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  • 留学本科个人陈述范文


    个人陈述(生物化学) Personal Statement China is a country that pays so much attention and emphasis on education。

    Elementary School for a starter, following the Junior Middle School, Senior Middle School, College, Graduate School and etc。 , every student must receive a series of strict and systematic academic training before he really can be put to good use in society。

    Childrens education plays a very important role in family life too。 Parents put so much expectation on their children, and give all they can to shape their children prodigies。

    Expectation is a two-edged sword: on the one hand, it brings students a strong backup and good surrounding for study that their parents never had; but on the other hand, expectation also means much pressure and rigor。 Meanwhile, the pressure does not only come from the family。

    The competition within schools is so intense that every entering a higher school is like a war – fighting for the opportunities to enter best schools。 In the last eleven years, I have been growing under such a background。

    When I was at the age about to enter elementary school, like all the parents under the sun, my mom and dad believed that I deserved the very best from the beginning。 So they worked so hard on getting me into the best elementary school of the city。

    But unfortunately, due to the entering-the-nearest-school rule for primary school prospective students, I finally got into the one that was two blocks away from our house – a mediocre elementary school。 To mom and dad, it was all along a big pity that I couldnt have the best education。

    But deep in my mind I decided to make up their regret with my own working。 So, early since I firstly entered school, I have taken education more seriously than most of my peers。

    I studied so hard, looking forward to increasing my knowledge, expanding my view of the world and getting more and more mature。 Six years quickly disappeared into history。

    I soon found myself standing in front of another turning point。 I made my determination to open myself the best middle schools gate。

    However, sometimes determination doesnt always turn out the best result。 My knocking didnt get the most desired answer I was expecting。

    Again, I missed the chance to enter the best school in our city。 However, instead of getting disappointed this time, mom and dad even felt delighted because though it was not the best, the Junior Middle School that admitted me was also a considerably renowned one。

    Yet I still havent got very satisfied about the result。 During the three years in Junior Middle School, I never slowed down my steps to pursue my aim。

    My determination pushed me to seek the best in everything I do, whether in academic studies or other aspects of life。 I remember the time I got myself into a dilemma。

    Because of my outstanding trumpet skill, I took the position of chief trumpet player in school orchestra。 So I had to keep a well-balanced connection between study and music。

    But at the end of one semester when I was tensely preparing for the finals, I suddenly received the notification from the orchestra for a big performance, which means I had to spend much time on rehearsal and practicing for my own solo。 The two things seemed so conflictive that both mom and dad advised me to give up the performance。

    But I wanted the performance to be good as much as my academic record。 I accepted to make the performance without hesitation。

    For a whole month, I almost wanted to divide every minute into two。 I clutched every second in the daytime to work on my school courses because the trumpet score was waiting for me in the night。

    In order not to annoy neighbors, I closed myself into the small toilet of our house。 It was in summer, the small closed space was so hot and fuggy。

    My body got totally wet with sweats every time I finished the practicing。 After one month, I did very well in both the examination and performance, with the cost of a couple of kilograms weight drop。

    With a determination like that, after the completion of Junior Middle School, I finally got admitted by one of the top middle schools of our city。 I aspire to study Biochemistry in my undergraduate years and become a scientist specialized in biochemical sciences。

    Honestly, my first encounter with this subject was not a very pleasant memory。 When I was very young, I watched a movie “The 731 Army” which tells of the biochemical weapon research of Japanese Army in China during World War Two。

    In the movie, Japanese Army uses innocent villagers to test the biochemical weapon, the horrible。





    新西兰出国留学文书写作怎样写,如何写好留学文书? 名称:每个学校对出国留学文书写作“个人陈述”的描述有不同的叫法,通常称为Personal Statement,Statement of Purpose,Statement of Objectives,其他叫法诸如Letter of Interests 或Study Plan意思也是大同小异。

    还有一些和“命题作文”相似的,被称为essay。 目的:出国留学文书写作个人陈述是目的性很强的自荐文章,旨在通过阐述自己的经历和想法,表明自己是一个合格并且优秀的申请者,让录取委员会感受到自己完全有能力胜任研究生阶段的学习并在将来有所建树,说服他们最终录取你。





