
这是戴云教主修改的一篇范文,希望对你有帮助!People should not pay for the public transportation. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons or examples or support your ideas. There are all kinds (of ways 去掉) of public transportation all over the world, which play (the) (an)important role in people's daily lives. Although nearly (这里用almost或者nearly都可以, 共同点1:两者均可表示“几乎”、“差不多”,有时可换用:但有时almost比nearly表示更接近的程度,用于 any 以及 no, none, nobody, nothing, never 等否定词前,可用almost,但不能用 nearly, nearly 前可用 very, pretty, not 等词修饰,但 almost 之前不能用这些词:)everybody in different countries needs to use the public transportation, people's attitudes towards it are entirely different. Some people insist that people should pay nothing for their using (usage) of the public transportation. (pay nothing = free of charge) Meanwhile, those who are strongly opposed to it (这个用法你使用的很好, be opposed to something) cite that people should pay for it if they want to take the advantage of the convenience (有take the convenience of something 的用法么?我没有找到,你如果有这方面的例子,可以告诉我) of the public transportation. From my own perspective, the latter one is more favorable even though I myself am one of the persons who need to spend money when take the public transportation. The first reason I want to put forward to support the cause of paying (cause 一般指不好的事情,比如说事故的起因,在这里用有点不合适,这一句话这么说是可以的,但是有点绕,可以直接说 The first reason I use to support my statement) is that any government needs enough money to build up and perfect infrastructures including the public transportation which are of great benefit to the entire people in one country. And where do governments get the money for constructions? People who have some basic common sense should know that it is (from) the pockets of all the citizens where governments get money. Here someone who opposes to (这里用be opposed to doing/something 或者是 oppose something/doing sthing, 但是没有oppose to do something这个用法的) pay money will probably jump out to claim that now that governments levy taxes they should not ask people for money when they use the public transportation. I will give my point view (观点是point of view)which is directed against this statement. My opinion is that to build up perfect public transportation nets involving subways,buses and any other traffic transportations or auxiliary installations needs huge public tax subsidies. If all the people use the public transportation for free, it will mean that governments will spend much more money to support the operation of the public transportation. Maybe there won't be enough money to carry on new constructions. The financial burden of governments resulting from free public transportation might vastly increase and reach the point where they (这里指代有点不明)cannot stand. If we also think over the large amount of fuels used by traffic transportations and the salaries paid to staffs who work to operate the public transportations, I think everyone can reach the conclusion that if one country isn't so rich that all the people can enjoy high welfare in every area of daily lives(是否可以表达成 if one country is not rich enough to guaranty that all the citizens are covered with the high welfare in every aspects of their daily lives), maybe it's unavoidable to pay when using the public transportation (the payment for using the public transportation is almost unavoidable). 你可以看一下那个表达方式更好Another important reason (which) cannot be ignored is that the number of passengers will undoubtedly increase rapidly just like traveling by skyrocket (这里可以说 will undoubtedly be skyrocket/skyrocketing就可以表达你想说的意思了)in case of the totally free public transportation. As we know, public transportation plays an irreplaceable role in people's daily social life. Particularly in some metropolis like New York, London and Beijing, there is an amazing flow volume of passenger using public transportation everyday. Just imagine the rapidly growing population taking public transportation instead of private vehicles or walking in case that the tickets are free. And the traffic system is likely to be disordered. Can you imagine the picture that hundreds of thousands of people crowd (are crowding, 因为你的picture描述的是一个进行中的状态,所以用进行时更好,而且要注意并列成分的关系) in subways, or hectometers of long lines in airports are waiting for check in? Beijing' subways can be。
托福作文满分范例>>托福写作优秀范文实例之EX Film>>托福作文一直是大家的弱项,究其原因,就是在于大家在遣词造句、逻辑框架方面有很大的问题。
接下来是一篇关于EXFilm的范文。托福综合写作例子65个 (1)>>托福综合写作例子65个 (2)>>托福考试涉及到的话题和内容非常多样,写作中例子的运用是非常重要的,本文为大家总结了托福综合写作中可以用到的六十五个例子,非常实用,大家可以进行积累和参考。
Does technology make children less creative than in the past?
