话说句子都给你了 自己组织组织就行了 我也建议自己写/-
不过我写东西不保证语法……但保证句子通顺= =
我写投诉信比较强势……所以这个开头太不爽了……我最讨厌投诉人家说话还得拐弯抹角的,所以我无法保证我写到后来语气会变糟糕= =
Dear Mr and Mrs Zhang:
Welcome to our neighburhood However I am sorry to say you bring some trouble to us. The noise that came out from your family have really affect our work and rest.
Firstly is about Mr Zhang, who play the piano. We understand that to play an instrument need much practice and have a truly respect of your hobby. But could you please do not practice at the midnight, when other people is falling to sleep? Other hand, Mrs Zhang, we like your lovely singing, but not at 5 AM. If you really want to give voice to the start of a wonderful day, we suggest you to croon. Also your son Zhang Fang can play his lovely ball outside with his friend, i think it will be better than play alone, and won't annoy the people who live blow.
however, wish you can have a wonderful life in this new place, and also look forward for your reply.
Li Ming
only when you learn how important it is can you put your heart into it. 只有当你了解它 的重要性, 你才会全身心投入去学习它。
只有在夏季才可以通行的山路. The mountain route that is practicable only in summer 只有受到挑衅时才以暴力还击 React with violence only under provocation,ie when provoked 只有人类才有理性. only man has reason。