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  • 中文函电范文


    我有,你邮箱个我,我给你发过去 Letter 1Self-introductionDear Sirs,Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned that you have been supplying the best quality foods all over the world, and we are sure there is a large demand for various exotic foods in our country. We are writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.We are the largest food trading company in Japan with offices or representatives in all major cities and towns in the country. We have been importing a large variety of foods from Europe and the U.S.A. and consider that we have considerable experience in this field.A bright prospect for your products in our market is foreseeable, We look forward to hearing from you and assure you of our close cooperation at all times. Yours faithfully,Letter 2Asking to Establish Business Relations Dear Sirs,Your letter of November 21 addressed to our sister corporation in Shanghai has been transferred to us for attention. As the items fall within the scope of business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you. We have learned that you are one of the leading importers and wholesalers of Electric and Electronic Machinery and Equipment in Thailand. We are exporters of the same lines of business, having a business background of some 40 years, and are now particularly interested in exporting to your country Electronic Products of all types.All kinds of our products are good sellers and worth commendation for their excellent quality. If you are interested in marketing these products at your end, please let us know and we shall be pleased to send you our quotations and sample books upon receipt of your specific enquiries.We look forward to your favorable reply. Yours faithfully,。


    如你与某外商第一次联系,我这里给大家一个标准的联系函格式,请参考:邮件标题:客户求购的产品名称邮件内文:To:客户公司名称Attn:客户人名Re:客户求购的产品名称 DECORATIVE LIGHTING We are pleased to get to konw that you are presently on the market for decorative lighting,and as a specialized manufacturer and exporter for this product in China,we sincerely hope to establish business relations with your esteemed corporation. If the product we offered above is some different from what you require actually,kindly inform us in detail,we will be pleased to re-offer you as per yr actual requirements asap.Please note that the product pictures will be sent to you upon yr request,and a small sample could also be sent to you for yr final checking if the price is finally acceptable.To konw more about our corporation,kindly visit our website:www.Pls kindly check and revert at yr earlist.Pure Trading Co.,Ltd Add: Tel: Fax: E-mail:几点说明:a)邮件标题只能是客户求购的产品名称,而不要加其它的任何多余语言,这样,客户打开你邮件的可能性一般可达到100%;b)开头语简洁带过证明你是专业而老练的商人,可立即拉近与客户的距离,而对商人来说过多的寒暄实在是多余;不少人喜欢一开始就说从何得知该客户的,我们建议你,一般情况下最好不用提,客户在那里发布过求购信息,客户自己知道,多说多余,不过,如是本网线下转发给你的外商询盘,加一句话也无妨;c)开头语特忌讳主动过多介绍自己,因为会给人一种推销的感觉,给人的第一感觉就不好,事实上,没有几个客户会有耐心来阅读你的长篇介绍的,不主动过多介绍自己将一定反而会给客户一种很自信、很专业的印象,这种印象对你来说是非常重要的;那么,“过多”的标准是什么呢?我们认为,介绍性语言超过两句即是“过多”!d)简洁开头后,你必须立即进入正文,即报价,因为客户最关心的无非是产品规格与价格而已,你如不能提供客户想要的东西,客户回你干吗?立即进入报价,证明你是专业做该行的,你是有诚意、实实在在想做生意的,大家的时间都很宝贵,都不想浪费时间,特别是欧美商人更是如此; 有人说,客户询盘中规格说的不全,无法报价,事实上,没有那个外商会在询盘中一次就把要求说完的,你可估摸着试探性报,报错了没关系,这只是证明你是专业的、多年做该行的,如所报的规格与客户所要的不符,客户一般会很快回复你并详细告诉你他所需产品的具体要求的;有人总喜欢第一次联系客户时就问东问西的,有些国家的客户(如印度、韩国)可能会耐心回你,但对大多数欧美客商(如美国)来说,他们一般是不会回复该类邮件的;e)所报的价必须是实价,必须与现有的市场行情相吻合,价太低,客户知道你不是做该行,不会理你;价太高也会吓跑客户,客户也不会回你,所以,切勿乱报价,应了解清楚了、多比较后再报,对新产品、对外贸公司来说这点尤其重要;f)第一次联系客户时,除非客户在询盘中提出,最好不要主动附上图片,以免被删或被国外反垃圾邮件软件拦截;g)与客户第一次联系最好用HOTMAIL邮箱,或在邮件中另附上你的HOTMAIL邮箱,因为垃圾邮件泛滥的原因,中国越来越多的邮件服务器被国外打入黑名单,你发的邮件可能最终进不了客户的邮箱,或客户回你的邮件你也收不到,这种情况已越来越严重,而用HOTMAIL邮箱一般不会有这方面的问题;8,强烈建议:如你不能报出有一定竟争力的价格,请最好不要联系客户,既然报不了价自然就成不了,不仅客户很可能不会理你,你又何必浪费你及外商宝贵的工作时间呢?对外贸公司来说,何不在货源上多下点功夫,效果一定好很多!总之,你联系客户的目地无非是为了争取能最终成交,而要能最终实现成交的目地,你起码总要迈过产品规格相符、出口报价适当这两个槛,直接洽谈这两个最重要的问题,不仅外商喜欢,也必能大大缩短成交的进程,大家何乐何不为呢?转自:国际进出口贸易论坛 回复客户的询盘要清晰 对于如何回复客户的询盘的问题,从表面看,是一个比较简单的问题,其实是一个很深的问题,也是一个所有从事外贸工作需要思考的问题,老外贸也不例外,因为这是一个关系到能不能抓住这个客户、能不能发展这个客户的问题,因此: 一、首先要调整好自已的心态。

