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  • 下雪的英文怎么写





    积雪; 雪,雪花; 雪季


    下雪; 使纷纷落下; 使变白; 被雪覆盖,被雪阻挡



    The first snow came a month earlier than usual.


    Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall.


    We always have snow in January.


    2.下雪的 英语单词怎么写

    下雪的 snowy ['snəui]snowy英 ['snəʊɪ] 美 ['snoɪ] 1、释义adj. 下雪的,多雪的;被雪覆盖的;洁白无瑕的[ 比较级 snowier 最高级 snowiest ]2、短语snowy owl 雪鸮 ; 雪枭 ; 猫头鹰 ; 白雪猫头鹰Snowy Night 雪夜Snowy River 雪河 ; 思诺河干红葡萄酒 ; 思诺河 ; 冰雪河snowy peaks 雪峰 ; 雪山 ; 正在翻译 ; 白雪皑皑的山峰snowy love 情雪Snowy Hill 雪丘 ; 雪山Snowy Panda 小熊猫snowy adj 形容词snowy landscape 雪一般风景图片3、双语例句Try to step on them in slippery / snowy conditions。

    or better not. 试着在下雨/下雪的情况下踩上它们。

    还是算了吧。If you live in the snowy part of the Northern Hemisphere, you might be very tired of winter by now. 如果你住在北半球的多雪的地方,如今你有可能已经对冬天产生厌倦。

    On a snowy February night, she died in her former dining room, surrounded by the people and things she loved. 二月里一个下雪的夜晚,她死在了房子以前的餐厅里,四周是她爱的人,她爱的事物。



    其读音为英 [snəʊ] 美 [snoʊ]。具体释义如下: snow 英 [snəʊ] 美 [snoʊ] n. 积雪;雪,雪花;雪季 vt. 下雪;使纷纷落下;使变白;被雪覆盖,被雪阻挡 vi. 降雪 1、snow的基本意思是“雪”,可指“雪花,雪片”,是不可数名词。

    2、snow表示“下雪期,积雪,积雪地区”等意思时,一般用复数snows,用作主语时,动词也用复数形式。 3、snow可表示“一场雪”,即一次下雪过程,是可数名词,常用作复数形式。

    4、snow用作不及物动词时,表示“下雪”,此时不能用表示时间、地点的名词作主语,必须用代词it充当主语。 5、snow用作及物动词时,表示“使…纷纷飘落,使…像雪片似地落下”,可指下雪,也可指类似于下雪的现象。

    6、snow在美国非正式语体中还可表示“用花言巧语欺骗、说服或赢得某人的尊敬”。 扩展资料 常见句型 1、用作名词(n.) Snow falls in flakes. 雪花飘降。

    2、用作不及物动词S+snow(+A) Is it snowing? 在下雪吗? 3、用作及物动词S+snow+ n./pron. It began to snow big,far flakes. 鹅毛大雪开始纷纷飘落。


    Today is the snow day. Outside turned the white. The vehicle is white, the lawn is white, the tree is white, the building is also white. Looked that the mischievous snowflake has put on the hat to the building, has spread out the white rug to the lawn, has put on the white clothes to the vehicle. Children some are having a snowball fight, some are piling the snowman, but also some in the ice-skating, they are very happy. I like snowing.今天是雪天。



    我喜欢下雪。英文:Beautiful snow.There were numerous snow the next with numerous flakes of snow falling on the ground, trees on the roof. Soon, the world becomes a vast expanse of whiteness of one, blanketed by trees, pretty great. Under the snow the more the greater the wind Yuegua Yue Meng. Some snowflakes look like small wizard rapid embrace of the run-earth, while others like a small parachute to drift leisurely down. Earth mother put on a winter's San loaded, the entire city a new look.Under the snow has finally started, and there were numerous snow. A moment later, snow too big, large tracts of snow from the silver-gray sky long period of drift under the sky like a butterfly in the dance. Snow one morning, has finally stopped. See, the outside is really a powder makeup jade puzzle world. Are the vast expanse of whiteness in a near distance, then full of deadwood on the "pear", cypress, on bamboo are filled with "Snow Pearl" and "silver bar" full of poetic. A moment down the snow again! Snow is like a small Eun-joo, like rain points, such as willow flower, there were numerous for us to hang a vast expanse of whiteness of the snow curtain backdrop, the rise of looked through the thin curtains of snow,High-rise buildings that distant clouds, the look especially good-looking!Small snow drift on my nose, I stretched out a small tongue, cool Zizi's. Little Snowflake bar wrapped my foot up a walk Luozhikazhi of the sound of snow on a small stick in my feet, and a few drops will become.Snow really beautiful!中文:雪纷纷扬扬的下着,无数片雪花飘落在地上、树上、屋顶上。





    远处近处都是白茫茫的一片,那枯枝上开满了“梨花”,柏树上、竹枝上挂满了“雪珠”与“银条”,充满了诗情画意。不一会儿雪又下了!白雪像一个个小银珠,像小雨点,像杨柳花,纷纷扬扬为我们挂起了白茫茫的天幕雪帘,抬头透过稀疏的雪帘望去,那远处的高楼大云里,显得特别好看! 小雪花飘在我的鼻子上,我伸出小舌头,凉滋滋的。



    一、下雪的英文是snow,音标英 [snəʊ]、美 [snoʊ]。

    二、释义: 1、n.积雪;雪,雪花;雪季 例句:The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak. 积雪给田野盖上了一件白色的外衣。 2、vt.下雪;使纷纷落下;使变白;被雪覆盖,被雪阻挡 例句:Our hill is marvellous for sledging and we always have snow in January. 在我们的那座小山上滑雪橇最棒了,而且1月我们那里总会下雪。

    3、vi.降雪 例句:The forecasters say more snow is on the way 天气预报员说不久还将有降雪。 三、词源解说: 直接源自古英语的snaw,意为雪。

    扩展资料: 一、词语用法: n. (名词) 1、snow的基本意思是“雪”,可指“雪花,雪片”,是不可数名词。 2、snow表示“下雪期,积雪,积雪地区”等意思时,一般用复数snows,用作主语时,动词也用复数形式。

    3、snow可表示“一场雪”,即一次下雪过程,是可数名词,常用作复数形式。v. (动词)1、snow用作不及物动词时,表示“下雪”,此时不能用表示时间、地点的名词作主语,必须用代词it充当主语。

    2、snow用作及物动词时,表示“使…纷纷飘落,使…像雪片似地落下”,可指下雪,也可指类似于下雪的现象。 3、snow在美国非正式语体中还可表示“用花言巧语欺骗、说服或赢得某人的尊敬”。

    二、词汇搭配: 1、bear snow 积雪 2、clear away snow 扫雪 3、clear off the snow 扫除积雪 4、drift the snow 把雪吹成小堆 5、have snow 降雪,有雪 参考资料来源:百度百科-snow。

