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  • 商务英语中介绍一款产品范文


    1.商务英语 产品介绍方面的对话

    NO.1 Andy:I'm glad that you can see me today.Tan: Don't mention it,Andy. You are an important supplier to me.Andy:Mr.Tan, the reason I'm here today is this:Our company has imported a new skin care product from France.I wonder if you would like to have a look?Tan:Frankly speaking,the product you supplied to us before wasn't that satisfactory. A lot of our customers have complained about it.Andy:Mr.Tan, let me assure you one thing. This new product is really much better than the previous one. You have to try it to believe it.Tan: Well, let me talk to my associates about this.I'll get back to you in a few days .In the mean time, just leave a sample here.Andy:Thanks for your consideration.安迪:很高兴你今天能见我。




    安迪:非常感谢。NO.2 A: Ah, yes, this is the model I was interested in./啊,是的,这就是我所感兴趣的那种样式。

    B: I should be very happy to give you any further information you need on it./我很乐意提供您所需要的关于它的进一步的信息。A: Yes, what are the specifications?/好的,都有哪些规格呢?B: If I may refer you to page eight of the brochure you'll find all the specifications there./如果您看一下手册的第8页,就会在那儿找到所有的规格。

    A: Ah, yes. Now what about service life?/哦,好的。关于使用寿命呢?B: Our tests indicate that this model has a service life of at least 50, 000 hours./我们的实验表明这种样式至少可以使用5000小时。

    A: Is that an average figure for this type of equipment?/这是这种设备的平均数据吗?B: Oh, no, far from it. That's about 50,000 hours longer than any other made in its price range./不是的,相差还很远。这种比在它的价格范围内的任何其他样式都要高出5000小时左右。

    A: That's impressive. Now what happens if something goes wrong when we're using it?/这一点给我印象颇深。不过如果这种设备在我们使用的时候发生故障,该怎么办呢?B: If that were to happen, just contact our nearest agent and they'll send someone round immediately./一旦发生那样的情况,同我们最近的办事处联系,他们会马上派人过去的。

    A: I see. Do you offer discounts for regular purchases?/我明白了。长期购买,你们提供折扣吗?B: Yes, we do indeed. Our ususal figure is around 5%, but that depends on the size of the order./是的,我们确实这样做。

    通常的数目是5%左右,但那还要根据订货的多少来定。A: Yes, of course. Well, thank you very much, Mr. Black./那当然了。

    好了,非常感谢,布莱克先生。B: Not at all, I hope we shall be hearing from you very shortly./不客气。

    希望尽快听到您 的消息。A: I expect you will, Mr. Black./我想会的,布莱克先生。

    2.商务英语 商品介绍英文

    1. 质量以卖方样品为准。Quality as per seller's sample.

    2. 质量以买方样品为准。Quality as per buyer's sample.

    3. 凭规格、等级或标准买卖。Sales by specification, grade or standard.

    4. 良好平均品质。Fair average quality, (F. A. Q.).

    5. 上好可销品质。Good merch-antable quality, (G. M. Q.).

    6. 凭商标或牌号买卖。Sales by trademark or brand.

    7. 凭说明书买卖。Sales by specification.


    1. 以____________在装运港出具的品质证书为最后依据。

    Quality certificate by _______at loading port to be taken as final

    2. 以制造者工厂检验为准。Make-r's inspection in the factory to be final

    3. 以独立公正行装运时的检验质量为准。

    Quality inspected by independent public surveyor at the time of shipment to be final。

    4. 卖方凭样品售货,必须保证货到时的质量同样品完全一致。

    Goods sold by sample shall be guaranteed by the seller to be fully equal to sample upon arrival at destination.

    5. 装运地装货时的平均中等品质,以伦敦谷物贸易协会官方平均中等品质为准。

    Fair average quality at the time and place of loading shall be assessed upon the basis of London Corn Trade Association's official 's F. A. Q. standard.

    6. 质量完全以卖方____________日提供的样品为准。

    Quality to be strictly as per sample submitted by the seller on ____________(date).

