The nurse is called "angels in white"ah by people being protecting peoples body and mind health. Front emergency treatment job social nature has been strong to the emergency call nurse Er Yan , the yard , has given first aid treatment to each aspect using personal influence relating to society , has stepped out of the pure medical science field, except special field technology, synthetical quality has brought forward higher call for to the nurse. The character working strained , designs that the disease is various complicated, the scene gives first aid treatment to environment difference , the disturbance factor is many , manpower and material resources is limited, emergency treatment nursing job technology contents are high , special field is strong, require that relativity nursing teams is stable. With emergency call medical treatment system building-up and perfect , be because of the specially appointed the character working and intensity, the nurse has needed to bear the gigantic spirit , mentality pressure in the process of yard front emergency treatment sometimes , has affected its the mass physically and mentally healthy and working thereby. Among them the most outstanding problem is human relations sensitive-rization , body-rization , extremely anxious , hostile. The source analyses 1 pressure That 1.1 stays in the first ding-dang is that amount of work is very big , change shifts many, amount of work is saturated. The night shift makes circadian rhythm chaos , the long range stay up late , is short of the rest and sleep, bring about human body physiology disorder, and strain easy to happen, the nerve behavior effect to person is also very grave. 1.2 prolongs with protecting ages , work experience of a lot of nursing staff increases by also with that , on-time worries about that the error accident appears more as being longer but,; When guiding to protect a life, be afraid that problem appears but produce mentality pressure. 1.3 comes from the incomprehension nursing the director , doctor and colleague; Nurses pursuing advanced studies the chance is few , welfare benefits and social position are not tall , make oneself nurses value and reality contradiction happened. 2 answers way Incline that 2.1 gives human resources, appropriate increase section inner nurse manning quotas , lighten whose work load; Improve a work environment at the same time , adopt a personnel alternating system , relieve actuating pressure when necessary. Macroscopic view the head nurse is responded to be ready for a nurse mix, arrange an order rationally. "Principle is a basis as far as possible in the job with person" , being ready for "the people-oriented " administration , nurse is "to show solicitude for person " , is also that person is shown solicitude for at the same time". 2.2 reinforces psychological quality training , improves psychological quality and mentality being able to bear by the force. The nurse responds to an institute unhurried face pressure , adopt actively to loosen artifice, creating a cushy job atmosphere for self , help body and mind health to raise working efficiency.有点语法错误,请谅解。
脑血管病的护理体会 摘要:目的:探讨脑血管病的护理方法。
结论:根据疾病的不同时期采取不同的护理措施有助于疾病恢复及减少并发症的发生。 关键词:脑血管病;护理体会 TheNursingExperienceonCardio-cerebralVascularDisease Abstract:Objective:Toprobethenursingofcardio-cerebralvasculardisease。
Conclusion:Thenursingmethodabovecanhelpcardio-cerebralvasculardiseaserecoveredandcandecreasethecomplications。 Keywords:Cardio-cerebralvasculardisease;Thenursingexperience 1临床资料 1。
1一般资料:本组男8例,女22例,最大年龄76岁,最小年龄36岁,脑血栓形成35例,脑出血25例,其它4例。 1。
2治疗转归:治愈38例,好转18例,无变化2例,死亡2例。 2观察与护理 2。
1病情观察 2。1。
1意识:意识的变化往往能提示病情的轻重,应了解发病时意识状态和昏迷程度,本组病人有意识障碍21例。 2。
瞳孔的改变能提示病变的部位及病的加重或减轻。 2。
因此,血压高低可作为使用降颅内压药物的依据;②脉搏缓慢时说明有颅内压增高趋势;③发热的原因有中枢性或感染性发热,如果体温低、四肢厥冷则说明有休克的可能;④呼吸频率是否规则和呼吸的深浅,如出现叹息样呼吸、潮式呼吸,鼾音则表示病情严重。 2。
2。2急性期的护理 2。
脑缺血病人在1周以内应完全卧床休息,禁用冰袋。 2。
2。 2。
2。 2。
4排泄的护理:意识障碍的病人常有排尿排便障碍,对于尿潴留者应留置尿管,防治尿路感染,每天膀胱冲洗,尿道口抹洗;有排便困难者,应予缓泻药物或人工排便。 2。
3预防并发症的护理:由于病人昏迷及长期卧床,易并发肺炎及褥疮,为此,要定时按摩或理疗,还要配合其他辅助方法,经常保持皮肤清洁干燥,床单整洁平坦。 2。
针灸对神经功能的恢复有帮助,对肢体瘫痪可取穴曲池、合谷、环跳、足三里、昆仑,失语可用哑门、廉泉等穴位。 参考文献: 〔1〕韩仲岩.实用脑血管病学〔M〕.上海:科学技术出版社,1994。
388. 〔2〕成慧琴,王环宇.微创颅内血肿清除术后潜在并发症的预见性护理31例〔J〕.中华实用护理杂志,20(3):11.。
importance of Nursing
Health care has been identified as Canadians number one public priority - and nurses play a central role in delivering health care.
