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  • 上学英语怎么写


    用两种方式翻译下列句子 1.艾丽斯每天走路去上学 Alice walks to school every day(我写的,不要改walking,不是现在进行时Alice goes to school on foot every day.2.汤姆 坐小汽车去乡下Tom goes to countryside by car(我写的你要再写一个,不要把by改成take或on换句型)Tom drives to countryside.3.玛丽骑自行车去公园Marry goes to park by bike (同上)Mary rides to the park4彼得坐船去上学Peter takes the ship to go to school(别把takestheship改成bytake boat之类)Peter goes to school by boat5.基蒂坐火车去上海Kitty takes the train to the ShanghaiKitty goes to Shanghai by train.。


    I am a student of Grade five. My father and mother are very busy, so I usually go to school on foot with my good friends. But sometimes, my father or mother takes me to go to school in bad wether. It's rainy today, so my mother takes m畅肌扳可殖玖帮雪爆磨e to go to school .。

