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  • 毕业晚会请柬范文


    请柬 (一)请柬的涵义 请柬也称请贴,是单位或个人有重要纪念、喜庆活动,邀请上级领导、兄弟单位的同志或亲戚朋友前来参加所用的一种应用文书。

    (二)请柬的格式与写法 1?请柬的格式 请柬的格式从形式上有横式和纵式两种。横式即采用横排书写,纵式即采用竖排排列。


    2?请柬的构成 请柬由标题、称谓、正文、结尾、署名、日期等部分构成。若是以单位名义写的请柬,还必须有公章,这是请柬区别于普通书信的地方。

    3?请柬的书写要求 请柬的写作,从请柬的构成来分析,主要有以下要求: (1)标题。通常要用醒目字体在第一行正中部分写上请柬或请帖二字。


    其目的在于渲染郑重的气氛。 (2)称谓。

    横式写于标题下面一行顶格处,纵式写于正文邀请事由之前,写明被邀请单位名称或个人姓名。 (3)正文。

    开头语一般用“兹”、“谨”等开头,主体语写明事情内容、时间、地点,一般用一句话或两三句话组成一个自然段。 (4)结尾。

    结束语一般用“敬请光临”、“敬请莅临”、“恭候光临指导”等词语,以示礼貌和诚挚地邀请。 (5)署名和日期。



    公章盖的位置在落款与日期上,俗称“齐年盖月”,注意不要压住正文,否则既不美观也不礼貌。 请柬写作的总要求是:文字简练,语气诚恳,用语典雅,宜用协商、期望和恭敬的语气。


    教堂里响起了一阵悲伤的音乐,是一首离别的曲子,耶稣圣像前的孩子们正在默默地祈祷……此时,孩子们在祈祷些什么呢?他们为什么表情如此严肃呢?因为这是毕业典礼,因为这是他们在这里的最后一天了…… 看着这些孩子虔诚的面孔,听着这催人泪下的曲子,泪眼模糊中,我不由自主地想起了三年前,我们的毕业…… 在骄阳似火的夏季里,蝉子的叫鸣声成了唯一的曲调,而在教室里的我们,心中只有对即将来临的中考充满无限的紧张和不安。





    Dear Officer,I am writing to confirm that I wish to inviteName: XXRelationship: XXDate of Birth: XXto visit me while I am studying at Abbey College Cambridge in UK. I would like to invite him to visit me from 20 October 2011 to 30 October 2011.My name is XX and I am a full-time student at Abbey College Cambridge. I have enclosed the offer, accommodation certificate, payment receipt which confirms that I am studying at Abbey College Cambridge. I am due to complete my course in 30th June 2013. And my visa is valid until 30/10/2013.I confirm that my father will be staying with me during his stay. After my father gets his VISA, he will book the hotel in UK.I would be very grateful if you would approve request for UK visa so that he can visit me. I hope the necessary visa arrangements can be made as soon as possible. Please find enclosed the following evidence:1. CAS, certificate of Abbey College Cambridge, payment receipt from Abbey College Cambridge.2. A copy of my passport3. A copy of my Police Registration Certificate4. My accommodation detailsPlease do not hesitate to contact if you need any further information. My mobile number: XX Email address: XXYour consideration about permission of XXs UK visa would be highly appreciated. Thank you very much.Yours faithfullyXXX毕业典礼邀请函英语作文【篇二】Dear Mr./ Ms.:I am writing an invitation to you to join the banquet we host foryou.All of my classmates feel it a great honor to have been yourstudents in the past three years. Thanks to your patience anddevotion, we benefited a lot from your class. Time flies. Now, itstime to say goodbye. Despite the near departing, we would like toinvite you to have dinner with us in Jinyuan at 6 oclock on July 18thin order to express our gratitude to you. All of us are lookingforward to this banquet with your presence. Please do come.Best regards.Yours, 10 class C毕业典礼邀请函英语作文【篇三】dear officer,i am writing to confirm that i wish to invitename: xxrelationship: xx date of birth: xxto visit me while i am studying at abbey college cambridge in uk. i would like to invite him to visit me from xx october xxxx to xx october xxxx.i confirm that my father will be staying with me during his stay. after my father gets his visa, he will book the hotel in uk.i would be very grateful if you would approve request for uk visa so that he can visit me. i hope the necessary visa arrangements can be made as soon as possible. please find enclosed the following evidence:1. cas, certificate of abbey college cambridge, payment receipt from abbey college cambridge.2. a copy of my passport3. a copy of my police registration certificateplease do not hesitate to contact if you need any further information. my mobile number: xx email address: xxyour consideration about permission of xxs uk visa would be highly appreciated. thank you very much.yours faithfully。

    英语作文 毕业聚会邀请函

    dear friend: in order to honor our friendship, i want to hold a graduate part at my house after our graduation ceremony on sunday june 27 at about 4:00p.m , please be in time . i"m looking forward to seeing you ! 同志 你分 给少了哟 估计 你还要加点分哟 否则 到时 老师 会说 你是 抄的。


    Dear Teachers:

    We want to invite you to take part in our The Graduation Party tonight. Well do some food for you.Such like 。 and so on.

    Well hold this party in //*Where// at //*When//.We hope you can join in us.

    Finally send our love to you.


    Your students

