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  • 亚马逊河简短的英文简介


    the amazon river of south america is the largest river in the world by volume, with a total river flow greater than the next eight largest rivers combined.

    the amazon, which has the largest drainage basin in the world, accounts for approximately one fifth of the world's total river flow .

    during the wet season parts of the amazon exceed 190 kilometres (120 mi) in width. because of its vast dimensions, it is sometimes called the river sea. at no point is the amazon crossed by bridges.

    this is not because of its huge dimensions; in fact, for most of its length, the amazon's width is well within the capability of modern engineers to bridge.

    however, the bulk of the river flows through tropical rainforest, where there are few roads and even fewer cities, so there is no need for crossings.



    The Amazon is the greatest river in the world by so many measures; the volume of water it carries to the sea (approximately 20% of all the freshwater discharge into the oceans), the area of land that drains into it, and its length and width. It is one of the longest rivers in the world and, depending upon who you talk to, is anywhere between 6,259km/3,903mi and 6,712km/4,195mi long. 亚马逊河的水容量最大, 长度和宽度最大 For the last century the length of the Amazon and the Nile Rivers have been in a tight battle for title of world's longest river. The exact length of the two rivers varies over time and reputable sources disagree as to their actual length. The Nile River in Africa is reported to be anywhere from at 5,499km/3,437mi to 6,690km/4,180mi long. But there is no question as to which of the two great rivers carry the greater volume of water - the Amazon. 亚马逊河和尼罗河总是在长度上有所争议, 但水容量最大的却一定是亚马逊河。

    At its widest point the Amazon can be 11km/6.8 mi wide during the dry season. The area covered by the Amazon River and its tributaries more than triples over the course of a year. In an average dry season 110,000 square km of land are water-covered, while in the wet season the flooded area of the Amazon Basin rises to 350,000 square km. When the flood plains and the Amazon River Basin flood during the rainy season the Amazon River can be up to 40km/24.8 mi wide. Where the Amazon opens at its estuary the river is over 325km/202 mi wide! 在干旱是最大宽度达到11千米 Because the Amazon drains the entire Northern half of the South American continent (approx. 40% landmass), including all the torrential tropical rains that deluge the rainforests, it carries an enormous amount of water. The mouth of the Amazon River, where it meets the sea, is so wide and deep that ocean-going ships have navigated its waters and traveled as far inland as two-thirds the way up the entire length of the river. 水容量之所以大是因为亚马逊河排出了整个南美洲北部(40% 的覆盖率)的全部水源, 甚至包括了热带雨林的雨水。 百度里搜的,老实吧。

    呵呵,表示一下。 可能还有,自己动手,丰衣足食。



    The Amazon river has a series of major river systems in Peru and Ecuador, some of which flow into the Marañón and Ucayali, others directly into the Amazon proper. Among others, these include the following rivers: Morona, Pastaza, Nucuray, Urituyacu, Chambira, Tigre, Nanay, Napo, and Huallaga.

    The most distant source of the Amazon was firmly established in 1996,[3] 2001,[4] and 2007[5] as a glacial stream on a snowcapped 5,597 m (18,363 ft) peak called Nevado Mismi in the Peruvian Andes, roughly 160 km (99 mi) west of Lake Titicaca and 700 km (430 mi) southeast of Lima. The waters from Nevado Mismi flow into the Quebradas Carhuasanta and Apacheta, which flow into the Río Apurímac which is a tributary of the Ucayali which later joins the Marañón to form the Amazon proper. (While this is the point at which most geographers place the beginning of the Amazon proper, in Brazil the river is known at this point as the Solimões das Águas.) Soon thereafter the darkly colored waters of the Rio Negro meet the sandy colored Rio Solimões, and for over 6 km (4 mi) these waters run side by side without mixing.

    After the confluence of Río Apurímac and Ucayali, the river leaves Andean terrain and is instead surrounded by floodplain. From this point to`the Marañón, some 1,600 km (990 mi) , the forested banks are just out of water, and are inundated long before the river attains its maximum flood-line. The low river banks are interrupted by only a few hills, and the river enters the enormous Amazon Rainforest.

    The river systems and flood plains in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela whose waters drain into the Solimões and its tributaries are called the "Upper Amazon". The Amazon River proper runs mostly through Brazil and Peru, and it has tributaries reaching into Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia.


    The Amazon River of South America is the largest river in the world by volume, with a total river flow greater than the next eight largest rivers combined.

    The Amazon, which has the largest drainage basin in the world, accounts for approximately one fifth of the world's total river flow .

    During the wet season parts of the Amazon exceed 190 kilometres (120 mi) in width. Because of its vast dimensions, it is sometimes called The River Sea. At no point is the Amazon crossed by bridges.

    This is not because of its huge dimensions; in fact, for most of its length, the Amazon's width is well within the capability of modern engineers to bridge.

    However, the bulk of the river flows through tropical rainforest, where there are few roads and even fewer cities, so there is no need for crossings.