Nurses advocate for health promotion, educate patients and the public on the prevention of illness and injury, provide care and assist in cure, participate in rehabilitation, and provide support. No other health care professional has such a broad and far-reaching role.
Nurses help families learn to become healthy by helping them understand the range of emotional, physical, mental and cultural experiences they encounter during health and illness. Nurses help people and their families cope with illness, deal with it, and if necessary live with it, so that other parts of their lives can continue.
Nurses do more than care for individuals. They have always have been at the forefront of change in health care and public health.
Nurses innovate. Florence Nightingale, regarded as the founder of modern nursing, is remembered as "the lady with the lamp" - yet she also collected data to prove that the main cause, by far, of fatalities in the Crimean War was not enemy fire, but infections attributed to improper sanitation. She was a pioneering statistician, probably the first person in history to use graphs and charts to persuade politicians to act. Todays university-trained nurses learn to trust their own first-hand observations to generate important research leads on significant topics.
Nurses provide ongoing assessment of peoples health. Their round-the-clock presence, observation skills, and vigilance allow doctors to make better diagnoses and propose better treatments. Many lives have been saved because an attentive nurse picked upon early warning signs of an upcoming crisis like cardiac arrest or respiratory failure.
不知道你是要英文写的还是中文写的, 有中文的不知道是否符合你要求 浅论德拉布尔小说中知识女性的心灵困惑 论文摘要玛格丽特·德拉布尔是美国当代著名女作家,其创作多以知识女性为对象,描写她们在追求爱情、婚姻、事业中所遇到的困惑。
本文对德拉布尔小说中知识女性的心灵困惑的问题进行了探讨,指出其对于婚姻的困惑、对女性生活角色的困惑、对未来出路的困惑等。 美国女权主义者贝蒂·弗里丹在《女性的奥秘》一书中指出:“在我们作为女人的生活现实和我们要努力去与之相符的那种角色之间,存在着奇怪的差异”,女性面临着“精神分裂症一般的人格分裂。”
贝蒂·弗里丹认为生儿育女、操持家务、取悦夫君和不断重复的家务劳动成为扼杀女性生存质量的杀手,这种无限循环的生活使女性陷入个性的压抑之中,使女性的精神生活处于空白之中。 而生活于60年代的英国著名女作家玛格丽特·德拉布尔对贝蒂·弗里丹的这一说法十分赞同,她以敏锐的目光发现存在于女性生活中的问题,并以小说的形式向社会提出疑问:“我发现许多妇女正经历完全相同的过程,它令我惊奇:妇女的工作自由和生儿育女,使她们同时充当两个角色而精疲力竭。
随着西方受教育的女性人数的增多,知识女性对于男权社会做了更大程度的反拨和对抗,同时也使知识女性的生存危机感更加突出,德拉布尔的小说正是在这一语境下诞生的,她致力于知识女性这一特殊群体的描写,努力地表现知识女性心灵中的隐秘和精神成长过程,描写她们在自我实现道路进行的种种尝试和尴尬处境,突出了这一群体在男权社会中感受的生存困惑。 尽管在六七十年代的西方知识女性已赢得一定的社会地位,但她们的现状仍然是处于男权社会的阴影之下,受过高等教育的知识女性所面临的仍然是结婚、生子、料理家务和丧失独立人格成为丈夫的附属品的生存状态,这样的现实与她们曾经受过的完美教育、曾经有过的高尚理想有着巨大的落差。
在简单苍白的日子里,知识女性心里涌动着对婚姻价值的困惑、对女性生活角色的困惑、对未来出路的困惑,而这些困惑构成了知识女性对前景的迷惘与不安,德拉布尔正是植根于现实主义的土壤之中,借助于自己对知识女性生活的熟悉,通过小说中的女性人物来表现这种困惑与不安,以完成对知识女性成长之路的探索。 一 对于婚姻的困惑 德拉布尔曾说过:“从自然性别而言,女性被禁止承担积极的角色,她们很少有自主权。”
