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  • 海豚的英文怎么写


    海豚: [ hǎi tún ]

    1. dolphin


    <common dolphin> <puffing pig> <porpoise> <snuffer> <delphis> <cowfish> <sea pig> <sea hog> <blue fish> <common porpoise>


    1. 我们喜欢看海豚的表演。

    We like to see the performance of dolphins.

    2. 海豚用鼻子顶着球,使其保持平衡。

    The dolphin balanced the ball on its nose.

    3. 那海豚的头在离船很近的地方冒出来。

    The head of the dolphin popped up quite near the boat.

    4. 当海龟游过水族馆时,第一只海豚从上方猛扑下去,并用腹部撞击龟壳。

    As the turtle swims across the oceanarium, the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly.



    Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphin in seventeen genera. They vary in size from 1.2 metres (4 ft) and 40 kilograms (88 lb) (Maui's Dolphin), up to 9.5 m (30 ft) and ten tonnes (the Orca or Killer Whale). They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. The family Delphinidae is the largest in the Cetacea, and relatively recent: dolphins evolved about ten million years ago, during the Miocene. Dolphins are considered to be amongst the most intelligent of animals and their often friendly appearance and seemingly playful attitude have made them popular in human culture


    海豚 Delphinidae;dolphin黑白海豚 Commerson's dolphin, Piebald dolphin Cephalorhynchus commersonii (Lecepede) 黑白海豚属 黑海豚 Black dolphin Cephalorhynchus eutropia Gray 黑白海豚属 赫氏海豚 Hector's dolphin Cephalorhynchus heavisidii (Gray) 黑白海豚属 大西洋黑白海豚 Heaviside's dolphin Cephalorhynchus hectori (Van Beneden) 黑白海豚属 海豚 Common dolphin Delphinus delphis Linnaeus 海豚属 小逆戟鲸 Pygmy killer whale, Slender black fish Feresa attenuata Gray 小逆戟鲸属 大吻巨头鲸 Short-finned pilot Globicephala macrorhynchus Gray 巨头鲸属 巨头鲸 Long-finned pilot whale Globicephala melaena (Traill) 巨头鲸属 灰海豚 Risso's dolphin, Gray grampus Grampus griseus (G.Cuvier) 灰海豚属 霍氏海豚 Fraser's dolphin Lagenodelphis hosei Fraser 霍氏海豚属 白腰斑纹海豚 Atlantic white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus acutus (Gray) 斑纹海豚属 白吻斑纹海豚 White-beaked dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris (Gray) 斑纹海豚属 皮氏斑纹海豚 Peale's dolphin Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale) 斑纹海豚属 大西洋斑纹海豚 Hour-glass dolphin Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy et Gaimard) 斑纹海豚属 太平洋斑纹海豚 Pacific white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Gill 斑纹海豚属 暗黑斑纹海豚 Dusky dolphin Lagenorhynchus obscurus (Gray) 斑纹海豚属 北鲸豚 Northern right whale dolphin Lissodelphis borealis (Peale) 鲸豚属 南鲸豚 Southern right whale dolphin Lissodelphis peronii (Lacepede) 鲸豚属 伊豚 Irrawaddy dolphin, Irrawaddy river dolphin Orcaella brevirostris (Gray) 伊豚属 逆戟鲸(虎鲸) Killer whale Orcinus orca (Linnaeus) 逆戟鲸属 瓜头海豚 Melon-headed whale Peponocephala electra (Gray) 瓜头海豚属 伪虎鲸 Fals killer whale Pseudorca crassidens (Owen) 伪虎鲸属 白海豚 Tucuxi, River dolphin Sotalia fluviatilis (Gervais) 白海豚属 中华白海豚 Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphin Sousa chinensis (Osbeck) 弓背海豚属 托氏海豚 Atlantic hump-backed dolphin Sousa teuszii (Kukenthal) 弓背海豚属 弱原海豚 Spotted dolphin Stenella attenuata (Gray) 原海豚属 大西洋原海豚 Atlantic spinner dolphin Stenella clymene (Gray) 原海豚属 蓝白海豚 Striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen) 原海豚属 古氏海豚(辔海豚) Spotted dolphin Stenella frontalis (Cope) 原海豚属 长嘴海豚 Spinner dolphin, Long-beaked dolphin Stenella longirostris (Gray) 原海豚属 糙齿长吻海豚 Rough-toothed dolphin Steno bredanensis (Lesson) 长吻海豚属 宽吻海豚 Bottle-nosed dolphin Tursiops truncatus (Montagu) 宽吻海豚属 印度太平洋驼背海豚(即人们常称的粉红海豚)Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphin Sousa chinensis chinensis(Osbeck, 1765)。



    Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphin in seventeen genera. They vary in size from 1.2 metres (4 ft) and 40 kilograms (88 lb) (Maui's Dolphin), up to 9.5 m (30 ft) and ten tonnes (the Orca or Killer Whale). They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. The family Delphinidae is the largest in the Cetacea, and relatively recent: dolphins evolved about ten million years ago, during the Miocene. Dolphins are considered to be amongst the most intelligent of animals and their often friendly appearance and seemingly playful attitude have made them popular in human culture




    Any of various marine cetacean mammals, such as the bottle-nosed dolphin, of the family Delphinidae, related to the whales but generally smaller and having a beaklike snout.