    7. 卖方必须保证交货质量同其他所提供的样品一样。

    The seller shall guarantee all shipments to conform to samples


    Specification◇Mini Portable Speaker◇Size:85*65*50 mm◇Speaker Diameter: 40mm◇Speaker Quantity: 2 pcs◇Frequency Range: 275 Hz-20KHz◇Output Power: 3W*2PCS◇Power: Li-ion rechargeable battery 350mAh◇Battery charging: USB to 5 Pin 80cm cable◇Audio Cable: 50mm◇Keys: Power off/onFunctionAmplify audio soundAPPLICATION OF MINI SPEAKER BAGSPEAKER BAG from Dongguan Meiluodi Electronics.,Co.LTD., as an electronic gift, applied to more and more products such as MP3, MP4 player, mobile phone, Ipod, Iphone, Ipad, PSP, NDSi, CD, walkman, Laptop and other portable devices. Even more you can image.For a wide range of applications, following features are introduced for you1. Material: Cotton fabrics, polyester, PU, Leather or high-thickness EVA are mainly selected for soft, comfortable and protective use. With plush display inside, your electronic device would be protected.2. Portability: our high capacity of li-ion battery and alkaline battery would support your devices in a long playing time from 7 to 25 hours, supposed if you were out-door for sports or a camp, our mini size but adaptable sound control would be a music box along with you and playing your favorite songs.3. Protection of your ear: More and more data shows that headset sounding direct to eardrum would be a hurt for our ear, the worse is degrade of listening, the worst headache. That is one of the reasons why much more people prefer speaker to headset and health expert advice us listen to music by speaker in reasonable volume.4. Education devices: user-friendly operation is one the features of the speaker bag, just for the early childhood teacher to play fairy tale and music easily everywhere as long as he take our speaker bag with built-in mp3 player.5. Wide product range: No matter what style you prefer, or what color is your favorite, you may find some items in type. Our catalog of about 50 items is always for your optional, and you may also select some thing news each month from us.6. Electronic device and Gift for promotion: Speaker bag is not only electronic device but also a gift for promotion of supper market, shopping center or a gift for your employee for their Christmas.我们是做音箱包的,将音箱与包包结合。






    (Preliminary):难度相当于我国大学英语四级,就剑桥英语考试系列来说,它介于入门英语考试(Key English Test) 和初级英语考试(Preliminary English Test)之间。


    (Vantage):介于我国大学英语四、六级之间,相当于剑桥第一证书英语考试(First Certificate in English);


    (Higher):介于我国大学英语六级和英语专业八级之间,相当于剑桥熟练英语证书考试(Certificate of Proficiency in English)。


    考试分两个阶段进行。第—阶段为笔试,包括阅读、写作和听力,第二阶段为口试。 考试由阅读、写作、听力、口试四部分组成。

    阅读 阅读短篇消息、广告、论文、报告等不同文体材料,回答多项选择形式的阅读理解题;把图表或 字母与相应的描述连接起来;填空题:考核考生对文章结构的理解;填空题:考核考生对词汇及语法知 识掌握的准确性;改错。

    写作 写短篇消息;写信函或报告。

    听力 根据所听材料填补全文中所缺内容;把摘录和相应的主题或要点连接起来;根据对话、采访或报 告,回答多项选择形式的理解题。

    口试 与考官就你的工作和爱好进行交谈,就与实际工作相关的主题与另一考生交换信息;就与实际工 作相关的主题展开讨论。

    更多关于商务英语考试的资料可以查看一下扬格外语考试网: /





    最英文地址的写法与中文完全不同,地址的名称按从小到大的顺序:第一行写门牌号码和街名;第二行写县、市、省、州、邮编、国名;然后再写日期。 扩展资料: 注意事项 1、结尾语的第一个字母要大写,最后还要加上逗点。

    2、若要针对收信的对象,将结尾语加以区分,则对于比较亲密的对方,可以用Sincerely yours、Yours sincerely或Sincerely;对于一般的朋友可用Your friend; 3、在结尾语下面的署名必须亲自签名,不可用打字的,而且在签名之后,也不加任何的标点符号。 参考资料来源:百度百科-英文书信 参考资料来源:百度百科-英语论文写作规范。


    Computer is the most famous invention now. It has many advantages and disadvantages.

    For the good side, first of all, it's so convenient that we can use it to do our account. The second, as the developing of internet, computers made our world smaller and smaller. Third, we have a lot of fun with computers; it's really useful for us.

    For the disadvantages, first, we spend more time before computers and less time on communications with others, it makes our society colder. Then, within the inventing of online games, many children trapped in the games and give up their study. It's a serious problem. The last, now scientists have found that computers are somewhat harmful to our health.

    Generally speaking, computer is very important to our life though it's not a perfect invention.

