    步骤1 要多想。

    Part I 实际上就是要破除国内教育的“分数决定论”思想桎梏。 考虑为什么VO总是问几个相同的问题,比如“你为什么要到美国去”。

    (可能由于你只是简单的说了什么“美国是世界上最先进的国家”,而被拒) (BeBeyond给出的原因是中美两国的教育差别。 中国是“分数决定论”所导致的人生道路的单一化,而美国人在选校和专业时的考虑的因素则是自己的兴趣,自己未来想的工作,自己毕业后想从事的职业性质(如教师还是技术工种))。

    这也是为什么管强调“思考”能力。 Part II 美国人的思维方式—先有目标,再有行动,而对中国学生,有以下两点困难。

    1.没有自己的主见――要多想。 2.用英文沟通的能力不行――多读外文的原版的读物。

    步骤2 写PS之前应该回答下列问题: 1.你为什么要到美国学习 a)答案不能是以下原因: i。美国的教育系统先进 ii。

    我想要美国文凭 iii。 我知道的其他人都出去了,所以我也要走 iv。

    父母希望 b)答案应包括以下内容: i。我将怎样在未来的5年内发展自己的职业生涯 ii。

    我的兴趣是什么 iii。我对美国的了解程度(什么意思?) iv。

    我的经历和背景中的优势和劣势,及我的申请策略是我有多大的机会拿Offer 2.你到美国来的具体的计划 a)如你是想当老师,就要到牛校去。 b)如果你想从事技术工作,就怎么怎么(故要尽可能的了解美国) 步骤3。

    使你的申请有竞争力。 不能不加选择和修饰的列出你的成绩和奖励(要考虑到你的这些条件与你申请的专业的相关性和奖励本身)。

    最根本的就是能够“打动”评委会的且又与你的专业相关的事例。 步骤4 计划你的申请 要尽量是你的申请计划具体且可行,做每一件事要了解做此事的目的。

    比如你写PS是要强调你的哪一个方面。 在制定计划的时候,要考虑可行性,预计时间,以及行动的策略方法。

    步骤5 选校, 既不是只看学校的排名,而随便的选择;也不是看哪所学校的申请费较低就选。 美国学校的一般情况。

    1.公立于私立:私立学校的教授教学多,公立研究多;公立学校的研究经费多,RA,TA较私立多 2.地理差别:南方的学校较北方便宜,Alabama or Iowa的学校由于被美国人认为是没有趣的地方,尽管学校的排名可以,竞争也不激烈。 而California由于有大量的华人(他们的子女不愿到外地),故竞争非常的激烈。

    如何调查美国的学校 1.国际学生的比例,尤其是师兄师姐去的学校。或者去Email询问。

    步骤6 申请FA 要注意美国的有些FA是只给美国人的,所以有些给奖率很高的学校,不一定对我们有利。 1.奖学金。

    给明星学生 2.助学金。(TA,RA,GA)这就要求你具有他们所要求的能力。

    (如果是数学的TA当然要求你的数学课程的分数越高越好,如果有教学经验则更好)。 3.由于国外教授申请基金的情况也存在变数,故也有6,7月才拿到Offer的情况,当然这主要是运气了。

    得到Offer的关键点是 1.给Offer的机会在哪里 2.给Offer的人(主要是教授)的研究方向。 3.根据该人的要求来定制你的材料。

    步骤7 获得正确的推荐信。 关于推荐信的错误认识。

    1.写信的人不是官越大越好。 关于推荐信的正确策略 1.如果你的成绩好,那此信要说明你不仅仅只有成绩好 2.如果你申请的TA, RA,此信要说明你有某方面的能力。

    3.信本身要有别人为你写信的理由,(此人应该很熟悉你,而且有评价你的能力,如牛教授,但如果牛教授之和你有一面之交,就没有为你写信的理由)否则会被认为是伪造的。 4.信要能从侧面佐证你所说的能力,当然如果再提供一些相关的有用的信息就更好了。

    5.应用实例,而不能充斥了评价之词。 (信的内容一定要能由自己来定,如果别人不愿这样写,就要坚定的放弃) 步骤8 PS的重要性 因为教授就是靠PS来了解一个活生生的人(毕竟死板的GT的分数都是千人一面),所以要能够尽可能的多解除他们对你的(各方面的)疑问,(当然要按照他们提出的要求来写) 好的PS应包括的方面。

    1.尽可能具体的学习计划。 2.实例表明你优越的个性。

    3.整篇文章要能证明你的英文的运用能力。 可能存在的缺点: 1.没有什么可以说的,导致PS极其的空洞。

    2.美国人总是基于事实的,用例子来说明问题的。(中国人则喜欢引经据典,说话不直截了当) 解决之道: 1.尽可能多的用英文来写东西 2.多读美式英语的文章。

    3.用不少于100小时写PS。 4.从好和坏的PS的例子中学习经验。

    5.和专家讨论。 步骤9 交流,展现你自己 申请就好象是推销商品,你要考虑,你自己是什么样的商品,你如何说服你的顾客,你就是他们需要的商品。

    ?;;你的GPA,G,T,Sub及研究成果等是商品的技术指标。 ?;;你的推荐信是你以前顾客的反馈 ?;;你的PS就是你的广告了。

    使你的PS动人的方法。 1.要有给一个主要的印象(如你将成为一个顶级的科学家,你将创立一个世界级的企业),当然这个印象要以你的硬指标为基础,以你的顾客的需求为导向。

    (切忌主要印象不突出) 2.其他的优点一定要提及,增加你PS的广度。亦可以适当的增加一点幽默。