Are our kids becoming lazier and less creative, less imaginable than before as a consequence of highly advanced technology? My answer is no, and just the opposite, technology has apparently assisted our kids to become more creative.
First and foremost, technology has provided children with easy access to scientific and liberal art resources which is their best source of inspiration. For example, children could now easily gain access to academic databases through iPad screen, read classical works on Kindle, or watch historic documents on Internet. These great works are essentially helpful to arousing their curiosity and prepares them with key knowledge necessary for any creation. However, these wonderful equipments and facilities are never as handy in the past, when kids could only reach limited resources in public libraries or schools. In this sense, technology has provided the possibility for children to be more creative.
更多托福范文可以到小马过河托福写作专区查看 /tuofuxiezuo/
Independent Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Educating children is a more difficult task today than it was in the past because they spend so much time on cell phone, online games, and social networking Web site.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 题目翻译
2. 审题关键词
Educating children; Cell phone; online games; Social networking Web site
3. 论证分析
a) Children are easily midguided by the unhealthy information on the Internet and once they have absorbed it into their own values, it would be hard to educate them and change their mind.
b) Children are busy with the cell phone, online games and social networking website that they tend to spare no patience and attention to listen to their teachers or parents for any instruction.
c) People with whom children met, chatted and played via these three channels exerted great influences on them, which could be negative. However, as children spent so much time with these people and trusted them, they might resist the advices given by their teachers and parents.
a) Teachers and parents could take advantage of these three things to get close to the children and be their friends so that in fact it is easier to educate them with variours channels.
b) For parents particularly, they could make it a bonus for children to use the cell phones, play games and chat on the social networking Web site when they do some housework, complete their homework or get high scores in a test. In this way, children may get a positive stimulus to do right things and parents educate them during the process.
以小弟两次都差一点点30的经验告诉你,如果写的不太好,绝对可以不写.首段最重要的作用就是要表明自己的观点,直接阐述分论点的话,没有必要写太多.依赖节约时间,二来避免头重脚轻和重复的感觉.不过如果你的语言掌控能力很好,一句话能概括三到四个分论点,那完全OK,后面的分论点细细展开.(想一下咱们初中的中文作文,一般在首段都是不会详细展开分论点的,只是一笔带过.)for the following reasons 不如放在最后,直接写for the above xxx reasons, I strongly recomend that.所以1、如果写,做好能用一到两句话概括 下面的分论点.2、综述性话语放到最后写.。
托福写作题目: You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must be shared by two students. Would you rather have the university assign a student to share a room with you, or would you rather choose your own roommate? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer. 在大学里,喜欢自己独住还是和别人分享宿舍? Even though the university will choose, it's not totally a random situation. We all filled out personality questionnaires. The school knows what we're majoring in, what our interests are, and our study habits and our goals. Besides, if a mistake is made, I can change my room assignment next semester and find a new roommate or a new room. 分析: 本段是一个总分的结构。
If I did want to choose my own roommate, first I would have to pick some candidates from the list given to me by the university. Then I'd write to them and they'd write back. Through our letters, we'd find out if we have common ground and similar personalities, such as sports or movies. Through my investigation, I'd probably get someone compatible with me. It's a lot of work to go through so many candidates. Besides, the process of finding similar interests isn't all that different from what the university does. 分析:本段是一个总分的结构,是文章的第三段,也就是正文的第二段,写了支持作者立场的第二个分论点。 But I might choose someone who sounds just like me and still find that the two of us just don't get along as roommates. I'd rather be with someone who has different interests and likes to do different things, so my roommate could be different from me. This isn't a problem, but I hope they can be understanding as to our differences. One of the reasons I'm going to the university is to be exposed to a lot of new experiences. So, I'd rather have the university choose my roommate.。
