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  • 春的英文怎么写



    这种缩写类似月份、星期的缩写,就是英文单词的前三个字母,且首字母要大写。 在成衣、纺织、设计类行业有只用第一个字母大写作为缩写的写法,即春(S)、夏(S)、秋(F)、冬(W),但是这种写法并不适用于所有行业,也不建议平时使用。

    扩展资料 春夏秋冬的由来: 我们的地球在围绕太阳不停地公转的同时,也在绕自身的地轴自转,不过地轴并不垂直于公转轨道面,而是有一个23度27角分的倾角。正是因为这个倾角的存在,才会使太阳在地球表面的直射点在南、北回归线之间移动,从而形成了春夏秋冬四个季节。

    当太阳直射在北回归线时,北半球获得的太阳热量较多,且白昼比黑夜长,所以北半球气温处于一年中最高的时候,为夏季;这时太阳斜射在南半球,南半球获得的太阳热量较少,且黑夜比白昼长,因此,南半球处于一年中最冷的季节——冬季。 当地球绕太阳再公转半圈时,太阳的直射点由北回归线移向南回归线,北半球获得的太阳热量逐渐减少,由夏季进入秋季,进而转入冬季;而南半球却正好相反,由冬季进入春季,进而过渡到夏季。

    不过,地球绕太阳公转的轨道并不是一个标准的正圆,因此南半球的夏天要稍稍比北半球的夏天热,而冬天则要比北半球的冷些。 参考资料:百度百科:春夏秋冬。


















    野花遍地是:杂样儿,有名字的,没名字的,散在草丛里象 眼睛,象星星,还眨呀眨的。 “吹面不寒杨柳风”,不错的,象母亲的手抚摸着你。


    牛背上牧童的短笛,这时候也成天嘹亮地响着。 雨是最寻常的,一下就是三两天。




    他们的房屋,稀稀疏疏的,在雨里静默着。 天上风筝渐渐多了,地上孩子也多了。


    “一年之计在于春”刚起头儿,有的是工夫,有的是希望。 春天象刚落地的娃娃,从头到脚都是新的,它生长着。

    春天象小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,走着。 春天象健壮的青年,有铁一般的胳膊和腰脚,他领着我们上前去。

    英语:Was hoping, was hoping, the east wind has come, the spring footstepswere near. All look like the appearance which just awoke, happy however enlargedones vision. Shan Lang Run has gotten up, the high water has gottenup, the sun blushed. The grass secretly drills from the earth, tender, is green. In thegarden, in the field, looks, a big piece of big piece full is. Sits,is lying down, hits two to roll, kicks several feet balls, the matchseveral runs, seizes several confuses Tibet. Wind light, grass soft. The peach tree, the apricot tree, the pear tree, you do not let me, Inot let you, all opened fills the flower to catch up with a son. Redelephant fire, powder elephant rosy cloud, white elephant snow. In theflower is bringing the sweet flavor; Closed one's eyes, on the tree asif already was full was the peach, the apricot, the pear. Under theflower becomes thousand tenths hundred honeybees humming sound tomake, the size butterfly flies round. The wild flower very iseverywhere mixed, has the name, does not have the name, disperses inthe thick patch of grass likely the eye, looks like the star, but alsowinks winks. "Blows the surface not cold willow wind", good, looks like mother'shand to stroke you. In the wind brings the soil breath which newlyturns, is mixing green grass 味儿, but also has the fragrance whichrespectively plants flowers, all ferments in slightly the moist air.Where has the bird the nest numerous colored tender leaf in the middleof, happily gotten up, shouts the friend to make the partner to showoff the clear throat, sings song which passes through many places, isshould being with the light breeze running water. The cow carries onthe back shepherd boy's piccolo, this time also all day longresonantly is making a sound. The rain is most common, is 32 days. But do not be annoyed. Lookedthat, looks like the ox hair, looks like the embroidery needle, lookslike the filament, is being densely slanting, on others roof an entirecage thin smoke. The leaf is actually green shines. The grass is alsoblue compels your eye. Evening time, has lit a lamp, spot Huang Yunlight, contrasts a piece peacefully but peace night. In thecountryside, on the alley, nearby the stone bridge, has the brace toget up the umbrella slowly is walking the person; The geographicalfeatures also have the work the farmer, throws over is wearing thecoolie hat. Their house, sparse, is being silent in the rain. Space kite gradually many, on the child were also many. In the citythe countryside, each and every family, the old family members aresmall, also all catches up with a son to resemble, one each one allcame out. Shu Huoshu the live physique, rouses pulls oneself together,respectively makes an each matter to go. "A year idea lay in thespring" just to begin, some were the free time, some were the hopes. Spring the celestial phenomenon just fell to the ground the baby, fromhead to foot all was new, it was 。

