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    《神曲》(意大利文:Divina Commedia),乔万尼·薄伽丘(Giovanni Boccaccio)赐名为:Divina,是意大利诗人但丁的长诗.写于1307年至1321年,全诗为三部分《地狱》《炼狱》《天堂》,谴责教会的统治,但仍然未摆脱基督教神学的观点.全诗共分三部,每部33篇,最前面增加一篇序诗,一共100篇.诗句是三行一段,连锁押韵(aba,bcb,cdc,……),各篇长短大致相等,每部也基本相等.(地狱4720行;炼狱4755行;天堂4758行),每部都以「群星」(stelle)一词结束.。


    suspend the artemisia挂艾草,插艾草suspend the artemisia over the door艾草挂门上小知识————艾草的别名有许多,譬若冰台、遏草、香艾、蕲艾、艾蒿、艾、灸草、医草、黄草、艾绒、艾叶等.Artemisia has many an alternative name.艾草的英语名称Artemisia,来自摩索拉斯王的妻子,她的名字正是Artemisia.被誉为世界七大奇迹之一的摩索拉斯陵墓,建于大约公元前353年,位于曾经为波斯属地Caria 的地方,今小亚细亚西南部.The English name for “艾草” is Artemisia,deriving from the name of the wife of Mausolus:Artemisia.The Mausoleum is the renowned shrine of Mausolus among the seven wonders of the ancient world,erected approximately 353 B.C.,and is situated in the ancient city of Caria,once the vassal of Persia,and presently the south-west region of Anatolia.每至端午节,家家户户喜欢将艾草拿红纸扎成一小把,挂在户门上,以除秽避邪.Every time the Dragon Boat Festival comes around,each family relishes tying Artemisia into a small bunch in red paper and suspending it over the door to ward off evil spirits.艾草的英语别名之一是wormwood.英国作家C•S•路易斯(1898-1963)在其《地狱来鸿》(The Screwtape Letters,1942年)中,给其主要人物之一命名为wormwood.该主要人物是一个魔鬼.One of the alternative names in English for Artemisia is Wormwood.The British author C.S.Lewis ( 1898-1963) in his novel The Screwtape Letters ( 1942) gave the name Wormwood to a devil who is the protagonist of the novel.。

