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    北外雅思学院老师为您解答:雅思A类图表作文题写作精华提炼分析精华雅思写作技巧.数据图:一、介绍段introduction:介绍段内容几乎完全不用创新,就是对题目文字部分的第二段做改写,paraphrase therubric。

    所谓改写,要么换词,要么换句式。例如:(I4-100) The charts below give information about travel to and from theUK and most (1) (2) popular countries for UK residents to visit.换词(1)图 The charts图:chart, graph, diagram(雅思写作中完全等价,无差别)线:line / curve chart柱图:bar / column graph饼:pie diagram表:table / statistics / figures(2)动词“表明”give information about介绍段是客观描述,用一般现在时态,give informationabout虽然在这篇作文中最好不再用,但是informallearning,随手学到的东东,留作其它文章再用。

    替换的词语和结构很多,比如我常用的reveal / indicate /demonstrate,大家也可以选几个自己喜欢并且拼写准确的形成风格,年轻时多尝试,年纪大了就要形成风格啦,三个就够,多了白搭,还是那句话,博大不如精深。第二段其余部分的替换因题而异,比如travel换成visit,theUK换成Britain(注意不是England,英格兰只是Britain的一部分),popular换成fashionable,country换成nation,UKresidents to visit换成UKtourists。


    对担心写不足词数的单图作文,甚至还可以“猥琐”的把特征点概括成一句话加入介绍段。换句:(1)并列句:The line chart reveals that … and the bar graph indicates that…(分别描述两幅图,形成风格哦,第一幅图用chart,第二副图用graph,第一幅图reveal,第二副图indicate,也许你写的所有文章都类似,但考官只有机会欣赏一篇啊。)

    (2)被动语态:… is revealed in the line chart and … is indicated in the bargraph.One possible answer:The line chart reveals visits to and from Britain and the bargraph indicates most fashionable nations for UK tourists in1999.二、主体段body:过渡:段首过渡词(1个)信息出处:According to the line chart,As is shown in the line chart,The line chart shows that …表示逻辑:On the other hand等等段内过渡词(1-2个)顺承:also, besides, in addition转折:however, on the other hand, conversely其它:meanwhile / in the same time, similarly, in particular。


    Para 1, 两句话:第一句:This is a _____chart, which demonstrates the number of_____ from ____ to ____. 如果两个图,则:There are two charts below. The _____ chart describes the number of _____, and the _____ chart illustrates the figure of ____. 第二句:(所有题目适用),From the chart we can see that the number of ______ varies constantly/greatly in _____.

    Para 2, As we can see from the chart,/or It is clear from the chart that ____.

    如果有两个图:则:The _____ chart shows that ______./or As we can see from the first chart, _______

    Para 3, (如果两个图的话,) It is clear from the second chart that …

    Para 4 结尾:From the figures/statistics above, we can see/conclude/draw a conclusion that …


    雅思作文中的最后可以没有conclusion的,一般来讲都不要总结下面的是一篇针对于这个task 的前任雅思考官的9分范文,你可以参考一下,网上找得到的。

    The figure illustrates the process used by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology to forecast the weather.There are four stages in the process, beginning with the collection of information about the weather. This information is then analysed, prepared for presentation, and finally broadcast to the public.Looking at the first and second stages of the process, there are three ways of collecting weather data and three ways of analysing it. Firstly, incoming information can be received by satellite and presented for analysis as a satellite photo. The same data can also be passed to a radar station and presented on a radar screen or synoptic chart. Secondly, incoming information may be collected directly by radar and analysed on a radar screen or synoptic chart. Finally, drifting buoys also receive data which can be shown on a synoptic chart.At the third stage of the process, the weather broadcast is prepared on computers. Finally, it is delivered to the public on television, on the radio, or as a recorded telephone announcement.希望能够帮助到你~。


    您好 我是世纪雅思的老师很高兴能帮助你参加过雅思培训的同学们也许都了解,图画作文在表示数据变化的时候都有一些相对固定的表达方式:比如说当我们要写数据上涨时,我们会说The figure rose/ increased/等,水平更高一点的同学会用soared/ boomed等词.对于这种套词类的东西,学生们的反应也是有人欢喜有人忧.用相同类的也就意味着,单在小作文Lexical resource 这一项评分标准中,词汇相对单一化,有时这样的词用得越多,自己都没底气了 .写作之所以乏味,这,也是其中的一个缘由. 我们不妨换一个角度想想看,把数据当做一个人来看,只要上涨,就说明数据有新鲜元素加入,那我们就可以用The … market gained/ advanced等,相反的情况就可以用… lost等.这些词汇既可以结合大作文的表达,好记,又使得小作文的表达多样,灵活.当然,更有甚者将market 表达成The market was excited ./ The market was active./ The market became brisk.看看这些表达,就像是我们在描绘一个活泼的小孩子.如果这样的用法太多,我们还可以吧我们的personal word来表达.可以说:The market became dull.这样就可以表达出“市场暴跌停滞”. 其实,想想看,在一篇文章中,即使在用词上猛下功夫,也摆脱不了syntax的的单调.所以,适当的,我们还要借助词的变换附加句型的的使用,才不会使得文章枯燥.前面介绍的都是一些动词或谓语部分的表达,这就决定了如果要用上这些词汇,句型就只能用主谓宾的形式.我们可以采用主系表的结构,那么我们就可以表达成The market was on the up /down grade. 事实上,本文也并非要让大家忘却老师在课堂上补充的有用套句,而是希望大家在句法上更灵活一点:原本你想讲The market was on the up trend.. 那么,你也可以讲The market trended up.但要注意,这样的用法前,先要搞清词性,这是语法的保证. 要是还有不明白的问题或想要相关的资料你可以百度Hi我啊。

    5.求一篇雅思小作文 图表作文150字

    The graph shows us the amount of water used by three different sectors and the change of them between 1900 and 2000. As far as we can see in the graph, water used for agriculture use made up the largest proportion, which increased substantially from about 500 km3 to 3000 km3. The same increase was also happened to water used by industrial and domestic use, although the change of these two sectors was far less than agriculture's. Water used for these two sectors began to increase in 1950, before when the quantity of them was growing steadily. Up to the year of 2000, water used for industrial use raised to almost 1000 km3 and approximate 500 km3 water was used for domestic use, the quantity of which also grew slower than industrial use。

