下面的这篇作文是一篇极为优秀的范文,作者为 Lanren A Hackney,被耶鲁大学,麻省理工学院和波士顿学院同时录取。
原文: I'M GOING RUNNING TODAY. I am not concerned about my calorie consumption for the day, nor am I anxious to get in shape for the winter season. I just want to go running。 I used to dislike running. "If you don't win this game, you're all running five miles tomorrow," the field hockey coach used to warn, during those last days of October when the average temperature seemed to be decreasing exponentially. And so, occasionally, my grief-stricken team would run numerous miserable laps around the fields. At the end of these excursions, our faces and limbs would be numb, and we would all have developed those notorious flu-like symptoms; but the running made us better in the long run, I suppose. Nevertheless, I counted down the days until the end of the field hockey season, vowing never to put on a pair of running shoes again. Then I surprised myself by signing up for outdoor track in the second half of sophomore year. I was foolish to have believed that I could ever escape this insidious and magnetic addiction。
Anyone would have thought that I'd be off the team in a few days, but the last week of January caught me splashing through puddles of melted ice, and February winds nearly blew me off the track. I looked forward to practices this time around, to the claps and the persistent cheers of my fellow trackies. I was feeling a "runner's high" spurred by the endorphins released by exercise. But to attribute my affinity for running solely to chemistry diminishes the personal importance that running has for me。 I like running—in the cool shade of the towering oak trees, and in the warm sunlight spilling over the horizon, and in the drops of rain falling gently from the clouds. Certain things become clear to me when I'm running—only while running did I realize that "hippopotami" is possibly the funniest word in the English language, and only while running did I realize that the travel section of The York Times does not necessarily provide an accurate depiction of the entire world. Running lends me precious moments to contemplate my life: while running I find time to dream about changing the world, to think about recent death of a classmate, or to wonder about the secret to college admission Running is the awareness of hurdles between me and the finish line; running is the desire to overcome them. Running is putting up with aches and pains, relishing the knowledge that, in the end, I will have built strength and endurance. Running is the instant clarity of vision with which I can see my future just one hundred yards in the distance; it is the understanding that these crucial steps will determine victory or defeat。
Running is not the most important thing in the world to me, but it is what fulfills me when time permits. And right now, before the sun goes down, I like to take advantage of the road that lies ahead。 翻译: "今天我要去跑步。
