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  • 英语发明家作文范文


    TVs, telephone, fridges, cars, planes, computers and many other things are important inventions. They have greatly changed our life. Many people have their ideas and wishes. They want to invent some new things for the world. I am one of them. I want to be an inventor in the future, Inventions can bring fun and happiness to our life and make our daily life more convenient. Our life will become better and better. Now I am a high school student. I will try my best to work hard at my lessons to make my dream come true.。



    alexander graham bell was born in scotland. his mother, who was deaf, was a musician and a painter of portraits. his father, who taught deaf people how to speak, invented "visible speech". this was a code which showed how the tongue, lips, and throat were positioned to make speech sounds. graham, or "aleck", as his family called him, was interested in working with the deaf throughout his life.

    thomas watson became an associate of bell. he made parts and built models of bell's inventions. one day while they were working bell accidently heard the sound of a plucked reed * coming over the telegraph wire. watson had been tuning the metal reeds in the next room. bell drew up a plan for the telephone and they continued to experiment. the next day he transmitted the famous words, "mr. watson, come here. i want you!" a few months later on feb. 14, 1876, he applied for a patent on his telephone.

    he continued to invent other things. he developed a method of making phonograph * records on a wax disc. he made an iron breathing lung, and a device for locating icebergs at sea. he experimented with sheep. he was interested in kites that could lift a man, and he invented a hydrofoil * which set a world speed record of over 70 miles per hour.


    If I were an inventor,in the 20 year after today,I will be one of the youngest,the most outstanding inventor.Many inventions I have obtained national patent,I have two times Nobel award.A few days ago,I invented a multifunctional blackboard.Multifunctional blackboard with a large super chip and display machine developed by.In class when the teacher always write with chalk,the winter time,hand began to split,with it,the teacher in the lecture,as long as the front of a small microphone on the podium of the gently out of their own to write the words,there will be you to write the words on the blackboard.If you want to write a typo on the blackboard,you speak out first,and then click on the small microphone on the red button,the word is wrong; if you pronounce the words wrong,how does that do?Don't worry if you click the small button on the microphone white,typo is gone.No click a typo,by two,the other a typo too.Multifunctional blackboard also can be used in computers.If the teacher can use it to find the relevant information to the students look at the lecture.I want to check the information,first find the blackboard the bottom left of the green button,click,the blackboard conveniently under a pop-up keyboard.The blackb。


    [科学家的英语作文]Thomas Edison and Benjamin FranklinThomas Edison lived from 1847 to 1931; he is most famous for inventing the light bulb.Benjamin Franklin lived from 1706 to 1790,and he is credited with discovering electricity.Both men were inventors,and both were born in the United States.As children,both Franklin and Edison had limited schooling.Both inventors are said to have self-taught themselves mostly through their love of reading.Franklin and Edison were both interested in electricity,and I think they would have had a lot to talk about if they had ever met face-to-face.They were different too though.They lived in very different times.While Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity.Edison's inventions and discoveries all required electrical currents:light bulbs,microphones,phonographs,fluoroscopes,etc.我好想成为科学家,因为如果我是一名科学家,我就可以创造出许多有用的东西,科学家的英语作文.如果我是科学家,我会研制出一种手枪,这种手枪和我们平常见到的不一样,它可以自动收集空气转换成子弹,还可以自动定位瞄准目标,警察叔叔利用这把手枪就可以快速抓到犯罪分子,更好维护社会安全.如果我是科学家,我会制造出一种可以折叠起来的房子,它可以放进背包,甚至可以装进口袋,这样就可以帮助那些灾后没有房子住的儿童,也可以让我们出外旅游变得方便,走到哪里就可以带到哪里.如果我是科学家我就会制造出一种可以放出冷、热两用的机器,在炎热的夏天可以把热气吸进机器里,这样夏天就不觉得炎热,在寒冷的冬天会把冷气收集到机器里,冬天不会觉得寒冷,中学生作文《科学家的英语作文》.利用这种机器,既改善了我们的生活环境,又能节约能源.如果我是科学家,我会发明一种可以在天上飞、地上跑、水里游的汽车,这样我们就不需要这么多种交通工具,减少停放交通工具的麻烦,节约土地.如果我是科学家,我会发明一种食品,只要吃了这种食品就可以连续三天都不会饥饿,这样我就可以帮助那些灾区急需食品的人们.如果长大了我当上科学家,我就会发明或发现很多东西来提高我们国家高科技水平,为我们的学习、工作、生活带来许多方便,所以我现在要好好学习,积累生活和社会知识,争取长大以后当上伟大的科学家,做一个有益于社会和人民的人.科学家是怎样炼成的?当然不是凭空出现的,他们的出现必然是有一个或多个因素导致的.首先,要是一个很爱动脑,并且对科学极其热爱的人,这是一切因素的承载者,是为基础,是成为一个科学家的前提.其次,要有一定的资金.资金——作为科学研究的物质保证,起着不可替代的作用,它也决定着一个科不家能否完成他自己的实验,能否成为一个有名的科学家.第三,也是最重要的,这个人要有坚定不移的意念,为科学研究献身的意念,还要有耐心,因为进行科学研究的过程必定是枯燥的,只有耐得住寂寞的人才能完整,完美地完成研究.然后,就是作为一位科学家,一定要有在一定要有丰富的想象力,只有有了想象力,才能够想象到以前从未出现过的东西,然后进行研究,最终完成发明.试想,如果爱迪生没有在大脑中完成为电灯的设想,那么,又从何而来的那一千零一次的努力,从何而来我们现在的灯火通明.所以想象力也是十分重要的.可见,一个人之所以能够成为发明家,不是只要勤奋这一项就足够的,而是多种因素集中在一个人的身上而炼就的.。

