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  • 机场用英语怎么写


    airliner 班机

    monoplane 单翼飞机

    glider 滑翔机

    trainer aircraft 教练机

    passenger plane 客机

    propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机

    jet(aircraft) 喷射飞机

    amphibian 水陆两用飞机

    seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机

    turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机

    turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机

    turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机

    transport plane 运输机

    helicopter 直升机

    supersonic 超音速

    hypersonic 高超音速

    transonic 跨音速

    subsonic 亚音速

    Airbus 空中客车

    Boeing 波音

    Concord 协和

    Ilyusin 依柳辛

    McDonald-Douglas 麦道

    Trident 三叉戟

    Tupolev 图波列夫



    Something about An Airport

    Friends,do you have an experience of flying on a plane?Here are some instructions.First of all,you should book a ticket for you flight.Pay attention to the FLT No (flight number) and the departure time that are on the ticket.You should get to the airport about 1.5 to 2 hours earlier.Get your boarding pass with your ID card and your ticket.Remember your departure gate and departure time.Then wait at the departure lounge.If you are touring abroad,you may need some currency of the country you are going to,you can go to the currency exchange for it.You can also book a room for yourself at the hotel reservation.Now it's time to check in,and wait to board just at the departure gate.You'll be informed to board the plane about 20 minutes earlier.Afer getting on the plane,put your luggage in the luggage locker over your seat.Remember to fasten your seat belt.On the plane you can see some information about your flight,such as the scheduled time(SCHED),the weather,the landing time and so on.You are not allowed to use some eletronic machines like computers and mobile phones.And now,everything is Ok,just enjoy your flight!

    Sometimes your flight is delayed for some reasons.When this happens,you can do nothing but wait or chang it.