不知从何时起,成长的烦恼组合了起来,对于有着许多牢骚要发泄的我来说,这个题目好亲切.辛弃疾曾经说:“少年不识愁滋味”.或许是他老人家的少年时代无忧无虑,随着历史的不断发展,把越来越多的烦恼,统统留给了我们. 随着我一天天的长大,有很多的烦恼围绕着我.在学校里发生的一些事情,大多不愿与家长谈论,因为只要一谈,他们就要长篇大论,不准我插一句话,而且我的耳朵也受不了那么多话的进出,所以我不愿让耳朵受罪,就不想与家长说啰!然而,我就把一切想说的话,每天都写在一个本子上,也就是日记.写完后,让自己欣赏,自己来解决自己的事情.开始进行的很好,可是渐渐的,我觉得家长们看我的眼神很不自然,似乎我有一些事情瞒着他们.(的确有些是不想让他们清楚) 那天,我放学回家,写完作业后,按照常规,去拿日记本,忽然,我发现日记本被移动过,我顿时火冒三丈,一想便知道一定是他们.我走出卧室,大声问他们是不是看过我的日记?他们反而正大光明的说,了解我的全部,是他们的义务. 我受不了了,我只是想拥有自己的一片蓝天,你们为什么这样自私的夺走它,就是想要了解我吗?我回到房间里,觉得自己已经什么都没有了,唉!为什么家长在我们长大后总想了解我们,不想让我们有一点自己的想法,唉!太残酷了! 我们的生活充满了七色阳光,但即使是在阳光普照的时候,也难免出现短暂的阴云.成长中的少年,会有一些挥之不去的烦恼.这些烦恼来自生活,来自学习,来自与同学的交往……但是,有烦恼并不可怕,关键是要正确对待它.从现在起,让我们一起清理烦恼,消除烦恼,带着多彩的梦走向成熟.。
哈佛大学也是让你自行决定写什么内容、什么题目,只不过给出了几个可能的写作题目建议:a) 你生命中的一个不寻常经历;b) 你在其他国家旅行和生活的经历;c) 对你最具影响力的书;d) 某学术经历(课程、研究项目、论文、或研究课题);e) 过去一年中你读过的一系列图书。请记住,这些只是哈佛建议的题目,决不是要限制你从中挑选,你完全可以自定题目来写。
题目样本 请提供你的个人自传及解释你的教育目标。挑选并详细描述一次值得纪念或具代表性的生活经验,好让我们对你有更深入的了解。
描写你在家乡在2100年的生活。如果你可以遇见某个已去世的人,并可与他交谈,你希望遇见谁又会和他说些甚么? 提示:简介影响你选择主修科目的因素,特别注意那些引导你选择研究这些课程的经验或想法。
入学申请文章的目的 你的文章较你的学业成绩或推荐书更能让入学委员会了解你的自我和性情。你能藉此向入学委员会介绍你特别的地方,从而显示出你是与众不同。
当有关的委员会难以决定是否接受你的申请时这篇文章可显示你的认真度以作最后决定。 写作提示 应该做的 仔细阅读题目并花多些时间去思考。
不应做的 不要只是重复你已经填写过的资料。不要详述或恭维你想申请的学院。
如果他们查明属实,你可能会被取消资格。 Too Easy to Rebel In my mother's more angry and disillusioned moods, she often declares that my sisters and I are “smarter than is good” for us, by which she means we are too ambitious, too independent-minded, and somehow, subtly un-Chinese. At such times, I do not argue, for I realize how difficult it must be for her and my father—having to deal with children who reject their simple idea of life and threaten to drag them into a future they do not understand. For my parents, plans for our futures were very simple. We were to get good grades, go to good colleges, and become good scientists, mathematicians, or engineers. It had to do with being Chinese. But my sisters and I rejected that future, and the year I came home with Honors in English, History and Debate was a year of disillusion for my parents. It was not that they weren't proud of my accomplishments, but merely that they had certain ideas of what was safe and solid, what we did in life. Physics, math, turning in homework, and crossing the street when Hare Krishnas were on our side—those things were safe. But the Humanities we left for Pure Americans. Unfortunately for my parents, however, the security of that world is simply not enough for me, and I have scared them more than once with what they call my “wild” treks into unfamiliar areas. I spent one afternoon interviewing the Hare Krishnas for our school newspaper—and they nearly called the police. Then, to make things worse, I decided to enter the Crystal Springs Drama contest. For my parents, acting was something Chinese girls did not do. It smacked of the bohemian, and was but a short step to drugs, debauchery, and all the dark, illicit facets of life. They never did approve of the experience—even despite my second place at Crystal Springs and my assurances that acting was, after all, no more than a whim. What I was doing when was moving away from the security my parents prescribed. I was motivated by。