为帮助各位网友更好准备新托福考试,竞学网托福频道为你们提供“185道ETS托福官方题库及范文”,你们在考前可以重点加强托福写作这方面的练习,真心希望这样能帮助考生在短期内突破托福写作瓶颈! 托福作文185篇真题范文专项练习 Topic166 People recognize a difference between childrenandadults. What events (experiences or ceremonies) make a personanadult? Use specific reasons and examples to explainyouranswer.[参考提纲]166、高中毕业(1)年龄上,意味着孩子已经变成了成年人。
(3)有独立生活的能力。 A children is solittle thinand coward,but an adult is very strong and wise.I wantto help myparents and make them happy.Some books and movies tellme that manythings can make me an adult.They are experiences orceremonies suchas going to college,getting a job,wedding and soon.We may look intoevery possible events,however,the foremostshould be the entrance tocollege.From the first day on campus,wehave to do a lot of thingsall by ourselves,washingclothes,cleaning doms and buying fruits.Achild never worry aboutthese things.We also learn how to protectourselves and how to getwell with the others.We keep alert to judgewhether our behavioursare center or wrong and distinguish which isgood or bad for us.Whenwe meet difficulties,we can overcome them byour own effortsinstead of asking for help from you parents,webacome adults sincethe moment.When we graduate,we find a job andlive on our ownearnings.We work hard and do a good job to make ourvalue by giveour own contributions to the society.We plan how touse our timeand money to make ends meet.We help who are in thehardship.When weget rewards,we bacome adults since the moment.Thenwe get marriedand have children.We teach them how to walk, how tospeak and howto bacome adults.We also make our parents andrelatives happy.webecome adults since the moment.So life isbeautiful.To become anadult means to become more independent andmore responsible.Topic:166The difference between children andadults are very easy to tellfrom their physical outlooks: childrenand small, weak, have a poorjudgment, and have to depend on adults.On the contrary, adults arebig, strong, and more independent. Everychild will grow up tobecome an adult. What events make a person anadult? In my personalopinion, there are a lot of events which markthe turning point fora person to become adult.In many countries,when a child becomeseighteen years old, he or she legally becomesan adult. There willbe a big celebration and many best wishes fromrelatives andfriends; the young person may also have a greatlonging for abcenter future in his adult life. He may move out fromhis parentshouse and live alone; he may start dating and doingactivitieswhich only adults can do, such as going to apub.Graduation fromcollege is another big turning point for aperson to become adult.In college the young person may reply fullyor partially on hisparents for financial support, but after hegraduates, he must finda job for himself, and live on his own.Graduating from college andjoining the work force can also make aperson an adult.Marriage isalso a big event to a person. oncebecome husband or wife, theyoung person starts to take care ofothers, and take responsibilityfor the family. once the youngperson becomes a parent, he or sheshould also take care of thebaby.I believe that getting marriedand have children is the mostimportant event that turns a personinto an adult. only after onegets married, does he or she take onthe responsibility to thefamily and the society.Topic: 166Thereare so many differencesbetween children and adults, such as adultsalways make decisionsindependently, while children offten dealwith things under thesupervision of adults. Although it is acourse that a child grows upand become an adult, I believe thatmany events play a significantrole in it. based on the experienceand life style of my own,leaving parents and living alone is theevent that turn a child intoan adult.The main reason of theargument I support is that livingindependently could develop theability of thinking and doingindependently. In family, parentsalways prepare everything andcreate a comfortable condition forchildren. Children at home arealmostly carefree, and need notworry about cooking, washing, makingcleanning, and the only thingthey have to care of is study.However, when living in thedormitory of school, they have to beginto study how to deal withhouse work and how to get on alone withothers. And it is moreimportant that they have to 。