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    1、Table of Contents,一定要用Word自动生成格式。

    2、Executive Summary,一般要出现“The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。一般来说,这部分主要介绍这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。

    3、Introduction,在一篇Report中,Introduction部分相当于是一个Background,而不是概括Report的内容。请注意与Essay的区别。Report中的Introduction不概括文章内容;不介绍文章结构(因为目录里已经有结构介绍了);只介绍 Background。


    5、Conclusion / Recommendation, 根据论文要求具体把握。

    6、Reference: Reference 是导师最看重的,所以请一定特别注意!绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。国外对这个问题查得很严。一旦查出有作假或论文抄袭情况,会直接挂科,甚至开除学籍。一般来说,Reference包含两个部分,一种是in-text reference 也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。一篇论文须要包含文中的in-text reference和文末的reference list。





    report title

    your name

    submission date


    overview of subject matter

    methods of analysis




    list of numbered sections in report and their page numbers


    terms of reference

    outline of report's structure

    5. BODY

    headings and sub-headings which reflect the contents of each section. Includes information on method of data collection (if applicable), the findings of the report and discussion of findings in light of theory

    6. ConCLUSION

    states the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion

    makes recommendations


    list of reference material consulted during research for report


    information that supports your analysis but is not essential to its explanation

    3.求高中英语daily report范文,简单些

    hello every! it's October 11st.i am very pleasure to stand here to give you a dairy report.As we know,the October 10th is a famous day when the Wuchang accident heppened in 1911,which

    repersented the begin of Xinhai revolution.After that,the People of China founded at 1912,and start a new time.today,we shoud not forget it which has inflenced chinese for half century.

    Beside,loving our country is also a behavior.It is not a logol,not a say,but a behavoior need

    you,me,and he do!Let's conquer all in the way to rich and strong!Thank you.


    英国留学论文格式及基本要求如下: 1.格式 平时的小作业有essay 和 report 两种格式 essay --- 结构分为introduction, main body, 和 conclusion. 不用太复杂的结构 Report ----- 要有 executive summary, 结构要求很高,文章分为几个部分,每个部分都要有大标题,下面还要有副标题,等等。

    (可以参考一起附上的report例文的结构) 2.References问题 文章一定要有references (参考文献), 就是引用别人文章中的观点,但是这个引用不能整断整段的直接用书上,网上的文章,或者杂志上的文章的内容。如果一段话中有超过三个词是引用的,就要表明 references. (如果完全是用自己的语言将别人的观点说出来了,引用的词是两个或更少,就可以不用标出references)。

    *如果整段要直接引用原话,要用引号标出,而且这样的引用的比率不能超过全文字数的5%。 *全文注明references的文字,就是引用的文字不能超过全文字数的30%. *References (参考文献)可以是书,也可以是学术杂志上发表的文章,或者网上的文章,但是引用的文章最好大多数是近十年的文章,而且References一定要按照正确方法标注。

    References 在文中是在文中用自己的话说出别人书中或文章中的内容后,用括号标出作者和年代,而在文后的references列表中一定要用Harvard references system的格式来标出参考文献。 参考文献的数量也是有要求的,一般是每1000 字要有5个references. 3.字数问题 字数也是要按照要求写的,否则会扣分 文后的references列表和附录 (appendix)是不算字的。

    比如,文章要求如果是4000字,那正文的字数就是4000 +/- 10% 字。 如果要求no more than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能超过4000字。

    如果要求 no less than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能少于4000字。 如果要求4000-4500 words, 那正文的字数就要写4000-4500字之间。

    4.人称问题 因为写的作业都属于学术文章,所以不能用第一人称(I, we, in my opinion,…) 这样主观的说法, 可以用被动语态。 *不能说 I DO STH, 要说 XX HAS BEEN DONE。

    特别是写REPORT的时候, 老师喜欢看到被动语句 5.Introduction和Executive summary 的区别 Introduction: 不能在introduction说出文章的结论,introduction是对文章的要写内容的介绍,结构的介绍。 Executive summary: 阐述文章得出的finding, conclusion, recommendations. (这个文件的最后几页有两者比较的具体阐述,如果需要可以看看。)

    写作内容注意事项 1. 英国人的思维是反方向的,所以,我们写东西也要这样。 不要在文章开始就写出结论(你自己的观点),而是要先阐述能验证结论的论证,最后在得出结论。

    比如我们的习惯,是先有观点譬如:我想吃蔬菜,(这就是你的观点),然后你会去论证你的观点,譬如:我今天需要补充维生素,维生素对于我身体有好处,(这些是你的论证),这些论证放在一起,就是你对观点“我想吃蔬菜”的总结,而在外国人眼里,你要先说“蔬菜有很多的维生素”,都有哪些种每一种对人体有什么好处你为什么要吃蔬菜,,最后再说出你的观点,“我想吃蔬菜”,这样就是有说服力的说法,可以的话在举个Reference什么的,“人或者离不开蔬菜”看看那个明人说过,拿来就可以引用一下。 2. 得出结论的时候要把自己的观点放在最前面,因为自己的观点在他们的眼里才是最重要的,Reference要引用人说的东西,要放在自己观点后面,作为辅助,证明自己观点使用,不要他人家观点写出来,自己再作分析,因为,论文要看得是你想的东西,人家观点已经是得出来的结果,用结果在写分析,老师会觉得你没有自己的观点,甚至认为你是抄的。

