
英 [tiːm],美 [tiːm]
n. 队;组
v. 使相配;使合作;结成一队
adj. 团队的
1、drill team 操练球队
2、field a team 派球队上场
3、finance a team 赞助一个队
4、form a team 组织一个队
5、found a team 建立一个队
n. (名词)
例句:A cricket team is comprised of eleven players.
serve KK: [] DJ: [] vt。
1。 为。
服役 Children must be educated to serve their country when they grow up。
必须教育孩子长大后为国家服务。 2。
供应[(+with)] 3。 侍候(顾客等);供应(饭菜);端上[(+to/with)][O1][O8] She served me a cup of coffee。
她给我端上一杯咖啡。 4。
任(职);服(刑);当(学徒)[(+as/for/in)] He served eight years in prison。 他坐过八年牢。
5。 适合(特定用途或目的);对。
使用[+to-v] My old car has served me well。
我那辆旧汽车对我很有用。 6。
发(球) 7。 【律】送达(传票等)[(+on/with)] 8。
对待[O] vi。 1。
服务;服役;供职;帮佣[(+in/on/under)] My father served in the navy during the Second World War。 我父亲在第二次世界大战期间在海军服役。
2。 招待,侍候;上酒,端菜 Pearl is serving at the table。
珀尔在侍候进餐。 3。
适用;有用;足够[(+for/as)][+to-v] A simple example will serve to illustrate the point。 一个简单的例子可以说明这一点。
4。 发球 n。
1。 发球(权) service KK: [] DJ: [] n。
1。 服务;效劳;帮助[U][P1] He died in the service of his country。
他为国捐躯。 2。
招待,服侍;服务态度[U] That hotel is noted for its fine service。 那家旅馆以服务优良著称。
3。 公共设施;公用事业[C][U] There is a good bus service into the city。
往市内的公共汽车十分方便。 4。
服务业[P1] 5。 军种;服役;勤务[P1][U] 6。
宗教仪式;礼拜式[C] 7。 行政部门[S1] 8。
售后服务;维修,保养[C][U] In a way good service sells our products。 良好的售后服务在某种程度上促进了我们产品的销路。
9。 发球;发球方式[C] 10。
整套餐具[C] 11。 【律】(传票等的)送达[U] 12。
帮佣[U] vt。 1。
服务 2。
检修,维修,保养 We have the machines serviced regularly。 我们请人定期维修机器。
3。 支付(债务的)利息 。
team 作为名词的意思是团队。
英 [ti:m] 美 [tim]
队,组; 团队; 工作组; (野鸭等)群,同胎仔
协同工作; 合作; 把(牛马等)联套在车上;
复数: teams 过去式: teamed 过去分词: teamed 现在分词: teaming 第三人称单数: teams
例句:Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.
A good Group description explains what your Group is about, who should join, what members can expect of the group, and what you expect of them.
The very first sentence of your Group description should be a quick and short description of what your Group is all about..
once you've got that first summary sentence, you'll want your Group description to go into more detail.
Some questions to ask yourself when writing your Group description:
What will you be doing in your Meetup Group?
Who might be a good fit for the group?
Why did you start the Group?
What sort of goals or aspirations do you have for the group?
What do you expect of the members?
What should members expect of you?
Having the answers to some of those questions helps potential members get a feel for your Group and make an informed decision about becoming a member.
Remember, people looking at your Group description want to get more information about your Group -not necessarily about you as the Organizer, or about the subject your Meetup is about. There's no need to list all of your career accomplishments in the description for your business networking Group.
It's fine to include a little bit of information about your background or about your Group's topic if you want, but the majority of your Group description should be about your Group -- what it does, who it's for, what members can expect.
Your Group's description is a work in progress. As your Group grows and changes, the information in the description can change, too. To get the most out of your Group description, remember to update it every now and again.
由于不知道具体是什么团体 也不好写哈。楼主看了这些就应该会明白怎么写了。