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  • 面用英语怎么写


    1 tomato cut into pieces,to large and small,what shape does not matter,eggs open into a bowl,beat absorbed,add a little salt.2,the pot into the amount of (scrambled eggs,when put the number of oil is critical,in my experience is putting the equivalent of eggs 2 / 3) of oil,such as oil,when hot,pour in eggs,pay attention to this When freezing eggs naturally,do not move,until the eggs are freezing time (be careful the oil dried up,causing the egg paste),with rice shovel (also known as Chao Shao) from the edge of the egg gently into the eggs over and fry about,such as the color of both sides are golden color rendering,when taken out of the egg from the pot (you can not take,but talk about it after so skilled),this time there should be some oil pan,the tomatoes turned in,stir fry a few.Because tomatoes contain large quantities of water inside,water will be precipitated,this time to a good fried eggs into them,put a little salt,stir fry a few,pan.1、西红柿切成块,要大小不一,什么形状无所谓,鸡蛋打开放入碗中,打匀,放入少许的盐.2、锅内放入适量(炒鸡蛋的时候,油放多少很关键,我的经验是放相当于鸡蛋液的2/3)的油,等油热了的时候,倒入鸡蛋液,注意这个时候,鸡蛋液会自然的凝固,不要动,等到这个鸡蛋液都凝固的时候(要小心油干了,造成鸡蛋糊了),用饭铲(也叫炒勺)从鸡蛋的边缘轻轻进入,将鸡蛋翻过来,煎一下,等两面的颜色都呈现金黄的颜色时候,把鸡蛋从锅里取出来(也可以不取,不过等熟练以后再说吧),这个时候锅里面应该还有一些油,把西红柿翻进去,翻炒几下.由于西红柿里面含有大量的水分,会有水份析出,这个时候把炒好的鸡蛋放进去,放入少许盐,翻炒几下,出锅.。


    面条 noodles 用面粉做的细条状的食品。

    也称面条子。 拓展资料noodle ['nu:dl] 复数形式noodles 一、释义 1、n. [常用复数]面条;鸡蛋 2、n.笨蛋,傻子 [俚语]脑袋,脑瓜 3、vi.(乐师)弹拨乐器,(即兴)演奏: Before singing, he noodled at his guitar. 唱歌之前他先弹了几下吉他。

    4、[口语]玩弄,摆弄: to noodle around with a pen 玩弄一支钢笔 5、[口语]长时间地思考,反复酝酿: The director noodled for two days for only one scene. 就为了一个镜头,导演苦思冥想了两天时间。 6、[口语]认真干,精心制作: to noodle at a song for Tony 为托尼精心谱写了一首歌 7、【计算机】信手(或胡乱地)击键盘 8、vt.[口语]拨弄,玩弄(有时与 up连用): [口语]拨弄,玩弄(有时与 up连用): He was noodling up a model of a ship when I went into his office. 我走进他的办公室时看到他正摆弄一个轮船模型。

    9、变形: vi. noodled . noodling二、短语 Seafood noodles 乌龙面 ; 黑龙面 ; 榨菜肉丝面 ; 海鲜面 Chinese noodles 中国面条 ; 中式面点师 ; 中式炒面 cellophane noodles 粉丝 ; 冬粉 noodles soup 汤面 ; 面汤 ; 汤面类 soba noodles 荞麦面 ; 燕麦面 Crispy noodles 面花 stewed noodles 烩面 ; 煮面 TRICOLOR NOODLES 三色煨面 make noodles 做面条 ; 擀面条 三、双语例句权威例句 Do you like rice or noodles? 你喜欢米饭还是面条? They like to eat hamburgers, pizza and sandwiches but we always eat rice, congee, andnoodles. 他们喜欢吃汉堡包,比萨饼和三明治,但是我们总是吃米饭,稀粥和面条。 Have you ever eaten noodles before? 你以前吃过面条吗?。


    dú dānɡ yī miàn 独当一面(??一面) ________________________________________ ◎ 独当一面 dúdāng-yīmiàn 1. take charge of a department or locality; 2. be able to undertake the tack alone; 3. work on one's own; 4. take charge as chief 单独承当一方面的工作或使命 他喜欢老老实实做事,苦一点也不要紧,却怕独当一面,要自做主张。


    fruit 水果 apple 苹果 pear 梨 apricot 杏 peach 桃 grape 葡萄 banana 香蕉 pineapple 菠萝 plum 李子 watermelon 西瓜 orange 橙 lemon 柠檬 mango 芒果 strawberry 草莓 medlar 枇杷,欧查果 mulberry 桑椹 nectarine 油桃 cherry 樱桃 pomegranate 石榴 fig 无花果 tangerine 柑子 persimmon 柿子 walnut 胡桃 hazelnut 榛子 peanut 花生 date 枣 chestnut 粟 currant 醋粟 coconut, cocoanut 可 可 bilberry 越桔 blackberry, blueberry 黑莓 avocado 鳄梨 black currant 红醋栗 blood orange 红橙 citron, grapefruit 香橼 damson 大马士革李 nutmeg 肉豆蔻 papaya, papaw 番木瓜 guava 番石榴。


    一碗面的英文翻译是a blow of noodles.





    相关例句:He bolted down a bowl of noodles.




    n. (名词)




    break the bowl 把碗打破

    名词+~1、china bowl 瓷碗

    2、fish bowl 鱼缸

    3、punch bowl 用以混合甜饮料的大碗