毕业于剑桥大学、曾有过婚变的德拉布尔在自己的亲身经历中清醒地认识到,社会所造成的男女不平等使女性在婚姻中一定会处于弱势,而女性的生理特征更会使其在婚后陷入儿女缠身的境地,从而无法与男性抗争。 基于这一点,德拉布尔认为女性在婚姻中的失败几乎是必然的,所以女性不应当抱着盲目和不切实际的浪漫去幻想婚姻,而应当抱着清醒而理智的态度去对待婚姻。
也因此,德拉布尔更关注处于婚姻的矛盾心理中的知识女性,并一直都把小说里的婚姻写得矛盾重重。 德拉布尔于1963年出版的第一部带有强烈自传色彩的小说《夏日鸟笼》所反映的正是她本人在大学毕业后初涉人世的心态。
她徘徊于“嫁个学究还是做个学究”的两难境地里。 萨拉是个理性的学者型的女子,所以她首先总结了自己身边的两类女性,并对她们的生活进行比对,这两类女性中的一类是萨拉已婚的姐姐路易丝和萨拉的同学吉尔;一类是未婚的历史教师达芙妮,而这两类人物的状况在萨拉的眼里都是不完美的:姐姐路易丝虽然嫁入富裕人家,得到了豪宅和华丽的服饰,但她一直生活在没有感情的婚姻里,成为丈夫的一个附属品或“家庭秘书”,爱情的缺失使路易丝只能靠隐秘的婚外恋来支撑自己的感情生活,但最终私情败露而被丈夫赶出家门,这让萨拉心里感到了婚姻的不可靠。
萨拉认为在称女性为“第二性”的社会环境里,女性在婚姻上一定是个劣败者,很难有美满幸福可言。 小说中不嫁人的历史教师达芙妮的生活同样不幸:她虽然有了自己想要的生活上的独立,但因相貌平平、反应迟钝、生活里没有一点激情,而倍受世人的白眼,致使萨拉每一次看到她,都会“情绪低落到了极点”。
从达芙妮的经历上,萨拉看到的是女性跻身于知识群体里的障碍:“你不能当一个性感的教授,如果你是一个男人,博学多才又相貌出众,那无关紧要;如果你是一个女人,这就是一个过错。 ”所以。
英语护理论文 谁能帮忙翻译一下
It was the second day of our winter holiday。
这是我们寒假的第二天,I felt good。我感觉很好。
I felt Im free。 我觉得我很自由。
I had a lot of time to do things I like。 我有很多时间可以做自己喜欢做的事。
My parents are in Beijing。 我父母在北京。
So I live alone but I dont feel lonely。 所以我单独住但我不孤独。
But I didnt do something special。 但我没有做什么特别的事情。
I stayed at home and watched TV。 我呆在家看电视。
Oh! I wrote an English daily composition。 噢!我写了一片英语日记作文。
It was my homework。 这是我的家庭作业。
Today, I have slept for 14 hours。 今天,我睡了14个小时。
I thought I was very tired。 我想我很累。
It was time for dinner。 现在是晚饭时间了。
I must go! 我必须走了。I am very hungry。
Gen (P/A/C)2。
Planyourpieceofwriting(passivewords)5。 Intro-openstatement/relevanttexts/thesisstatements6。
Body-reinforcethesis/supportiveexampleswithpossiblereferences/concludingthese(rewritethesis)7。 Re-writetheintroduction(generalacademicessay)8。
第一片 Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary? More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at the weekend。
There are two different viewpoints about it。 On the one hand, some think that studying following the family teachers is better than self study。
It can not only strengthen what youve learnt at school, but help you learn more useful things as well。 On the other hand, some people who have the different opinion consider it a waste of time and money, for many training classes and family teachers are just working for money, you can not learn something really useful there, and thus lose the time of relaxing yourselves。
In my opinion, as students, we should really know whether we need a training class or family teacher。 First, make sure that you need them, and they would be helpful, then choose a reasonable one。
Just remember, once you start and never give up。