
ice cream
冰淇淋 [bīng qí lín]:ice cream,关于冰淇淋,(ice Cream,又名冰激凌、甜筒等)的起源有多种说法。草莓冰淇淋在中国很久以前就开始食用的“冰酪”(或称“冻奶”,英文“Flozen Milk”,现称冰淇淋,英文“Ice Cream”)。真正用奶油配制冰淇淋始于我国,据说是马可·波罗从中国带到西方去的。
1. 吃冰淇淋 Eat ice cream ; eat an ice cream ; Eating ice cream ; Ice cream
2. 绿茶冰淇淋 Green Tea Ice Cream ; Green Teamochi ice cream ; Ice Cream Green Tea
3. 水果冰淇淋 Sundae ; Fruit Ice Cream ; Fruity Pie ;
4. 烘烤冰淇淋 Baked Alaska
5. 冰淇淋粉 Powders for ice cream ; ice cream powder ; dried ice cream mix ; dry ice cream mix
6. 咖啡冰淇淋 Coffee Ice Cream ; coffee parfait ; Ice Cream Coffee ; Coffee
7. 冰淇淋勺 ice Cream Scoop ; Icecream spoon ; STEEL ICE-CREAM SCOOP
8. 鲜果冰淇淋 fruit ice cream ; Ice Cream
9. 冰淇淋头痛 Ice Cream Headache
1. 他用麦杆吸冰淇淋汽水。
He sucked ice-cream soda through a straw.
2. 那小男孩吃了好几满盘冰淇淋。
The boy ate several dishfuls of ice cream.
3. 我一顿只吃面包、香蕉和冰淇淋;难道我还算吃得多么?
I only have a meal of bread, bananas and ice cream; do I pig out?
ice cream 英 [aɪs kri:m] 美 [aɪs krim] 冰淇淋 短语 Yoghurt Ice-cream 乳酪雪糕 Ice-cream Stick 棒冰 ; 冰糕棒 Blueberry Ice-cream 莓雪糕 ice-cream m 雪糕 ; 冰淇淋 ; 冰激凌 扩展资料 同近义词 gelato 英 [dʒə'lɑːtəʊ] 美 n. (意大利语)冰淇淋 n. (Gelato)人名;(意)杰拉托 短语 gelato pique 意式叮咬 ; 冰淇淋赌气 ; 渐变 ; 睡裙 Apricot Gelato 杏意式冰淇淋 ; 杏冰淇淋 ; 杏仁色 gelato messina 西田城店 ; 达令港店 例句 1、Two years ago, Bellos, 63, began researching gelato as an up-and-coming product. 两年前,63岁的Bello开始将gelato当作一种朝阳产品来研究。
2、W: We went to an oyster bar, and then we went to eat Chinese food. After that, we had Italian gelato, espresso, and。 W:我们昨天去吃了牡蛎,中国菜,之后吃了意大利冰淇淋、咖啡、还有… 3、I took them on as my friends; we'd circle through the city after class every day, then sit in the town square, dodging pigeons and eating gelato. 我把她们当朋友看待——每天放学后,我们都会围着城墙散步,然后在市中心广场歇脚,在广场的时候我们手里都拿着一根冰淇淋,一路躲闪着成群的鸽子。
冰淇淋的英语是”ice cream”这个词是一个名词n。
( aiskri:m)英语
[bīng qí lín]汉语
1、I like ice cream and cookies。
icecream 冰淇淋 【读音】英 [aɪs kriːm] 美 [aɪs kriːm] 双语例句: 1、The boys were regaling on ice cream cones.男孩们在美滋滋地大吃冰淇淋。
2、Mother knows how to make ice cream.母亲会做冰淇淋。 3、Please two ice creams.请来两客冰淇淋。
4、Will you take some ice cream?你要吃点冰淇淋吗? 扩展资料: 【近义词】 1、sherbet 冰果子露 I ordered a sherbet, not ice cream.我点了一个冰果子露,而不是冰淇淋。 2、ice cream 冰淇淋 The boys were regaling on ice cream cones.男孩们在美滋滋地大吃冰淇淋。
3、cream 奶油 She ladled cream over her pudding.她在布丁上浇了一勺奶油。 4、ice 冰 The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak.那鸟在冰上啄出了一个洞。
5、sherbert 果汁牛奶冻 Bright rose pink, Lifted aromas of boiled lollies and rose petals, Rose petals and musk sticks, light bodied with hints of fizzy sherbert. 明亮的粉玫瑰色,酒精糖和玫瑰花瓣纤柔的花香,口感中蕴含玫瑰花瓣和麝香的味道,酒体轻盈,带有牛奶果冻的甜润。 【词汇搭配】 1、chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰淇淋 2、ice cream cone甜筒。