
Notice June 16th,2006
We are going to hold a meeting in Meeting Room 301 at 3:00 on the afternoon of Friday,March 2nd.The meeting is about the analysis of the market demands and it very important and all the salesmen are required to attend it.Please attend the meeting on time.
GM Office
Meeting Minutes guidelines:
· Publish Minutes within 24 hours of any meeting
· Post Minutes in a place available to all stakeholders (e.g. shared drive or website)
· Send Minutes via email to all stakeholders. Include Action Items in body of the email.
· Review Action Items for completion during the next meeting.
Project Name:
Date of Meeting: (MM/DD/YYYY) Location:
Minutes Prepared By: Charge time to:
1. Purpose of Meeting
2. Attendance at Meeting (add rows as necessary)
Name Department./Division E-mail Phone
3. Meeting Agenda
4. Meeting Notes, Decisions, Issues
5. Action Items (add rows as necessary)
Action Assigned to Due Date
6. Next Meeting
Date: (MM/DD/YYYY) Time: Location:
On Saturday,the weather was sunny.I got up at half past eight.After that I washed face and brushed teeth.I did my homework from 9:00am to 4:00pm.My father came back at 4:30pm.I said to my father:“I want to see a movie The Lord of Rings with mybest friend ZhouXiang.”My father said :“No,you mustn't,I will worry about you,and I think The Lord of Rings is very boring,But you can play on the computer for three hours.”I was very happy,said:“Really?It is my interest,I enjoy it.You are my good father,I love you!”And I enjoyed myself at that time.On Sunday,I did some read.Reading is to exciting and makes me pity with the writer.In the afternoon,I was watching TV.The animals world is very interesting.There are so many animals in it,such as monkeys,birds,snakes,foxes and so on,I think they are very cute.And I learned a lot of knowleage.One of them is “The animals are important to us,they give us joy,andwe share the world with them.” Don't you think I had a good weekend?。
I want to be a secretary after graduation, but i really don't know how to be a standard one! underline part is my personnal opinions with the reference from the secretarial book,at the same time ,wait for more your advance. As a secretary he or she may have alot of duties to fulfill. Generally spesking, a secretary has to do the following major jobs. First a secretary is expected to relieve the executive of various administrative details. second, a secretary is required to coordinate and maintain effective office procedures and efficient work flow. 我想当一名秘书,但我真的不知道如何成为一个标准的人!划线部分是由秘书书的参考我的个人意见,同时,等待更多的你的进步。
I want to be a secretary after graduation, but i really don't know how to be a standard one! underline part is my personnal opinions with the reference from the secretarial book,at the same time ,wait for more your advance. As a secretary he or she may have alot of duties to fulfill. Generally spesking, a secretary has to do the following major jobs. First a secretary is expected to relieve the executive of various administrative details. second, a secretary is required to coordinate and maintain effective office procedures and efficient work flow.
On Saturday,the weather was sunny.I got up at half past eight.After that I washed face and brushed teeth.I did my homework from 9:00am to 4:00pm.My father came back at 4:30pm.I said to my father:“I want to see a movie The Lord of Rings with mybest friend ZhouXiang.”My father said :“No,you mustn't,I will worry about you,and I think The Lord of Rings is very boring,But you can play on the computer for three hours.”I was very happy,said:“Really?It is my interest,I enjoy it.You are my good father,I love you!”And I enjoyed myself at that time.
On Sunday,I did some read.Reading is to exciting and makes me pity with the writer.In the afternoon,I was watching TV.The animals world is very interesting.There are so many animals in it,such as monkeys,birds,snakes,foxes and so on,I think they are very cute.And I learned a lot of knowleage.One of them is “The animals are important to us,they give us joy,andwe share the world with them.”
Don't you think I had a good weekend?