(如果你的目标是LAC前五,综合前二十的话,相信你的SAT应该在2200上下,ACT32,33,34;在这个层面上大学最看重的是你的common app essay和supplement)简单来说,personal statement的目的是阐述对你而言最重要的价值观。可以是你的某一次经历,某一个兴趣爱好,某一天和某人的一次谈话,某天傍晚躺在阳台上看着都市华灯初放是内心的某些思潮。
在写essay时,必须避免的事:1.我知道你一定想impress college,但千万不要塞很多你的个人成就,或性格优点。这样的作文太过乏味平淡,让人都不想念下去。
但你可以找你信任的人proof read,并指出哪些地方confusing。3.现在你知道了,这篇文章必须要用personal voice,才会有趣。
大学的admission board只有两分钟的时间阅读这篇文章,所以字数控制在600,+-100,并且文法简明,切勿华丽纠缠(否则光读一句话就让阅读者confuse的话,这文章就麻烦了。)。
大学可都是会对你的背景做详细调查的。ture story。
我的ED大学可是直接打给了我的fencing教练哟。6.relax and enjoy. Personal statement是我最喜欢的(唯一喜欢的)申请材料的部分。
:)BTW, there is not a perfect essay, not a perfect applicant, because there isn't a perfect college.加油~。
很多大学提供了不同的作文题目让申请者选择,例如Common Application 里的基本作文题目里就列出了6个,其中一个就包括了你自己可以选题。
美国大学申请作文选题的技巧当让就是要选一个你最能发挥的题目。 美国大学申请作文题目一般不难,对于申请者来说,要考虑的是写出来的东西能够让招生官员看到自己的亮点,如何利用一个简单的题目把你的。
在短短250-500字里表达出来。简单来说,你可以先想想大部分的同学会怎么回答这个问题,你要决定的就是,千万不要落入这个俗套! 1. 文章内容一定要有你自己的个性,表现出你独有的观点,而且理念要统一,不要前后矛盾。
2. 尽量避免陈腔滥调,太泛的写法 – 不要有太多的形容词形容自己有多聪明,多优秀,多完美,招生官员对这样的文章会觉得不切实际。如果你真的想表现自己的优秀,必须要有实际的例子来表现。
3. 不要拍马屁,而写一些你以为招生官员听了会很高兴的话 - 招生官员见多了文章写的尽是‘你们大学非常好,学术能力强,设备好,有某某有名教授或校友,是我从小就想进的唯一大学’等等的语言,还不如实际一点好好表现你自己的长处,或是你如何在这样竞争的环境中生存。 4. 不要像写简历一样的写作文 – 你的学术经历和活动过程在申请表里面都详细的填好了,尽量不要在作文里面重复已有的内容,而是让招生官员更清楚的看到你独特的观点。
5. 有的学生为了要充满要求的字数,想出很多不相关或是多余的词句来填补空间。不管申请作文要求的是几个字,你必须要把握的是要字字珠玑。
6. 写完之后,自己一定要读过来确定内容是否通顺,是否有表达清楚你自己的意思?拼写和文法是否正确?如果只是用电脑里面的拼写检查通常是不够的,因为有的字你拼错以后如果是别的意思,WORD里面的拼写检查没法检测出来,也不会自动帮你修改。 当然要写好一篇满意的美国大学申请作文当然不是那么容易,因为每个大学要的文章不同,准备的早的学生可能会花两三个月的时间从构思开始,然后修改,复读,听取专家意见,再最终定稿。
如果需要参考资料的话,可以推荐一本由美国College Board 出版的书:The College Application Essay, 作者是:Sarah Myers McGinty,书上除了很详细的介绍写作的最好方法外,还有很多好的范文可以做参考,是在美国申请大学非常权威的一本参考资料。 要记住,一篇好的美国大学申请作文可以让招生官员看到你生动活泼的观点,而且是你除了分数之外可以帮助招生官员是否决定录取你的重要因素。
很多大学提供了不同的作文题目让申请者选择,例如Common Application 里的基本作文题目里就列出了6个,其中一个就包括了你自己可以选题。美国大学申请作文选题的技巧当让就是要选一个你最能发挥的题目。
美国大学申请作文题目一般不难,对于申请者来说,要考虑的是写出来的东西能够让招生官员看到自己的亮点,如何利用一个简单的题目把你的。在短短250-500字里表达出来。简单来说,你可以先想想大部分的同学会怎么回答这个问题,你要决定的就是,千万不要落入这个俗套! 1. 文章内容一定要有你自己的个性,表现出你独有的观点,而且理念要统一,不要前后矛盾。在开始主题之后,记得用生动的例子来证明你的观点,才能吸引读者的兴趣。你的学术程度已经在GPA和SAT分数里可以看得出来,你所要在文章里面表现的一定是分数里面看不出来的东西,如个性,想法,领导能力等等。 2. 尽量避免陈腔滥调,太泛的写法 – 不要有太多的形容词形容自己有多聪明,多优秀,多完美,招生官员对这样的文章会觉得不切实际。如果你真的想表现自己的优秀,必须要有实际的例子来表现。 3. 不要拍马屁,而写一些你以为招生官员听了会很高兴的话 - 招生官员见多了文章写的尽是‘你们大学非常好,学术能力强,设备好,有某某有名教授或校友,是我从小就想进的唯一大学’等等的语言,还不如实际一点好好表现你自己的长处,或是你如何在这样竞争的环境中生存。 4. 不要像写简历一样的写作文 – 你的学术经历和活动过程在申请表里面都详细的填好了,尽量不要在作文里面重复已有的内容,而是让招生官员更清楚的看到你独特的观点。 5. 有的学生为了要充满要求的字数,想出很多不相关或是多余的词句来填补空间。不管申请作文要求的是几个字,你必须要把握的是要字字珠玑。 6. 写完之后,自己一定要读过来确定内容是否通顺,是否有表达清楚你自己的意思?拼写和文法是否正确?如果只是用电脑里面的拼写检查通常是不够的,因为有的字你拼错以后如果是别的意思,WORD里面的拼写检查没法检测出来,也不会自动帮你修改。 当然要写好一篇满意的美国大学申请作文当然不是那么容易,因为每个大学要的文章不同,准备的早的学生可能会花两三个月的时间从构思开始,然后修改,复读,听取专家意见,再最终定稿。如果需要参考资料的话,可以推荐一本由美国College Board 出版的书:The College Application Essay, 作者是:Sarah Myers McGinty,书上除了很详细的介绍写作的最好方法外,还有很多好的范文可以做参考,是在美国申请大学非常权威的一本参考资料。 要记住,一篇好的美国大学申请作文可以让招生官员看到你生动活泼的观点,而且是你除了分数之外可以帮助招生官员是否决定录取你的重要因素。