    5.英语作文 一个伟大的发明家 思想家 科学家

    Einstein play truant to remember In 1895 spring, Einstein has 16 years old. According to Germany's law at that time, the boy only in 17 years old before leaving Germany to get back the service. Because of militarism detest, together with all alone in the camps of Louis boulder middle school already unbearable, Einstein didn't discuss with parents have worked decided to leave Germany, Italy reunited with their parents. But in the future, the halfway quit school, reach diploma? Always honest and tolerant, pure, Albert Einstein, the feeling be nasty in have come up with a thought good idea. He asked the math teacher doctorprescribed zhang proof, said his math excellence, early achieves the university level. And from a familiar doctor there to get a sick leave proof, said he neurasthenia, need to go home sanatorium. Einstein thought there were the two proof, can escape this armpit. And, behold, he hasn't apply, director of the magisterium but he call, to his own destruction ban feng, do not keep withdrawing reason suspended from school. Einstein blush with shame, whatever the reason, as long as it can leave this middle school, he willingly, also can not consider what. He just for yourself think up a did not implement the sly idea suddenly felt guilty, then every mention, Einstein all guilt. about this kind of thing with his frank and sincere character were too far.。


    您好:I Want to Be an Inventor

    TVs, telephones, fridges, cars, planes, computers and many otherthings are important inventions, they have greatly changed our life. Manypeople have their ideas and wishes, they want to invent some new things forthe world. I'm one of them, I want to be an inventor in the future. Inventionscan make our daily life more convenient, and our life will become better andbetter. Now I'm a high school student, I'll try my best to make my dreamcome true.






    Edison was born in America.When he was a child, many people thought that he was not good, in fact, he was full of thinking. He did a lot for the world, he owned over one thousand inventions."The genius contists of one percent inspiration and ninty-nine percent sweat." Although I can't be Edison, I can learn hardworking from him.

    Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. With only three months of formal education he became one of the greatest inventors and industrial leaders in history. Edison obtained 1,093 United States patents, the most issued to any individual.

    Edison's greatest contribution was the first practical electric lighting. He not only invented the first successful electric light bulb, but also set up the first electrical power distribution company. Edison invented the phonograph, and made improvements to the telegraph, telephone and motion picture technology. He also founded the first modern research laboratory.

    Thomas Edison began his career as an inventor in Newark, New Jersey, with the automatic repeater and his other improved telegraphic devices, but the invention which first gained him fame was the phonograph in 1877. This accomplishment was so unexpected by the public at large as to appear almost magical. Edison became known as "The Wizard of Menlo Park," New Jersey, where he lived. His first phonograph recorded on tinfoil around a grooved cylinder and had poor sound quality. The tinfoil recordings could only be replayed a few times. In the 1880s, a redesigned model using wax-coated cardboard cylinders was produced by Alexander Graham Bell, Chichester Bell, and Charles Tainter. This was one reason that Thomas Edison continued work on his own "Perfected Phonograph.











    If I were an inventor, in the 20 year after today, I will be one of the youngest, the most outstanding inventor. Many inventions I have obtained national patent, I have two times Nobel award. A few days ago, I invented a multifunctional blackboard. Multifunctional blackboard with a large super chip and display machine developed by. In class when the teacher always write with chalk, the winter time, hand began to split, with it, the teacher in the lecture, as long as the front of a small microphone on the podium of the gently out of their own to write the words, there will be you to write the words on the blackboard. If you want to write a typo on the blackboard, you speak out first, and then click on the small microphone on the red button, the word is wrong; if you pronounce the words wrong, how does that do? Don't worry if you click the small button on the microphone white, typo is gone. No click a typo, by two, the other a typo too. Multifunctional blackboard also can be used in computers. If the teacher can use it to find the relevant information to the students look at the lecture. I want to check the information, first find the blackboard the bottom left of the green button, click, the blackboard conveniently under a pop-up keyboard. The blackboard can display a strip, top write 'search grade data.' For example, to find the four grade。你可以删减一些。