    3. 引用观点的时候不要整段引用,挑出关键词,多过3个字,要标明那里引用的,如果需要大量引用观点,不妨尝试把观点拆开引用,并且在每个观点之前先写上自己的观点,或者理解. 如果你引用不够三个字,可以不标明为Reference可以直接使用,当作自己的观点. 还有一点我觉得,就是可以根据老师给的资料,HANDOUT和推荐的书写,不要盲目的全部在GOOGLE上搜。特别如果那本书是你老师写的而且他有推荐你去看去买的话,就引用点里面的做REFERENCE 4. 英国老师很喜欢表格,图表,等等,来表示各种数据,在他们看来这是专业的象征,所以只要是和数字有关的,不妨都多画一个图表,excel就可以帮你画里面什么样子的都有,立体的平面的,把你文章里的数据套进去就可以,尝试一下,效果不错,数据可以是你验证后得到的,也可以使自己估计的,详细地要文章解释。

    5. 千万不要为了凑字数,车轱辘话,来回绕,得不偿失,但是可以从不同的角度来验证自己这句话,或者人家的话,不同角度一写字数就多了,而且只要这个观点是对的,老师会觉得你很有见地,分析全面,而且只会长分,不会减分。


    On ResponsibilityA successful person must have certain conditions. Which it is intended is a sense of responsibility.Of course, smart, talents, knowledge, background, etc., are essential to a person's success; But if the lack of a sense of responsibility, he still would not succeed. No one responsible person at work will not seriously, whether to his work performance will not shout to review carefully, and do not want to bear the consequences of the success or failure of this work. He easily has the tendency Selection Committee, a lazy and fun. Perhaps his smart enough to conceal his successful work of the Department of things or not, at the higher level also easily passed before, and even the smart smooth and evasive because he, too social, receive a salary increase or promotion. But just because he lacked a real sense of responsibility, long days, his work is the total omission occurred as a result of repeated negative consequences. He obtained by the smart smooth and evasive to the trust will also not be able to maintain long long. We believe that if a person wisdom went, but if he is willing to work for, will also be successful he could always only wisdom than people without a sense of responsibility. Need to be responsible for the work of their true. Especially for their genuine interest, and to serve as a lifelong career on courses, but it is also necessary to study conscientiously responsible. Shan is hard, is not necessarily responsible. Sometimes hard to test, in order to test, in order to graduate or vanity; Genuine sense of responsibility should be to their knowledge. For the academic to do this, learning becomes fun. A person need not be the responsibility of the event to measure. From the normal matter can demonstrate his loyalty and responsibility. We look at whether a person from the previous day to his desk sorting comfortable; Chef to the words paper readily fall to the ground to pick up; Whether punctuality; When he had the wrong time, chef to recognize immediately remedy; Or attempt deny that the appointment of others, not only reflect a person's character can predict a person's success. When you work the day after, you are accustomed to review its success or failure? If you have this habit, you are a responsible person. Because only in the review, you can find errors or omissions, to be promptly corrected, or so the next working reference. After the review is the source of progress, it does not mean that you do not let the, but you derive valuable experience. Transient success easy, sustained success difficult. Must always become thrilled with novelty, into day to avoid self-sufficiency complacent. Able to work with their honor as relevant, good common truly understand the joy of the success.。





    在字体上都是Times New Roman,小四,行距1.5倍,建议小伙伴们最好在写作前就把格式调好,避免写好后再调会出现状况;另外,文章的每一段开头一定要顶格写。


    Essay最主要包括四个部分:Introduction、Main Body、Conclusion以及Reference。第一个是Topic的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题,一般占总字数的10%左右;主体部分占80%左右,且要具有逻辑性;结论部分占10%左右,主要是把文章的主要观点用一两句话概括出来;最后的Reference部分,不管前面主体部分最后一页剩多少,都要另起一页写,且每一条都要空一行。引用部分分为直接引用和间接引用,对于直接引用,我们要在出现的作者后面以(年代,页码)的形式标注,没有出现作者则在引用的句子后面用(作者名,年代,页码)的形式标注,间接引用方法与直接引用的形式一样,只是不需要标注页码。

    Report的要求则严格一些:标题页包括标题和executive summary。Executive summary是对文章的摘要,在文章的最后还有一个部分是Recommendation,即对提出的问题的建议。







    主体,即讨论部分。整篇Essay都是在围绕某一个中心论点展开的,那就是陈述问题、讨论问题并最后解决问题。但是,总论点下面都会有分论点,所以我们的每一个分论点都必须用一段来写。那么在主体部分该怎么写呢? 在每一段中,先用一两句话解释论点,再列出正确的和符合的Examples来支持论点,这些事需要重点写,因为举例在文章中很重要。Body部分一般有3-6个论点,每一段最好各有联系,且层层深入。