一、留学申请信(Application for Admittance) 经典范文之一 Dear Sir, I am going to graduate from Department of Computer in Huabei University in June next year.I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your university next fall to study applied computer for Ph.D.degree. I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of your university and any other necessary information,and also a set of application forms for admission.Thank you for your kind assistance. Sincerely yours, Wang Feng 经典范文之二 Dear Sir, I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university. My name is Li Jin,an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics,Huabei University.Next year in the summer,I will graduate and get my B.S.degree.I plan to continue my study and research in this field.I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers,an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics.I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school.And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study. I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms,the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships,and other relevant information.My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 二、奖学金申请信(Applications for Scholarships) 经典范文之一 Dear Sir: I should like to apply for one of the scholarships that your department may be offering to students from other countries.Would you please send me the necessary application froms and any further details about the scholarships. I am a postgraduate student in Beijing Science and Engineering University.I major in microelectronics engineering, and do some research work during my study years.I hope to have a further study and continue to do my research work if I succeed in obtaining the engineering scholarship. Enclosed please find two letters of recommendation and my score report card.Thank you for your consideration.I look forward to your reply. Respectfully yours, Ma Minghao 经典范文之二 Dear Dr. Gomes: I have read the announcement of the scholarship in chemistry that the University of Colorado is offering,and I would like to submit my application. The enclosed application form for admission to the graduate school of your university will give my educational history. However,I would like to point out that I have just received an M.S. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 经典范文之三 Dear Sir: I am writing to you in the hope of obtaining the scholarship in history to support my study and some research work. I am a graduate student in the Department of History in the Northeast University for Nationalities.In addition to study and research work,I also write books.Recently I have finished a book on the history of the Oroqen nationality in China,which is to be published by the World Book Publishing House in the coming year.I would like to focus on that field for my advanced studies. Enclosed please find three letters of recommendation and my resume.Thank you for your time and consideration.I look forward to your reply. Respectfully yours, Li Ming 这是模板,你自己改一下吧!。