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  • 健的英文怎么写


    健jiàn形(强健) healthy; strong; well-set:稳健 firm; steady; sane康健 healthy; in good health动(使强健) strengthen; toughen; invigorate:健脾 invigorate the function of the spleen健胃 be good for the stomach(在某一方面显示的程度超过一般; 善于) be strong in; be good at:健谈 be a good talker名(姓氏) a surname:健武 Jian Wu。


    健美的体格 a magnificent physique 使体态健美的运动 exercises to improve one's figure 珍妮身体健美,风姿绰约。

    Jane is blooming with health and beauty。 (喻) 健美运动员们一起收缩肱二头肌。

    The bodybuilders contracted their biceps in unison。 录像带上演示了坐下、起立、屈蹲以及其它健美操练法 Sit - ups, trunk twists, and other calisthenics are --------------------------------------------------- 健身运动 healthful exercise 有氧健身鞋 aerobic shoes。

    有氧健身运动 aerobic exercise。 健身器材;健身中心 fitness equipment; fitness centers。

    在健身房进行一小时的日常健身锻炼 took an hour of vigorous daily exercise at a gym。 我每个星期跟同事去做健身。

    I go to do body - building with my fellow worker every weekend。 各种减肥器材、划船器、健身车(芝加哥论坛报) all sorts of weight equipment, rowing machines, exercycles(Chicago Tribune) 。

