우리 고향에서 작은 마을, 거기 산수의 풍경이 아름답다, 사계절 그림 같다.비록 도시? 벅적벅적하다 없다. 그러나 내가 좋아하는 자신의 고향을.신선한 따뜻한 봄 눈 깜짝할 사이에 왔는데, 노래 느릿느릿 오다.봐!비바람이 지나간 후, 작은 죽순 하다 몸을 있다 몸을 힘껏 머리로 낡은 땅, 뚫고 나온다.하늘의 구름이 더 흰 물이 더 푸르다.가끔 몇 마리가 행복한 작은 뛰어넘다 수면 아직 荡起 수많은 장난꾸러기 물결.눈 깜짝할 사이에 더운 여름이 되었어요. 하늑거리다 꽃 스커트, 오색찬란한 여름모자 어떻게 하더라도 저항할 수 없다 작열하는 태양.들어봐, 개구리 그룹 팀이 매일 연잎에 지껄이다.개굴개굴。끊임없이 운다.누가 들으면 다 그 도취되다.소년들은 알몸으로 못에서 너 게임, 훌렁 등이 햇볕에 그을려 검고 빛나다.가을 여자 살금살금 걸어왔다.편편이 단풍 따라 凤舞.봐라!논 일대의 풍작을 풍경, 벼가 익으면, 온통 금빛 같다 곳곳에 안에 모두 금은 아니다.한차례의 미풍이 불자 벼이삭이 금실금실 물결친다, 황금 같은 바다.가을 여자 조용히 가버린 눈이 부슬부슬 흩날리고 있다, 지구에 주는 깔았다 새하얀 카펫, 이리 큰 은빛 단장을 하였다 온통 새하얗다.닭 짹짹거리다 부터 깨 웠 개구쟁이 아이는 그들은 눈밭에서 눈싸움하다。즐거움이 끝이 없다.사랑해요, 고향, 고향이 더 사랑하는 사계절.
그림 같은 풍경, 사계절 그림 같은 작은 마을, 내 고향에. 아니 무슨 분주 한 도시이지만, 그러나 나는 내 자신의 고향을 좋아합니다. 신선하고 따뜻한 봄은 갑자기 아이들의 노래 섹션을했다. 봐! 폭풍 후, 작은 대나무 밖으로 드릴 헤드와 땅을 깰 긴장, 먹 아이들을 촬영합니다. 구름 하얀, 더 푸른 물. 때때로, 몇 행복 물고기는 물 위에 점프도 많은 장난 꾸러기 리플을 Dangqi. 갑자기 뜨거운 여름, Huaqun 펄럭이는 다채로운 여름 모자는 방식과 불타는 태양을 제공합니다. 개구리 연꽃 잎에 매일 팀의 조합을 돌팔이 들어 봐. 꽥 。
。 끊임없이했다. 누가 그들에 푹 빠졌 듣고됩니다. 연못에 벌거 벗은 소년은 게임, 다시 벗은 일소 광택을한다. 가 소녀 조용히왔다. FengWu 이동과 조각 가을. 당신은 볼! 사방에 금처럼, 수확 장면, 밥, 금의 일부를 논. Breeze는 황금 바다처럼, 보리 롤을 흔들. 가 소녀 조용히 멀리, 그들은 눈, 흰색으로 덮여 나무에 흰 카펫으로 덮여 땅에, 눈을 범람했다. 치킨지지 통신 경보 호출, 웨이크 업 장난 꾸러기 아이들, 그들은 눈 눈덩이 싸움 。
。 재미에 있습니다. 나는 가정을 사랑 집보다 계절을 사랑 해요.我的在家乡在一个小村庄,那里山青水秀,四季如画。
I come from China, here is very beautiful all the year round. In spring, the peach blossom, often have butterflies fly open. In the summer, when the most cool under the tree. In autumn, the fiery red sky, farmers are very happy. Although the winter is white, but is not the cold wind.中文是:我来自中国,这儿的一年四季都很美。
MyHomeVillage Myhomevillageisasmallone。
Therearemanyhillsaroundmyhomevillageandtheyaremorebeautifulthansomebigmountains。 Inspring,wecanflykiteswhicharemadebyourselvesonthetopofthehills。
Wecanplaywithsnowandsometimesweeatthecleansnowwithsugar。 Inmyhometowntheskyisblue,theairisclean,thewaterissweetandthepeopleareveryfriendly。
Ilovemyhometown!我的家乡 我的家乡是位于山西盂县的一个小村庄。 它虽然小但非常美丽。
韩国作文 我和韩国语 500字
韩国是跟中国一样有四季的国家. 其中我最喜欢的季节是夏天. 虽然比其他季节更多的蚊子和小小的虫子让我讨厌, 失眠, 还是因为在夏天可以做的活动比较多, 可以去玩儿的地方也比较多, 我每次都很兴奋地等待着美丽的夏天。
韩国的夏天是大概从6月至8月. 这夏天一般持续着高温多湿的气候. 从6月底至7月中旬是雨季, 特别闷热, 还有很多洪水灾难都在这期间发生. 7月底至8月底是盛夏, 最高的温度会达到39℃. 因为天气太热, 很多人都按照各种各样自己喜欢的方式来过让人筋疲力尽的夏天. 过夏天的方式大概可以分成三种类型。
第一种类型是趁暑假的时间去大海或者江边避暑的人. 可能用这种方式来过夏天的人是最多的。 韩国是一个三面环海的半岛国家. 所以最有名的夏天避暑地一般都在东海和南海. 从城市坐火车或汽车花3~4个小时就会达到自己的目的地. 到了海边会看到壮丽的风景, 还会呼吸到新鲜的空气. 可是因为夏天很多人都想去海边, 比较有名的海边和江边都非常拥挤. 所以如果你喜欢清闲的地方的话, 要避开这种地方。
第二种类型是去农村拜问自己亲戚的人. 一般来说, 不少人的爷爷, 奶奶都在离城市比较远的农村生活, 平时大家的生活都很忙碌, 一年只有一两次机会去看他们。 所以放假的时候, 不去就可能没机会见他们了。在爷爷, 奶奶家, 全家人可以聚在一起, 开开心心地聊关于工作或学习的情况, 还可以一边吃爽口的西瓜, 一边玩韩国的传统游戏。
最后的第三种类型是不去任何地方, 呆在让人感到最舒服的家里过夏天的人。 可能从费用方面来说, 这种方式是最划算. 在家里看着恐怖片吃冷面消暑, 该多好啊 ! 随着人们越来越不喜欢在很拥挤的地方避暑的情况下, 选择这种方式来过夏天的人在不断的增加。
当然每个人的避暑方式都不一样, 也不一定是只有这三种。 可是不管用什么样的方式来过夏天, 都充分体现着韩国的风格和特色。韩国语作文
A year has four seasons. Every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other. The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons. The first season is spring. The three months in it are March, April and May. During that time we have warm weather and fine days. All plants come to life. Animals wake up from hibernation. It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields. The second season is summer. The three months are June, July and August. The weather is very hot and it often rains. People can go swimming and sightseeing. It is time for all things to grow up. The third season is autumn. The three months are September, October and November. The weather becomes cooler and cooler. Leaves begin to fall to the ground. It is the harvest time for farmers. The fourth season is winter. December, January and February are the three months of that season. The weather is very cold, and most of the plants die at that time. Sometimes it snows. People can enjoy skating and skiing. But winter doesn t stay with us for a long time, for spring comes again soon. 翻译: 一年四季 一年有四季,每个季节有三个月,每个季节的气候都不一样。
