附1:垃圾一般叫garbage而不是rubbish附2:张明的拼写,应该是名字在前,姓在后:Ming Zhang附3:这封信里包含了你说的所有的项目,语气比较严肃,同时很有礼貌,所以市长读了应该会慎重考虑的!Dear Mayor,I have found that the pollution in our city is more and more serious,endangering the health of all the city residents.The pollution is mostly caused by inefficient garbage sorting,treatment,and disposal.I thereby make the following recommendations.The city's garbage can be sorted to recycle newspapers,glass,plastic,metals,and this will reduce the size of the garbage landfill.Wastewater can be treated better to minimize impact on the river.Hazardous garbage must be buried in a safe and secure location.To make all these happen successfully,please make the city laws and start campaigns to increase public awareness.Thank you very much for your support,you can bring better health to all of us.Yours sincerely,Ming Zhang。