    Commitment, love you forever Amazon River in South America. It has 6,296 km long, 199 km wide. Amazon River basin area is 6.15 million square kilometers. Years to 6.93 trillion cubic meter flow.

    trillion cubic meter flow. 这个去掉。



    亚马逊河向大西洋排放的水量达到了每秒18万4千立方米,相当于全世界所有河流向海洋排放的淡水总量的五分之一,从亚马逊河口直到肉眼看不到海岸的地方,海洋中的水都不咸,150公里以外海水的含盐量都相当低。 亚马逊河主河道有1.5到12公里宽,从河口向内河有3700公里的航道,海船可以直接到达秘鲁的伊基托斯,小一点的船可以继续航行780公里到达阿库阿尔角,再小的船还可以继续上行。 亚马逊河流域面积达到6915000平方公里,相当于南美洲总面积的40%,从北纬5度伸展到南纬20度,源头在安第斯山高原中,离太平洋只有很短的距离,经过秘鲁和巴西在赤道附近进入大西洋。


    The amazon river water discharge from the Atlantic to 18 million per 1000 cubic meters, equivalent to around four rivers to the Marine discharge all the total freshwater one-fifth of the amazon river, until the coast of invisible, the water is not salty sea, 150 kilometers of seawater salinity is outside. Amazon ZhuHeDao has 1.5 to 12 km wide, from the river to the inland waterway there 3700miles, ships can directly to Peru, a small boat can continue to sail 780 kilometers, library's Angle, again small boat can keep up. The amazon basin area reaches 6915000 square kilometers, equivalent to South America, north latitude 40 per cent of total 5 degrees from 20 degrees, stretching to the great source in the andes, from the ocean in the plateau is only a short distance, Peru and Brazil at the equator into the Atlantic ocean.

    7.食人鱼 英语版简介

    食人鱼 栖息在水流较湍急处。在巴西的亚马逊河流域,食人鱼被列入当地最危险的四种水族生物之首。在食人鱼活动最频繁的巴西马把格洛索州,每年约有1200头牛在河中被食人鲳吃掉。一些在水中玩的孩子和洗衣服的妇女不时也会受到食人鲳的攻击。食人鱼因其凶残特点被称为“水中狼族”。成鱼主要在黎明和黄昏时觅食,以昆虫、蠕虫、鱼类为主,但其有些相近种只吃水果和种子。活动以白天为主,中午会到有遮蔽的地方休息。


    Eats the manatee to perch in the current of water compares the rapids place. In Brazil's Amazon River basin, eats the manatee to include head of the local most dangerous four kind of Shui national minority biology. Moves most frequent Brazil Ma Bage in the food manatee the Luo river rope state, every year approximately has 1200 cows to eat in the river the person silver pomfret to eat. The woman who in the water some will play the child who and does laundry often also to come under the food person silver pomfret's attack. Because eats the manatee its flagitious characteristic to be called “in the water the wolf race”. Adult fish mainly when daybreak and dusk looks for food, by insect, worm, fish primarily, but it somewhat close kind only eats the fruit and the seed. The activity by the daytime, noon will arrive primarily has the camouflage place rest. the mature food manatee female and male outward appearance is similar, has emerald the back and the bright red abdomen, the body side has the streak. Has highly the development sense of hearing. Two jaws are short and are powerful, the lower jaw is prominent, the tooth is a triangle, incisive, high and low mutually alternate permutation. After biting the game, nips tightly is not putting, tears by body's swaying from side to side the meat, may nip a next 16 cubic centimeter meat. Tooth's replace in turn enables its to continue to look for food, but the powerful dentition may bring about serious biting.







    Brazil is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population.It is the only Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas and the largest lusophone country in the world.Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of over 7,491 kilometers (4,655 mi). It is bordered on the north by Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and the French overseas department of French Guiana; on the northwest by Colombia; on the west by Bolivia and Peru; on the southwest by Argentina and Paraguay and on the south by Uruguay. Numerous archipelagos form part of Brazilian territory, such as Fernando de Noronha, Rocas Atoll, Saint Peter and Paul Rocks, and Trindade and Martim Vaz. It has borders with all other South American countries apart from Ecuador and Chile.Brazil was a colony of Portugal from the landing of Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500 until 1815, when it was elevated to United Kingdom with Portugal and Algarves. The colonial bond was in fact broken in 1808, when the capital of the Portuguese Kingdom was transferred from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro, after Napoleon invaded Portugal. The independence from Portugal was achieved in 1822. Initially independent as the Brazilian Empire, the country has been a republic since 1889, although the bicameral legislature, now called Congress, dates back to 1824, when the first constitution was ratified. Its current Constitution defines Brazil as a Federal Republic.The Federation is formed by the union of the Federal District, the 26 States, and the 5,564 Municipalities.The climate of Brazil comprises a wide range of weather conditions across a large area and varied topography, but most of the country is tropical. According to the Köppen system, Brazil hosts five major climatic subtypes: equatorial, tropical, semiarid, highland tropical, temperate, and subtropical. The different climatic conditions produce environments ranging from equatorial rainforests in the north and semiarid deserts in the northeast, to temperate coniferous forests in the south and tropical savannas in central Brazil. Many regions have starkly different microclimates.An equatorial climate characterizes much of northern Brazil. There is no real dry season, but there are some variations in the period of the year when most rain falls. Temperatures average 25 °C (77 °F), with more significant temperature variation between night and day than between seasons.Over central Brazil rainfall is more seasonal, characteristic of a savanna climate. This region is as extensive as the Amazon basin but has a very different climate as it lies farther south at a higher altitude. In the interior northeast, seasonal rainfall is even more extreme. The semiarid climatic region generally receives less than 800 millimetres (31.5 in) of rain,most of which generally falls in a period of three to five months of the year and occasionally less than this, creating long periods of drought. Brazil's 1877–78 Grande Seca (Great Drought), the most severe ever recorded in Brazil, caused approximately half a million deaths. The one from 1915 was devastating too.绝对可靠,保证质量,请放心采用。


