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  • 2011年10月sat范文

    11年5月 sat 作文题

    prompt:most of us tend to find rules,limits and reatraints irritaing.We want to be free of anything that limits our choice.but limitations protect us without limitations on our behavior ,too many of us will act without regard to the consequences for ourselves,for others ,and for future.limitatios contribute to ,rather than take away from .our overall happiness.

    ASSIGNMENT:Do rules and limitations contribute to a persons happiness?


    本人也准备TAKE SAT,不过没有你复习那么刻苦.如果你做真题成绩还算理想的话,我想你不用担心太多了,应为你都看了这么多题了.最重要的是词汇和作文,词汇本人建议Marino Mission和Barron Word List, Barron 2009, 10版的不仅有常考词汇列表,还有全部SAT级别的词(如果楼主能背完的话).作文别想临场发挥,所以你现在要真的开始写,才花25分钟,和做真题一SECTION一样时间,不会耽误多少的.最好卡在22,23分钟写完、检查完,这样考试会轻松一点.我看了Kaplan, Rocket Review, Barrons, 现在在看SAT作文素材和范文.祝你好运.。