    个人陈述1 尊敬的北京邮电大学大学招生办: 您们好! 我叫###,女,今年18岁。

    是……中学(省级示范性高中)高三……班学生。 一直以来,我成绩优异,团结同学。

    从一年级开始当班长,一直当到高一,获得了很多奖励:“三好学生”、“优秀班干部”、“优秀团干部”……这些荣誉并不是我刻意去争、去抢过来的,而是老师、学校对我热心学校工作的一种肯定。 所以,我对这些奖励一直怀着一颗感恩之心:感谢它们为我带来的荣誉。

    同时,更感谢那些始终关心我、爱护我的老师们,是他们教会了我如何做人,如何自强自立。 我这人属于双向性格,有时会沉静地去思考、处理问题,但绝大多数时候,我是一个蹦蹦跳跳、说话口无遮拦的“马大哈”,这也许与我冷静处事但又不乏幽默感的家庭环境有关吧! 我很喜欢看书,像爸爸一样是个“书虫”,也喜欢滑冰,弹琴(古筝)等一些娱乐性活动。


    说到学习,我感觉自己还是一个比较有自制力的人,知道该学习的时候不能够分心,并且也能够遵守它。 可我自认为自己并不是人们通常认为的“书呆子”—一心扑在学习上,而不注重与人交往、娱乐之类。


    其实,这也是源于妈妈小时候曾告诉我的一句话:“让别人快乐就是你自己最大的快乐!”我的外向性格理所当然使我拥有了对外界很强的好奇心和探索欲望,这也使我养成了不达目的不罢休的习惯。 它还是我认识贵校的一根“红线”哩 记得那是在我刚升入高中的军训期间,休息时,我拉着一个好友去看一中的“光荣榜”,北大、清华、南开、浙大……一个个让人心动的大学名称映入我的眼帘,“光荣榜”上的学哥、学姐们灿烂地微笑着,像是在说:学弟、学妹们,好好努力吧,胜利也会属于你们!……正当我看得入迷、啧啧赞叹时,好友碰了我一下,说:“快看,‘北京邮电大学’,名字蛮有趣的!”我当时就笑了起来:“什么?‘邮电大学’,是培养邮递员的大学吗?”她笑了笑,说:“我也不知道,想知道你只有自己查去?أ 庇谑牵飧鑫侍獬闪宋倚闹凶钕虢饪ص摹懊浴薄5碧旎氐郊遥揖筒榭戳擞泄乇庇实淖柿稀N医ソチ私饬斯赜诒庇实睦费馗铩⒀Э粕柚谩 煅Ю砟畹纫幌盗星榭觥N抑ص懒吮庇仕湟孕畔⒖萍嘉饕ٌ厣£怨ぱ爬辔魈澹Ë且凰ぁ⒐堋⑽摹⒗硐嘟岷系亩嗫菩匀¹氐愦笱В切轮泄谝凰实绺叩妊Ц?998年成为全国首批重点建设的61所“211工程”项目院校之一;并且北邮有我最喜欢的管理和经济两大学科;多年来,北邮始终坚持开放式办学理念,为中国、为世界培养出了大批的优秀人才……了解到这里,我发现自己深深地被北邮吸引了。

    从那时起,我就决定,不管结果怎样,我都要以北邮为目标,奋斗3年…… 确定了目标,刻苦努力自然少不了,但有时我也禁不住对自己未来的大学生活做一下小小的憧憬:我想象着自己在大学里与同学们一起快乐地学习和生活;想象着教授们严细认真的教学态度和风趣幽默的语言;想象着丰富多彩的课余活动和充实有趣的社会实践活动;想象着我正在成长为一名对社会有用的人……每当这时,我都会情不自禁笑出声…… 我学文,这是事实,但这并不代表我没有前途。 有些同学会认为学文的都是些在理科班待不下去才报文的人。


