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    U.S. Vice President Mike Pence swore in Betsy DeVos as U.S. secretary of education on Tuesday after casting the tie-breaking Senate vote to confirm President Donald Trump's controversial nominee. It was the first time in American history that a vice president had been needed to get a Cabinet pick approved.


    DeVos pledged at her swearing-in to "support and defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." In the words of her official vow, she also pledged to "well and faithfully" discharge the duties of her office.


    The ceremony took place quickly and without fanfare, except for the whirring and clicking of cameras and other media equipment. After the short ceremony was over, a small audience of family and friends burst into polite applause.


    Earlier in the day, two Republicans voted with a united Democratic caucus in opposition to DeVos. The result was a 50-50 split before Pence cast the deciding vote, as the Constitution mandates when the chamber is evenly divided.



    On the night of National Day we watch fireworks.

    It's October 1 ( the first).It's National Day.

    October first is the National Day of China.

    It's October 1 ( the first).It's National Day.

    Two of my classmates descended upon me on National Day.

    October 1 is celebrated as the National Day in China.

    My grandmother is doing up some watermelon so that we can eat them on National Day.

    We should make the best of our time and not waste the precious days ofour youth.

    During the National Day, nearly all the units stick flags out.

    After working in a factory for several years, he decided to dust off his middle school textbooks and sit for the college entrance examination


    News: US needles China with human rights criticChina and the US were embroiled in a fresh argument yesterday, with Beijing accusing Washington of using its annual report on human rights violations as an excuse for interfering in Chinese internal affairs.The US state department report, issued on Wednesday, said China's human rights record had worsened in some areas last year and that violations rose in March during protests in Tibetan regions and in August at the Olympics. The report also criticised the use of coerced confessions from prisoners, extrajudicial killings, torture and forced labour camps.Ma Zhaoxu, a spokesman at the Chinese foreign ministry, said the US report did not pay any attention to recent human rights successes in the country, including rising living standards."We urge the US to reflect on its own human rights problems, stop acting as a human rights guardian and stop interfering in others' internal affairs by issuing such human rights reports," Mr Ma said.Earlier the official Xinhua news agency responded in even sharper terms. "[The report] wilfully ignored and distorted basic facts, groundlessly assailing China's human rights conditions and making random and irresponsible remarks on China's ethnic, religious and legal systems," it said.Although China has stepped up diplomatic overtures in recent weeks to try to damp protectionist pressures, the remarks underline the prickly defiance that Beijing adopts when its human rights record is criticised.The pointed criticism in the US report contrasted with the low-key approach that Hillary Clinton, secretary of state, took over human rights during her visit to China last weekend. She said the issue was still a priority in US foreign policy, but before arriving in Beijing warned that it "cannot interfere" with US-China talks on the economic crisis, security and climate change.Some supporters of Mrs Clinton say that by attempting to engage with civil society groups, rather than lecturing the Chinese about freedom and democracy, she was taking a constructive approach that reflected what can actually be achieved in the country.However, critics say that her initial remarks will allow the Chinese to ignore future reproaches on human rights issues.。


    标题:air quality to deteriorate for next 2 days, forecasters say 来自上海日报 12。

    5。 正文:Shanghai will enjoya day of good air quality today after moderate pollution yesterday, but the city will be hit by further pollution tomorrow and Thursday , said the Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center。

    The air quality index was expected to between 55 and 90today, indicating good air quality。Tomorrow , slow wind and accumulation of local air pollutants, mainly nitrogen dioxide, were expected to push the air qualityindex between 85 and 105, indicating slight pollution。

    Weather forecasters expect another cold front to hit the Yangtze River Delta region on Thursday until the weekend, causing slight to moderate pollution in some areas in the region。 shanghai's air quality index was forecast to be between 105 and 125, indicating slight pollution from the cold front。

    The major pollutant was expected to be PM2。5。

    "We still need observation to tell whether the next round of pollution will affect Shanghai's air quality after Thursday," said the Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center。 The previous round of air pollution in Shanghai, caused by pollutants carried by a cold front from the north, raised the city's air quality index to 192, or moderately polluted, at 10am yesterday。

    PM2。5 was the major pollutant。