生命的轮回由四季控制。 第一个季度是春季。
冬眠的动物们也醒过来了,农民们开始忙农活。 第二个季节是夏季,包括六月、七月和八月。
夏季也是万物生长的好时候。 第三个季节是秋季,三个月分别是九月、十月和十一月。
天 气越来越凉,树叶开始飘落。这是一个收获的季节。
What are the names of four seasons? Four seasons include spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season has three months. One year has four seasons and twelve months. People have different things to do in four seasons. Spring is the first season in a new year. It is a raining season. Every Chinese celebrates Spring Festival in this season. Children are very happy. They get lucky money and play fireworks. Many families use flowers and lights to beautify their houses. Yeh, delicious foods are everywhere. Summer is the second season in a year. The weather is beautiful, and the temperature is very hot. People like to go traveling and sightseeing in summer. Students enjoy their summer vacations. Children like to eat their favourite ice cream and go swimming. Autumn is the third season in a year. Farmers are very busy in this season of harvest. It is getting windy. Leaves are falling. Everyone starts to prepare for Mid-Autumn Festival in this season. Yeh, delicious mooncake and all kinds of fruits are in the markets. Winter is the last season in a year. The temperature is freezing. Snow is heavy in northern cities. Popular outdoor sports are icekating, skiiing and snowboarding. Do you know what four seaons are by now? Of couse, you do. Next time, you should learn to write your own essay. If you never try to write in English, you will never learn the writing skills you need. Certainly, I am glad to show you a sample composition of mine. I hope it is gonna help you out. Have fun! 你多给点财富啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!。
I come from China, here is very beautiful all the year round. In spring, the peach blossom, often have butterflies fly open. In the summer, when the most cool under the tree. In autumn, the fiery red sky, farmers are very happy. Although the winter is white, but is not the cold wind.
in the spring,everything become green,the grass come out,there are flowers everywhere.In the summer,its very hot,you can hear birdschirping in the tree and frogs singing in theriverside.in the autumn, everything become yellow,the fruits are mature,and wheat is ripe,its theharvest time.in the winter, it snows in the north China,everything is covered with whiteness.you canmake a snowman and play outdoor。
What are the names of four seasons? Four seasons include spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season has three months. One year has four seasons and twelve months. People have different things to do in four seasons. Spring is the first season in a new year. It is a raining season. Every Chinese celebrates Spring Festival in this season. Children are very happy. They get lucky money and play fireworks. Many families use flowers and lights to beautify their houses. Yeh, delicious foods are everywhere. Summer is the second season in a year. The weather is beautiful, and the temperature is very hot. People like to go traveling and sightseeing in summer. Students enjoy their summer vacations. Children like to eat their favourite ice cream and go swimming. Autumn is the third season in a year. Farmers are very busy in this season of harvest. It is getting windy. Leaves are falling. Everyone starts to prepare for Mid-Autumn Festival in this season. Yeh, delicious mooncake and all kinds of fruits are in the markets. Winter is the last season in a year. The temperature is freezing. Snow is heavy in northern cities. Popular outdoor sports are icekating, skiiing and snowboarding. Do you know what four seaons are by now? Of couse, you do. Next time, you should learn to write your own essay. If you never try to write in English, you will never learn the writing skills you need. Certainly, I am glad to show you a sample composition of mine. I hope it is gonna help you out. Have fun!。