    从小学一年级开始,我就当上了班干部,所以,老师和周围的人都说我有天生的组织才能:班里组织晚会,我当策划人外加主持人;班里组织为家境困难的学生募捐,是我带头捐了10元钱……这些小事都使我得到了锻炼,这也算是我为何如此钟情于管理学的原因吧!我还很喜欢经济学,我曾经盘算过毕业以后要去外企当个“白领”什么的。 但我很清楚地知道,自己并不是安徒生笔下的那个老渔婆,想要什么就会得到什么…… 在众多的学习精英之间,我常常会感到自己有些力不从心,学习劲头有时也会下降,这也是我的一大缺点:有些怕吃苦,但在慢慢长大的过程中,我在努力克服着这个不足,并且我也认识到,唯有踏踏实实、勤奋拼搏才是通向成功之路。


    这可能就是我高三会考得到几个“良好“,而不是全优的原因吧?我也正在努力改正这个毛病。 这就是我,一个热爱北京、热爱北邮的女孩的自述。

    虽然前方道路有可能有许多坎坷,但我始终在向前走着,因为我知道,那里有我的梦想、我的希望…… 俗话说“有缘千里来相会”,三年前,我有缘认识了您—北邮,我相信,在不远的一天,我会满怀骄傲和感恩的心,投入到您的怀抱…… 此致 敬礼 个人陈述2 我是一个自小受传统文化熏陶的男孩子,很喜欢看诸子百家的书。 犹记得小。



    有一些人在看完这么多之后,可能知道要怎么写了,有些人还是不知道怎么下笔来写作,那么看看下面的步骤,原则和主题结构。 出国留学申请个人陈述书写步骤二、Reflection (反思)所谓反思,就是回顾自己的整个人生经历或者学习生涯,比如从小学、高中、大学直到现在(一般来说,个人陈述(PS)只要写出自己大学阶段的经历就可以了),自己有哪些与众不同之处。

    反思的目的就是要找出自己身上的闪光点――比如说有什么特殊的兴趣或者是独特的经历,自己有哪些比较独特的个性等等。 在一篇个人陈述(PS)中,一定要写出自己的个性和特色来,只有这样,申请者才会在众多的申请材料中脱颖而出,让对方教授一下子记住申请者,然后在集体讨论时推荐申请者。

    切记:独特性是写作个人陈述(PS)的生命。出国留学个人陈述书写步骤三、Positioning (定位)所谓定位,具体在一篇个人陈述(PS)里,就是出国留学申请者如何在经过第一阶段的反思之后确定自己独特而鲜明的个人形象。


    这时申请者可以多写一些个人的东西。 比如说表现一下自己的潜在才能,抒发自己的理想和抱负等等。

    有的人会认为这种类型的写作为“煽情”式写作,其实不是煽情,而应该说更具个性化。出国留学申请个人陈述书写步骤四、Choosing a theme(确立文章的主题)象文学作品写作一样,个人陈述(PS)写作的主题应该准确鲜明,切忌主题不清,东一榔头西一棒子的瞎侃。




    常见的有To rise where you have fallen (在哪跌倒就在哪爬起来),Believe in yourself。You can do it。



    个人陈述(Personal Statement)是申请文书中非常重要的组成部分。


    1.分析你的个性和经历; 2.区分、组织和取舍你的特质、经历、和成就来满足学校录取的要求和标准; 3.把所有这些编排好的信息归纳在一个叙述性的结构中; 4.写出一篇具有说服力能突出你的特质的文章来。 什么是个人陈述 个人陈述是在申请过程中按照学校要求来写一篇有关申请人背景,学术成就和未来研究和职业目标的文章。


    个人陈述也有不同的名称,如Personal Statement,Statement of Purpose,Statement of Intent, Statement of Objectives, Academic Statement,Study Plan,Academic Objectives等。个人陈述应当包含以下内容: (一)申请者的学术或专业兴趣及背景; (二)欲研究的方向; (三)未来的职业目标。






    如何写个人陈述 个人陈述的内容应包含下列三项资料: (一)申请者的学术或专业兴趣及背景; (二)欲研究的方向; (三)未来的职业目标; 写作时,依以上三点将文章分为三各主要部分。不要像列清单,也不要重覆申请表格已有的资料。