    因为有很多外贸业务员,在询盘多的情况下: 1、工作忙不过来,没有及时回复,认为反正现在询盘多,拖几天也不要紧; 2、针对询盘多的情况下,在报价时,就会产生多报一点不要紧的情况,因为报少了吃亏的是自已,报多了还可以还价,且就是这多一点的想法,使你失去了一些机会; 3、真正做到大小客户、新老客户、远近客户等平等对待的原则。 二、要站在买方的角度思考问题,做好仔细的准备工作: 1、价格:FOB、CIF等各种价格,什么样的方式客户最能接受,什么样的价格最能让双方满意达到均衡; 2、数量:在什么时间内能提供什么样的数量,千万不能失信于客户; 3、质量:能达到什么样的质量保证,以及在生。

    有没有英文版的外贸函电范文? -

    SPECIMEN:ASKING FOR LOWERING THE PRICE Dear Sirs, RE:COUNTER-OFFER FOR BICYCLES Thank you for your letter about the offer for the captioned bicycles.Although we appreciate the quality of your bicycles, their price is too high to be acceptable .Refering to the Sales Confirmation No.89SP-754,you will find that we ordered 1000bicycles with same brand as per the terms and conditions stipulated in that Sales Comfirmation, but the price was 10%lower than your present price.Sinece we placed the last order,price for raw materials has been decreased consider ablely.Retailing price for your bicycles here has also been reduced by 5%.Accepting your present price will mean great loss to us , let alone profit.We would like to place repeat orders with you if you could reduce your price at least by 1.5%.Otherwise, we have to shift to the other suppliers for our similar request.We hope you take our suggestion into serious consideration and give us your reply as soon as possible yours truely。





    小学生与收信人的关系大体可分为两种:自己与长辈,自己与平辈。如果是长辈亲属,只写称谓即可,如“姑妈” 、“舅舅”等,不必写姓氏;如果不是亲属,则应在称呼前加上姓氏或姓名,如“宋姨”、“刘海叔叔”等。平辈之间,一般要在称呼前加上姓名或名字,如“赵孟彤同学”、“欣禹妹妹”等。还可以在“称呼”前加上“尊敬的”“想念的”等修饰词语,表达自己对收信人的某种感情。










    外贸函电范文 一. 如何表达在涨价前订货 Thank you for your letter of October 10 for business copiers. We are now sending you our price-list and catalog of the newest types that are under production and we can supply at once from stock. We want to notice you that prices of copier parts and components have gone up steadily since the second half of the year. Though we have tried hard to keep our quotations down, we are afraid the margin for keeping on going like this will not long. Therefore, we suggest that you will let us have your order before further rises in costs, which will lead to a raise in prices very soon unavoidably. 感谢贵方10月10日关于商用复印机的询函。



    二. 要求及时供货 We understand that you are the agent for the White Tiger ties. We enclose our order for 1000 dozens of the White Tiger ties. Please note that we need these goods rather urgently as Christmas is drawing near. If you could supply goods timely for seasons, we would make repeated orders, provided prices are reasonable. Payment for the enclosed order will be made on a draft at sight under our letter of credit opened in your favor on receipt of your confirmation that the goods are sent out, and can be delivered before 1, December, 2000.获悉贵公司为“白虎牌领带”的代理商。兹附上1000打白虎牌领带订单一份。


    此票订单之货款,待确认贵方已于2000年12月1日前发货之后,本公司即向贵公司开出见票即付的信用证。三. 要求代理商报价 We have read in China Daily that you are the exclusive agent for Hi-Fi Corporation of Africa and Asia. Would you please send us price-lists and catalogues of all the Hi-Fi wireless products and terms of payment. Please advise if you would grant special terms for an annual trade over 1 million U.S. dollars. A visit of your representative would be appreciated. Perhaps he could bring the newest samples of the 999 hand phone, an item of growing interest here.我方从《中国日报》上获知,贵公司为高保真公司在非洲和亚洲的独家代理商。


    四. 回复询盘告知无货 Referring to your letter of 5 June, we very much regret that we are unable to make you an offer for the goods you demand. The reason is that the product you need has been out of stock. What's more our manufacturers have declined orders because of shortage of raw materials.We shall, however, file your inquiry and cable you our offers as soon as we have got supplies. 我方收到贵公司6月5日来函,但非常遗憾,我方无法对贵方所需产品报盘。其原因是,此货品在我处已经脱销。


    五. 回复询盘,量大折价 We are pleased to receive your letter of 5 July and enclose our catalogue and price list. Also by separate post we are sending you the samples of our products. Our catalogue contains items and their specifications of our supplies. Through comparing our prices with those of other suppliers, you will appreciate the moderate prices of ours. For a total purchase of not less than 100,000 and not more than 200,000 American dollars, we would allow a discount of 10% and for a purchase larger than 200,000 American dollars, we would allow a 20% special discount.很高兴收到贵公司7月5日来函。现寄上产品目录与价目表。

    同时另封寄去样品,请查收。 所寄产品目录包括本公司产品的品名、规格。


    六. 如何追问买方意见 In reply to your inquiry we sent you on May 25 a copy of illustrated catalog of our electric products. As we have not heard from you since, we would like to ask whether you have had received our reply and what opinion you have on our products. We are always ready to serve you and should be grateful for your reply.在5月25日我方对贵方询函的回函中,已寄去本公司电器产品的附图目录。因迄今尚未接到贵方的消息,特致函询问,贵方是否已收到我方。

