good night;
bon soir;
good evening;
Thank you and good night? And god bless america.
Good night. Sleep tight. Mind the bugs don't bite
Mr reqabi says he may have to rename his barbecue sauce good night.
Say "good night" every night, regardless of how you feel
Everyone was ready. They went up to the old lady to kiss her and wish her a good night.
good night 例句 他说她很傻,举止像管家婆一样。
他想介绍她认识他的朋友,于是她走到门口,就一次说了“晚安”,没有别的了。 He said it was silly of her to behave like a housekeeper, and he wanted to introduce his friends to her, so she went to the door, just once, and said good evening and that was that. 晚安,睡个好觉! Good night, sleep tight! ☆予人玫瑰之手 经久犹有余香 如果对你有帮助 请点击好评 ☆。
good night. 扩展资料: 例句: I wished him good night, and walked out of the shop, the richer by that sum, and the poorer by a waistcoat 我对他说了一声晚安,走出他的铺子,手里多了一笔钱,身上却少了一件背心。
Good night, old chap. I'll be over again one of these days" 晚安,老弟。我过几天还会再来的。
""Good evening, how are you?" 晚安,你好吗?--ROY: Yes, you look tired. It's been a strenuous day for you.--MYRA: Yes.--ROY: Good night, darling.--MYRA: Goodbye, darling. --罗伊:是的,你看上去有些疲劳。你今天辛苦了。
--玛拉:再见,亲爱的。I, rather imprudently, wished you good-night 我相当冒失地祝你晚安。
Now I shall go to sleep. Good night. --George Byron, American writer 现在我要睡觉了,晚安。美国作家布朗I said goodnight to Tom and went to bed, leaving open the door adjoining his room 最后,我向汤姆道了晚安,然后上床,让靠近汤姆房间的那扇门开着。
But she did make it a golden rule to ring the twins at six o'clock every evening to say goodnight to them 不过,她为自己定了一条雷打不动的规矩,即每天晚上六点钟给她的孪生子打电话,祝他们晚安。I'm pleased you enjoyed it. Thank you for coming. Good night. Mr. Smith. 今晚您过得愉快我很高兴。
Daniel and Lenny chatted together in the kitchen as I said goodnight to Tom. 丹尼尔和莱尼在厨房交谈时,我向汤姆道晚安。