    注意事项: (一)详读学校的写作说明并了解问题的重点,不赘言,不遗漏,且在要求的字数内完成。例如学校要求五百字内完成(In 500 words or less discuss 。)

    ,则全文最好不要超过五百字。如果学校要求以问答方式来叙述 (Responses to essay questions, Please limit your response to on page.),即依其要求回答不长过一页。

    (二)写作时应清楚明确。例如: 1. "I am interested in English literature" 这句话表达不够清楚,而I was concentrated on Milton and Shakespeare in college" 就明白的说出了申请人的志趣及研究范围。

    2."I received extensive training in physics" 这句话不够详细,"My training was in the area of particle physics"就具体多了。 3. "I was very active as a student representative" 最好说明曾经做什么:组织活动,主办演讲,沟通学生与校方意见等。

    4."I am attracted to your department by its brilliant faculty."应说明对於教授的认知是从何而来,如在何处读到某教授的文章而愿受教于他,或某位教授正在从事一项重要研究,与自己欲攻读的研究领域相同等。表达对所申请之系的课程、教师和特性有些了解,依学校之不同而提及某位任教於该校的教授、新课程或该校的某个学位有兴趣。

    (三)不要用语意模糊的句子,如 "Your esteemed school"应代以学校的名字。"I will return to serve my country"应明确的说出所要从事的到底是什麽工作等。

    (四)避免用深奥的字汇,尽量以简单容易的字来表达。 (五)不要离题,谈论一些不相干的事。


    重要的是给学校一个专业,认真的印象。 (七)不要抄袭,改写书上的样本文章。

    应详读学校的介绍,了解其要求,再对自己的学业背景、计划加以考虑,写出自己的风格。 (八)检查英文的时态、性别及单多数等方面的错误。


    Personal Statement My great curiosity about camera lens is rooted in a television interview when I was still a young girl。

    Hunan Television Station held a talent show called Super Girl Voice in 2004。 I was a student in high school at that time, and I found the high audience rating brought huge viewers and the advertisers。

    It also made mass media to be a hot industry。 I thought that was a potential job which would provide opportunities; prospects and material conditions for me to take off。

    Therefore I determined to choose mass communication to be my major。 I am very proud to study in Communication University of China Nanjing College, which is the tiptop communication and media institution of higher education in China。

    During my undergraduate study, I find myself has been strongly attached to this specific territory。 Achieving 82 of the GPA proved that I am an excellent student in my class。

    I learned basic methodology and theories of Broadcasting and TV program Editor and mass communication。 There is no doubt that practice makes perfect。

    For that reason I have applied for my professional internship as a TV editor in Yueyang Broadcasting & Television Co。 Ltd, which is the largest and most authoritative media company in Yueyang。

    During that intern work I applied what I acknowledged at school to actual process of producing television program, which includes programme scheming, transcribe programme, editing and broadcasting。 Writing scripts and shooting films with my classmates is also my favourite。

    During the creation process, we exchanged our ideas and discussed about the problems of scripts, performing and postproduction 。 It is benefit from my strong sense of team work。

    Being a member of the universitys volleyball team instill the idea of team work deep inside me。 That is the very spirit which made my short film timeline, a cooperated film work, won the 3rd rate prize of the 5th International Film Work Selection Practice。

    No pain no gain! Emerging technologies is rapidly changing the media map。 Internet, wireless communications and digital video technology are creating a new communications environment。

    Our world is becoming a earth village gradually which metioned by Canadian professor Marshall McLuhan first time in his in 1967。 With the recent tendency of globalization, I wish to pursue my study in media communication。

    To find out how the methods and perspectives of media communication affect the ultimate communication effects and what global media can do to serve their social responsibility better under a globalization circumstances。 The reason why I choose UK is because I am crazy about English TV drama Like ,, and so on。

    I am also enthusiastic about football very much and I want to watch the FA Premier League。 I choose UK because UK is the media center of European。

    I can learn a lot of knowledge which I cannot acquire in China and broaden my horizon at the same time。 There is an old saying in China: Reading over ten thousands of books is not as good as walking over ten thousands of miles。

    I will be influenced by many different cultures in UK。 At present, my career ideal is clear in my mind。

    In order to combine my own career objective with social development and accommodate a wide variety of interdisciplinary knowledge, I will comprehensively study the interactive relationship between mass media and human civilization。 Thats the objective law and trends。

    I pick up this programme with the most advanced research facilities and world-class faculty, to upgrade my knowledge of scientific research methods。 And even when I type my Statement of Purpose word by word, I became even more determined with my choice。

    Its quite convincible that my solid technical background will help me to understand more clearly the internal operation of the media communication。 My adequate internship experiences will prepare me to be easily integrated into the media market as well。

    Equally, Im certain that with your wonderful guidance I will play a better part in contribution to Chinas media industry and add luster to my career。 In the past three years, though sometimes I suffered setbacks, felt confused or dissatisfied with the reality like a rebellious youth, I have never stopped the pursuit of my interests and all-round development of myself。

    Modern undergraduate education focuses on the expansion of students major knowledge。 As the world changing rapidly, only the all-rounders can best adapt to the global society。

    In this active atmosphere around our campus, 。


    1、记得将留学申请的专业相关工作经验/兴趣写入 当你写的经历与申请相关的课程关联性越高,你的录取机会相对也会大提升喔! 这些经验可以是你的兴趣,打工经验,或是做义工的经历也行。

    2、可转换的技能 不管是用在申请学校或是找工作,这部分的技能说明,有助于审核申请的人了解你的能力, 例如:时间管理, 这可以让学校了解你是否能够完成多项课程及打工等多工的能力。 3、你对课程的兴趣和热情之处 如果你想申请的课程, 没有要求你需先具备相关领域的专业或经验,那就必须将你对该课程感兴趣, 或有热情学习的项目具体写下, 例如:对于未来的企图心和计划! 当你写下这些重点后,可以请你的亲朋好友,爸爸妈妈,哥哥姐姐,帮你看看是否能够感动学校录取你。


    一、选择申请这所学校的原因 这是常见的题目。


    可以写这所学校相对来说,具有怎样的优势。另外,从自己的角度,陈列学生的特点与学校的一致性: 学生的爱好、活动、背景、才能,如何可以与学校的优势相匹配。

    在文章中需要强调的是学校的优势是个性的、唯一的。 二、叙述你曾经获得过的优秀成绩 学校要求学生写出个人曾经获得过的成绩或者奖项,通过这个途径来了解学生的个性。


    美国大学希望看到学生的兴趣爱好的同时,也希望看到学生是如何成长。 如果学生在高中时期没有什么广泛的兴趣与活动,往往就不知道如何下笔了。

    其实好的兴趣与活动并不一定是弹钢琴、跳舞、学生会主席、模拟联合国;也可以是:学烤蛋糕、第一次开车、帮助一位长期卧床在家的邻居等都会是很感人的题材。只要记住把写作重点放在事情的重要性、为什么对学生来说会有如此重要, 以及它对学生的影响。

    三、陈述个人成长经历;家庭、社会、学校环境对学生的影响 这个题目同学们已经非常熟悉了,因为学校可以通过学生的陈述来了解学生个人,这也是一份申请材料的本质--帮助学校了解申请者的个性和特质。偶尔也会有这样的情况,学校会出一些具有较强命题性的文章,类似于记叙文,例如你遇到过最大的挑战是什么?你是怎样克服的?或者讲述一件对你影响深刻的事情,并阐述它为什么对你有影响,你是怎样克服的? 四、国际交流的经历 中国许多学校有交换生的活动,可以描写一下通过这次活动学生领略到了什么异域文化;学生从中学到了什么?例如:通过这次国际交流活动,学生有了怎样的感触,树立了什么样的人生观。

    在具体描写方面记住要尽量把个人体会和感受写出来,并且力争使阅读者能够感同身受。 这样一个题材,实际是学校向通过学生对过去的陈述来了解他是怎样一个人。



    五、描述一个对你有深刻影响的人,从他身上你学到了什么 通过这样的题材,我们需要表现出,申请者并不是一个由高分与优异成绩简单包装出来的学生,而是在人格方面也是非常的健全与完整。 而学生的今天与一切成就可能与另一个人的影响密切相关。




